Countless sludge bombs smashed on the wall of light, worthy of the attack of the king-level Pokémon, the wall of light was almost shattered, and even if the strength was weakened by half, relying on attribute restraint, this move still gave Geranium caused a lot of damage.

"Geranium, fight back, sunshine flames!"

Nana took advantage of the weather created by Kong Nan to launch a counterattack with the flames of the sun, and the instant light successfully hit the Frog Flower. Even if this move did not cause much damage to the Frog Frog, but before the Miao Frog has accumulated a lot of damage , Now, as long as Nana fights steadily and continues to strike Miaohuahua step by step, she will have a chance to seize the victory.

"Let's see who beats who first, Miaowahua, make use of 050!"

The wonderful frog flower has been strengthened, and the effect of growing in a sunny day is doubled, and the two levels of attack and special attack can be increased in one breath. It seems that he wants to prepare for the winner in one breath.

"Geranium, use the maximum strength and use the vine whip to jump up and use the secret power!" Nana obviously discovered this, and the next blow is the key to the decisive victory. With a big reduction, Nana can have a chance to seize this last chance to win.

Geranium took advantage of the opportunity to strengthen the wonderful frog flower, jumped high with the help of the rattan whip, and used the force of falling to strengthen the power of its own tricks. It was a rock battle field. After the geranium hit the frog flower, it picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at him.


The rock smashed on the Frog Flower again, facing the Heavenly King-level Pokémon, even though the secret power of this trick was very powerful, the Frog Flower still did not move at all.

"The durability of the Heavenly King-level Pokémon is really terrible." Nana gritted her teeth, she was still a little short, and she was still a little short at this point.

"Miaohuahua, Sludge Bomb!" Kong Nan is very confident in his Pokémon, since he can resist the opponent's attack, the victory must be his.

At this time, the Sludge Bomb of Miaowahua is twice as powerful as just now, and the effect of the light wall is just offset. Now it is equivalent to a full-strength attack of the Tianwang-level Miaohuahua at the Tianwang-level geranium, and the geranium is very strong. Hard to resist.

Countless sludge bombs exploded at the feet of the geraniums, and even huge rocks were smashed, and the entire site was splashed with rubble.

"Okay, Kong Nan won!" Seeing the successful launch of the sludge bomb, Xiao Tian stood up excitedly. Her boyfriend was finally going to be the champion.

"Nana's strength is not that simple!" Tian Lin said lightly, he still had a glimmer of hope, and the same is true for Nana, the chance of victory is not high, only [*]%.

"What a powerful sludge bomb, is the geranium all over?" the host said.

However, the referee on the side did not make a judgment. As a professional referee, in such an important occasion as the final of the Quartz Conference, a slight misjudgment is not allowed, so he must confirm the condition of Geranium [*]%.

The dust gradually dissipated, and unexpectedly, the figure of Geranium stood in the middle of the dust. It was panting, but it was not knocked down by the sludge bomb just now.

"Hey, good luck, that last chance was seized by me!" Nainai laughed suddenly, her last chance to win was the secret power before.

The additional effect of the secret power in the rock field is to reduce the opponent's hit rate, but the trigger probability is only [*]%, but with the king-level Pokémon as an opponent, the [*]% probability is high enough, and it is worth betting. Obviously, Nana wins the bet. .

The sludge bomb just now didn't actually hit the geranium at all. Now, it is its best chance to fight back. "Geranium, this is the last, crazy plant."

"Miaohuahua, we also use crazy plants." Kong Nan shouted, he has not given up, but unfortunately the person who fate favors now is Nana.

The paralysis was not triggered once in the audience, but it was triggered at the last moment.

Kong Nan watched helplessly as his Fantasia was slapped by countless huge crazy plants. While those plants were being slapped on Miao Fana, they were also beaten in his heart.

Once again, his Quartz Conference title dream was thwarted, and this time at the closest possible moment.

"Miaohuahua lost the ability to fight, Geranium won, and the winner of this game is Nana!" The referee made a decision without hesitation.

The strong Miaowahua finally reached its limit, and now it can't even move.

"Great, I won!" Nana jumped excitedly.

The championship of the conference, this is an honor that even the masters like Xiaozhi Xiaomao Ayin have not won, but she is a rising star who has won it first. It is really a joy.

"Damn!" Sora thumped the ground with his fists, and another year of his efforts was in vain.

"Empty boy!" Xiaotian looked at her boyfriend worriedly. She walked to the battlefield, took his arm and tried to comfort him, "Don't be like this, I lost this time, just come again next time."

Unexpectedly, Kong Nan shook off her hand and said angrily, "Go away, leave me alone."

Kong Nan stood up, looked at Nana who was celebrating with dark eyes, and turned to leave without saying a word. Xiao Tian watched her boyfriend leave with tears in her eyes. She had never seen Kong Nan look like this, just now. The eyes, dark and terrifying, are completely different from the sunlight of the past.

In the evening, the closing ceremony of the Quartz Conference was held. Nana stood on the top podium, took the championship trophy from Damaranch, and then held it high, "Master, look, I have won the championship!"

Below, Tian Lin applauded helplessly, this apprentice's strength has become much stronger, but his personality that likes to ask for praise from him after a little achievement has not changed at all.

In normal times, Tian Lin would have to educate her well, but today is not the case. After all, this is the most glorious day since she became a trainer.

Originally, after the championship trophy was awarded, it was the runner-up medal, but for some reason, Kong Nan did not come to collect it. After Kong Nan left the venue, he did not seem to go to the Pokémon Center.

At this time, on the hillside in the distance, Kong Nan looked back at the conference venue of the Alliance Conference where the fireworks were blooming, with a face of unwillingness and resentment, "Wait, Tian Lin, Nana, you are one by one, I will come back to defeat you one day. !"

After he finished speaking, he walked quietly into the depths of the dark forest. Since then, Kong Nan has disappeared. His girlfriend Xiao Tian has been searching for him frantically. Unfortunately, Kong Nan is like a rock sinking into the sea. completely disappeared from this world.

Chapter [*]: The battle against the monarch Lila debuts

"Nana, where are you going next?" At the crossroads of the Quartz Plateau, the master and apprentice are about to say goodbye again.

"I'm going to take the trophy back to show my parents first, and then I'll bring it to cheer on the Electric Shock Beasts." Nana said, holding the championship trophy in her hands.

"Okay, be careful along the way." Tian Lin touched Nana's head and smiled.

The two turned in different directions at the crossroads. Just a few steps out, Nana suddenly turned her head and asked loudly, "Master, where should I go next?"

Tianlin stopped. He heard Nana's question and understood what she meant. She was asking where she should go after finishing her family affairs - continue to practice.

In fact, she is now a strong senior trainer, and it is up to her to decide where to go, but Tianlin is not stingy to give advice, "Go to Shenao, I am going to go there in the next area, Nana, now you too The champion of the conference, the next step is to challenge my master."

"Shenao, okay, I will go. In the Shenao Alliance, I will definitely let the master recognize my strength!"

After Nana finished speaking, she sang the song of the Electric Shock Beast Team, and gradually walked away while singing. She was cheering for Tian Lin, but also for herself. Tian Lin was looking forward to it. If she met her in the Shenao Alliance, she would meet again. How far has it grown?

-Dividing line

After leaving the Quartz Plateau, Tianlin moved all the way to the southwest, and the battle tower was already in sight.

On this day, Tian Lin was walking on the road well, but suddenly, a murderous aura aroused his vigilance.He stopped and looked at the small lake beside him.

Suddenly, a vicious tyrannical carp dragon appeared in the lake, glaring at Tian Lin, his level was not too high, but with gym-level strength, his expression was extremely ferocious, as if he wanted to tear Tian Lin to pieces.

Tian Lin had seen this kind of expression back then, and before his red tyrannical carp dragon was subdued by him, he had also looked at him with this look.

"Gragon Carp Dragon, why are you looking at me like that? I shouldn't provoke you, or are you uncomfortable?" With Tianlin's knowledge of Pokémon, he quickly speculated on the reason why the Dragon Carp Dragon was so angry .

Just as Tian Lin was about to step forward, a young man with purple hair and purple clothes suddenly stood in front of him and said, "Please wait a moment, let me negotiate with the tyrannical carp dragon."

Then the boy walked up to the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, "Burst Carp Dragon, you are so angry that people can't understand you, what happened to you?"

Under the call of the young man, the tyrannical carp dragon actually gradually calmed down. It said something to the young man while shaking its tail.

The boy nodded, "So that's the case, I understand."

"This guy, isn't his realm weak? He can actually connect with wild Pokémon like me!" Tian Lin was a little surprised when he saw the exchange between the boy and the tyrannical carp dragon. Someone who can have such a realm must be a person An excellent trainer.

At this time, the young man walked to the Tyrannosaurus carp dragon and looked around the tail, and found that a branch had been stuck in its scales.

After the branch was pulled out by the young man, the tyrannical carp dragon immediately felt comfortable, nodded to the young man to express his gratitude, and then plunged into the lake.

'Clap clap clap! '

Tianlin clapped his hands and walked to the side of the boy, "Hello, you are really amazing, you actually managed to take care of even such a vicious Pokémon as the tyrannical dragon."

"Where, you have won the prize, I think you can do it with my little tricks, Mr. Tianlin!" The young man clearly recognized Tianlin and said his name at once.

"It is indeed possible, but it may not be as good as you, Miss Lila." Tian Lin smiled, and he also recognized the 'boy' in front of him, the battle majesty of the battle tower, Lila!

After all, trainers whose realm is high enough to communicate with wild Pokémon are not everywhere, and here is close to the battle tower, and Tian Lin has read the original book and knows that Lila is a boyish-looking girl, so many Under the clues, it would be a real shame if Tian Lin couldn't infer the true identity of the family.

Lila looked at Tian Lin in surprise when she heard the words. She was not surprised that Tian Lin recognized her, but Tian Lin actually called her 'Miss'.

Previously, everyone who saw her for the first time thought she was a boy, or was it the first time anyone could instantly tell that she was a girl.

Lila's affection for Tianlin suddenly doubled, although she also knew that because she was a little masculine in both her dress and appearance, and the incomparable sadness on her chest, it was no wonder that some people admitted her wrong, but as a girl, how can there be For those who don't care about her appearance at all, Tian Lin can see at a glance that she is a girl, which makes her feel very happy.

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"Mr. Tianlin, you are here on a special trip to challenge the battle tower. Mr. Yahida told me that I have been waiting for you, please come with me."

"Well, please lead the way. Also, don't call me Mr., just call my name Tianlin." Tianlin smiled.

"Okay, Tianlin!" Lila said softly, it was not the first time she called a boy's name, but because of the sudden rise of goodwill just now, an unnatural blush appeared on her face.

0 ......

The two walked side by side until they came to the bottom of a tall tower, which was the strongest battle facility on the bright side of the battle development area, the battle tower.

Only through here, can you go to the actual strongest, the battle pyramid.

"Yo, Tianlin, Lila, why did you two come back together?" Yachida walked out of the tower and asked when she saw the two of them.

"We just met..." Lila explained how the two met.

Yahida smiled happily when he saw that the two were already familiar with each other. He was about to witness a duel between geniuses today. Today's game will definitely be a duel no less than the level of a king. He believes that both of them will be satisfied. .

"Since you already know each other, it's really good, then it's not too late, enter the tower, and prepare to fight!" Yahida couldn't wait to lead the two into the tower.

The rules of the battle tower are singles battles, two-to-two, three-to-three, four-to-four, or even full battles, but Tianlin chose to have a three-to-three Pokémon battle with Lila, without all members The battle was so time-consuming, but it was enough to have a good fight with Lila.

"Tianlin, I won't be merciful just because we are friends, you have to be prepared!" Lila said confidently of her own strength.

"If you treat me as a friend, please do your best." Tian Lin said solemnly.

To fight with all your strength is to respect your opponent, and this is the rule that trainers should abide by.

Chapter [*] Hu Di vs Gengar

"Let's start, challenger Tianlin vs. Battle Tower vs. Maharaja Lila. The number of Pokémon that can be used by both sides is three. During the game, only the challenger can replace the Pokémon." The referee announced the rules, this The rules for fighting towers are similar to ordinary gym battles.

"Tianlin, with you as my opponent, I will come up with a stronger lineup than the other challengers, so be prepared." Lila entered a state of battle. She was obviously a girl, but she was full of masculinity, which made people feel happy. Respectfully, "The first one is this child, come out, Hu Di."

"Heavenly King-level Hudi!" Tianlin really did not make a mistake in his estimation. It is worthy of being the strongest battle tower on the bright side. With Lila's full strength, she definitely has the strength of the heavenly king or above. This is the first Hudi level. , there is the Tianwang-level middle-level.

"But I'm sure to win today." Tian Linlu smiled "Zero Five Three". In order to deal with the battle tower today, he prepared a trump card, and his strength is far superior to that of the giant gold monster. He does not lose at all. possible.

"Then it's up to you to go into battle first, Geng Gui!" There is a guy who will win the bottom. The first two Tian Lin decided to focus on experience. Geng Gui's current strength is the peak of the quasi-sky king. Tian Lin hopes to use Lila's help. pressure to help it break through the bottleneck.

"Hu Di, use meditation!" Lila didn't speak, but gave instructions with her superpower. This kind of fighting method is impossible for ordinary trainers to guard against, but unfortunately, with the power of Tianlin, it can be caught at once. When I arrived at the mental fluctuations from Lila, I also read the information I wanted from it.

"Do you want to strengthen it, Gengar, use the smoke of scavenging!"

Hu Di sat cross-legged, constantly strengthening his mental power. At this moment, Geng Gui threw a poisonous block at it. Although the damage was not great, the mental power it had gathered was instantly dissipated.

"This, the smoke of clearing, is it a coincidence?" Lila was a little surprised. She originally saw that Geng Gui was far from Hu Di's opponent, so she wanted to take this opportunity to strengthen a wave and prepare for the following competition. , but I didn't expect it to be destroyed by Tianlin with the smoke of clearing. "Let's try something else, Hu Di, and then use the wall of light!"

Lila was going to test it, was it just a coincidence, or...

"Geng Ghost, use the tile-splitting move!" The corners of Tianlin's mouth raised, he caught Lila's order again, the only physical attack move his Geng Ghost had was this move, the tile-splitting move, the purpose was not to play anything High damage is simply to break shields such as walls of light or reflection walls.

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