Where there is Ash and his party, there is Team Rocket. At this time, Musashi and Kojiro are hiding behind and discussing quietly.

"Boss Tianlin, and the powerful little devil, they set off for that tree of the beginning of the world, shall we go too?" Kojiro asked.

"Idiot, of course I'm going, isn't Miaomiao there too, we have to pick it up, and Pikachu, plus the legendary dream, and the unseen Pokémon Lucario, if we catch them all If we give it to the boss, we will be prosperous." Musashi still loves fantasy so much, but Kojiro would not refute her, so the two made up their minds and quietly followed the crowd.

Just as everyone drove to the World Tree, at the crown of the World Tree, Pikachu, Miaomiao and Dream were happily playing together. The dream, which had been lonely for thousands of years, suddenly had two good friends. very happy.

"I'm so happy, since Tianlin left, I haven't been so happy for a long time!" Dream cried happily.

Listening to the meaning of 033 in its words, it seems that Tianlin has lived here before.

Although Tianlin and his party were in a hurry, they didn't just focus on their journey. They still had some rest. After half a day, they saw a hot spring and stopped there for a while.

Everyone also released their own Pokémon. Tian Lin's partners, except for the rock-type Ice Dragon and the Fire-type Wind Speed ​​Dog, who were afraid of water, naturally enjoyed the hot springs.

"Pippi!" Pippi was hugged by Tianlin and lay in the hot spring with a contented expression on his face.

Latias, on the other hand, turned into a human figure and played with Hackron and Shanaido.

This scene is incomparably harmonious in Lucario's eyes. Once upon a time, it has always been with Aaron in this way. That gentle and brave Aaron is the object of his worship all his life, and he is even more determined to find out the truth of the year.

"Look, there is a very beautiful flower there!" Xiaoyao suddenly stood up from the hot spring and pointed to a cliff. There was indeed a very strange flower growing on it. The color was purple and the shape was actually a spiral. Yes, this is the first time everyone has seen this kind of flower.

"I'll take a look." Tian Lin followed (aiea) up the rock wall.

"Wait a minute, I want to see it too!" Xiao Zhi not to be outdone, followed behind Tian Lin, and the two climbed to the cliff where the flowers were located.

"Are these two very good hands!" Seeing the two who were still able to walk flat on the cliff, Miss Qi Duo, a veteran adventurer, couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

"It's almost like a long-tailed monster. The trainers from their real new town have the potential to be called super real newcomers!" Xiaogang complained silently.

"This flower!" Xiao Zhi saw such a strange flower for the first time, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch it, and the flower suddenly flashed an amazing light.

Xiao Zhi was taken aback and fell down without stepping on his feet.Fortunately, Tian Lin caught him with his super power.

"It turns out to be the flower of time!" Tian Lin smiled slightly. He recognized this flower, which was recorded in the books collected by Dr. Damu's Institute, allowing those who master the waveguide to see the miracle of time.

Tianlin picked the flower, returned to the hot spring, and explained the origin of the flower to Xiaoyao and the others.

"The miracle of time, it sounds great!" Xiaoyao, a little girl, is always interested in such romantic things, and immediately took the flower from Tianlin's hand. Unfortunately, she couldn't use this flower at all because she had no access to the waveguide. Flowers, which made her a little disappointed.

It was Xiaozhi. After he injected the power of the waveguide, he saw the scene where he was frightened and fell, and was rescued by Tianlin, which also confirmed that what Tianlin said was true.

The Flower of Time was just an episode for everyone. They still had business to do. After moving on for a day, the off-road vehicle stopped in a valley.

"This is the place where I was sealed back then!" Lucario looked a little painful and a little nostalgic, "Lord Yalang, what happened back then, if you didn't run away, but came to seek help from the World Tree , why don't you take me with you, you know how much I want to fight alongside you."

"Maybe he's trying to protect you!" Tian Lin stepped forward and patted Lucario on the shoulder to comfort him.

Lucario was about to turn his head to thank him when suddenly, a strong murderous aura aroused his alertness.

Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi were also on guard, and they both sensed an extremely powerful waveguide.

But I saw a burst of sand and dust in the depths of the valley, and a frantically spinning top appeared from the ground, jumped into the air and stretched its body. It was a Pokémon made of rocks, and it was the murderous aura emitted by it.

"It's Reggie Locke!" Chito said in surprise.

Regilock, Rock Mountain Pokémon, Rock-type, fully grown second-level god, with strength above the middle and high levels of the champion.

Tianlin's expression is also a little dignified. He is actually a second-level god who has grown up and has champion-level strength. It seems that this Regilock is the gatekeeper of this world tree. The purpose of his appearance here must be to prevent everyone from entering the world. inside the tree.

"Locke!" Regulus looked at the crowd, and a powerful destructive light shot out. Lucario stepped forward and fired a powerful wave missile.

Not only did it block the light of destruction, but even the remaining power could seriously damage Regilock.

"It's so strong. Although the wave missile is a fighting skill, it does restrain the destruction of the general system, but how is such a huge gap in strength possible?"

Tian Lin, who felt strange, called out the system again and inquired about Lucario's information.

Lucario, the middle-level champion of strength, because he was directly under the World Tree and was disturbed by the powerful life force of the World Tree, he temporarily recovered his strength during the victory period.

"It turns out that the World Tree temporarily restored Lucario's power, no wonder!" Tian Lin's doubts were answered.

"Let's go now!" Lucario called out to everyone, and while Regulus was repelled, everyone ran into the World Tree.

"Locke!" Reggie Locke came back to his senses, only to find that there was no one in front of him. He was angry and turned into a spinning top again, digging a hole and sneaking into the ground to continue chasing.

And Tian Lin and his party, after Lucario led the way with the waveguide, passed through a dark cave full of crystals, and finally came to the bottom of the World Tree.

Chapter [*]: The pictures that travel through time are super ancient, Tianlin and dreams

"It's beautiful here!"

The bottom of the World Tree is a beautiful forest. Because of the crystals all over the forest, the forest actually shows a faint blue color, which adds a sense of mystery and makes Xiaoyao couldn't help but admire.

More importantly, the sun is shining and the water is abundant here. Many Pokémon live happily here. In addition to the common Pokémon in the outside world, there are actually many fossil Pokémon, cradle lily, ancient armor, and fossil wings. Dragon and so on.

"This is right under the tree, where is Pikachu?" Xiao Zhi had no intention of enjoying the beautiful scenery at this time, and he wanted to find Pikachu even more.

"It is said that Dream lives on the top of the World Tree, so Pikachu must be on it!" Qi Duo took out the instrument while talking. She also has her own purpose, which is to investigate the information inside the World Tree.

When Xiaozhi heard the words, he immediately prepared to go to the top. In fact, he didn't know how to go, but he just kept going up. That's what he did in the original book. Although he took some detours, he finally managed to find Pikachu.

"Wait, Xiaozhi!" Tianlin suddenly stopped him, "Listen to me, you go straight up from here, but after a while you will see a cave made of crystals, you can continue on by stepping on those crystals. Yes, after a narrow stone bridge, you can see a road leading to the top of the tree."

"How do you know so clearly, you've been here?" Qi Duo asked in surprise.

"I don't know why I know, but my memory is to know the road here, and one more thing, the World Tree has a defense mechanism, and the biggest obstacle is Regais, Regis, and Regis. The Qilu Three God Pillars, they are the three God Pillars that have grown up, their strength can rival the champion, the Pokémon in our hands are not their opponents, if we encounter them, remember to give priority to escape!"

Tianlin tirelessly reminded everyone that although he had read the original book and roughly knew the situation of the World Tree, for some reason, after entering the World Tree, the information that emerged in his memory was more complete than the animation of the year. For this tree The tree of the beginning of the world, he actually understands it very thoroughly.

"Forget it, these are not important, I'll just follow the path pointed by Tianlin, Lucario-, let's go!"

Ash called on Lucario. Since Lucario's purpose was to find out the truth of the year, then the top of the world tree must be gone.

With Lucario following him, even in the face of the Three Gods Pillars, he still has the power to fight. Tian Lin can be considered a little more at ease. He did not keep up with the crowd, but moved forward alone.

"It's so familiar. I'm obviously here for the first time, so why am I so familiar?" Tian Lin walked into the depths of the forest. In his memory, there seemed to be a place in the depths that he should go to.

As he went deeper and deeper, Tianlin actually saw a small wooden house in the forest.

He tried to walk in, and suddenly, the ground trembled, and the ground in front of Tianlin began to collapse.


Regilock appeared again, and it seemed to want to prevent Tianlin from going deeper.

"It's really annoying, there's no other way, since you want to stop me, then I have to defeat you first, the system, and activate the battle box!" Tian Lin shouted, and then took out a pre-set Poké Ball from the battle box. , "Please, giant gold monster!"

To fight against Regilock, who has reached the championship level, Tianlin has to come up with a giant gold monster whose strength is also champion. The giant gold monster is slightly stronger than Regilock, and its attributes are also dominant. question.

What Tian Lin is more worried about is that if he and Regilock fight here, the momentum must be very big. Once Regiace and Regis Qilu are attracted, no matter how strong the giant gold monster is, it will not be able to do one-on-three. what.

What Tianlin did not expect was that after the appearance of the giant golden monster, Reggie Locke took the initiative to stop attacking and looked at Tianlin for a while. Although it was made of stones, Tianlin could not distinguish its expression, but Tianlin couldn't tell the difference. Lin could still sense that Regilock's hostility was not only eliminated, but he began to show kindness to Tian Lin, and took the initiative to make way, as if he was welcoming Tian Lin.

"What the hell is going on here?" Tian Lin walked into the room with questions, maybe there was the answer he wanted.

The furnishings in the house are very simple, with a table, a bed, and a few chairs, but it is very tidy. It seems that someone has been taking care of it all these years.

Tian Lin sensed a dreamy aura from here, and it must be the one who cleaned up the room.

"This is?" Tian Lin walked to the window, there were two flowers at the window, it was nothing else, it was the flower of time that he had seen before.

Tianlin stepped forward and touched one of the flowers. With the power of the waveguide, the picture in front of him began to change, and the surrounding area became an open space.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Two figures walked in front of Tian Lin, one of them was a dream, and the other was a young man. His appearance was the same as Tian Lin, but he looked more mature, but his face was bloodless, and he looked very distressed. serious injury.

"Is this person, me?" Tian Lin said to himself.

I saw the man holding something in his hand, and then squatted down, "Xiao Meng, come, let's plant this seed together."

Dream tilted her cute little head and looked at the man suspiciously, it didn't know what this was.

Seeing the doubts of the dream, the man smiled and said, "Xiao Meng, this thing is called the seed of the world. We bury it here. One day, it will become a towering tree, which is the tree of the beginning of the world."

0  …  

"Because of the previous war, the vitality of this land has been completely exhausted. When the big tree first grows, it will absorb the nutrients from the land and make the surrounding area more desolate, but as long as it fully grows, it can use its The huge life force feeds back the earth, and within a hundred years, this place will become full of vitality."

Dream seemed to understand, after the man buried the seed in the soil, it transformed into a little jenny turtle and watered it with a water gun trick.

"Haha, Xiaomeng is really good!" The man gently stroked Dream's head, and Dream seemed to enjoy it very much. The picture of one person and one pet at this time was very warm.

The picture ended here, Tian Lin hadn't recovered yet, and murmured, "I planted the tree of the beginning of the world?"

No wonder Reggie Locke stopped attacking just now, he must have recognized him.

He was a little unbelievable, because he wasn't from this world, he came through, and he was wearing it, which was completely unreasonable, but the young man in the picture must be him.

"By the way, another flower of time!" Tian Lin wanted to get more information, so he reached out to another flower of time.

"Help!" At this moment, a cry for help came from a distance, and the voice should be from Musashi and Kojiro.

"These two guys actually picked this kind of time!" Although Tian Lin was anxious, he still chose to save people. He could only put away the flower of time first, and then ran in the direction of the voice. towel.

Chapter [*] The Master of the World Tree

"Desert Naia, use the missile needle!"

In a tree hole in the tree of life, some red substance wrapped around Musashi's body and seemed to devour her. Kojiro sent Desert Naia to rescue him, but Desert Naia's attack had no effect at all.

"It's useless!" Kojiro looked at this scene in despair. At this moment, he was helpless and could only watch Musashi completely wrapped and swallowed by the red substance.

Not only that, more red substances flew in, and their target this time was Kojiro and Ashiya Haruka.

"Monini, hurry up and escape!" When Kojiro was about to be swallowed, the first thing that came to his mind was to release his companions to prevent them from being swallowed like himself.

He has long discovered that this substance seems to only target humans, and for Pokémon, Qiuhao "Zero Sanqi" is innocent.

"Musashi, I'm here to accompany you!" Seeing that his Pokémon was safe, Kojiro let go of the obsession in his heart, stopped struggling, and gradually began to be swallowed by the red substance.

"It's too early to give up! Kojiro." Suddenly, someone grabbed his hand, and the familiar voice also woke him from despair. Seeing that reassuring face, Kojiro recovered a little bit of energy.

"Boss Tianlin!"

"Since you call me boss, then I won't let me die, hold me tight!" Tian Lin grabbed Kojiro's hand and suddenly tried hard.

"The power of the waveguide exists in my heart!" Tian Lin added his waveguide power at the same time, and pulled Kojiro out of the red substance.

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