Tianlin clenched his fists, "Very good, this should be no problem!"

Just when he was happy, another thunder and lightning fell in the sky, and the flames that finally disappeared began to burn again, and they were even bigger than before.

"Damn, Minas, Latias, you continue to support the water-based tricks, come out, Dodo!" Tianlin released Shanaido. Since the fire is temporarily out of control, he plans to focus on rescuing Pokémon first. "Duoduo, use teleportation with me to rescue the grass-type and insect-type Pokémon one by one. As long as they are released, the rock-type Pokémon can forcibly escape with their own powerful strength."

Tian Lin calmly gave orders. In fact, he was also very flustered, but the more this happened, the more he could not express his anxiety as a trainer. what do we do.

"Duoduo, mega evolution!"

In order to speed up the rescue efficiency, Tianlin made Shanaido carry out super-evolution, one person and one pet kept using teleportation, so that the insect-type and grass-type Pokémon gradually got out of the fire range.

Shanai Duo is okay. As a super power-type Pokémon, it has strong mental power, and Tianlin is only a human being. Such frequent teleportation has gradually overdrawn his spirit. The reason why he is still insisting is just because of Pokémon. They are not out of the woods yet.

In the flames, a walking grass was too scared to move. Judging from its small size, I was afraid that it was a baby that had not been born for a long time. After experiencing such a terrible thing at birth, Tianlin couldn't help feeling distressed and gently stroked it. Walking grass head, said gently, "Don't be afraid, I'll take you out now!"

Tianlin used super powers and planned to leave by teleportation, but what he didn't expect was that because his mental power reached the limit, he could no longer use any power at this time.

At this time, a big tree fell down, and the direction of the fall was exactly where the walking grass was. At this moment, Tian Lin had no other choice but to rush over and hold the walking grass in his arms, intending to block the giant tree with his body.

At the critical moment, countless thorns suddenly grew on the trees, not only entangled the giant tree that was about to fall, but these thorns were not afraid of fire, covering all the flames, and the forest fire gradually extinguished under the thorn forest.

In the sky, an emerald green figure floated, and it was obvious that it was the one who summoned those thorns.

"Shirabi!" Tianlin recognized the identity of the figure, the god of the forest, Shirabi, but unfortunately he didn't have time to come forward to communicate with it, so he fell directly to the ground and passed out because of the exhaustion of mental power. .

Chapter [*] Pokémon Ranger

"That power, could it be Shirabi? And it's actually in the Kanto region!" In Team Rocket's secret room, Shadow's face was excited. He coveted the power of Time Ripple for a day or two, so he sent Bishas there. When the Lake of Life was captured, Rabbi, but unfortunately Bishas was defeated by Tianlin.

Since then, he has no longer sensed Shirabi's aura. That's because Shirabi was subdued by Tianlin's gs ball. With the help of the power of Ho-wang and Lugia, Shirabi's aura would not be able to. spread out again.

And this time, it should be another wild Shirabi, and I don't know when it came across the long river. When it appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the shadow.

So, the shadow immediately launched an action, he could not shoot himself, but in the Rockets, not only Bishas, ​​he had already subdued other people to be his minions.

The day after the storm, the sky cleared up, and I saw a beautiful rainbow like a seven-colored bridge in the sky. It was very beautiful. If it weren't for the charred trees on the ground, it would be hard to imagine that a huge disaster almost happened here yesterday- Disaster.

"Headquarters, I'm Hinata. I've come to the depths of the forest. It looks like a fire has indeed occurred here. I haven't found any traces of Rabbi. Please give instructions!" A woman in a red uniform reported the situation with a walkie-talkie in her hand. Standing there was a cute positive electric pat, and the thing on her waist, if Tian Lin saw it, he would definitely recognize it, it was a hunting-vernier.

It turns out that this woman is a Pokémon ranger.

The so-called rangers are different from regular trainers. They do not use Pokeballs to conquer Pokemon, but use hunting cursors to temporarily communicate with wild Pokemon, so as to use their power to resolve various conflicts and protect them. Nature, and even fighting against evil organizations, is an amazing profession.

"Hyuga, I need to trouble you to continue searching. Yesterday our instrument did detect the presence of Shirabi, and its energy is very unstable. I'm afraid he was injured. Shirabi has the unique power to grasp the time ripple. There are many people who covet this power, and we must not let people hurt it while Rabbi is injured, understand?" A male voice came from the walkie-talkie, which seemed to be the boss of this woman named Hinata.

"Yes, bet on the name of the Pokémon ranger, you must protect the rabbi!" Hinata, a passionate girl, replied immediately.

Hyuga ran towards the depths of the forest, and after a while, she came to a forest of thorns, which was specially created by Shirabi yesterday to protect these Pokémon.


As a Pokémon forest ranger, Hyuga's eyes were not bad, and he instantly discovered that someone was lying in the middle of the thorn forest, and a large group of Pokémon surrounded him, as if to protect him.

Hinata took out the hunting cursor and swept around the wild Pokémon around, until he saw three straight bears, "You are the only ones who can use Iai Slash and Cleave here."

Soon, she chose a wild Pokémon that could assist her, and saw her holding the hunting cursor for a while, shooting a hunting butterfly like a spinning top, and began to rotate around the three straight bears. After several laps , the white light melted into the body of the bear.

The expressions of the three straight bears changed, and they all ran to Hyuga to wait for her order.

"After hunting, go straight to the bear, use split, positive electric pat, and use help!"

It turned out that the positive electric pat she was carrying was not used for fighting, but to assist the hunted Pokémon to increase the power of their ultimate move. The fastest speed ran to Tianlin.


"Ice and Snow!"

Suddenly, a leather belt with a snow dragon stood in front of her. It was Tianlin's Pokémon. When Tianlin was asleep, they did not allow outsiders to approach him casually. What if it was a bad guy? manage?

"Pippi, and Ice Snow Dragon, are you that person's Pokémon? He seems to be injured, don't worry, I'm a Pokémon ranger, not a bad person, I have medicine on me, let me see him Right." Hinata said.

Pippi was more wary of humans and wanted to stop it, but Minas stopped it. As a loving Pokémon, it could indeed feel that the woman on the opposite side was not malicious.

Pippi still trusted the big sister Minas, so she took the initiative to make way.

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Hyuga walked over and checked Tianlin's body, but it made her very strange.

"Strange, there is no trace of trauma on this person, why is he unconscious?"

"Shanai!" Shanaido stretched out her finger and pointed at the center of Hyuga's eyebrows, and then used her super power to transfer the picture of Tianlin's desperate rescue of Pokémon last night into her mind, answering her doubts.

It turned out that Tian Lin was not injured, but overused his super powers to cause mental overdraft, so he was in a coma like this.

"It's so admirable!" Hinata looked at Tian Lin with reverence, and how many people could do it so wholeheartedly for an innocent Pokémon they didn't know.

Suddenly she remembered something, because in the picture just now, the Pokémon that finally rescued Tianlin was the forest god she was looking for, Shirabi.


"So, Shirabi is also near here?" Hyuga stood up and looked around. Finally, deeper in the thorn forest, she found Shirabi who was also mentally weak due to excessive use of strength.

"Headquarters, this is Hinata. Rabbi has been found. It is mentally weak now, but I observed that it is not serious, as long as it takes a good rest for a while, it can recover." Hinata immediately reported the situation to the forest ranger headquarters.

"Very good, Hyuga, you have to protect Shirabi. I'm rushing over now. I just received the news that the Rockets seem to be moving towards you. Their target must be Shirabi. be careful."

A man with yellow hair was standing on a big bird and flew towards the forest quickly. His costume was somewhat similar to that of Hinata. It could be seen that he was also a Pokémon ranger, but his status was even higher. He was the original book. The forest ranger who appeared in Prince of the Sea is named Jack Wokka.

"Okay, I know, I will be careful, Ajie, the Rockets may have to ask you, I am not their opponent!" Hyuga was a little worried, although she was a very confident girl, she was young after all, and wanted a When people deal with the Rockets, she admits that she doesn't have that ability.

After finishing the communication, Hyuga took Shirabi out and put it next to Tianlin, so that she could easily take care of them at the same time.

Chapter [*] Ramda Arrives

In the morning, Hyuga was still sleeping on the side, and suddenly heard a cry.

"Rabbi, Rabbi!"

It turned out that the rabbi had recovered and was flying happily in the air.And it also took back all the thorn forests it made, and the forest returned to its original appearance.

"Great, Shirabi, you've finally recovered!" Hinata was quite happy, as long as Shirabi could leave safely, her mission would be complete.

However, there is still a trouble here. Hyuga looked at Tian Lin who was still in a drowsy state. As a forest ranger, she couldn't let it go.

"It's really strange. Shirabi has recovered. No matter how serious your mental energy consumption is, you won't fall asleep until now, right?"

In fact, her worries are unnecessary. Tianlin is not only all right now, but his mental power is growing rapidly. The reason why he is still in a drowsiness is only because he has increased the upper limit of mental power too high in a "zero-two-three" tone. The recovery speed can't keep up for the time being, as long as the growth stops for a while, under the treatment of the power of Evergreen, Tian Lin can wake up very soon.

"Rabbi!" Shirabi flew to Tianlin's side, and was worried when suddenly, a mechanical tentacle flew over from the air and grabbed Shirabi at once.

"Who!" Hyuga was startled and looked up at the front.

I saw a group of men in black uniforms standing not far away. Everyone had a big "r" on their uniforms. They were all members of the Rockets, but the one in the lead was wearing a silver-white uniform. A uniform worn by the senior members of the team and even the upper echelons.

If Tian Lin was awake, he would be able to recognize the person at a glance, the last of the Rockets' four generals, Lambda.

He is one of the top team members of the Rockets who was drawn by the shadow. In fact, among the four generals, the shadow is the only one who can win over him. Lance will not betray Sakagi easily, and Apollo and Athena are Sakagi's diehard loyalists. confidant.

So greedy and despicable Lambda of course became his first choice.

"Hey hey, Shirabi, I was caught!" Lambda controlled the mechanical arm with a wretched smile, and the little evil power of the shadow attached to the arm was specially used to restrain the super-type Shirabi.

Shirabi has no strength to struggle now.

"Damn, Team Rocket, bring Shirabi back!" Hyuga yelled angrily, looking around, seeing a three-gopher, he immediately captured it with the help of a hunting cursor.

"Oh, it turns out to be a Pokemon ranger, but unfortunately it's an idiot to be the rabbi when you want to save it." Lambda said disdainfully.

"Hmph, let's talk about it after a fight. If I don't hand it back, I'll be rude, three gophers, quicksand hell!"

The three gophers moved quickly in the ground, and in an instant they came to the Rockets crowd, causing the ground to sink, and the Rockets members kept slipping and falling from the quicksand.

"It's just a wild three gophers, it's a dream to beat me, come out, stinging shellfish, use the polar beam!"

Lambda dispatched a quasi-king-level thorn shell, and with just one blow, the three gophers were knocked down, and the quicksand stopped.

"Three gophers! How could it be?" Hyuga didn't expect such a powerful person to come today, but as a forest ranger, she couldn't give up easily. She was the one who was caught in front of Shirabi and the fainted Tianlin behind her. objects that must be protected.

"Hey, who is that guy?" Lambda finally noticed the figure lying behind Hi Xiang, "Haha, isn't that the bastard named Tianlin, he seems to be injured and fainted, great opportunity, today I really I'm so lucky not only to be able to catch Shirabi, but also to get rid of this stinky boy by the way."

"Thorn shell, make an icicle crash!"

The thorn shells released countless sharp icicles, targeting Hyuga and Tianlin.

Hyuga, who was temporarily unable to hunt again, was helpless. At this moment, a hot wind suddenly came from the sky, melting all the icicles.

"Hinata, are you alright?"

A Big Bird was flying in mid-air, and the hot wind trick just now was issued by it, and there was a man standing on the Big Bird.

"Ajie!" Hyuga said in surprise, "It's great that you're finally here."

"Jack Volka, it's actually you!" Lambda recognized Applejack. After all, Applejack is a famous character among Pokémon rangers, and Team Rocket's database has long recorded him.

"One of the four generals of the Rockets, Lambda, when you put it down, Rabbi, and then immediately take your people and get out of here!" Ajie showed his domineering domineering, and didn't take Lambda into his eyes at all.

"Let me go, haha, it's up to you, even if you are a top ranger, what confidence do you have to let me go?" Lambda didn't care about Ajie's threat at all.

"Just rely on them!" Ajie opened his arms, and then five Pokémon came out of the woods, namely Rumble Rock, Nido King, Overlord Flower, Hot Monkey and Mosquito Coil Swimmer. Quasi-king stage.

As for the big bird flying in the sky, it has the amazing power of the first-level king of heaven.

Applejack, who has been working as a forest ranger for many years, has already accumulated a large number of Pokémon friends. Even if he does not capture or hunt them, when he needs help, Pokémon will still come without hesitation.

"It's amazing, he deserves to be a top ranger." Lambda's eyes are a little dignified, and this kind of strength has surpassed him. After all, his own strongest Pokémon is the peak of the king, and he can't get the king-level Pokémon. dream come.

"So, it's still too late for you to go now." Ajie said, he also knew about the four generals of the Rockets, Lambda was the weakest among them, and now his lineup is enough to scare him away.

It's a pity that he made a miscalculation. It was the former Lambda, and now he has an unimaginable hole card.

"Hahahaha!" Lambda suddenly burst into laughter, "Jack Volka, today, you will be the one who's screwed!"

"Come out, my subordinates!"

Lambda threw out five Poké Balls at the same time. Double Egg Gas, Aber Monster, Radha, Big Sparrow and Fork Bat lined up. In addition to the thorn shell just now, there were a total of six Pokémon. It ranges from the quasi-Tianwang mid-level to the quasi-Tianwang 4.0 peak.

Ajie couldn't figure it out. With such a lineup, where did Lambda come from and let out mad words with confidence.

"Two rangers, let you see the power that my great new master has bestowed on me!" Lambda bursts of black gas, and these black gas gradually spread to his six Pokémon. , they were originally only the quasi-king level, and they actually broke the order one after another.

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