It turned into six Heavenly King-level Pokémon in one breath.

"What, all of them have become kings, how is that possible?" Ajie was terrified, six Pokémon broke through the bottleneck at the same time, don't talk about this kind of thing, he has never heard of it.

He felt like he might be dreaming, but the truth was the truth, and it was happening right before his eyes.

Now, the situation has plunged into a major crisis.

Chapter [-] Tianlin Awakens The Battle Situation Reverses

"Haha, it's really powerful, with this power, let alone Athena and Lance, I will surpass him sooner or later, even Apollo, and the person who will sit on the second-in-command throne of the Rockets one day must be me. ." Affected by the black qi, Lambda's face was hideous at the moment, and his ambitions were unprecedentedly huge.

Of course, he is not a good thing in himself, this black qi just further expands his dark side.

"Ajie, what is the black gas entangled in Lambda, I feel horrified." Hinata said a little scared.

Ajie shook his head, "I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing. After Lambda's Pokémon is implanted with this black energy, it not only improves its strength, but also seems to have lost its sanity. We have to be careful. "

"Two Pokémon rangers, you will be the first sacrifices under my mighty power. Give them to me!" Lambda roared at his Pokémon.

The six Pokémon shot at the same time, and the skills such as Venom Shock, Vacuum Slash, and Destruction of Death Light hit the 08 sides of Ajie and Hinata with full force.

"Everyone, please everyone!" Of course Ajie, who has rich combat experience, will not sit still, and his partners immediately launched a counterattack, but under the huge gap in strength, his side is losing ground.

Kanon, Minas and Shanaido on the side were anxious to see them. They wanted to go up and help, but they didn't dare to leave Tianlin's side. They were afraid that the rest of the Rockets would attack Tianlin. Skin and Frozen Dragon can't show any combat power at all.

Tian Lin, who was still in a coma at this time, had already completed the growth of his spiritual power. Now the power of Changqing was constantly repairing his spirit.

Kanon, who has always been paying attention to Tianlin, saw this scene and couldn't help showing surprise.


Suddenly, there was a big explosion in the forest. Twelve Pokémon collided, and the forest ignited again. At this moment, Ajie's side was able to barely fly in the air except for the king-level Big Bird. All have fallen.

"You guys, it's over!" Lambda smiled evilly. He is a person without any trainer spirit. Even if the opponent has lost the strength to resist, he will still choose to fall into the trap and leave no room for it.

Another six attacks came, Ajie hugged Hyuga and shouted, "Be careful!"

Big Bird flew to the front of the two, and even if it was one against six, it would not back down.

"Latias, Dragon Wave, Minas, Water Cannon!"

In an instant, a voice sounded behind them, followed by the waves of the dragon and the water cannons flying. It was obvious that two enemies were fighting against six, but it was like a destructive force, and the six attacks on the opposite side were instantly defeated.

That is the natural result. Although there are six Heavenly Kings on the opposite side, they are only the first-level ones, and they are still half-hearted to break through by means of tricks. How can they be compared with the Pokémon that has been tempered by Tianlin? Besides, Minas’s strength is At the peak of the middle-level king of heaven, Latias is the peak of the king of heaven. Half of his feet have entered the championship level, and his strength is enough to crush the opponent.

"Mr. Tianlin, you're awake!" Ajie said in surprise. Unlike Hinata, he recognized Tianlin at first sight when he landed.

"Yeah, Miss Forest Ranger, thank you for taking care of me yesterday, and now I feel better than ever!" Tian Lin wasn't talking about reassuring the two, he really felt great.

Now his mental power is more than twice as strong as before, and he will no longer worry about using super powers continuously to overdraw his mental power.

Tian Lin walked up slowly and glanced at the old acquaintance opposite him. It was the first time he saw Lambda since the battle of Dragon Valley, the despicable person who made him feel sick, and said sarcastically, "Lamda, it's been a long time, you don't seem to have made much progress. Besides relying on tricks to become a half-hearted king, your character is even worse."

"Stinky boy, if you lie down obediently, you can die peacefully. Since you wake up now, feel the pain!" Lambda was instantly enraged.

Feeling the master's anger, six dark Pokémon rushed up.

"Hmph, how can the light of the rotten grass be compared to the bright moon in the heart of the sky." Tian Lin did not panic at all, and Latias, Minas, and Doron Baruto took the initiative to step forward to resist the incoming enemy.

Latias fights three, Minas fights two, and the last one is handed over to Dolong Baruto to deal with. He has absolute confidence in his own Pokémon Tianlin, and it is impossible to lose to Lambda. color.

As for Shanaido and Wind Speed ​​Dog, who have no opponents, they are the group of subordinates who are eyeing Lambda. None of those people's Pokémon even reach the gym level. They are enough to pick out all this group of people. .

"It's really amazing, it's worthy of being the first genius that the alliance admires." Ajie was amazed, but he didn't expect that just one more Tianlin joining the battle would instantly turn the whole situation around.

"Is this person so powerful?" Compared with Applejack, Hyuga was even more surprised. It turned out that the person he rescued was such a powerful trainer.

"How is it possible, how long has it been since the Dragon Valley battle, how could you have such strength?"

Looking at the battlefield, Lambda looked unbelievable. Even if he played more and less, his side was completely at a disadvantage. The five Pokémon were almost pressed and beaten by Latias and Minas. The only one. The one who can take a slight advantage is the aerial fork bat against Doron Baruto.

But it was only at the beginning. Duolong Baruto Bi 027 was only the peak of the quasi-king bat, and the cross-shaped bat could still be suppressed by the strength of the king-level, but when Duolong Baruto got used to the speed of the cross-shaped bat After that, the situation gradually turned into a close match.

Doron Baruto was extremely excited. Compared with the previous battle with Minas, this was the real battle of life and death. It felt that the small membrane that was bothering it was about to be broken by it.

"That's why I said that you Lambda will always be a mediocrity. Don't judge me with your shortsightedness. Even if I only practice for a year, I can beat you for ten years." Tianlin said disdainfully, "After all, waste is waste after all. "

Tianlin raised his hand, condensed a wave of waveguide power, and hit Lambda. His target was not Lambda, but the mechanical ring that trapped Rabi.

He had already sensed that the evil power wrapped around the ring was exactly the same as that in the Bishas evil ball back then, so the power of the waveguide was its nemesis.

As the power of the waveguide hit the mechanical ring, nothing happened on the surface, but in fact the evil power on the ring had been dispelled by Tianlin, and now the ring was just an ordinary ring.

Shirabi's power was instantly restored, how could a mere ordinary ring trap it.

"Rabbi!" When Rabi's superpower exploded, the ring was instantly shattered.

It was finally freed.

Chapter six hundred and ten first contact


When he regained his freedom, Rabbi danced happily beside Tianlin, expressing his gratitude to him.

"Shi Rabi, now is not the time to act like a spoiled child. Because of the battle just now, the forest is on fire again. Now is the time for you, the god of the forest, to take action." Tian Lin stroked Shi Rabi's head gently.

The rabbi understood, just like that night, and summoned countless thorns to cover the flames to prevent the fire from spreading.

"How is it possible that the power contained in Lord Shadow has been dissipated?" At this time, Lambda had not recovered, but Tian Lin heard the familiar name again.

"Shadow? Sure enough, it's that guy again, alas, it's really confusing for this kind of character that didn't appear in the original book."

"You guy, how dare you sabotage our Rockets plan again, this time I will never let you go." Lambda's angry roar interrupted Tian Lin's thinking.

But Tian Lin didn't take his incompetence and rage to heart, "What you said is quite imposing, and it still looks like a villain, but Lambda, before you speak harshly, you'd better look at the situation clearly."

Lambda was shocked when he heard the words, and only then did he realize that his Pokémon were already facing defeat.

Latias surfed, and at the same time defeated the three Pokémon, Aber Monster, Lada and Double Egg Gas, and Minas also solved the big mouth and the thorn shell respectively by relying on the ice light and the dragon's breath. .

As for the final sky battlefield, with a cross-shaped bat falling from the sky, the ending was also announced.

In the end, Duolong Baruto shot a dragon arrow at the cross-shaped bat on the ground. This kind of corpse whipping behavior, Tian Lin called him an expert. It really deserves to be a ghost-type Pokemon. When dealing with the enemy, his heart is really dark. of.

"Roar!" The victorious Duolong Baruto uttered a dragon roar excitedly. After defeating the Heavenly King-level Pokémon, it finally broke through the bottleneck and became another Heavenly King-level partner of Tianlin.

"Damn, you guys, give it to me~'!" Lambda yelled at the subordinates behind him, but unfortunately no one responded. When he turned his head, he saw a desperate scene.

I saw that Ajie and Hinata had tied up all their subordinates with many Pokémon.

"Ah, sorry, Mr. Lambda, I'm afraid these subordinates will not be able to carry out your order!" Ajie smiled maliciously.

"How is that possible, your Pokémon clearly..."

Lambda clearly remembered that the companions that Ajie brought have been defeated by him, but now they are all surrounded by him in good spirits.

"Hey, that's because my hunting cursor can be used again. When you were fighting with Mr. Tianlin, I hunted a fat man. I was lucky. It has a unique trick to heal fluctuations!" Hyuga raised the hunting cursor in her hand, and at this moment, there was a cute fat man standing under her feet.

Facts have proved that no matter how many pig teammates are, it is useless, and it is not as good as a really good partner.

"It's over!" Lambda was completely desperate, all his Pokémon lost their ability to fight, and all his subordinates were arrested.

As for his opponent, in front of him is the incomparably powerful Tian Lin, and behind him are two Pokémon rangers who are eyeing tigers. Even he can't think of any way to escape now.

"Lambda, you have disappointed me so much!"

At this moment, a chilling voice entered everyone's ears, only to see a large mass of black air circling in the sky, and the entity could not be seen clearly. That voice was exactly what it made.

"Lord Shadow, please save me, I'm still useful to you, and I'll definitely be guilty in the future!" Lambda knelt on the ground, begging humbly.

"Is that black gas the so-called shadow? No, it's not the body." Tian Lin felt that it shouldn't be the entity of the so-called shadow, just a little bit of its power.

Shadow looked at Lambda, who was kowtowing for help. In all fairness, he really didn't like this guy at all. He was greedy and despicable, and had great ambitions, but he didn't have the strength to match his ambitions. It didn't matter if this kind of guy died.

However, since the death of Bishas, ​​Lambda has the highest status among the people he has drawn in the Rockets, and he is right, in fact, he is still useful to himself, and he has to save.

"Are you that shadow, who hides his head and shows his tail, and is finally willing to come out!" Tian Lin stepped forward and said lightly.

"Who are you, and you know me?" Shadow looked back at Tian Lin with a strange look. Except for those high-level team members of the Rockets, how could anyone know him, and for some reason, when he saw Tian Lin, he always felt himself Couldn't resist the urge to tear it apart.

"I heard about you a long time ago, in the lake of life!"

"Lake of Life?" Shadow recalled for a moment, and then said angrily, "Could it be that you stopped my plan for the Lake of Life, Bishas, ​​and died at your hands!"

"'" Haha, that's right, a rat with a hidden head and an exposed tail, I said you look mysterious and look very tall, why are you always accepting some trash subordinates, it was the case with Bishas at the time, and Lambda is also the case now , are all my defeats. "Tian Lin sneered, it's not just the shadow that has the urge to tear Tian Lin, Tian Lin also feels the same way. When he saw this black gas, his anger surged up.

They seemed to be jealous when they met each other.

But it was clearly the first time they saw each other, and it was unclear where the inexplicable hatred came from.

"You are courting death!" Shadow's anger finally couldn't be suppressed, and it really wanted to solve Tianlin more than saving Lambda.

"It's good, it's you, the power of the waveguide is in my heart!" Tian Lin was not afraid at all.

Shadow's evil power and Tianlin's wave-guiding power finally collided, and its momentum was no worse than the collision of Heavenly King-level Pokémon just now.


(Come on Zhao) The two sides were shaken by the opponent's power at the same time. Tian Lin stepped back and swayed. He relied on his superpower to barely stabilize, and the black qi of the shadow also tended to dissipate. The first time the two fought, the result Actually, there is no distinction between sergeant and sergeant.

"Is this person really a monster, even Lord Shadow..." Lambda was completely frightened by Tianlin now, and the Lord Shadow he revered could not take advantage of Tianlin.

"Go!" Shadow came back to his senses, knowing that he couldn't fight at this time, so he rolled up Lambda and disappeared in place in an instant. It was too late for Ajie to step forward to stop it.

"Mr. Tianlin, do you know what the last black gas is?" Ajie walked to Tianlin and asked.

Tian Lin was still a little bloody at the moment, rubbed his chest, and shook his head after feeling comfortable, "I don't know, that thing is very mysterious, but one day, I will definitely find it out.".

Chapter [-]: Arrival against the water pipe

The battle with Team Rocket temporarily came to an end. Ajie and Hyuga, the two rangers, and the timely rabbi sent Tianlin to the forest exit.

"Mr. Tianlin, through this forest, the light red city is ahead, I wish you a smooth journey!" Ajie looked at Tianlin with admiration, he could feel that the strength of the person in front of him had surpassed the average four heavenly kings, and he was even moving towards Champions are on the way.

"Well, don't send the two of you anymore. I feel very honored to be able to fight side by side with you this time!" Tian Lin smiled, and Shirabi was still flying.

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