Seeing this, the three judges played a big 'x' at the same time.

"The winner is decided, Tianlin player skill ko, I announce that the winner of this golden conference is Tianlin player!"

"Mr. Conkenstein, the chairman of the conference, will award him a ribbon medal. This is Tianlin's second ribbon medal. It can be said that he is already one step ahead of most coordination trainers. If you don't want to be pulled by him. If you keep a distance, please work hard to get more ribbon medals!"

After Miss Lilian finished speaking, the enthusiastic people in Golden City cheered, and they were all impressed by Tianlin's strength.

In the Golden City Hospital at this time, Xiao Shun was also watching TV.

"As expected of Tianlin, this strength is really amazing." He clenched his fists, a little excited, "I really hope my injury will heal soon, I can't wait to fight him!"

With the end of the competition, everyone left the venue. Although Xiaoyao lost, he was not unwilling, and there was nothing he could do if he was not as skilled. It was just that Tianlin had two ribbons, and she didn't have any of them. Some are not reconciled.

"Sister, don't worry, I just checked. In three days, there will also be a gorgeous competition in Yuhong City near Golden City. Now we can rush to it right away." Xiao Sheng said after consulting the navigator. .

"That's great, Xiaoyao, then let's hurry up on 4.0, this time we must get the ribbon medal!" Xiaozhi encouraged immediately.

"But..." Xiaoyao was a little hesitant. Xiaozhi's goal was to fight the arena, which was opposite to Yuhong City. Originally, they didn't plan to go to that city. Would you like to change the route for her?

"I have no problem, you can challenge the development zone anytime, but you can't miss the gorgeous competition!" Xiaozhi saw Xiaoyao's entanglement and didn't care.

"Well, thank you Xiaozhi!" Xiaoyao also decided not to let down the kindness of his friends, so they went to the hospital to pick up Xiaogang first, Xiaoshu's injury is no longer serious, and he can be discharged after staying for a day or two. Now, he also very much agrees with Xiaoyao going to Yuhong City to challenge.

On the same day, Xiao Zhi and his party took the time to set off, and Tian Lin did not go directly to the battle arena after saying goodbye to them. He first sent Na Zi back to the Golden Gym.

Chapter five hundred and ninety fourth gently kiss goodbye to Na Zi

Taking Nazi back to the Golden Temple, because of the impending separation, Nazi, who is usually aloof and cold, couldn't hold back her reluctance. On the way, she walked with Tianlin's arm on her back.

When they returned to the gym, seeing such a close relationship, the apprentices in the gym suddenly showed angry and jealous eyes. If eyes could kill, Tian Lin must have been slashed by a thousand swords at this moment.

Nazi's popularity in the Golden Temple is similar to that of Sundae in the academy. She is the goddess in the minds of these apprentices. Tianlin has made a group of teenagers who are just beginning to lose their enthusiasm for life.

"Tianlin, it's a rare visit, so don't be polite. Try the dishes made by my aunt. Nazi likes my dishes the most since she was a child. I believe you will also love the taste."

As soon as he came to Nazi's house, the beautiful middle-aged woman in front of him welcomed him excitedly. She looked 7 points similar to Nazi, and she was the biological mother who was turned into a doll by Nazi who was autistic.

After learning that Tianlin and Nazi had an ambiguous relationship, not only was she not angry at all, but she was instantly conquered by Tianlin's handsome and sunny appearance.

08 However, the excessive enthusiasm made Tian Lin a little restless, especially when the man who was the most murderous to him in the gym was sitting next to him.

Na Zi's father looked jealously at Tian Lin surrounded by Na Zi and her mother, his wife's enthusiasm, and his daughter's attachment, all of which should have belonged to him, but now they have been snatched away by this bastard.

"Husband, don't sit still, go and clean up a room for Tianlin. Don't forget that Tianlin is our big benefactor. If it weren't for him, would Nazi be so cheerful?" Nazi's mother really knows her husband too well. Virtue, my daughter controls one, and now I eat Tianlin vinegar again.

"Auntie, no need, I'm leaving in the afternoon. I don't have enough time for this journey. I want to finish the challenge to the Battle Frontier before the next Alliance Conference opens, so I won't stay any more today." Tian Lin interrupted.

When Nazi's father heard the words, he was very happy, "Yes, my wife, as a top trainer, there are so many things to do, so we can't force them to stay."

"Let's go quickly, if I don't leave, my precious wife and precious daughter will be taken away." Nazi's father thought to himself.

If Nazi knew her father's thoughts, she might be angry and turn her father into a baby for a while. After all, before she fulfilled her own ideals, she didn't have much time with Tianlin now, so even if She cherishes a little time.

After lunch, Tian Lin wanted to leave, but when he saw Na Zi's reluctant eyes, his heart softened, so he decided to stay with Na Zi for a while.

Nazi happily took Tianlin for a walk. This was a date for the two of them. Canon was also very sensible and stayed in the Poké Ball and didn't come out to disturb him.

Shopping for clothes in the mall, eating ice cream in the park, and riding the roller coaster in the amusement park. Accompanied by Tianlin, this was Nazi's happiest day. When she was autistic, she had never felt such happiness.

It wasn't until the evening that the two returned to the gym. This time he really should leave. It was originally agreed for a while, but it turned into an afternoon. Tian Lin was worried that if he didn't leave again, he would be more and more reluctant to leave.

"Tianlin, be careful on the road. Although I know you are very strong, don't let yourself be in danger all the time." Nazi tidying up Tianlin's collar, like a wife sending her husband on a business trip, tirelessly admonishing .

"Well, Nazi, don't worry, you have to do your best in the battle of the king, I will always support you."

Tian Lin looked at Na Zi's face. Under the setting sun, she looked more and more beautiful. Tian Lin was also a normal man. He couldn't stand the temptation of beauty for a while, so he gently leaned his head over, this time he kissed not Forehead, but Na Zi's somewhat cold thin lips.

Na Zi's body trembled, a little shy, but she didn't push Tian Lin away.

For a long time, the lips were separated. For Na Zi and Tian Lin, this was their first kiss, and the two were in love with each other. There was no regret in this kiss under the sunset.

"I'm leaving!" Tian Lin smiled softly, turned and left the gym.

Tian Lin's back gradually faded away, while Na Zi was standing there, reluctant to turn around.At this time, a man who was hiding behind the window and kept watching sighed, "Alas! Nazi has finally reached this age, this stinky boy, actually kidnapped my baby like this."

"You, it's not good to be so reluctant to give up your daughter. Nazi has grown up, and she has to move towards the Four Heavenly Kings. She can become so outstanding. I dare to say that the credit of this young man is greater than yours." The woman behind him said.

They are Nazi's parents.

"I know, I don't hate this kid, but I just think that Nazi, who has been relying on her father since childhood, will become another man, and I suddenly feel a little sad." Nazi's father sobbed.

"Your daughter, there's no time for you to be sad now, Nazi will retreat again tomorrow to prepare for the Heavenly King Battle. You have to shoulder the responsibility of the gym first for her. Before she really gets married, your father is still something works."

"Well, I see, hehe, wife, I suddenly thought of a way, since I really don't want Nazi to marry, why don't we give birth to a sister for Nazi tonight, so that I will have a little padded jacket in the future. It's gone!"

Nazi's mother blushed when she heard the words, and couldn't help but give her husband a blank look, "You old man, what are you talking about before it's dark?"

Nazi's father understood, he couldn't say it before it was dark, but he could say it when it was dark. It seems that he has to work hard today to get a new one before Nazi gets married. Small jacket.

After all, for the daughter control, the days without her daughter are no different from hell.

On the other hand, after Tianlin left the gym, he went to the Pokemon Center and contacted Dr. Damu. The battle arena is a fighting-type battle facility, so he needs to replace the Pokemon for the challenge first.

"Dr. Damu, please send the martial arts bear master to me, I will use it to challenge the battle arena."

"Isn't the martial arts bear master, I know, I will send it to you now, you want to compare it with Cucumber Fragrance, it's a good decision, come on!"

Dr. Damu quickly completed the teleportation, and everything was ready. Tian Lin was on his way overnight, and when he was tired, he just found an open space for camping.

It didn't take long for him to come to the gate of the battle arena, and the challenge of the second battle facility was finally coming.

Chapter [*] Battle Arena vs Cucumber Fragrance

"Is anyone there? I'm here to challenge the Battle Arena."

Tian Lin stepped forward and knocked on the door, the door slowly opened, and a man and a woman walked out. The man was Yahida. He pinpointed the timing of Tianlin's arrival and waited in advance. It could be seen that he really Great importance is attached to the challenge process of Tianlin's battle development area.

The other woman, with short yellow hair and a martial arts uniform, looked neat and tidy, exuding a fierce aura unique to a fighting-type trainer. She must be the pioneering brain of this combat facility.

"Hey, Tianlin, I figured that you should be here. Let me introduce to you. This is the leader of the battle arena, the passionate fighting girl Miss Cucumber Xiang."

Cucumber Xiang took a step forward and looked at Tian Lin with awe, "Hello, I am Cucumber Xiang, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

She has long known about Tianlin's deeds. For this day, she has undergone arduous special training during this time, and now her strength has increased a lot.

"Miss Cucumber Fragrance, I've been looking forward to it for a long time, so please give me more advice today." Tian Lin's fighting spirit is also not low.

"Very well, don't be polite, let the horses come over, Tianlin!" Cucumber Xiang officially declared war, and ordered to the disciple, "Please get out the roulette immediately!"

A large roulette wheel popped up next to the opposing battlefield. There were many boxes on it, with numbers one, two, and three written on them.

"Tianlin, it's up to you to spin the roulette. The rules of this game are determined by this roulette. If you turn one, it's one-on-one, and if you turn two, it's two-versus-two. What kind of result will be up to you." Cucumber Fragrance explained.

"Is it very interesting!" Tian Lin stepped forward with a smile, pressed the button, the roulette began to spin at a high speed, and finally, it stayed in the second box.

The result came out. This time, it was a two-to-two knockout match. The one who won two games first was considered the winner.

"Now, let's start the battle between the arena master Cucumber Xiang and Zhenxin Town Tianlin!" the referee announced.

Cucumber Xiang waited for the referee to finish speaking, but she actually took out two Poke Balls, "Tianlin, the Pokémon I want to use are these two~'!"

She revealed the Pokémon she was about to use in advance. The ones that came out of the Poké Ball were Iron Palm and Charem, and they were both fighting-type Pokémon.

"It's really interesting guys, then Miss Cucumber Fragrance, I want to use them!" Tian Lin followed suit, and also threw out the Poke Ball in advance. The ones who appeared were Martial Dao Bear Master and Shanai Duo.

"Wow, is that really the martial arts bear master? It looks so strong!" Cucumber Xiang's eyes lit up. As a fighting expert, how could she have never heard of the martial arts bear master? The Lear Alliance has been around for decades.

"It seems that Miss Cucumber Fragrance seems to be very interested in my martial arts bear master, then I will let you compete with it directly, let's go into battle, martial arts bear master." Tian Lin pointed forward, martial arts bear master immediately Jump to the center of the battlefield.

"I'm so lucky to be able to fight against the legendary martial arts master Xiong, you should go too, Iron Palm Warrior!"

The cucumber-scented iron palm fighter is stronger than the average one. Using this huge Pokémon at the beginning is very powerful.

"Iron palm warrior, make a shove."

"Are you coming from the front, Martial Dao Master Bear, use split tiles!"

As soon as the two sides came up, they faced a blow. The martial arts master took three steps in a row, while the iron palm warrior retreated only a little more, five steps. It seems that in terms of strength, this iron palm warrior is only slightly inferior to the martial arts master, at least a little bit. Reached the level of a quasi-king high-level.

As expected of the battle development zone, these pioneering brains do not have any fuel-efficient lamps.

"If it is a head-to-head fight, even if the martial arts bear master can win, it will definitely be a tragic victory or even a loss, and you have to change your tactics." Tian Lin thought quickly, since this is a fighting dojo, it is time to use some fighting skills.

"Iron palm warriors, use Qi and fist!"

The hot-blooded Cucumber Fragrance continued to launch a fierce attack, and this time, she took out a more powerful fighting style. .

"Martial Master Bear, I'm coming, let's see through it!"

The martial arts master bear watched the iron palm warrior's movements with his see-through trick, and at the moment when it was closest, he dodged the attack sideways, "Very good, grab the iron palm warrior's hand now and throw him away."

Since the Iron Palm Warrior had just hit out with all his strength, his power was not recovered in time after being dodged, but instead, the martial arts bear master used its inertia to throw it to the ground, causing heavy damage.

"Don't admit defeat, Iron Palm Warrior, let's make a close fist next!"

"Martial Master Xiong, use the water flow to defend." Tian Lin continued to order calmly. The water flow is a skill that can definitely hit the enemy's key points, even if it is not used in the attack this time, the accuracy of this move still very high.

I saw that the iron palm fighters punched quickly, and every time, the martial arts master bear could use the water flow to block the opponent's punches in advance.

There is a saying that the water will flow more when the sword is drawn. The attack of the iron palm master not only did not cause any damage to the martial arts bear master, but made his fist path more and more fierce. In the end, the martial arts master bear saw a flaw and punched the iron palm with a punch. Lux's abdomen, knocking it out.

"'" The throwing skills just now, coupled with the current leverage, this is the profound meaning of softness in the profound meaning of fighting! "Cucumber Fragrance finally realized that Tian Lin didn't want to confront her head-on, and was playing the tactic of using softness to overcome rigidity.

"In the face of the profound meaning of softness, I can't fight hard, iron palm fighters, in this case, I will use the ultimate attack!" Cucumber Xiang changed his tactics. Although the attack is a physical attack, it is also a means of long-range attack. When the distance is opened, even the profound meaning of softness cannot be brought into play.

"As expected of the pioneering brain, I discovered it all at once, but it was too late, Martial Dao Master Xiong, rush over to split tiles!" Tianlin ordered.

The martial arts bear master quickly ran forward, and the shock wave of the force was split apart in an instant (good), and then a knife hit the center of the top of the iron palm fighter's head.

"Iron palm warriors lose their fighting ability, martial arts bear division wins!"

Martial Arts Master Xiong secured victory with a powerful blow.

"This is the Profound Truth of Gang!" Cucumber Fragrant said dully. At the last moment, the attack of the martial artist Xiong Shi's reckless attack was obviously a fighting method belonging to the Profound Truth of Gang.

"That's right, my combo-style martial arts bear master attribute is fighting type plus water type, its attack can be as strong as fighting type, but also continuous like water flow, it is a kind of perfect combination of hardness and softness. Profound Truth's excellent Pokémon, if you only pay attention to one of them, there is no chance of winning." Tian Lin said.

"Sure enough, then next, Charem, let's go to battle." Cucumber Xiang did not lose because of a defeat, she quickly adjusted her mentality and dispatched the ace, a quasi-king peak Charem.

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