"This spell is, did the ruler even subdue it." Suicune obviously thought of something, and couldn't believe it.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​clouds churned in the sky, and a giant green dragon slowly descended from the sky and stopped in front of Sui Jun. It was Sui Jun's opponent today.

"Lord Ruler, please give me back the touching and admiration I just felt!" Suicune said bitterly, looking at the behemoth in front of him.

Dividing line

A day later, Tian Lin was walking on the mountain path. The Quartz Plateau was in sight. He stretched out his hand and took out a fairway. Excuse me!"

The Poké Ball shook for a while, and then there was no response. I didn't expect that Sui Jun was still arguing after so many days.

In fact, it is quite remarkable that Sui Jun can follow Tian Lin with a calm mind. After all, Tian Lin's shamelessness has broken through the lower limit. It was said that it would be unfair to deal with it with a dream close to a first-level god. On a real first-class god.

Is this something a human can do?Not to mention it, even if its boss Feng Wang came, facing the monster Lie Kongzai, he might not dare to say that he could win [*]%, and the chances of not being defeated are higher.

"Don't care too much, you are my first opponent after conquering Lie Kongzai. If it weren't for your strength, I would be reluctant to use it!"

Blame me, do I have to thank you?Sui Jun in the Poké Ball thought silently, he would rather Tianlin use Dream, so at least he still has a little room to struggle, but facing Lie Kongzai, he really has no ability to fight back at all, the strength gap is too big .

But there is one thing that Tian Lin said is right. In order to ensure that he can conquer it, Tian Lin used his strongest partner (aiea), which can undoubtedly be regarded as a little respect for it. Thinking of this, Sui Jun's mood Much better.

I don't know Suijun's self-comfort, Tianlin has come to the venue of Quartz Plateau again. Not long after the Quartz Conference ended, there will be a large-scale celebration here. During this time, the staff are constantly busy with the venue. Retrofit.

"Hurry up, set up the stage first, we will build this place into the best gorgeous competition venue!" Lilian has already arrived and is now commanding in an orderly manner.

One month before the big celebration, all the local gorgeous competitions have ended, and she has no other work now, and is concentrating on preparing for the magnificent large-scale celebration.

"Miss Lilian, long time no see." Tian Lin stepped forward and greeted.

"Tianlin, you're here so early, there's still a month before the competition starts!"

"Well, if you arrive early, you can prepare early. I am determined to win this large-scale celebration."

Looking at the confident Tianlin, Lilian said with admiration, "It's a good thing to say, that is to have such determination, I look forward to your outstanding performance in large-scale celebrations!"

"Then I'll take my leave." Tian Lin temporarily left the venue. After registering for the large-scale celebration at the Pokémon Center, he got the room key prepared by the alliance for each contestant.

At this time, the dormitory was still very empty, and there was no one in the aisle. It seemed that Tianlin was the first batch of coordination trainers to arrive at the Quartz Plateau.

He doesn't know how his rivals are doing, but Xiao Shun and Saori are not worried. It is almost a sure thing to get five ribbon medals with their strength, but Xiaoyao and Harry are a little dangerous. Because of their own reasons, they robbed several medals in the original book that should have belonged to them. I wonder if they can catch up to participate in this large-scale celebration?

But worrying is useless now, everyone has their own journey.

In this way, ten days passed, and the number of people began to gradually increase. Now the number of applicants has reached more than fifty people. Taking advantage of the effort to arrive early, in these ten days, Tianlin has trained Suijun's gorgeousness well. The performance ability is worthy of being a beast, and the learning ability is extremely strong. Now Suicune can basically make zero mistakes.

After the number of people increased, Tian Lin stopped training. After all, Sui Jun was a trump card, and it took surprises to cause a sensation. Training openly now will definitely attract the attention of others, and the effect will not be good at that time.

But Tian Lin didn't do nothing. He also did another thing, which was to give Suijun a characteristic plaster, which turned its original oppressive characteristic into a mental power characteristic. In a battle, mental power is undoubtedly more useful than oppression.

Everything is ready. Next, Tianlin just needs to wait quietly for the opening of the conference.

Chapter [*] Gorgeous large-scale celebration opening rivals gather together

The time of January has passed in a flash, and Tianlin has made sufficient preparations, waiting for the start of the conference at any time.

In the past few days, all the contestants have arrived one after another, and Tianlin has also seen many acquaintances, such as Xiao Shun, Shazhi, etc.

Just the day before the opening of the conference, Xiao Zhi and his party finally came too late.

"Quartz Plateau, I really miss it!" Xiaogang was filled with emotion as he looked at the conference hall of the Alliance that had been basically renovated in front of him.This is the first league competition he accompanied Xiao Zhi to participate in. Although Xiao Zhi was still a young rookie at that time, he also achieved good results.

Unexpectedly, time flies, just over two years have passed, and Mengxin of that year has become one of the three stars in the true new town of the famous Kanto, and is about to dominate the development area, although Li Tianlin is a top trainer. There is still a long way to go, but it can also be regarded as the strongest among the younger generation.

With the rapid development of the "[*]" area in Kanto, the scale and venue of the Quartz Conference have become more and more ambitious. This is the best place for all trainers to collide and test the results of their efforts. It is also the best place for trainers The stage where you can show your bond with Pokémon and realize your dreams.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, don't immerse yourself in your memories. This time it's not the Pokémon League Quartz Conference, but a gorgeous contest, a gorgeous large-scale celebration!" Xiao Sheng's words interrupted the memories of the two.

"I don't know if Brother Tianlin and Xiao Shun have arrived. This time, I must defeat them!" Xiaoyao clenched her fist and said to herself. After traveling in the development area, her current strength has improved to a higher level.

"Hello everyone, finally starting tomorrow, the long-awaited Pokémon grand festival will begin. As for me, it's the lovely Musashi Suzuki who will broadcast the live broadcast for everyone this time!"

The Rockets trio also came to the gorgeous competition, but this time they didn't plan to do anything bad, they just came to work, Musashi suggested himself, and took the pseudonym Musashi Suzaku as the live broadcaster of the competition, and Kojiro and Miaomiao were the photographers. Teacher, I have to say that these three people are very good at anything they do, as long as they are not doing bad things.

At the center of the competition venue, many coordinator trainers were registering for the competition at this time. They all received five ribbon medals and were the most outstanding coordinator trainers. After Xiaoyao completed the registration, he called his mother. After receiving encouragement from her mother, her fighting spirit became even stronger.

Just when the group hung up the phone, a strange long-tailed hand suddenly jumped down from the upper window, and at a glance they found Xiaozhi below. This is the Pokémon that Xiaozhi encountered on a recent trip. Look at it. It came because he fell in love with Xiaozhi, and followed him all the way here.


A cry of exclamation came, and Xiaozhi and his group hurriedly looked back, only to find that the long-tailed monster was naughty in the crowd. It grabbed many people's hats and put them on their heads.

"Give me the hat back!"

For a time, the whole hall was lively, and so many coordination trainers actually had no way to take a monkey.

"Roseredo, use the dance of flowers!" At this moment, Xiao Shun stood up and hit the long-tailed monster with just the right dance of flowers. It did not cause damage to it, and at the same time made it impossible to escape, this Rose Lei Duo's control over the ultimate move is perfect.

"Stupid Beast, keep your mind strong." A red-haired woman stepped forward to help. She was Miss Saori who had a wonderful battle with Tianlin. The Beast used her mind to control the long-tailed monster, and then gradually It was put into Ash's hand.

"Long-tailed monster, you can't play pranks like this again!" Xiao Zhi taught after taking everyone's hats back.

It's a pity that the long-tailed monster is a bear child, and he is not obedient at all. It jumped from Xiaozhi's arms and ran out of the stadium.

"Xiao Zhi, what are you guys doing? Everyone is very nervous now. I hope you will pay attention to the occasion when you do things." Xiao Shun said dissatisfiedly. It seems that he misunderstood the long-tailed hand to be Xiao Zhi's Pokémon. He, the trainer, did not perform his duties well.

"Haha, isn't that very good. If you are too nervous, you may not be able to perform at your level. At this time, you need some joyful regulators!" A laughter came from behind the crowd. Everyone looked back and came over. One man and one woman are Miss Saori who just shot and Tian Lin who has been watching the show.

"Tian Lin is right, Xiao Shun, you are just too easy to get nervous, that's not good!" Saizhi said, the three of them had played against each other, and they were all a group of people who arrived at the Quartz Plateau very early. got acquainted.

"Ah, isn't this Miss Saori!"

Since Shazhi and Xiaogang are from the same town, they are both trainers born in the dark gray market, so Xiaogang recognized her at a glance. But now he is fighting with Miss Xiao Ji, so he can barely restrain himself and not become crazy.  …

"Xiaogang, long time no see!" Shazhi greeted Xiaoyao with a smile, then walked in front of Xiaoyao, "You are Miss Xiaoyao, hello when we first met, I often hear Xiaoshu mention you, saying that although you have a personality, He's a rough-and-tumbler, but he's a very potential coordination trainer."

Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that Xiaoshuo would actually praise her, even if the compliment was hurtful, "Hey, Xiaoshuan, what do you mean when you say I'm rough?"

"Literally!" Xiao Shun said lightly, and before Xiaoyao got angry, he turned and left, and when he walked to the door, he suddenly thought of something, and said to Xiaoyao, "Xiaoyao, she is very difficult to deal with. , according to my estimation, the strength of its coordinator is not under Tianlin, you have to be careful!"

"Hehe, hard-mouthed and soft-hearted!" Tian Lin complained with a smile, no matter how hurtful this guy's mouth was, he always cared about Xiaoyao in his own way from time to time.

At night, Xiaozhi and Tianlin Shazhi gathered around and chatted together. Xiaoyao and Shazhi chatted about Xiao Shun's debut battle. At that time, he met Miss Shazhi, and the result was a disastrous defeat. It is said that I also cried. For everyone, this is really a big melon. I didn't expect that a arrogant guy like Xiao Shun would cry.

Tianlin and Xiaozhi were chatting on the other side about the battle against the development zone. Now both of them have obtained six symbols of development. They are not far from the hegemony and the development zone, and 4.0 Xiaozhi has already been there. A battle against Pyramid.

"Xiao Zhi, how do you feel about the last battle facility? You look like you failed the challenge?" Tian Lin asked.

Xiaozhi lowered his head, a little disappointed, "Yes, the leader of the pyramid, Mr. Kamdai, is really too strong, he actually commands Regilock, one of the three pillars of the gods, my Lizard King is not his opponent at all! "

"Reggie Locke, that's really interesting. When the grand celebration is over, I'm going to challenge it too, Xiaozhi, are you going to give up?"

"Of course not!" Xiaozhi stood up abruptly, "No matter how many times I need to challenge, I will not give up, I must completely dominate the battle zone!"

It seems that Xiao Zhi did not fall down because of a defeat. Seeing Xiao Zhi who is full of fighting spirit, Tian Lin felt that this is the true face he should have! .

Chapter [*] The amazing performance of tearing the sky and Tianlin

In the early morning of the next day, accompanied by fireworks, the grand festival in Kanto finally officially started.

"Hello everyone in Kanto, the grandest celebration of love for Pokémon coordinator trainers, a gorgeous and large-scale celebration, is about to begin!" Miss Lilian is still so energetic, even more enthusiastic than ever, but this is also Of course, after all, the scale of large-scale celebrations is far from what ordinary gorgeous competitions can match.

Under her enthusiasm, the atmosphere of the scene was ignited at once.

"Betting on the reputation of the top coordination trainer, the winner who can stand at the top will receive this luxurious ribbon trophy."

The ribbon trophy in Kanto is different from Hoenn, but it is even more gorgeous, which makes the coordination trainers including Tianlin and Saori excited.

As a grand and large-scale celebration, the judges who came here are not simple. In addition to the unstoppable trio, the organizing committee also specially invited Lilian's sister, Vivian, the emcee of the Hoenn Competition, to serve as a judge.

"Today's first day is the stage for the preliminaries to showcase the charm of the preliminaries. This time, I can only perform one of my most proud tricks. The jury will score based on their performance. The full score is 08 points. Among the 100 contestants, only 270 people can stand out. It can be said that It’s a crucial match to win in one move, so please do your best.”

There were 270 coordinating trainers, and it took them a year or even years to get the opportunity to participate in a large-scale celebration. In the end, only 64 people appeared. It is conceivable how cruel the competition is.

"The preliminaries show stage is about to begin. Please don't miss the precious moment of coordinating the trainer's most proud Pokémon, shining bright!"

After Lilian finished speaking, the performances began one after another.

The first coordinating trainer appeared. He jumped high and threw the Poké Ball. An incomparably steed flaming horse stepped onto the stage. The entire stage was surrounded by a sea of ​​flames for a while. , Purgatory, while gorgeous, the power is also very amazing, as expected of the coordination trainer who got five ribbons, there is no weak person on today's stage.

For the gorgeous and large-scale festival in Kanto, what kind of performance stage is needed is chosen by the trainer. Ordinary flat ground or a venue that needs to use water can be used. The organizing committee took great pains this time.

For a while, excellent tricks such as the climbing waterfalls of horned goldfish, the crazy plants of the frog flower, the discharge of Pichu, the singing of Fat Ding, and the jet flame of Typhoon Flying Dragon all appeared on various stages.

The game was in full swing, and soon, it was Xiaoyao's turn to play.

"Strong chicken, get on the stage!" Xiaoyao sent her first general, who was her most trusted partner.

Xiaoyao took out a Frisbee and threw it out, shouting at the same time, "Strong chicken, use the sky-high fist!"

The pair of sharp claws of the strong chicken shone with fighting energy, swiping across the ground of the stage, leaving sparkling traces, it caught up with the frisbee, jumped up, and smashed the frisbee with a fierce punch, with a clean movement. It's neat, perfectly showing the stability, accuracy and ruthlessness of a fighting style move.

The theme of Xiaoyao's performance this time is very clear, that is, handsome, and she has successfully highlighted this theme, which has won her a very high score, 94 points, which is one of the few high scores so far. .

"The next contestant, Miss Saori from Dark Ash City will appear. She chose the water performance venue!" In the area in charge of Musashi Suzue, it was Saori's turn.

"Going, Laplace!"

She was using an extremely rare Pokémon, Laplace.

"That is her partner who has been with her for a long time, and its level should have grown quite high." Xiao Shun knows Saori very well.

In fact, this point can be seen without Xiao Shun talking about Tianlin, that Laplace's strength is as high as the high-level quasi-Tianwang, and it is worthy of being the champion of the original book. This strength is really not covered.

Shazhi's strength is indeed better than Xiaoyao and Xiaoshun. If Tianlin hadn't participated, she would still be the champion this time.

Laplace on the field landed from the air and fell into the water while causing high waves.

"Laplace, use absolute zero!"

The yarn weaving made Laplace unleash the ultimate ice-type move. The one-hit nirvana was absolutely zero. In an instant, the waves that swept the audience were completely frozen, and the entire venue seemed to fall into a world of ice.

"Amazing!" Tian Lin couldn't help but praised, this move really highlighted the charm of Laplace to the greatest extent. There is no doubt that Miss Saori got the first full score in the audience.

"Miss Saori is still as strong!" Xiao Shun also spoke highly of Saori's performance.

And Xiaoyao, who heard this, suddenly smiled gossiply, "Xiao Shun, I heard that you cried when you lost to Miss Saori before."

Xiao Shun frowned, which really spoke to his pain point, "Hmph, are you playing me with tactics, there's no way, at that time I'd just go on a rampage stupidly, and I wasn't a match for Miss Saori at all. , of course I won’t be reconciled if I lose, but thanks to that defeat, I became who I am now!”

"The next contestant, Xiao Shun from Larousse City," Miss Lilian's voice interrupted the chat between the two, and Xiao Shun was about to play.

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