"Shi Labi, go back to your time and space. If you stay here, sooner or later, you will be targeted by the guy who hides his head and shows his tail. I don't have a second gs ball in my hand to protect you!"

"Rabbi!" Shirabi was a little reluctant to hear Tianlin's words, but in the end, he obediently opened the time ripple and returned to his own time and space.

Seeing that the rabbi left safely, Ajie and Hyuga breathed a sigh of relief, and their mission was completely completed.

In the secret room of Team Rocket's headquarters, Shadow suddenly felt that Shirabi's breath disappeared, needless to say, he must have left this time and space, and he was so angry that he directly overturned the table next to him, "Damn, once again, it fell short, that guy, in the end. Who is it?"

"Uh!" A burst of pain hit him, and his anger seemed to arouse his wounds. He didn't feel good about the blow that Tianlin and him just hit, "What a powerful wave guide, it can actually break my evil spirits. It hurts my body, but this person should not be this generation of Bird Heroes!"

Shadow thinks, the power of the waveguide is one of its nemesis. In the ancient times, he fought with the waveguide hero a lot, so he can clearly distinguish the waveguide power of the real waveguide hero, which is completely different from what Tianlin just released.

Gradually clenching his fists, he felt angry and uneasy about the unknown of the enemy, there was a pain in his chest, and the shadow looked hideous, "Damn, I can't do anything now, I can only heal my wounds first, wait, sooner or later one day. I'll shred - you."

-Dividing line

On the other side, Tianlin said goodbye to Hyuga and Ajie, and soon rushed to the light red city. The water pipe for the battle is in this city. At this point, he was completely fine.

After going to the Pokémon Center to replace the Pokémon, Tian Lin went straight to the battle water pipe.

This time, he sent back all Minas and Doron Baruto, and replaced two new partners. For the rare quasi-god of the Galar region in the Kanto region, Dr. Damu has been coveted for a long time, so in the After receiving the Poké Ball, I didn't chat with Tian Lin, so I couldn't wait to hang up the phone to observe its data.

At the gate of the battle of the water pipes at this time, there were several female trainers in cool clothes and dyed hair colors wandering around, looking like bad girls, and looking at their expressions, they seemed to be very impatient.

"Damn, I've been waiting for so many days. Is that Tianlin coming? Didn't he say that he set off from the dome battle ten days ago, why hasn't he come to battle the water pipe yet?" A beautiful woman with short blond hair kept coming. complained.

And standing behind her were Ahida and Ash.

"Hey, Yahida, are you kidding us, or the guy named Tianlin is afraid of our eldest sister's head, so he doesn't dare to challenge." The blonde woman turned back.

"No." Xiao Sheng shouted after hearing the blond woman's words, "Brother Tian Lin will not be afraid of any challenge, he must have something to delay."

"Yes, it must be like this." Xiaozhi agreed, no one knows his rival better than him, will Tianlin avoid the battle?how is this possible?

"Oh, although I also believe in Tianlin, but Xiaozhi, you guys have arrived many days later than Tianlin. Could it be that something happened to him and he couldn't come?" Yahida grabbed the back of her head in distress, he You can only estimate the arrival time of the challenger, but to be precise, it depends on the trainer's own progress. In fact, this kind of thing happens from time to time, and he is used to it.

"Pika!" When everyone was puzzled, Pikachu's ears moved, it heard the familiar footsteps, pulled Xiaozhi's head to look forward, and shouted, "Pikachu!"

"It's Tian Lin, he's here!" Xiao Zhi said excitedly, he had already seen Tian Lin's figure.

"Xiao Zhi, I didn't expect your schedule to surpass me. It seems that I really wasted too much time in the forest." Tian Lin was a little surprised when he saw Xiao Zhi and his party, and he was actually overtaken by him. one day.

"Since you arrive earlier than me, what about the pioneering symbol, did you get it?"

"Of course!" Xiao Zhi replied confidently, and then opened the collection box, which showed four pioneering symbols, one more than Tianlin, which was a symbol of luck against water pipes.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Brother Tianlin, look at me too. Since the last time we parted, I have won two gorgeous competitions in a row. These are the Yuhong Ribbon and Jiruba Ribbon!" Xiaoyao showed it like a gift. Her ribbon medal is like a little girl asking for praise from her parents.

"Yes, you and Xiao Zhi are both working very hard, then I can't lose to you." Tian Lin has never been stingy with his appreciation for trainers who work hard.

"You guy, you are so late, and you only chat with friends when you come here. Do you look down on us fighting the water pipe?" The blonde girl on the side finally couldn't bear it anymore, and when she came up, she sprayed at Tian Lin.

"May I ask who you are?" Tian Lin said that he didn't know the girl at all.

0 ... 0

"My name is Xiaoji, and it was the eldest sister who asked me to greet you here, but do you know how many days we have been waiting for you here?"

"Okay, Xiaoji, Tianlin will always have his own business. It is common for accidents to arrive late during the journey, so don't be angry, take him in first, and don't make Miss Xiaoji wait for a long time. ." Yahida stepped forward to smooth things out, and when he mentioned Xiaoji, Xiaothorn could only put away his temper.

"Forget it, you, come with me and see how our eldest sister will teach you a lesson!" This eldest sister didn't look like she was welcoming, she was afraid that she was here to give Tian Lin's power.

But Tian Lin didn't care about this at all, and smiled, "Okay, I'll trouble you to lead the way."

"Humph!" Xiaoji walked ahead with a cold snort, and everyone followed her into the battle water pipe.

Next to the battle against the water pipe, there was a tall young lady standing. Seeing the water snake-like waist, the waterfall-like long hair, and the charming face, Tian Lin didn't have time to say hello, and Xiao Gang couldn't wait. rushed over.

"Ah, Miss Xiao Ji, I see you again. Your coldness has a glowing tenderness, please give Xiaosheng a little bit!"

"Okay, I have a lot to be gentle, and I'll share it with you." After a while, he was pulled away by Xiaosheng's ear, but Tianlin noticed something that everyone didn't notice.

When Xiao Ji was held by Xiao Gang, the originally cold face actually had a bit of shyness, and it even blushed slightly.

"Oh, this is really interesting!" Tian Lin touched his chin and thought of Jin Ji with interest.

Chapter [*]: The Plumbing Queen Thistle

"Let's start, the Pokémon battle against the water pipe queen Miss Xiaoji and the challenger Tianlin, the two Pokémon that can be used are two, when one of the two Pokémon loses the ability to fight. , the game is over."

A girl with short silver hair served as the referee. This battle facility is basically made up of girls, and the quality is surprisingly high. If Xiaogang can stay here, he will be blessed in the future.

A moment before the game, Tian Lin was still thinking about it.

It wasn't until Xiao Ji took the lead that he pulled his mind back, "Snake with rice spoon, you will fight this battle."

Xiaoji's first Pokémon is the Rice Spoon Snake. The high-level strength of the Quasi-Tianwang is probably several times higher than that of Musashi's. It can't be compared at all.

Tianlin glanced at this opposing battlefield. It was similar to the Liuli Gymnasium in the Fengyuan area. The water surface and the land each occupy half of it. The layout is exquisite and the setting is reasonable.

And if there is water, it means that Xiaoji has a high probability of having a water-type Pokémon.

"Then the first battle is up to you, go, King Nido!"

One of the one that Tian Lin called back from Dr. Damu before was this King Nido. King Nido's current strength is the peak of the quasi-king, and there is absolutely no problem with dealing with poisonous snakes.

"Okay, King Nido has the compound attribute of the ground poisoning system. Not only is he not afraid of the poisonous trick of the Rice Spoon Snake, but its ground-based skills can also bring heavy damage to the Rice Spoon Snake." Seeing the treasure used by Tianlin In a dream, Xiao Sheng's performance was even more confident than Tian Lin's.

"Hmph, what about the attribute advantage, the rice spoon snake in the big sister's head is completely different from the ordinary rice spoon snake." Xiaoji disdainfully said, she seems to be the type of blind confidence in her big sister head.

"Let me test it out first, King Nido, use a horn!"

"The rice spoon snake uses its poisonous tail!"

Xiaoji, this rice spoon snake, has an extremely sharp tail and great strength. Even if it is not inferior to King Nido, who is the amazing power of Heavenly Lin, it can be seen how excellent Xiaoji has cultivated it.

"Is it comparable in terms of strength? It is indeed the Pokémon of the pioneering brain!" Tian Lin gradually became excited, "King Nido, this time, use a jet of flame!"

The raging flames sprayed towards the Snake, but Xiao Ji did not have any defensive or evasive action.

"The rice spoon snake, rush directly into the flames and bite!"

This was an instruction that made people's scalp numb, and the Snake Rice Spoon didn't care about the burning of the flame, and charged towards King Nido while bearing the pillar of fire.

Then he opened his mouth to bite King Nido's arm, and the incomparably sharp red fangs brought great pain to King Nido.

"Nido!" King Nido couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Rice spoon snake, use the poisonous tail below!" Xiaoji chased after the victory, and the poisonous tail hit King Nido's chest and dealt him damage again, but King Nido, who is very resistant to poison-related skills, is not very afraid of this move. .

"King Nido, counterattacked, using [*] volts!"

"The rice spoon snake, shoot flames!"

Xiao Ji still did not dodge, but blocked the lightning with the flames.

This courageous fighting method perfectly implements the characteristic that attack is the best defense. Tianlin's mouth is slightly raised. No wonder Yahida said that Xiaoji's fighting method must be very familiar to him.

Isn't it, this is simply the female version of Xiaozhi.

"But this fighting method, I am too familiar with it, King Nido, use the power of the earth!"

King Nido punched the ground, and the waves of the earth spread to the Snake's body along with King Nido's strength. This is a ground-based skill, and the threat to Snake is extremely huge.

"Rice Spoon Snake, use your bluff!" Xiao Ji was even tougher than Tian Lin thought, and she didn't flinch even in the face of ground-based skills.

Rice Spoon Snake was severely injured and forcibly undermined the power of the earth, and then bluffed towards King Nido, which completely angered King Nido, causing his physical attack power to increase greatly, but at the same time he fell into a state of confusion.

Xiao Ji smiled slightly, she had already discovered that compared to the physical attack power, King Nido of Tianlin was obviously inclined to special attack type, so the increased physical attack did not help King Nido much, but because he was in chaos, If you attack yourself from time to time, this attack power will have the opposite effect.

"Then use this trick, punishment!"

The joint attack from Xiaoji, the basic power of punishment is not high, it is probably similar to bite, but there is another feature of this move, that is, according to the change of ability, the greater the strength of the opponent, the greater the power of this move 0 ........

Because of his bluff, King Nido increased his physical attack by two levels. At this time, the power of this punishment was increased, which was comparable to the earthquake trick.

"Not only strength, but also wisdom?" Tian Lin nodded, if Xiao Ji just blindly attacked, it would definitely not work, but now it seems that she is both intelligent and brave.

"But I can't be defeated so easily, King Nido, use a super horn attack!" Tian Lin shouted loudly, since the opponent has improved his physical attack by two levels, there is no need for it.

It is true that his own King Nido is better at special attacks, but that does not mean that his physical attack is weak. Anyone who underestimates the melee ability of King Nido will suffer.

Moreover, Tianlin has confidence in his bond with King Nido, and it will not completely fail to hear his own instructions due to confusion.

"Nido!" King Nido shouted, successfully hitting the punishment of the spoon snake with a super horn.

Even if the punishment is multiplied by its power, it is an evil skill after all, and it can only be avoided when encountering the biggest skill of the insect system.

'Bang' the Rice Spoon Snake was hit by King Nido and flew halfway across the field, and fell to Xiao Ji's own feet.

If it weren't for the fact that Xiao Ji increased King Nido's attack power, I'm afraid it still can't hit such a powerful blow, Xiao Ji is clever but was mistaken by wisdom.

"The Rice Spoon Snake is incapacitated, and King Nido wins!"

"How come, 4.0 eldest sister-in-law Snake actually lost?" The little thorn, who was dragged, watched this scene in astonishment. She really underestimated Tianlin, a formidable challenger.

"Come back, Rice Spoon Snake." Xiao Ji took back the Rice Spoon Snake and threw the second Poke Ball, "Minas, you will fight this battle next."

As Tian Lin expected, Xiao Ji really has a water-type Pokémon, and she is also Minas, which is not easy to deal with. She seems to have a high degree of compatibility with snake-type Pokémon.

"Come back, King Nido!" Tian Lin also took King Nido back. After all, it would be too unfavorable to fight if the chaotic state is not resolved. "I'll ask you now, Reib!"

The second one that Tianlin recalled, Leibu, he was fighting according to his attributes today.

Chapter six hundred and thirteen a symbol of one-hit kill luck

"It's the electrical department again, I wonder how your Reib is compared to Ash's Pikachu?"

Just two days ago, Minas, whom Xiao Ji was proud of, was actually defeated by a little Pikachu. Today, she was very happy to see Reibu, who is also an electrical department, and couldn't wait to see it. Shame before the snow.

"Preemptive strike, Leibu, use thunder!" Tian Lin was not affected by Xiao Ji, and launched an attack calmly.

"Minas, freeze the light!" Xiao Ji's Pokémon has no defensive or evasive moves, so attacking and attacking is her biggest and only way to fight.

The strength of the two sides and the power of the ultimate move are equal, so this blow is no different.

"It seems that the power of this Reib is not as good as that of that Pikachu!" Xiao Ji judged, knowing that the light of her Minas was almost instantly pushed back by Pishen the day before yesterday.

As for Xiao Ji's words, Tian Lin did not refute it. If it was a normal Pikachu, he would not be able to catch up with Reib. However, Xiao Zhi's skin god is too abnormal. Purely in terms of electricity, Reib is indeed inferior to it, but that 08 does not mean that Reib is weaker than Pishen, and at the same time as the peak of the quasi-king, it still has places where it does not lose to or even surpasses Pishen.

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