"Ah, the ancient times have become ice ages." Someone in the audience shouted.

The effect of interaction came into being. Under Tianlin's deliberate guidance, they all subconsciously considered the changing process of the times.

"That's right, but it's not over yet, the times are still progressing." Tian Lin snapped his fingers with a smile, "It's dark, please close your eyes!"

The entire venue instantly darkened.

Tianlin once told the staff before he took the stage that when he said this, he would turn off all the flashing lights that illuminated him. Although the staff felt strange, since the coordinator asked for it, they didn't care. Not against the rules.

As the lights were all turned off, the closed venue fell into darkness, "It's now, Ice Snow Dragon, use electromagnetic waves!"

The ice dragon guided the electromagnetic waves into the icebergs, and in an instant, the icebergs flickered brightly, and in the darkness, it was like the bright high-rise buildings in the modern night city.

"Everyone, the era has entered the modern era again, thank you for watching." After the lights were turned on again, Tian Lin bowed slightly, and his performance was over.

"The above is the performance of Tianlin players, let us hear what the judges say."

"It's really outstanding, the Ice Dragon is the Pokémon resurrected by fossils. From ancient times, to the Ice Age and then to the present, it perfectly shows the miracle of fossil Pokémon traveling through time and space and arriving in the modern age. This is a miracle. The most suitable performance for Fossil Pokémon!" Mr. Conkenstein commented pertinently.

"I like this." Mr. Sugisa said bluntly.

Joey's focus is on the ice dragon itself, "Well, the ice dragon is very cute, and the ultimate power is also very good. Tianlin players have cultivated it very well."

The three judges' evaluations were all very good. In the end, Tianlin's score was 29.4 points, which was higher than Harry and Haruka, and the same score as Musashi.

"Brother Tianlin is worthy of being Brother Tianlin. I can't tell that he is a newcomer who has just stepped into the gorgeous competition." Xiaoyao said a little distressed. Even this was crushed.

As for the gorgeous battles that follow, it’s even more of a joke. If Tianlin doesn’t care about his gorgeous performances, he relies on the strength of his Pokémon to fight hard. In the five-minute battle time, I’m afraid that few of them will be able to survive for a while. Minutes, most of them will be knocked out by instant technology.

"Damn, and taller than me, the Evergreen Conference is also, this time again, what a bastard." Harry roared unwillingly, although the top eight of this conference can participate in the second review, but losing to Tianlin is make him uncomfortable.

"Okay, the first review is over now, and now the results are to be announced. After a strict and fair review, it was these eight coordination trainers who successfully passed the first review!" Lilian guided everyone to look at the big screen .

Tianlin, Musashi, Harry, and Xiaoyao are listed in order. Interestingly, this time Tianlin and Xiaoyao were lucky to meet passers-by, while Harry and Musashi met.

Because of the relationship between Weng and her, this time there was no embarrassing scene where Musashi and Harry were relatively silent in the original book. She still used Desert Naia, and Harry used Alidos.

Although Musashi and Tian Lin were tied for the first place in the first review, she is not very good in terms of battle strength, and facing the insect-type and poison-type Alidos, the attribute disadvantage of Desert Naia is too great After a while, Musashi was beaten and retreated, not only was the score almost deducted, but the desert Naia was also on the verge of a limit.

"Haha, it's so naive to use Desert Naia in front of me, don't forget that I'm a trainer with Menggonnaia as the ace." Harry covered his mouth and laughed, "It's over, score better than me. The tall ones should disappear sooner, Alydos, Missile Needle!"

The missile needles of the continuous attack kept hitting the desert Naia, and finally knocked it down completely. Before the end of the five minutes, Harry completed the technical KO and successfully passed the first game.

Musashi was disheartened. She sacrificed so much to break into the second round of review, but she lost the first round. How could she accept this?

In this regard, Tian Lin can only sigh silently for him. Musashi is very talented in gorgeous performances. I just hope that she can strengthen her practice in battle in the future, so that she has a chance to stand out in the competition.

Chapter [*] Xiaoyao vs Harry

In the following game, Tian Lin came on the court to easily solve his opponent, and Xiaoyao and Jenny Turtle performed very well. Relying on Jenny Turtle's newly learned skills to freeze the light, they almost defeated the opponent's dumbfounded speech. flower.

Fortunately, this is a gorgeous contest, and the level of Pokémon is generally not too high, otherwise, with the current level of Jenny Turtle, it is still very prone to problems.

In the next game, Tianlin's opponent was still a passerby, and he won without any turbulence, but Xiaoyao met Harry.

"Xiaoyao, just right, let's practice with you before defeating Tianlin." Harry didn't take Xiaoyao seriously at all. He seemed to take Tianlin as his rival by default, and Xiaoyao was just him Just a stumbling block on the way forward.

"It's not that simple. It's me who wants to fight Brother Tianlin, Jenny Turtle, on the stage!" Although this Jenny Turtle usually looks timid, Xiaoyao's feeling when it is on the stage But it's very good, without a trace of tension, unlike the strong chicken or the wonderful frog seed that debuted back then.

"Go, Alydos, the ruthless king, make a face!"

After Alidos appeared, he used a spider silk to stick to the ceiling, and he swung over to show the horrible grimace of his abdomen abruptly in front of the Jenny Turtle.

Harry's performance is always full of horror. Grimace is an auxiliary skill, which usually looks very scary. With the use of Harry's Pokémon, the horror level is increased by three points. Jenny Turtle is already timid. So frightened, his legs trembled slightly.

As the trick worked, Harry got a point as soon as he came up.

"Alidos manipulates the spider silk lightning fast attack, and the way of making faces is also very tricky. Mr. Harry took the initiative when he came up." Lilian's timely commentary drove the atmosphere of the scene-.

"Jenny Turtle, don't admit defeat and use the freezing light!"

The jellyfish spewed out freezing light, but after all, it was not long after it was learned, and it seemed that it could not master it very well. Not only was it easily escaped by Alidos, but also because of the huge reaction force, the jellyfish was pushed down by itself. flew out.

Although the power of this trick is good, it is useless if it cannot be controlled.

The tortoise fell on the ground with its shell facing down, and couldn't turn it over for a while. After all, the level of this tortoise was not as high as that of Xiao Zhi, and it could use the water cannon trick to rotate like a top to restore its balance.

Seeing this, Harry laughed complacently, "Haha, what a pity, if you are using a strong chicken with the flame attribute, maybe you still have a little chance of winning, Alidos, and then use the spinning trick!"

Alidos climbed to the ceiling and tied the turtle with spinning silk.

"Then, I'll continue to show my glamour gorgeously, Alidos, and the whole venue is covered with cobwebs."

Alidos continued to spit out silk threads, and the entire venue was instantly covered with cobwebs.

"Wow, Alidos used a cobweb trick to transform the entire venue into a different world." Miss Lilian admired Harry's gorgeous performance.

Indeed, Harry showed the characteristics of Spider-type Pokémon to the fullest, which allowed him to get a very high score. At this time, Harry was close to a perfect score, and Xiaoyao's score had been deducted by more than half.

"I'm going to embarrass you even more, Alidos, throw the jenny out!"

The jenny turtle was thrown into the cobweb by Alidos, and then Alidos crawls quickly on the cobweb, like a spider catching prey, and quickly rushes to the jenny turtle with a suicide attack. Once it hits, the game will be divided. negative.

"What should I do, the freezing light can't be controlled now, the reaction force is too great." Xiaoyao was helpless for a while, watching Alidos rushing fast, she had given up a little, "Damn, I obviously want to be with Brother Tianlin. The final stage fight."

"That's right!" Xiaoyao had a flash of inspiration, remembering a game Tianlin played at the Fengyuan Alliance Conference, and the desert dragonfly won the game with the help of the side effects of the meteor swarm, "Who said side effects can't be used, Jenny Turtle, use the freezing light!"

The Jenny Turtle used all his strength to use the freezing light. Its body was weak, and it was impossible to control such a powerful trick, but it was because of this powerful force that it broke through the shackles of the spider web with the help of recoil and fell onto the stage.

Not only that, Ou Huangyao's luck also broke out, and the freezing light successfully frozen Alidos. If there is no specific trick to the frozen state, it is not so easy to relieve.

"Good job, Jenny Turtle!" Xiaoyao successfully resolved the crisis, and because Alidos fell into a frozen state, the situation began to favor Xiaoyao.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Jenny Turtle, make bubbles!"

The jenny turtle first used bubbles to break the ice, which severely injured Alidos. Alidos wanted to fight back, but unfortunately now all its spider silk has frozen into ice, because it slipped and couldn't organize its movements smoothly. , As a result, he was hit by the jenny turtle and flew out and fell to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

With her three-movement attack, Xiaoyao's technique ko won. In fact, she was a bit lucky to win. If the freezing light just didn't trigger the freezing state, then the game would be difficult because of her big disadvantage at the beginning. Back to heaven.

"I'm so pissed that I lost because of luck, Alidos, it doesn't matter, next time, I will take back your name of the ruthless king!"

0. 0

Harry walked out of the venue unwillingly, and in front of him was Tian Lin who was waiting for the final stage showdown.

"Hmph, Tianlin, I'll let you go this time, but next time I'll get it all back."

Tianlin ignored Harry's complaints, and instead encouraged him, "You played very well, Mr. Harry, it's a pity that I can't play against you this time. Please continue to work hard in the future!"

"You?" Harry was a little surprised that Tian Lin would say such encouraging words to him.

"In this game, not only did you play aboveboard, but the whole game was almost under your control. Your Alydos' control over the spider web is really superb. In a frozen state with a probability, you will definitely win, which is a pity, next time, please use it to fight me too!" Tian Lin turned his head and smiled heartily.

Seeing such a smile, Harry couldn't express his anger at this time. After all, when the audience was cheering and celebrating Xiaoyao's victory, the only one who came to encourage him was the one he had always been hostile to. archenemy.Strangely, not only did he not feel any discomfort, but instead he had a sense of satisfaction from being recognized by his old enemy.

In the end, Harry reluctantly sighed, "You guy, you are really a nasty good guy, completely opposite to my personality, I know, when I train Alidos stronger, I will let you taste it too. Taste the power of its cobwebs, goodbye." Jin.

Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety-third Obtaining the Golden Ribbon Medal

"Okay, the Pokémon Gorgeous Tournament Golden Conference, finally ushered in the last game, betting on the golden ribbon medal, the two trainers who stood on the final stage are these two..."

"From a desperate situation where nothing can be done, Xiaoyao, a player who has achieved good results in the large-scale festival of Fengyuan, and a genius who shocked the whole league, recently entered the gorgeous competition, but the strong Tianlin player."

"Which one of them will win?" Miss Lilian's introduction aroused the interest of everyone present. It sounded that the two trainers were very complicated.

"Brother Tianlin, I can finally have a fight with you on the official stage. I won't be polite. Come on the stage, Jenny Turtle." Xiaoyao seemed extremely serious at this time, and she learned a lot of skills. Since Tianlin, this is a good opportunity for Tianlin to test her grades.

"Little "Zero One Zero" Yao, you can use the little jenny turtle you just acquired to get here, your progress is already obvious. In the next game, I won't let out a little water, please, Ice Snow Dragon!"

Jenny Turtle vs Ice Snow Dragon, these two are Pokémon that the two have recently captured, so it can be considered a fair fight.

However, in the face of the ice dragon of the rock system, the jenny turtle of the water system has a slight advantage.

"Okay, to deal with rock-type Pokémon, you should use the water-type trick, Jenny turtle, water gun!"

Looking at the water pistol coming from the lasing, Tian Lin was not afraid at all, "Ice Snow Dragon, mirror reflection!"

After the water gun hit the ice dragon, it almost doubled in size and was ejected back. Before the jenny came back to his senses, it was swept away by the water flow that was comparable to the water cannon. Because of the rock system, the ice dragon received no damage. Small, and precisely because of this, the damage of the Jenny Turtle being bounced back is even greater.

"Jenny Turtle!" Xiaoyao cried worriedly.

Jenny Turtle stood up swayingly, its strength was still very weak, and the blow just now almost wiped out all its physical strength.

"Oops, there's a mirror reflection, so the Jenny Turtle can't make any moves at will, most of its skills are all special attack moves, I remember the only physical attack move is collision, but this move is nothing to Frozen Dragon at all. It hurts." Xiao Sheng frowned worriedly.

Although he admires Tianlin very much, at the critical moment, he still prefers his sister.

"It seems that it is impossible to defeat the ice dragon, so I will do a gorgeous performance." Xiaoyao immediately changed his tactics. It is not necessary to really defeat the opponent in a gorgeous battle, as long as he works hard to deduct the opponent's points in five minutes, You can still win, Xiaoyao just wants to pass this point.

"Jenny Turtle, make rainbow bubbles!"

It turned out that Xiaoyao got inspiration from the bubbles that the jenny turtle took the initiative to spray during the stage test yesterday, reduced the number of bubbles, increased the area of ​​the bubbles, and sprayed different bubbles to different colors under the flash.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, colorful bubbles floated in the center of the venue, which looked beautiful.Tian Lin's score began to drop.

"Xiaoyao, it's a good idea, but unfortunately you seem to have missed something."

Tian Lin's voice fell, and suddenly, a 'bang, bang, bang' sounded in the venue, and all the bubbles shattered in an instant.

"What?" Xiaoyao was shocked. She tested it when she went back yesterday. The bubble should last for a while. At this moment, a small ice crystal landed on her face, and she remembered, Because of the Snow Dragon, there is hail in the venue. These hailstones can even attack Pokémon, not to mention those bubbles, which will be broken as soon as they are smashed by the hailstones.

When the performance failed, she deducted more points than Tianlin.

"Ice Snow Dragon, use electromagnetic waves!" At this time, Tian Lin finally started to take the initiative to attack, and a blue electric current was sent from Ice Snow Dragon, hitting the jenny turtle and paralyzing it.

"Oops, it's a paralysis state, then the Jenny Turtle, use the freezing light!"

"Using ice-type skills in front of ice-type Pokémon, you are too naive, Xiaoyao, the last blow, Ice Snow Dragon, make a blizzard!"

Blizzard vs. Freezing Light, these two moves are the classic moves used by Ice-type Pokémon for the longest time. Blizzard is more powerful, but the hit rate is not too high, so many trainers will choose a more stable Freezing Light.

But for Frozen, this is not a problem at all. In the snowy weather, the little problem of the blizzard has long been erased.

In an instant, the blizzard overwhelmed the freezing light, and Xiaoyao's half of the field formed an iceberg, while the Jenny Turtle was completely frozen in the iceberg.

"What a powerful blizzard. Not only is it extremely powerful, but it is also a perfect match for this ice dragon's skills." Mr. Conkenstein greatly praised Tian Lin's battle.

Lillian ran over to watch the jenny turtle in the iceberg, and found that it had fainted. She turned around and shook her head at the three judges.  …

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