The music started and the dressage party officially began.

Everyone found their dance partner. Tianlin didn't look for anyone else, but called out Kanon in advance. He would rather dance with Kanon than a stranger.

Xiaozhi also wanted to come forward to play together, but was directly pulled by the housekeeper. Today, as a Bird Hero, he cannot leave his seat, and he has to sit here all night to be respected by everyone.

Tian Lin knew this and didn't want to participate in the battle. First, he was not interested in the title of the Bird Warrior. Second, at such a good celebration, he could neither dance with people nor enjoy food. I will be the hero only if I have no pain in my spare time.

Let Xiao Zhi sit in such a lofty position.

As for the dream, it has long been pulling Pikachu, strong chicken, etc., and the Pokémon of Team Rocket who came to the festival to eat and drink, and they don't know where to play.

4.0 At this time, Xiao Zhi's opponent, Miss Qi Duo, quietly left the banquet hall while no one was paying attention, and turned out the window, not knowing what her purpose was.

She turned on the roof, climbed to the highest point of the castle with high technology, and then took out the telescope to look into the distance. Soon, she found that Pikachu and Long Tail were playing in the attic with a large group of small Pokémon. .

At this moment, the long-tailed monster changed, because there are only Pokémon here, no one else is there, so it can return to its original appearance without any scruples.

"I found it!" Miss Chito murmured, then took out two Poké Balls and released two Maroons, "Listen, you go and put this transmitter on Dream."

Apparently, her real purpose has something to do with dreaming.

Chapter [*] Order you to lift the seal in the name of your new master, Ash

The two Majula were very skilled. After they took over the transmitter, they went straight to the attic.

However, they seem to have misunderstood Qiduo's meaning. She just asked to put the transmitter on Dream's body by surprise, but they broke through the window directly, stretched out their claws and scratched towards Dream, looking at the posture, it was a plan First put the dream down, and then slowly install the transmitter.

Although they are evils that restrain the super energy system, but with the powerful strength of the dream that is close to the first-level god, it is no more difficult to solve them than to find things.

But Dream is really fun, it doesn't mean to shoot at all, even Pikachu wanted to shoot was stopped by it.

Maroona stepped forward and used the shadow ball to attack, and was easily flashed by Fantasia with teleportation. The shadow ball hit the ground and caused an explosion. Qi Duo, who was watching in the distance, had a headache, "Oh, these two guys, just let them It's just a messenger, why do it go too far!"

After fighting for a while, Dream didn't want to be entangled with them. First, he used teleportation to bring Pikachu and Team Rocket's Meow to the ceiling, and then used his transformation trick to transform into a big bird, carrying two Pokémon. Fly into the distance.

In the banquet hall, the celebration at this time is coming to an end, and Ash wants to pose as a hero to pay tribute to everyone as the end,

Ash held the scepter high, and his palms dragged the crystal above the scepter. At this time, his waveguide finally came into close contact with the crystal.

A steady stream of waveguide power was introduced into the scepter, and in an instant, the crystal emitted an amazing light, shocking everyone present.

A beam of light shot out from the crystal and fell to the ground, forming a handsome figure.

This is a humanoid Pokémon, like the jackal in Egyptian mythology, with its eyes closed, and its momentum is amazing.

"Finally out, Lucario!" Tian Lin stepped forward and revealed the identity of this guy.

"Tianlin, do you know it?" Xiaozhi asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but I know, Xiao Zhi, didn't there be a sound coming out of the scepter just now, then I knew what was sealed inside. It seemed that only the person who mastered the waveguide could hear the sound, so I also listened to it. It's here." Tianlin said.

At this moment, Kalio closed his eyes and scanned the entire banquet hall with the power of the waveguide. At the first time, it noticed two powerful waveguides that were surging like fire.

Although these two waveguides are equally powerful, they are completely different in nature. One is solemn and holy like a king, and the other is bloody like a hero.

Lucario ran to the man who was like the guide of the brave man and shouted, "Lord Aaron, why did you abandon the castle?"

"This is, telepathy?" Xiaozhi asked in confusion.

This Lucario's waveguide can really be said to have reached the point of perfection. It can actually use the power of the waveguide to induce telepathy, which has surpassed a lot of mythical beasts.

Lucario, Bird Pokémon, fighting type plus steel type, characteristic mental power, serious personality (balanced personality), height 1.6m, weight 58kg, king qualification, super champion potential, current strength Tianwang junior (championship) Intermediate level), with skills: wave missile, bone stick, dragon wave, enhancement punch, bullet punch, comet punch.Remarks, the ace Pokémon of the Bird Warriors at that time was amazingly powerful and comparable to champions, but due to the decline in strength for many years due to the seal, it needs to be cultivated by excellent trainers with Birds before it can return to its peak.

While Lucario was scanning the crowd, Tianlin also used the system to detect Lucario's information, which was really powerful.

"Wait, did you admit the wrong person? I'm Ash, not Aaron!" Ash shouted.

This voice was not Aaron's. Lucario slowly opened his eyes and saw Ash's unfamiliar face before realizing that he had mistaken him, even though the boy in front of him had the same or stronger waveguide as Aaron. , but he is not Aaron.

The lost Lucario looked around, then left the banquet hall and ran to the king city to look around. At night, the moon was sparse, and the sky was full of gorgeous fireworks. Everyone was commemorating Yalang's great achievements. .

But Lucario, who had been with Aaron all the time, only felt that something was wrong for a while.

Lucario returned to his room with Aaron, where he once lived. Aaron took him to the castle and carefully taught him how to use the power of the waveguide.A thousand years have passed, but the memory seems to be stuck in yesterday.

Walking into the familiar and unfamiliar room, this is now Aaron's former residence, which has been turned into a showroom, and various items once related to Aaron are placed in glass cabinets for people to appreciate.


A gentle voice called it, Lucario turned around suddenly, and saw its familiar appearance, "You are, Your Highness Lynn!"

The housekeeper turned on the headlights behind him, and Her Royal Highness Irene walked forward with Tianlin Xiaozhi, "I'm sorry, I'm not Lynn, Queen Lynn is my ancestor, and my name is Irene!"

Irene gently embraced Lucario in her arms, she could feel the restlessness and unease in Lucario's heart.

In that 'ideal land far away from the world' (Xiao Gang language), Lucario gradually calmed down.

"You have been sleeping all the time. For you, maybe it just happened yesterday, but for us, time has passed for a long time. It is said that your whereabouts are unknown in the war. Inside! What the hell happened back then?"

"At that time, the armies on both sides were gradually approaching the castle. I was asked by Queen Lynn to go out to inquire about Form 033, but at that time, it was completely impossible to stop the war." Lucario replied.

Hearing this, Her Highness Irene said, "According to legend, it was the brave Aaron who saved the city."

"How is it possible, Lord Aaron, abandoned this castle and ran away, and sealed me in the scepter." Lucario's words were filled with doubt and anger.

"Haha!" He heard a sneer, but it was from Tianlin.

"What are you laughing at?" Lucario asked when he heard that the sneer was aimed at him.

"I laugh because you are so ridiculous. As a Bird Pokémon, you don't understand the true meaning of Bird." Tian Lin said,

"The meaning of waveguide?"

"Historically, humans who can master and use waveguides are known as waveguide heroes. The so-called brave people are brave, kind, and righteous people. Without these, it is impossible to awaken the waveguides in the body, so Yalang can never shrink back from the battle. The villain," Tian Lin explained, "Furthermore, since you are Aaron's partner, don't doubt it easily, it will make people think that your bond is nothing more than this."

Lucario fell into deep thought when he heard the words, yes, the Aaron in his memory is definitely not that kind of villain, and now what he hopes most is to find out the truth of the year.

Chapter [*]: Lucario's request to go to the World Tree

"Lord Aaron, I will definitely find out the truth of the matter." Lucario made up his mind, but the problem came again. Thousands of years have passed since Aaron's time, and there is no clue at all. It doesn't know where to start. Check it out.

At this time, it was His Highness Irene who provided a little bit of useful information, "According to legend, Aaron, the hero of the waveguide, inspired the power of the tree of the beginning of the world to successfully quell the war. There may be traces of him left there."

"Really? Great, if that's the case, then I have to go!" Since there is a glimmer of hope, Lucario will catch it even if he desperately tries, and it suddenly knelt on one knee in front of Tianlin and Xiaozhi. , pleaded, "You two, to find out the truth, you must have the help of two, can you go with me?"

"Why are you looking for us?" Tian Lin didn't answer directly, but asked it.

"Because..." Lucario was about to explain when Xiao Sheng suddenly ran in in a hurry.

"No, Dream took away Team Rocket's Meow and Pikachu."

It turned out that he just saw that the Pokémon didn't know where to play, so he went out to find them by himself, and happened to see two Marulas attacking Dream in the attic, and then Dream turned into a big bird and took away the one of Miaomiao and Pikachu. one scene.

He is not a Pokémon trainer and is completely powerless to stop him, so he chose to report it as soon as possible.

"What, Dream! Where did it take Pikachu?" Ash suddenly panicked, and didn't bother to ask Lucario, after all, Pikachu was his best friend.

"Xiaozhi, don't worry, Dream is not an evil Pokémon, I guess I just wanted to play with it when I took Pikachu, we just need to pick it up and come back, the destination is exactly the same!" Tianlin patted Xiaozhi's The shoulders comforted.

"What do you mean?" Xiaozhi was a little confused, so what is the destination is exactly the same.

"Let me explain, please come with me~'!" Her Royal Highness Irene brought a group of people to the balcony. Looking from here, they could see under the night sky, on the opposite mountain there was a tall tree reaching into the sky. Giant tree.

"Have you seen that big tree in the distance, we call it the tree of the beginning of the world, where dreams live!"

When Xiao Zhi heard the words, he understood. No wonder Tian Lin said that the destination was the same. It turned out that the place they were going to was the same place that Lucario requested.

Originally, he did not intend to refuse Lucario's request, but now because of Pikachu's affairs, he has to go.

"Okay, then let's set off early tomorrow morning!" Tian Lin made a decision immediately. In fact, he was not very interested in Lucario and Aaron. His real goal was dreams, and he always felt that there was some connection between himself and dreams. .

When they met for the first time in Chaomeng's castle, Mengmeng actually recognized himself, which made him puzzled, maybe this time he could solve this question.

"Thank you two very much!" Lucario was very excited, it could finally learn the truth of the year, and it very much hoped to prove that its best partner, Mr. Aaron, was a real Bird Hero, not just an escape. A villain who abandons the people.

"Let's go too, how can you leave us!" Xiaogang said with a smile, he must go with Xiaozhi, even if Tianlin is with him, he can help a little bit.

"Yes, Xiaozhi, Brother Tianlin, I'm also a very good coordination trainer now, and I won't hold you back." Xiaoyao also walked out. Her recent growth has indeed been very fast.

"Can you let me help too?" At this moment, Miss Qi Duo, who was dressed in a strong suit, appeared again, and this outfit made Xiaogang exclaimed suddenly.

"Ah!!! You, you are, that famous adventurer, Kido Shamaz, I didn't realize it at all, I'm so retarded!"

This Miss Chito is really a celebrity, the record holder for the shortest time in a hot air balloon to travel around the world in one week, the record holder for the deepest underwater exploration by operating a single-person submarine, etc. The purpose of her visit to Oludelang City this time It is to explore the secret of the tree of the beginning of the world.

She didn't mean to attack Dream just now, it's just that her Pokémon misunderstood her meaning, and she felt that Dream took the main responsibility for taking away Xiao Zhi's Pokémon, so she took the initiative to help now. Make up for your mistakes.

For her joining, Tian Lin has nothing to refuse, that is her freedom, so the group agreed to gather at the gate of the city tomorrow morning and set off for the World Tree.

In the middle of the night, Tianlin Xiaozhi, who couldn't sleep, was walking in the castle. One was worried about Pikachu, and the other was thinking about his connection with the dream. At this time, Lucario was also staying in the room where he and Aaron used to be.

It didn't rest either. After all, the truth of the millennium was at hand, so how could it sleep.

"'" Who? Lucario suddenly turned his head alertly, seeing Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi who walked in, and gradually let down his guard.

"It's you, you should have a good rest now, and you will have enough energy tomorrow!"

Tianlin stepped forward. He came here to inquire about something. "Lucario, I have something to ask you, why did you choose me and Xiaozhi? You didn't finish talking during the day, can you give us an answer now?"

Lucario paused for a moment before answering, "That's because I can sense both of you. Both of you have extremely amazing waveguides. Although they are very different in nature, they are both powerful. We want to explore the truth of a thousand years ago, waveguides. The power is indispensable."

Hearing this, the two of them understood, but Tian Lin was still a little puzzled, "The waveguide is the waveguide, what do you mean by the difference in essence?"

Lucario explained patiently, "Different people's guides are completely different, (good) and the two of you are even more special. For some reason, Ash's guide is very similar to that of Lord Aaron, so at first I will admit my mistake, even more so in terms of energy, and the feeling he gave me is more pure than Mr. Lang, if you want to describe it in one word, it is the origin!"

Origin, this is a very remarkable word, Tianlin glanced at Xiaozhi, and sure enough, this guy, even the contemporary Bird Hero, must be very different from other Bird Heroes of the past.

"As for you, Tianlin, your waveguide is not as pure as Xiaozhi, but it is like an emperor. I have never met such a powerful and solemn waveguide. You two must be very great characters, so I I will do my best to ask for your help.”

After listening to Lucario's words, they finally cleared their doubts. This time, it seemed that the two of them really had to solve it.

Chapter [*] The Flower of Time Arrives at the World Tree

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, a group of people who were anxious to set off had already packed up and got into an off-road vehicle.

Lucario is leading the way, and even if a thousand years have passed, it will not forget the way to the World Tree.

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