"Thank you for saving me, Boss Tianlin, but Musashi was swallowed up by those things just now, please, save her too!" Kojiro pleaded sadly.

"Don't worry, Musashi will be fine, but now, we have to ensure our own safety first." Tian Lin looked into the depths of the cave, and saw more red matter constantly flying out of it.

Those substances seem to be alive, and seeing that a single blow is not successful, they summoned more companions, and seemed to plan to catch them all.

And at this moment, Reggie Locke appeared behind everyone again, there were wolves in front and tigers behind, and everyone fell into crisis all of a sudden.

"It's over, Brother Tianlin, think of a way!" Xiaoyao cried in fear, they could only pin their hopes on Tianlin, who was able to turn the tide forever.

"Although the tree of the beginning of the world looks like a mountain, it is indeed a tree with life. These red substances are its protective mechanism. For the tree of the beginning of the world, we humans are bacteria, and it needs Destroy it." Tian Lin explained while pulling everyone to his side.

"Then what should I do?" Xiaogang asked.

"Don't worry, it is precisely because it has life that I can do it, you stand still!" Tian Lin urged him to step forward, just when the defense mechanism was about to cover him, Tian Lin suddenly shouted, " Get me back!"

As he stopped drinking, the defense mechanism of the Tree of Life actually stopped attacking, but it did not retreat directly, and seemed to be looking at Tianlin.

"Why, don't you even know me?" Tianlin hit the railroad while it was hot. He was betting. From what I just saw, he planted this world tree, and since there is a wooden house at the bottom of the tree, it means that he used to be Should have lived here for a while and not been expelled, then the world tree with life may be able to recognize him.

The defense mechanism looked at it for a while, and finally recognized Tianlin's identity completely, and all the red substances began to slowly retreat.

"Brother Tianlin is amazing, he really retreated!" Xiaoyao Xiaosheng looked at Tianlin with full of admiration.

"Wait, please release the person you caught before!" Tian Lin still remembered what he promised Kojiro, and a layer of red material slowly emerged where Musashi disappeared, and then Musashi's figure appeared under the material package. World Tree actually obeyed Tianlin's order and released Musashi.

"Here, where is it? Am I still alive?" Musashi, who had just escaped from the dead, seemed a little groggy.

"Musashi, it's great that you're fine, don't you remember, you were swallowed by those red things, and it was Boss Tianlin who rescued you." Kojiro helped Musashi and said excitedly. The five bodies that Tian Lin admired even more fell to the ground.

Musashi recalled for a moment, and finally remembered that he seemed to be locked in a dark space before. It turned out that Tianlin saved him, she said in a low voice, "Awesome brat, thank you this time!"

"Tianlin, what the hell are you?" Xiaogang looked at Tianlin's more and more questions, why Tianlin not only knew so much about the World Tree, but even controlled it.  …

"Xiaogang, you don't have to ask any more questions now, just come with me first!" Because there was no threat at this time, and the Three Gods Pillars no longer attacked everyone, Tianlin walked at the forefront with confidence.

The ultimate purpose of coming here this time is to find Pikachu and discover the truth of Aaron thousands of years ago, and it is time to do business.

Everyone looked at each other, and out of trust in Tianlin, everyone immediately followed.

Tian Lin led everyone to turn left and right, and came to a room full of crystals in the center of the World Tree.


Pikachu had been waiting there for a long time, and the moment he saw Xiaozhi, he jumped into Xiaozhi's arms excitedly.

"Pikachu, it's great that you're okay." Seeing that Pikachu was safe and sound, Ash finally felt relieved.

"Meow!" Musashi Kojiro also saw Meow, and the cute Pokémon beside it, Dream.

"Dream, did you take them to wait here?" Tian Lin asked.

Dream nodded, "Yes, Xiao Meng knew that Tianlin would definitely bring them here, so he brought Pikachu and the others here."

"You're still so good!" Tian Lin learned how he looked in the Flower of Time picture, stroking his dreamy head in 4.0 and complimenting him. Dream seemed to miss this feeling very much and was enjoying it comfortably.

After praising the dream, Tianlin looked back at Lucario and said, "Lucario, this is the center of the World Tree. If Aaron inspired the power of the World Tree to quell the war, then Will definitely come here."

"What?" When Lucario heard the words, he immediately looked around. Under a huge crystal, a pair of old gloves came into his sight.

How could it not know that it has been with Aaron day and night, that is its owner, Aaron's thing.

There are still a few flowers of time beside the gloves, Tianlin stepped forward and stretched his hand to the flowers, "The truth of the year, let's unravel it at this moment!"

With the injection of Tianlin's waveguide power, Aaron's voice and shadow appeared in front of everyone.

Chapter [*] Aaron's Mystery Solved!Super ancient Tianlin

"Dream, are you here, please show up!" Aaron shouted, and a Hoo flew from above and turned into a dream after coming to Aaron's side.

As Dream said before, Aaron was friends with it, so when he heard his voice, Dream appeared without hesitation.

"Dream, there is a huge war in the outside world, I need to use the power of the World Tree to stop them, I know that you and the World Tree are one, and now I will pass all my waveguide power to you, by you Come to inspire the power of the World Tree, please!" Aaron stepped forward and pleaded.

"Dream!" Dream shook his head sadly. Aaron's method was certainly feasible, but if he dissipated all the power of the waveguide, he would also die.

"It's okay, Dream, I remember you said before that your former master is a great hero who can sacrifice himself for the world. I admire him very much. This time, please let me get closer to him!"

No one can stop a brave man's determination to die. Hearing the words of dreams, he can only agree with sadness.

"Thank you, then, accept all my waveguide power. The waveguide power is in my heart!" Yalang used the whole body waveguide and injected it all into Dream 08's body, and Dream used this power to activate the World Tree.

Under the great power of the World Tree, all the Pokémon that were controlled as combat weapons were liberated, the war ended, and the city of Orudelan ushered in peace for a thousand years.

At the end of the screen, Lucario fell to his knees with sadness on his face, "It turns out that the truth is actually like this, I'm sorry, Lord Yalang, I have misunderstood you for a thousand years!"

"Aaron is a real hero, Lucario, you should be proud to have such a master!" Ash stepped forward and put Lucario's shoulders on his shoulders and comforted softly. Sure enough, when it came to Pokémon, his Emotional intelligence will skyrocket.

"Dream!" Dream picked a flower of time from a crystal and said telepathically, "Tianlin, there are Aaron's last words here, and he needs the same waveguide to activate!"

"The same waveguide as Aaron, Ash!"

Ash nodded and stood up, injected the waveguide into the Flower of Time, and the surrounding scene changed again.

Aaron sat beside the crystal weakly, as if his body was about to dissipate. It could be seen that his deadline was approaching.

"Lucario, if you can see this image, it proves that you have been liberated from the seal and have met a new generation of waveguide heroes, I am very pleased, sorry, I had to seal you at that time, if you don't do it , I know that no matter where I go, you will definitely follow me, and you will go to the same fate as me."

"Of course." Lucario reluctantly said, Aaron is not afraid of sacrifice, is he afraid?

"The senseless war, and the senseless sacrifice of life, I am enough. In that city, I spent a lot of good times with His Royal Highness Lynn and you, and that is the real meaning of life, Every day, I am very happy."

"There is a legend about the tree of the world. It is said that it was planted by a great hero who once saved the world. The reason why our world is so beautiful is due to him. Today, although I am about to die, I feel my realm. , is a little closer to him, so Lucario, don't grieve for me, I have no regrets, goodbye, my friend, live well!"

After Aaron finished speaking, the picture completely dissipated, Tianlin couldn't help but show sadness, Xiaoyao Xiaosheng even cried into tears, Aaron, the hero who ended the war and saved the city of Orudelang, worthy of the name of the brave, for thousands of years. Come, he can fully bear the festival held every year for him in the city of Orudelang.

"Lord Aaron, I know, I will inherit your will and protect the world!" Lucario did not come out of his grief, but he did not want to live up to Aaron's expectations, and Aaron sacrificed his life to fulfill his wishes , is to let it and Oludelang City exist well.

Because of the existence of Tianlin, the World Tree is not on the verge of destruction like the original book, and Lucario does not need to sacrifice himself to save the World Tree. It is an indirect fulfillment of Aaron's wish. He is in the spirit of the sky and can rest his eyes.

"Dream, who is the hero who saved the world in Yalang's last mouth?" Tianlin suddenly asked towards Dream, this question was very important to him.

"It's you, Tianlin, do you remember, before, you and Xiaomeng lived here all the time!"

"What, Brother Tianlin, you have lived here before, no wonder you are so familiar with it!" Xiaoyao said in surprise.

"No!" Xiaosheng retorted, "Brother Tianlin is only sixteen years old, and Yalang is a character from a thousand years ago, so the legendary hero he speaks must be older, how could it be Brother Tianlin?"

"Perhaps, that's not me, but what does it have to do with me?" Tian Lin admitted that Xiao Sheng's words were correct, but unfortunately he still had no clue. He took out another flower of time in that room, maybe there was something in it. More answers.

With the injection of the power of the waveguide, the image of the World Tree in front of everyone changed. It was still the World Tree, but it had not grown to the size it is today. It should be a while before the World Tree sprouted.

Next to the house at the bottom of the tree, an old man sat on the lawn, his eyes full of nostalgia for this world. His current situation is very similar to that of Aaron just now, and it is the feeling that the end is coming.

The Dream and the Three Gods Pillars surround him.

"Xiao Meng, don't be sad for me. After that war, I should have died soon, but now, with the help of the power of the World Tree, I have survived for more than [*] years. I can live with you for more years. I am very satisfied. already."

"Dream!" Dream danced beside him with tears in his eyes, as if he was reluctant to leave.

"Cough cough!" The old man coughed a few more times and forced a smile, "Haha, it seems that I really can't do it, Xiaomeng, it's time to say goodbye, don't worry, this is definitely not our goodbye, the future , there must be a chance to see you again, before the World Tree fully grows, you still need to work hard to protect this place, don't worry, when the time comes, I will definitely come to pick you up!"

Then the old man looked at the Three Gods Pillar again, "Twenty years ago, several of you were attracted by the power of the World Tree and came here. Over the years, I have long regarded you as my relatives like Xiaomeng. From now on, the responsibility to protect this place will be Excuse me."

It turned out that Sanshenzhu did his best to protect the World Tree, and it was the old man's entrustment. After the old man finished speaking, he lowered his hands, closed his eyes, and died with a smile on his face.

"The old grandfather just now is Brother Tianlin. I feel that he has the same temperament as Brother Tianlin. Could it be that Brother Tianlin is the reincarnation of this old grandfather?" Xiaoyao guessed.

"Perhaps, the world is full of wonders, and reincarnation is not necessarily non-existent!" Qi Duo said with great interest, today's trip to the world tree is really fruitful, she has obtained so many ancient secrets, her Curiosity was greatly satisfied.

In all fairness, their guesses are indeed the most probable, but for Tian Lin, it is the most unlikely, because he is a transmigrator who wears it. The reincarnation of this Pokémon world will turn around. not to him.

Chapter [*] Dream and Lucario conquered respectively

"Tianlin, Xiaomeng knows that you still have a lot of doubts, and Xiaomeng doesn't know many things, but Xiaomeng remembers that you once said that all the mysteries will be solved one day!" Dream hovered beside Tianlin and said.

"That's true, even if that person is really my previous life, it's all in the past, and it's pointless to tangle now!" Tian Lin, who is open-minded by nature, temporarily put down the doubts in his heart. At this moment, another thing came to mind, "Xiao Meng, if that person is me, then I'll fulfill my promise now, I'm here to pick you up, do you want to go with me?"

The self in the picture once said that before the World Tree grows, the dream needs to stay here to protect it, but now it seems that the world tree has already grown completely, and the dream should be free.

"Dream!" Dream rushed into Tianlin's arms excitedly, nodding his head non-stop. It has been in the World Tree for thousands of years. In fact, the World Tree has long since grown and needs it, but the reason why it stayed Not leaving here is for the promise of Tianlin that year, it is waiting for Tianlin to pick it up.

"That's great, I'll never be lonely again in the future." Ash smiled, suddenly thinking of something and looking at Lucario, "Then Lucario, what about you, do you want to go back to Orudelang City? "

Lucario shook his head, "No, Orudelang City is now in a state of complete peace, I don't need me, I want to travel the world and use my own power to protect the peace of the world, this is the dream of Lord Yalang. "

"If that's the case, do you want to go with me? My dream is to be a Pokémon master. For this, I must travel to all corners of the world!" Xiao Zhi actually learned from Tianlin and sent a message to Lucario. invite.

Tianlin didn't expect Xiaozhi to become a chicken thief now. In the heyday of Lukalio, he was a strong player with champion-level strength. Once Xiaozhi conquered it, his strength would be greatly improved.

Tian Lin didn't mind helping Xiao Zhi at this time, he stepped forward and said, "Lucario, I think you can agree, Xiao Zhi, like your former master, is a Bird Hero, and following him will be very good for you. , You have also noticed that your current strength is not as strong as it was in the past, only Xiaozhi's wave guide power can help you recover, to maintain world peace, it is not enough if you are not strong enough~' ."

Lucario was persuaded by Tianlin and knelt down on one knee towards Ash, "Okay, then, Sir Ash, please give me more advice in the future. Since you are a new generation of Bird Heroes, please inherit Aaron. The will of the adults, become an excellent hero!"

Xiaozhi and Tianlin looked at each other, and the two nodded. At the same time, they took out the Pokeball in their arms and threw it out, "Go!"

Fantasy and Lucario are both included in the Poké Ball and become their new partners.

"Actually subdued Dream and Lucario. It seems that the strength of these two guys will usher in a substantial increase. Really, how strong they must become to be willing!" Xiaogang looked at the two of them. His eyes were filled with helplessness and relief.

Helpless because, the entire younger generation of Kanto was almost completely suppressed by the three guys from Zhenxin Town, and there was no chance for others to perform at all. I was gratified because he was a breeder and the strongest assistant trainer. Taking him to the top is his biggest dream. Tian Lin is okay, he is only helping a little, but for Xiaozhi, it can be said that he has grown up little by little.

However, the two of them have made such great progress, and I don't know if the last star can catch up with them.

At this time, Xiao Mao, who was far away from Carlos, had already collected eight badges, but he did not immediately rush to the alliance battle field. Just as Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi were taking over their new partners, he also encountered a powerful Incredible Pokémon, I've been chasing it for months.

"This time, I have to subdue you!" Xiaomao was determined to look at the Pokémon on the opposite side. Just now, he suddenly felt a sense of being pulled away by his old enemy. He knew that it was not an illusion. The two guys must have become a lot stronger, and he must not lose to them.

The Pokémon on the opposite side is composed of a sword and a shield. It is a unique Pokémon in the Carlos region, a sword monster with a strong shield, and the color of this sword monster with a strong shield is different from the regular one. It is not a purple border, a golden shield, Instead, it was composed of golden fringes and a black shield, which turned out to be a shining Pokémon.

What is even more shocking is that in the face of the siege of Xiaomao Tianwang-class water arrow turtle and Moon Ibrahimovic, it not only did not have a disadvantage, but steadily suppressed Xiaomao, which means that the strength of this shield sword monster is in In general, above the Heavenly King level, it is no wonder that Xiao Mao temporarily put aside the league competition and wanted to conquer it with all his heart.

"Water arrow turtle, mega evolution!"

Suddenly, Xiao Mao grabbed the necklace around his neck, and there was an evolution keystone hanging on it. It seemed that after a year's journey, he finally got the ability of mega evolution.

Super water arrow turtles grow a small shell on each arm, and each shell has a water cannon.At the same time, the two water cannons on the back were merged into a huge water cannon growing in the middle of the turtle shell. The muzzle of the huge water cannon exceeds the head of the super water arrow turtle. It is said that its attack range can even reach 10km.

Due to the huge barrel, the body of the super water arrow turtle makes the limbs thicker in order to stand up straight.Its eyes turned red, its chin grew sharp, and its forehead had a bulge, giving it a majestic look.

"'" Look at the move, the water arrow turtle, make a wave of evil! "Xiao Mao shouted, this is a skill he made a special trip to let the water arrow turtle learn.

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