"Quick Dragon, if Huckron wants to, can I take it with me?"

Although Kuailong is his own Pokémon, it is not too reasonable. If you want to take away other people's children, you still have to explain to your parents.

Kuailong nodded with a smile. In fact, it was not a day or two that his eldest daughter wanted to go out, so following Tianlin would be more reassuring than following other trainers.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of it like I take care of you." Tian Lin walked to Ha Kelong and took out a luxurious ball. Since this Ha Kelong likes to be gorgeous, he can't use a normal ball to make it. Got it.

"Hackron, come with me, I'll take you to see the outside world!"

"Hmm!" Huckron jumped out of the water happily. Tianlin is the most familiar stranger to it. His father has been nabbing in his ear how his master is so good, so in his heart, early He subconsciously regarded himself as Tianlin's Pokémon.

It's been a long time since today.

Ha Kelong swam to Tian Lin's side and took the initiative to gently sweep the luxurious ball in Tian Lin's hand with his tail, and the ball automatically opened and Ha Kelong was put in.

Tianlin's team has since then added another elegant partner.

"Okay, Kuailong, then I have to go first, you continue to practice hard! I am challenging the battle development area, the first few do not need you to take action, but when it comes to the last two, I will definitely call you back. , you have to be ready!" Tian Lin said goodbye.

A light flashed in Kuailong's eyes. He hadn't fought side by side with Tianlin for a long time. He really couldn't ask for it.

After saying goodbye to the Kuailong family and the old administrator, it was already late at night when Tianlin returned to the light red city again, so he did not disturb Xiaozhi and the others, and opened a room by himself to rest.

The next morning, Xiao Zhi and his party, who got up early, saw that Tian Lin had returned, and they didn't ask much. After all, did everyone have their own secrets, and then everyone walked towards the port.

ps: This hakron will only be a hakron forever. In order to participate in the gorgeous competition, it will not evolve. I really can't accept the green fast dragon, how beautiful the pink hakron is! .

Chapter [*] Celebration begins, goodbye dream

After a few days of sailing, Tianlin and Xiaozhi and his party soon arrived at the port of Dead Leaf City, and after several days of walking, they finally came to Oludelang City.

To enter the city, you have to cross a bridge. As the celebration is about to start, the bridge is full of people, and everyone is dressed up. In comparison, Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi, who are dressed in casual clothes, seem a little out of tune.

"It's nerve-wracking. To participate in the city's activities, it seems that you have to wear ancient clothes. I'm not prepared!" Xiaoyao said in distress.

At this time, Xiaogang flipped through the guide book and said with a smile, "Xiaoyao, it's alright, there are preparations for everyone in the city."

"Of course, for such a big celebration, there must be free rental costumes, not to mention that we are still invited. In contrast, I am more interested in the history and legends of this city. Is it related to the Bird Hero! Xiaogang, is there any introduction in the guide book?" Tianlin- asked.

"Yes!" Xiaogang quickly found the introduction of the city in the guide book.

It turned out that thousands of years ago, when there was no Poké Ball, there was a huge Pokémon war in this place. Pokémon wore armor and fought each other like soldiers and weapons.

The war was in full swing, and the war intensified. Until later, both sides did not even know what the cause of the war was. The goal was to completely destroy the enemy and quell their anger.

The city of Orudelang is sandwiched in the center of the battlefield. It is in danger of being affected and is in danger of being destroyed at any time.

At this time, Aaron, known as the Bird Warrior, awakened the tree of the beginning of the world with the power of Bird, and calmed everyone's anger with the divine power, the war was also ended, and the crisis in Orudelang City was finally lifted.

Since then, the legend of the Bird Hero has been circulating here. Every year today, a celebration is held to praise the hero Aaron. If he wins the battle, he will be awarded the title of hero and be respected by everyone today.

In fact, this is a bit like the original whirlpool islands competition, but the object of worship has changed from the sea god to Aaron, and the title of the winner has changed from the hero of the sea to the hero of the guide.

While everyone was talking, they came to the place where the clothes were rented.

"Wow, do we want to freely choose what clothes to wear here, I'm going to dress myself up as a princess!" Seeing all kinds of beautiful clothes, Xiaoyao suddenly cheered.

"I don't know if there is a hero's costume?" Xiao Zhi also looked around with great interest.

Of course, Tianlin will not be alone in following the local customs, but few of these clothes can attract him, and he is not very interested in ancient official uniforms or aristocratic costumes.

However, a set of white-gold duke suits soon entered his eyes. In ancient times, the duke was the highest title in Orudelang City other than the king.

"It's you!" Tian Lin picked up the suit and walked into the locker room.

Soon after, a group of people changed their clothes and came out.

Xiaoyao chose an ancient dress with decorative buttons for hunting swallowtail butterflies at the waist, which looked very suitable for her.

Xiaosheng and Xiaogang were wearing more ordinary clothes, just ordinary gentleman clothes.

The outfits of Xiaozhi and Tianlin are both eye-catching. Xiaozhi found the same costume as the legendary waveguide hero Aaron. No matter the body shape or style, it matches him very well, as if it was tailor-made.

And Tianlin's platinum duke suit made him look extremely noble and handsome.

"Wow, it's so suitable for the two of you to wear this!" Xiaoyao praised, and the two of them were full of heroic and aristocratic temperament at this time.

But at this time, the two of them ignored Xiaoyao, and instead looked at each other blankly.

Xiao Zhi couldn't hide things in his heart, so he blurted out, "Tianlin, have we met before?"

Hearing this inexplicable question, Xiaogang and the others were full of doubts, and Xiaosheng said helplessly, "Xiaozhi, what are you talking about, didn't you and Tianlin grow up together in Zhenxin Town, of course? I've seen it."

"Haha, yes, maybe it's the first time Tian Lin wears it like this. I'm not used to it. I always feel that his dress is very familiar to me." Xiao Zhi scratched his head.

Only Tianlin guessed one point. What Xiaozhi said was not the years when the real new town grew up, but a long time ago, far beyond the history of the city of Orudelang, which was engraved in the two The super ancient memory in the bottom of the heart, because when Tianlin saw Xiaozhi wearing a hero's costume, he also felt the same as him, and it seemed familiar.

At that time, the three men in the painting in the sea soul, a noble son, a bird hero, and a king, Tian Lin guessed that the king was related to himself, and the bird hero must have an inseparable relationship with Xiaozhi. The king in the room is wearing a white-gold king's costume, which is slightly similar to the aristocratic costume that Tian Lin is wearing now. Perhaps it is this that evokes the memory of Xiaozhi's soul.

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"Okay, the Pokémon competition is about to start, Xiao Zhi, you have to do your best this time!" Tian Lin reminded.

"Tianlin, aren't you participating?" Xiaozhi wondered, he still wanted to have a good fight with Tianlin.

Tianlin of course understood Xiaozhi's thoughts, he smiled and waved his hand, "I want to have a chance after fighting with me, I still have some things to do, you go first."

"Well then, Tian Lin, you should pay attention to my performance in the audience today!" Since Tian Lin doesn't want to participate, Xiao Zhi will not force it. Anyway, he is bound to win this competition.

0 ... 0

The group rushed to the venue first, leaving Tianlin alone in the clothing room.

Tian Lin glanced at the window and saw a Piqiu tossing and turning mischievously. Seeing Tian Lin's gaze swept over, he timidly hid behind the curtains. When he came out, he turned into a wooden guard palace.

"Haha, little guy, don't hide, it will be Pichu for a while, and Mu Shougong for a while, you are really naughty, dreamy!" The image can deceive people, but Bird can't. Tianlin has long noticed that the unique Belongs to the fantasy waveguide.

"Hee hee, long time no see, Tianlin!" Dream knew that he was found and was not annoyed, and showed up to say hello to Tianlin. Judging from the fact that it knew Tianlin, this dream must have helped Tianlin fight Chaomeng back then. the one.

"Are you also attracted to the festival?"

"Yes, Yalang is a friend of Xiaomeng, so Xiaomeng will come every year." Dream Feiwu danced beside Tianlin and said with a smile, "However, Xiaomeng's favorite is Tianlin."

This dream is really cute and tight, and Tian Lin explained it for fear of misunderstanding.

"Okay, then let's participate in the celebration together today." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Dream nodded again and again, and then turned into a long-tailed strange hand, lying on Tianlin's shoulder. It is very smart, knowing that if it is shown in the image of the deity, it will definitely cause people to be surprised, so it often turns into ordinary Pokémon Appear.

Tian Lin touched Dream's little head and took it to the opposite battlefield. At this moment, there is already a lot of people here, and everyone is looking forward to the start of the game.

Chapter six hundred and seventeen: Bird Warrior

"Everyone is welcome to come and participate in the celebration. In order to commemorate the hero Yalang who once saved our city of Orudelang, the annual battle ceremony is about to begin. First of all, let us welcome His Royal Highness, the city lord, Irene."

The host's voice fell, and in the expectation of many people, a girl with luxurious clothes and a fairy-like appearance came out of the palace, holding a lovely magic Nini in her arms.

"It's so beautiful!" Xiaogang was immediately excited. Although this guy is chatting hotly with Xiaoji now, when he sees a beautiful woman, his old problem still seems to be fixed for a while.

Her Royal Highness Irene waved to everyone present, and the whole venue became quiet immediately, and then she heard Her Highness Irene announce in a gentle voice, "Then I will dedicate it to the Bird Heroes who save the world, Aaron's Pokémon battle, start. , please come up with your most "zero three zero" proud Pokémon and go all out!"

The first one to play was Ash in the Bird Warrior suit. Pikachu jumped into the ring, and the Pokémon used by his opponent was the Mimosa mushroom, which had a slight advantage in attributes.

However, because of the huge gap in strength, facing Pishen's [*] volts, he was beaten and lost his fighting power with just one blow.

When Tian Lin was not on the court, none of the trainers present was Ash's opponent, let alone defeating Ash, very few could catch a [*] volt shot of Pikachu, even if they encountered a ground-type Pokémon. , Skin God can also rely on a flash of lightning and Iron Tail to win.

"Not bad, according to this power, it seems that Pishen is not far from entering the Heavenly King class." Tian Lin looked at the invincible Xiaozhi and Pishen with admiration.

"That person is really amazing, who is he?" Her Royal Highness Irene was also very interested in Xiaozhi and asked the housekeeper behind him.

The housekeeper looked at Irene respectfully, "Reporting to Your Highness, this person is the general star Xiaozhi, one of the three stars of Zhenxin Town."

"Samsung in Xinzhen, I've heard of it, it's amazing!" Irene nodded, and then she became a little puzzled, "I remember we sent invitations to all three, is he the only one here?"

"No, although I heard that Zhixing Xiaomaoyuan couldn't come to Carlos, but Emperor Tianlin, the strongest among the three stars, actually came to participate, but I don't know why he didn't appear in the game?"

"That's such a pity." Irene felt a little regretful. Without seeing such a strong trainer on stage, this celebration will never be perfect.

At this time, the battle of this celebration has come to the final battle. Ash's final opponent is a knight in armor, and the Pokémon he uses is a Mara.

The strength of the quasi-king middle-level, is the only one who can fight Pikachu for a while in this conference.

But the gap was there after all, and after barely supporting for a while, Marula finally fell under the tyrannical thunder and lightning of Pishen.

"Marra lost her fighting ability and Pikachu won, so this year's Bird Hero is Ash from Zhenxin Town!" The referee excitedly declared the victory of the game.

The applause erupted in an instant, and the dream that liked the liveliness the most couldn't hold back. He jumped off Tianlin's shoulder and ran directly to the battle stage, holding Pikachu's hand and jumping in celebration.

It is the image of the long-tailed monster at this time, and no one feels anything strange about this very ordinary Pokémon.

The opponent in armor came over and took off the helmet he was wearing, revealing the true face of Mount Lu, with black hair like a waterfall, it turned out to be a beautiful girl.

"You and your Pikachu are the best partners. My name is Kito, please give me some advice!"

"Hello, I'm Xiao Zhi!"

Introducing yourself to an opponent who has fought hard is a way for the trainer to show respect for the opponent.

Night fell, and the battle was followed by a grand banquet. In the largest banquet hall in the castle, the trainers who were present in full costumes gathered here, while Xiao Zhi sat at the top and was personally received by Her Royal Highness Irene.

Irene took out a scepter studded with a huge gem and handed it to Xiao Zhi, "Xiao Zhi, this is the scepter of the brave that was taken by the former waveguide hero Aaron, only in the celebration Pokemon battle won the victory. Only you are honored to hold this rod!"

"It's amazing!" Xiao Zhi was full of excitement and emotion after hearing this.

"Then, please accept the Staff of the Brave, Ash."

"Yes!" Xiaozhi took the Staff of the Brave from Her Royal Highness Irene. In an instant, his waveguide and the waveguide in the scepter sensed each other, and he seemed to hear something in his ears.


"What?" Because only Xiao Zhi heard this voice, he was a little strange, and looked at the housekeeper beside him, "Excuse me, did you hear any voice just now?"

"Sound? No!"

"Could it be that I was hallucinating?" Xiaozhi tilted his head, puzzled.  …

It seems that Xiaozhi heard the voice of Lucario who was sealed in the scepter, and Tianlin immediately realized this.

On the other hand, after conferring the scepter, Her Royal Highness Irene announced the official start of the celebration, "In order to praise the brave Aaron who guards the peace of this country for us, let's all celebrate together tonight."

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