Geng Gui flew in front of Hu Di, raised his knife, and then swung it down in a rush. In an instant, the wall of light shattered, and Hu Di was also knocked out.

Although the damage to Hudi from splitting tiles is not high, it is not without.

Lila's eyes widened, and this time it's a real hammer. It's not a coincidence from the smoke of clearing just now to the splitting of tiles now, "Tianlin, you can actually capture my spiritual command!"

Lila was incomparably horrified. It was the first time she had seen someone who could capture even the invisible mental power, which meant that the other party's mental power was at least several times stronger than her own.

"Miss Lila, it's admirable that you can communicate with Pokémon, but I seem to be able to communicate with you. Every command you give to Pokémon is like you are in my ear. Whisper is normal." Tian Lin smiled.

This guy unknowingly picked up again, and Lila's boyish face suddenly turned red, revealing a rare shyness that belongs to a girl.

Yahida, who was watching the battle, said helplessly, "Really, it's obviously a battle, and the atmosphere is so ambiguous all of a sudden, is this guy Tianlin trying to kidnap our ace in the battle zone?"

"Cough!" Yachida coughed loudly, pulling Lila out of her fantasy.

"Hu, Hu Di, use your mental force!" Lila came back to her senses and stammered an order. Since the mental order was useless, she could only use the conventional method of ordering.

"GenGui, avoid him and use hypnotism!" Geng Gui barely escaped Hu Di's attack with his strange movements, then raised his hands and released a circle of hypnotic waves, and Hu Di fell asleep immediately.

"Hypnosis? It's a good idea, but it's a pity!" Lila said with a light smile.

Hu Di, who was originally asleep, suddenly also emitted hypnotic fluctuations, which in turn hit Gengar, and Geng fell asleep. This is Hu Di's characteristic. Synchronization makes the other party fall into the same abnormal state as himself.

"I expected this, Gengar, using sleep talk!"

With Hu Di as his opponent, how could Tian Lin not consider the existence of the feature of synchronization, he still chooses to do so, of course, he has already prepared 0 ........

The sleeping Geng Gui suddenly stood up and sent out an evil breath towards Hu Di. As the breath entered Hu Di's body, Hu Di's expression suddenly became hideous.

"Looks like I'm lucky, it's a nightmare trick!" Tian Lin said happily. Nightmare is a move used on sleeping Pokémon. Before the opponent wakes up, each attack will reduce the opponent's physical strength by a quarter. , which belongs to fixed damage and is not affected by level and attributes.

That is to say, if Hu Di didn't wake up before four nightmares, let alone the level of the king, even the level of master, he could not escape the fate of defeat.

"Oops, Hu Di, wake up quickly!" Lila yelled anxiously, but it was a pity that Hu Di, who had just fallen asleep, hadn't woken up so early.

"Geng Gui, continue to use the dream talk!" Tian Lin continued to give the dream talk order.

This time, Gengar used the shadow ball, which severely damaged Hu Di, and Hu Di's nightmare occurred for the second time, reducing its physical strength again.

"Just one more time!" Tian Lin calculated. Originally, four times could solve Hu Di's nightmare. Now, after Hu Di has been attacked by Clearing Smoke, Tile Tile, and Shadow Ball, three times are absolutely enough.

"Hu Di, wake me up!!" With Lila's loud call, Hu Di actually slowly opened his eyes, perhaps because he heard her voice, or because of the 4.0 Tianlin side. The continuous attack finally prompted Hu Di's early awakening.

"Very good, Hu Di, use your mental strength!"

Hu Di's attack once again hit Geng Gui, while Geng Gui was still sleeping soundly. Tian Lin put down his hands and said helplessly, "Alas, it's all in vain, and the weak will almost defeat the strong."

The gap in strength was too huge, and the Quasi-Tianwang Geng Gui would definitely not be able to stop Hu Di's full-strength attack.

In the end, Geng Gui was hit by Hu Di's mental force in his sleep and completely passed out.

"Gengar loses his ability to fight, Hu Di wins!"

"Come back, Geng Gui, you are doing very well." Tian Lin took back Geng Gui with a pity. If he can win this battle, Geng Gui might be able to break through in one breath with the experience points obtained from the following grams.

Chapter six hundred and forty-eight hot flame dream debut

"Kailong, I'll ask you next time!"

"Roar!" Kuailong came out and issued a dragon roar that made the entire battlefield tremble. Since Tianlin said to Kuailong that he needed its power last time in the Dragon Valley, he has been waiting for a long time. Today, it is finally his turn. It's played.

"That's one of Tianlin's trump cards, the fast dragon, I heard that it has a unique way of evolution, can you let me see it?" Lila asked curiously.

"Of course, Kuailong, let's evolve the long-lost bond!" Tian Lin raised his right arm, and circles of ripples emanated from his palm to connect with Kuailong.

They didn't play small tricks, and they entered the second stage of fetter evolution at the beginning. This is the stage that can only be controlled after the perfect mastery of fetters. The ability increase of Pokémon is even higher than that of mega evolution.

"Miss Lila, I'm coming, take the move, Kuailong, use the dragon claws!" Tian Lin raised his hand and made the same claws gesture as Kuailong.

08 Kuailong opened his wings, the speed was like a yellow flash, and he came to Hu Di in an instant. Before Lila could even react, Hu Di was hit in the abdomen by Kuailong, and his whole body was knocked to the wall. above.

"Hudi loses his ability to fight, and the fast dragon wins!"

"What a fast speed, what a strong attack power, is this an increase in the evolution of fetters?" Yachida considers himself to be well-informed, but he has never seen an evolution with such a large increase in effect.

In fact, the overall strength of the fast dragon bond evolution is still at the peak stage of the king, but another difference between bond evolution and mega evolution is that this evolution only strengthens the speed and double attack of Pokémon, and there is no change in durability.

In other words, although the defense has not changed, in terms of speed and strength, the fast dragon is not inferior to the champion level at this time.

"It's really strong. To face such a top-level attack, you can only rely on defense. Then I'll leave it to you, the giant gold monster!" Lila Second is a quasi-god giant gold monster with a strength of the high-level king level. It does have a slight advantage in dealing with fast dragons in the steel system.

"The giant gold monster, I know it too well, fast dragon, use the jet flame!"

"The giant gold monster, destroy the dead light!"

Destruction Death Light faced the jet flame. According to Lila's calculation, she should be able to win the opponent. Unfortunately, she still underestimated the special attack of Kuailong at this time.

In the center of the venue, due to the collision of flames and light, the temperature of the entire battle tower rose suddenly, and the two sides were completely at a stalemate.

"The power of destroying the death light is so much greater than that of the jet flame, but it doesn't have the slightest advantage!" Yachida frowned. This difference is reflected in the strength, and it can only be said that the current fast dragon Billila's giant gold monster Too much power.

"It's more than that, Miss Lila, let me show you again, the third stage of the evolution of fetters!" Tian Lin said, and in an instant, the momentum between him and Kuailong increased again.

The third stage of the evolution of fetters is to explosively increase the power of the ultimate move. Since defeating the Four Heavenly King Kazuki with the five-clawed golden dragon, Tianlin and Kuailong have perfectly mastered this stage.

Later in the Dragon Valley, after a year of hard work and hard training, Kuailong has a deeper understanding of the third stage. Except for the dragon dive, which can be turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, other skills can now be obtained. A certain degree of increase, but the effect is not as great as the five-clawed golden dragon.

After entering the third stage, the flames spewed by the fast dragon continued to grow, and the color began to change, from the original orange-red to a faint blue color.

"Blue flame, this is the color that can only appear when the temperature is as high as 6000 degrees!" Lila said in horror, obviously not a fire-type Pokémon, but it emits such a degree of flame, how amazing this is.

However, under such a high temperature flame, even the light that destroyed the death light began to burn, and within a moment, the giant gold monster fell into the blue sea of ​​fire.

"The giant golden monster, push the flames away with mental force!" Lila ordered.

The giant gold monster uses mental power to control the flames around it, trying to keep them away from itself. Unfortunately, the temperature of the flame is too high, and it is extremely reluctant to protect itself. It is whimsical to push it away.

When Kuailong saw this, a blue fireball gathered in his mouth again. It planned to make another attack. At this time, as long as the fire was fueled, the giant gold monster would definitely lose.

"Stop Kuailong and use surfing!" At this time, Tianlin interrupted Kuailong and turned to a water-based move.

The fast dragon never hesitated for the master's order, and immediately set off a huge wave. This move seemed to be attacking the giant gold monster, but in fact it rescued it from the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Tian Lin, why are you showing mercy?" Lila wondered, she didn't know why Tian Lin wanted to save the giant golden monster at the critical moment of victory.

"You don't need to care, the temperature of the jet flame is too high now. If you hit the giant gold monster again, I'm afraid it will cause irreparable damage to it." Tian Lin explained.

"Thank you!" Lila thanked in a low voice, but she was thinking wildly in her heart, is Tianlin pity for Xiangxiangxiyu?

"But you misunderstood one thing, I don't intend to be merciful!" Tian Lin's words pulled back Lila's thoughts, only to see Tian Lin took out the Poke Ball and took back the dominant fast dragon, and then took out took another ball, "Let me see your power, go!"

Tian Lin threw the Poké Ball out, and a cute pink Pokémon appeared.

"This, 053 this is!!!" Yahida finally couldn't help standing up, her eyes showing the horror she had never seen before.

"Dream!" Lila stared blankly at the cute thing in front of her. As a trainer of super-type Pokémon, how could she not know about super-type monsters that are famous in Kanto, but the dream is real It's too rare, and it's the first time she's seen it in her life.

"Dream, hee hee hee!" The dream came out rarely, and he danced around Tianlin while smiling.

"Okay, don't be naughty for now, I'll leave it to you for the next battle." Tian Lin said while rubbing Dream's head.

Fantastic obediently flew to the center of the battlefield, but she was still smiling and cute, and she didn't have the slightest sense of nervousness about starting a battle.

"I didn't expect Tianlin to even have dreams, so it's impossible for the battle tower to stop him, I'm afraid even if it's a battle against the pyramid..." Yachida thought solemnly, he hoped that Tianlin could pass All the tests against the Frontier Zone, but I don't want him to pass it too easily, it will make people feel that the Frontier Zone is nothing more than that.

It's a pity that there seems to be no way out now, Tian Lin's strength is somewhat beyond his expectations.

Lila didn't think about it so much. Dream is the phantom beast that all super power trainers dream of. She can only feel an incomparable honor to fight against it.

Chapter [*] The Symbol of Ability

"Let me try how powerful the legendary dream is, giant gold monster, use the comet fist!"

The giant gold monster raised its two front feet, gathered the energy of the steel attribute, and quickly rushed towards the dream, and the dream was still playing there, completely ignoring the attack of the giant gold monster.

But just before the giant golden monster was the closest to the dream about to hit, it seemed to encounter some obstacle, no matter how hard it tried, it could no longer make an inch.

The distance between the dream and the dream is less than half a meter, but it is like a gap, making it impossible to cross.

I saw that the dreamy eyes were glowing with blue light, and it was controlling the giant golden monster with its spiritual power.

"It's such a powerful mental strength that the giant golden monster can't move forward or retreat in an instant." Lila said in shock.

"Stop playing, Xiaomeng, use a wave missile!"

The naughty dream stopped playing and flew to the giant golden monster, showing a cute smile, but began to condense the power of the waveguide in his hands.

A face-to-face missile directly blew the giant golden monster out.

"The giant golden monster loses its fighting ability, and the dream wins!" The referee immediately announced.

Xiaomeng has withdrawn its strength. Compared to when it dealt with Chaomeng in the past, it didn't even use half of its strength this time, but with its terrifying strength to match the terrifying strength of a first-level god, even if it only has half of it, it is not a king-level Pokémon. counterbalanced.

"Is this the power of fantasy? I'm afraid even champion-level Pokémon can't reach this level." Lila looked at the cute thing, obviously so cute, but her body contained a terrible power that could destroy the world. , she knows that even if all her Pokémon go together, it is by no means a dream opponent, but as a pioneering brain, she will not give up easily, "Now, it's your turn to appear, my ace, Ibrahimovic the sun!"

Lila's last one is Sun Ibrahimovic. She is stronger than the previous two. She has reached the peak of the king and is hitting the championship level.

"Sun Ibrahimovic, this time the opponent has gone too far, don't hold back at all, and use all your strength to use the shadow ball~'!"

"Xiao Meng, we also use shadow balls."

At the same time, the two sides used the shadow ball trick, the same shape, the same size, but the energy contained in it was completely incomparable. When the two spheres collided, Sun Ibrahimovic's shadow ball was completely swallowed by the dream cast.

A shadow ball that became larger hit the sun Ibrahimovic at an extremely fast speed.

"Sun Ibrahimovic, avoid it!" Lila's order was very timely. Sun Ibrahimovic jumped up quickly, and with his superb speed, he avoided being hit directly by the shadow ball, but as the shadow ball hit the ground, There was a huge explosion, and it was still unavoidably affected by the storm.

"Hee hee!" Because of the great advantage, Dream danced in the sky with laughter. Perhaps for it, this battle was indeed as simple as a game.

"It's too strong, there's no chance of winning at all, but it's almost there." Lila released her clenched fists. As the battle lord of the battle tower, she has done her best, and there is no need to let her own The Pokémon fought a meaningless battle, Lila looked at the referee and said, "Referee, I admit defeat, you can announce the result."

"This? Because of the abstention of Lila, I declare that the winner of this game is the challenger Tianlin!" The referee hesitated for a while before finally announcing the result. After all, he presided over the battle of the battle tower for so long, and he was still the first. The next time I see Lila, I will end the game with a forfeit.

"Oh, I didn't expect the strongest battle tower to stop Tianlin's footsteps at all." Yachida didn't blame Lila at all. After all, she did well enough against the fantasy that was close to the strength of a first-level god. , there is no need to ask too much.

"You're having a good time too, let's take a bath in the forest together in the afternoon!" Lila took back the sun elf and took a long sigh of relief before walking to Tianlin. "Tianlin, thank you for dedicating such a wonderful game to me. It's really strong, and the power of Dream is so perfect."

"Dream!" Dream heard Lila's praise for it, and happily flew to Lila's shoulder to act like a spoiled child. Lila was immediately flattered, and did not expect Dream to be so close to her.

In fact, because Dream's spiritual power is strong and can perceive people's hearts, it knows that Lila is a kind girl and a superpower, so it likes her so much.

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