It turns out that the giant marsh monster is not only accumulating power, but also compressing the two moves of water fluctuation and water tail to reach the standard of simultaneous use. It is really an excellent way to use it.

"It's right now, Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode flames!"

Immediately afterwards, the flame of the wind speed dog covered the water tornado. Not only did it not cancel each other out with the water element, but it was perfectly integrated to form a water and fire double tornado. Live power.

Hills' expression gradually became excited, "Tianlin, this is my masterpiece, the combination of positive and negative forces, the tactic that gives the opponent the greatest blow, its name is the fusion of flame and water. ."

"It's a good tactic, but it's not that easy to defeat me." Tian Lin replied calmly, and his calmness made Hills' heart shudder subconsciously.

"Minas, rush in the direction of the giant marsh monster, Xiao Duo, use the exchange venue!"

The figures of Duolongqi and Minas suddenly flickered. In an instant, the two had switched positions. Duolongqi successfully escaped, and although Minas was trapped in the fusion of fire and water, his strength was as high as the King of Heaven. It is a mid-level and very good special defense, and it has not been affected at all.

"What, the fusion of fire and water is useless!" Hills gritted his teeth, his strongest tactics had no effect on Minas at all.

That can only prove that the level of this Minas is far above his own wind speed dog and giant marsh monster.

"It's time for us to fight back, Xiao Duo, and cast a strange light on the giant marsh monster, Minas, tornado."

Due to the rapid approach of Minas just now, Duo Longqi is now in front of the giant marsh monster, and it can't dodge the strange light at a very close distance, and it quickly falls into a state of confusion.

On the other side, Minas 017 blew a tornado from the center of the body that rotated in the opposite direction of the water and fire tornado created by Hills, breaking the fusion of fire and water with the help of the completely opposite force.

Hills' strongest tactic had no effect at all.

"My strongest tactic was just cracked?" At this time, Hills seemed to be in disbelief and did not wake up.

"Mr. Hills, now is not the time for you to doubt yourself, my attack is still going on, Xiao Duo, attack the wind speed dog and the giant marsh monster at the same time, and use surfing!"

One of the biggest advantages of Dragon-type Pokémon is that it can learn tricks of various attributes. Tianlin has almost all the permanent skill machines on his body that Xiaoduo has learned over and over. In terms of the wide range of attacks, few can now surpass it. its too.

Hills finally came back to his senses, and immediately shouted, "Giant marsh monster, wind speed dog, avoid it!"

Unfortunately, this time he was very unlucky. The giant marsh monster attacked himself in chaos, and the wind speed dog was so fascinated that he couldn't move, and two Pokémon were hit by huge waves at the same time.

The giant marsh monster is a composite attribute of water and ground. The water-type trick can at least deal normal damage to it, and the fire-type wind speed dog is even more severely damaged.This blow gave Tianlin a huge advantage.

What's even more exciting is that after completing the attack, Doronki's whole body began to shine with white light.

"It's finally started!" Tian Lin's eyes were excited. After a long wait, Xiao Duo's final evolutionary moment finally arrived.

Chapter [-]: Symbol of Doron Baruto's Tactics

"It actually evolved in battle, this is a miracle beyond tactics!"

Seeing Duolongqi bathed in the light of evolution, Hills couldn't help but exclaim. He has always claimed to be a master of tactics, but there are always some trainers who can create miracles by relying on fetters and surpass their own tactics.

Obviously, Tian Lin in front of him is exactly such a character.

"Roar!" With a dragon roar, Duolongqi's final evolution, Duolong Baruto finally appeared. Its head is triangular, and there are four holes in the corners extending to the sides. The end of its tail gradually became transparent, like a ghost floating in the air, and a dragon Messiah perched in the hole in the corner of the head.

The appearance is not good-looking, but its strength is absolutely top-notch, which can be seen from the information sent by the Tianlin system.

Duolong Baruto, invisible Pokémon, dragon type plus ghost type, characteristic of constant net body, naive personality (acceleration minus special defense), height 3.5m, weight 52kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength quasi-king Peak, with skills: Dragon Wave, Dragon Arrow, Hidden Spirit Assault, Rapid Return, Strange Light, Jet Flame, [-] Volts, Surf, Raid.

Strong strength, good skill group, because he learned the dragon arrow after evolution, so Duolongqi actively chose to forget the dragon's dive, and the lightning flashed it didn't need it. Duolong Baruto's speed is all accurate. The fastest among gods.

"Mr. Hills, let you see it, Duoduo, show your speed!" After Duolongqi evolved, Tianlin's name for it also changed.

I saw Duolong Baruto's figure flashing, traversing the battlefield like a sharp arrow, and its speed was even higher than that of ordinary king-level Pokémon.

"What a terrifying speed!" Hills tried to observe Doron Qi's movements, but at this time, his eyes couldn't keep up with Doron Baruto's movement speed at all, and he couldn't catch the object, then he had more Tactics are also unavailable.

This is the so-called invincible, only fast indestructible.

"Duo Duo, use the dragon arrow~'!"

In the horn on Doron Baruto's head, two little Doron Messiahs turned into missiles and shot out.

The skill of Dragon Arrow will attack the same opponent twice in a row in a one-on-one single-play, and if it is a double-play, two opponents will attack each other once.

At this time, the two dragon arrows went straight to the wind speed dog and the giant marsh monster.

"Wind-speed dog, giant marsh monster, avoid it!" Hills ordered loudly.

It's a pity that Duolong Baruto's speed is too fast at this time. Before the wind speed dog and the giant marsh monster can judge the attack direction of the dragon arrow, they were hit by an arrow.

The giant marsh monster was okay, barely holding on, but the wind speed dog, which had just been hit hard by the surf, was hit again, and it has completely lost its ability to fight.

This means that Hills will face a super unfavorable situation of one-on-two next.

"My goal has been completed, thank you Mr. Hills, out of respect, I will show my real strength to end this game!" Tian Lin said seriously, "Minas, use the water cannon!"

"Giant swamp monster, we also use water cannons!" Even at this moment, Hills did not intend to sit still, and also took out water cannons to counterattack.

The water cannons of the two sides collided head-on, and Minas understood the meaning of what Tianlin just said. This is to make it unnecessary to keep his hands, and the strength of the king is fully activated.

The giant marsh monster's water cannon was instantly swallowed up by a larger current, and then it quickly followed in the footsteps of the wind speed dog.

"The wind speed dog, the giant marsh monster lost its ability to fight, so the winner of this game is the challenger Tianlin!"

The referee declared victory. Doron Baruto and Minas stood side by side in front of Tian Lin. Even in the face of a powerful enemy like Hills, they still performed well.

"Well done!" Tianlin was quite satisfied with the evolved Doron Baruto.

Mr. Hills applauded and came to Tianlin, "Tianlin, your strength is far superior to mine, the symbol of this tactic is yours!"

"Thank you, Mr. Hills, but I didn't come up with any good tactics in this game. I'm really sorry. Do you feel a little embarrassed?" Tian Lin was a little embarrassed. In this game, he was relying on Pokémon. The strength to win, and the tactical symbol seems somewhat inconsistent.

After hearing this, Hills smiled relieved, "You're wrong Tianlin, the symbol of tactics is not only about the trainer showing beautiful tactics, but how to decipher the opponent's tactics is also very important. In this game, You use the exchange venue and the tyrannical special defense of Minas to crack the fusion of my fire and water. This is a very brilliant performance."

"Also, in the end, the extremely powerful water cannon of Minas is also the best interpretation of the phrase "One Power Down Ten Guilds". No matter how good tactics are, they must depend on the strength of Pokémon itself. When you're older, everything becomes empty talk!"

The meaning expressed in Hills' words is very clear, Tian Lin deserves this tactical symbol.

Tian Lin no longer hesitated, and took the pioneering symbol from Hills, so that the number of symbols he got reached three.

"'" did a good job, Tianlin! "Yahida came up. He has been watching the game." After the hot-blooded girl Cucumber Fragrance, even the tactician Shils was defeated by you. Then your next challenge is to fight against the water pipe, your opponent. Will be the trainer known as the queen, Xiao Ji! "

"Queen! This is quite interesting. With this title, her strength will not be weak, right?" Tian Lin smiled.

"Of course, Xiao Ji is a very powerful trainer, and you will be very familiar with her battle style. The battle water pipe is just in front of the light red city, you go quickly, I wish you a smooth journey!"

Yahida came here today specifically to guide Tianlin, and he will continue to stay here for a while, because Xiaozhi and his party are about to arrive.

After Tianlin said goodbye to Hills and Yaxida, he continued to move towards the light red city.

Light Red City is just south of Ziyuan Town, and you can reach it by walking along the No. 12 road.

But Tianlin is not in a hurry to set off, he still has one very important thing to do.

Tianlin had already discovered when he was just fighting that Duolong Baruto's unparalleled speed and tyrannical attack power obviously surpassed the average quasi-king peak Pokémon.

According to Tian Lin's estimation, Duolong Baruto has already stepped into the heavenly king level with one foot, and Tian Lin is preparing to find a quiet place to retreat and help him step into the remaining foot.

After recovering the two Pokémon from the fierce battle at the Pokémon Center, Tian Lin left the town and went to a nearby forest to set up a campsite. This is his next practice place.

Chapter [-]: Another Rabbi of Forest Fire

A tent was erected in the depths of the forest beside Road 12, near the small lake.

Tianlin and Kanon sat at the dining table and slowly ate their lunch.

On the side, the Pokémon of Tianlin are feasting on their food.

Seeing this scene, Tian Lin smiled, "Xiaogang's recipes are really good. The Pokémon food made according to his recipe seems to have greatly increased everyone's appetite."

Tianlin is sincerely grateful to Xiaogang. For trainers, training Pokémon to become stronger is not only just by training, but how to raise them is also very important. Delicious and nutritious food is a must in daily training. few elements.

Of course, he has a more important assistant, that is, the system. Tianlin has the confidence to help Duolong Baruto break through to the level of the king in a short time, precisely because of the existence of the system.

After lunch, Tianlin called Doron Baruto aside,

"Duoduo, in the next ten days, your training volume will be very large. First of all, you should eat this first!" Tian Lin took out a potion from his arms, which was exactly what was in the Feng Yuan gift bag given by the system. limit potion.

Only Pokémon with the highest aptitude and champion-level potential can take it. After taking it, the aptitude potential will increase by one level, that is, it will become the king's aptitude with unlimited potential.

Although this acquired infinite potential is weaker than the innate one, it is not comparable to the previous one.

Doron Baruto, as a quasi-god, was a perfect fit for this potion.

It did not hesitate, and directly swallowed the potion out of trust in its master.

The products produced by the system must be high-quality products. This potion is extremely powerful, and the Pokémon does not feel any pain after taking it. However, in a moment, all the medicinal power is completely absorbed by Doron Baluto.

With the qualifications of a king, unlimited potential, development of brain power and improvement of body, Duolong Baruto will surely reach a higher peak in the future.

"It's not enough, Duoduo, next is this!" Tian Lin waved his hand and injected the Poké virus into Duolong Baruto's body, doubling his qualifications as a king. I'm afraid that at this moment Duolong Baluto's progress will be faster than Giant gold monster.

"Minas, I need to ask you later!" Tian Lin turned to Minas again and said.

Minas has experienced the Poké virus once, and it already has antibodies in its body, so even if it is close to Doron Baruto, there is no need to worry about being infected. It is the best special training object for Doron Baruto.

In the first few days, Doron Baruto was suppressed by Minas and was almost powerless to fight back, but every day he could hold on for a while longer in the hands of Minas who went all out.

On the first day, it was defeated in two minutes, on the second day, it persisted for four minutes, and on the third day in ten minutes.

It has been the seventh day now. Although it is still suppressed by Minas, it has been able to fight back and forth with it. It seems that the bottleneck that has trapped it has loosened.

One night, Tianlin was preparing to rest as usual. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden storm in the forest, and there was lightning and thunder. Tianlin's small tent could not stop such bad weather.

"It's really unpredictable!"

Tian Lin was helpless, so he could only put away the tent and planned to look around for a place to hide from the rain.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt fell in the sky and hit a towering tree. The tree fell to the ground and burned. The fire spread quickly and gradually formed a huge forest fire.

"Damn it!" Tian Lin, who was not far away, saw the blazing fire. There were countless Pokémon living in the forest. If the fire spreads, I don't know how many Pokémon will lose their homes.

"Damn, don't let it go." Tian Lin planned to stop the fire. Fortunately, the rain was not small at this time. As long as it was paired with a powerful water-type Pokémon, it should be able to prevent the spread of the fire.

When I came to the fire gathering place, there were many Pokémon trapped under the flames, and they could not break out of such a huge fire.

Especially the grass-type insect-type Pokémon, curled up, afraid of being burned by the flames, and the rock-type Pokémon had a chance to escape, but they couldn't bear to put these weak Pokémon in this way. Regardless, he protected them with his hard body. With his resistance to flames, his life would not be in danger for a while.

"It's brave and kind!" Tian Lin praised sincerely when he saw this (aiea) scene, which increased his determination to save these Pokémon even more.

"Minas, use the water cannon, Latias, surf!"

The two Heavenly King-level Pokémon shot at the same time, and the huge water cannon and ocean waves combined with the rainy weather to greatly increase their power, constantly dousing the flames.

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