Xiaoyao nodded, she really thought so, Xiao Shun's body hasn't recovered yet, if she goes to the conference, who will take care of him.

"Bastard!" Xiao Shun instantly became angry, "You must attend the Golden Conference, this is a rare opportunity to play against Tianlin, whether you win or lose, it will be of great benefit to you, you actually want to give up at this time! "

"But you?"

"It doesn't matter to me. Compared to this, I prefer to fight with you who have become stronger in large-scale celebrations. Don't you understand my thoughts at all?" Xiao Shun sincerely persuaded.

"What Xiao Shun said makes sense. Go to the conference. Xiao Shun is here to take care of me." Xiao Gang took the initiative to step forward and said that in terms of his ability to take care of people, he is much stronger than Xiaoyao. With him, Xiaoyao is also I can feel completely relieved, and immediately make up my mind to go to the Golden Conference.

So the group temporarily bid farewell to Xiao Shun and rushed to the conference venue to register.

Standing in front of the venue of the Golden City Gorgeous Competition, the huge venue completely attracted Xiaoyao's attention. Golden City is indeed the largest city in Kanto, and the scale of the Gorgeous Competition held here must be not small.

Xiao Shun was right, if she missed such a conference, she would definitely die of regret.

Going further inside, I found that many trainers were bringing Pokémon into the venue, which made people puzzled, "Isn't the conference starting tomorrow, why did everyone go in one by one?"

Xiaoyao couldn't help but asked, "Excuse me, can I go in now?"

"Yes, the day before the competition is the stage open day, allowing people to visit, but also to let the coordinating trainers familiarize themselves with the stage in advance." The staff replied.

It seems that the competition here is indeed very formal, and it can also allow the trainers participating in the competition to understand and adapt to the stage in advance.

Entering the venue, the staff was adjusting the lights. In the center of the stage was Miss Lilian, whom Tian Lin had met at the Evergreen Conference.

She saw three lights hit her, "Then, let's start the experiment, it's up to you, Sun Eevee!"

Lilian's Pokémon is one of the eight evolutionary types of Eevee, the super-powered Sun Eevee,

When the staff saw Sun Ibrahimovic's shining appearance, they immediately adjusted the angle of the lights to illuminate it. Under the illumination of the lights, Sun Ibrahimovic's beautiful body looked star-studded and extraordinarily gorgeous.

"So beautiful!" Xiaoyao couldn't help but admire.

"Sun Ibrahimovic, use high-speed stars!"

Sun Ibrahimovic's high-speed star is extremely fast and its shape is a perfect five-pointed star. It can be seen that it is very proficient in this trick, and Lillian's performance has not been completed, "Next, please use your mental strength. !"

With the help of the orb on his forehead, Sun Ibrahimovic exudes superpowers, and uses his mental strength to control all the stars, forming a shining aperture. At this time, Sun Ibrahimovic leaps and passes through several apertures in a row.  … ....

With a beautiful appearance, gorgeous movements, and very skilled use of tricks, Miss Lilian was not only a first-class master of ceremonies, but also an extraordinary coordination trainer.

Suddenly, the Poké Ball on Xiaoyao's body opened, and the Jenny Turtle ran out. It was attracted by the performance of Sun Ibrahimovic just now, and could no longer contain his excitement.

The Jenny Turtle ran straight to the stage, and sprayed a bunch of bubbles on the stage, which, together with the lights, turned into the colors of the rainbow, which was quite beautiful.

Lilian wasn't angry either, and picked up the jenny turtle, "You can't do this, jenny turtle."

"I'm sorry, that's just my jenny turtle!" Xiaoyao hurried over to apologize, after all, it's really rude to interrupt the performance at a critical moment.

"It's okay to visit, but you can't run on the stage!" Lilian returned the jenny turtle to Xiaoyao, and then glanced at Tianlin beside her, "I remember you are Tianlin, the last time Chang The performance of the Youth Conference was very exciting, and the shadow of the ghost and dragon really impressed me." 4.0

"Are you going to participate in this golden conference?"

"Yes, Miss Lilian." Tian Lin replied, suddenly remembering that Xiaoyao and the others didn't know her yet, so I was afraid they would regard her as Vivian, the emcee of Feng Yuan.

"Xiaoyao, Xiaozhi, I forgot to introduce you. This is Miss Lilian, the emcee of the Kanto Region Gorgeous Competition, and the younger sister of Miss Vivienne."

"It turned out to be my sister, no wonder she looks so similar." Xiao Zhi and the others were suddenly surprised.

"You jenny turtle seems to have a high fighting spirit, so let it perform to the fullest on the stage tomorrow." Lilian suggested.

Xiaoyao saw the longing look of the Jenny Turtle. Although he was a little worried that its level was not enough, he still chose to agree. After all, fulfilling the Pokémon's wish is also the duty of the trainer.

Chapter five hundred and ninetieth Harry's conspiracy

Now that you have decided to participate in the conference, you must not forget your duty as a trainer. You must first confirm the physical condition of your Pokémon. After all, not everyone has a system like Tianlin, and you can know the treasure anytime, anywhere. Dream's physical condition.

So the group rushed to the Pokémon Center and were waiting in the lobby at the moment.After a while, Miss Joy's voice came, "Guest No. 45, your Pokémon has been checked."

"Okay, thank you..." Xiaoyao ran over happily, but found that the person who pushed his Pokémon out turned out to be his old enemy, Harry.

"Ah, isn't this Xiaoyao? Long time no see, Tian Lin is here, hello." Harry greeted them warmly, uncharacteristically.

"Mr. Harry, why are you here?" Xiaoyao asked.

"I'm here to help, when my Menggonia had a fever, thanks to Miss Joy's help, seeing Miss Joy's attitude at that time, I couldn't help feeling ashamed of my past self, so I'm here , take the first step of reform."

"By the way, let me tell you a piece of information about this golden contest. The gorgeous contest here, the first round and the second round, allow the use of different Pokémon."

"Really?" Xiaoyao hesitated, not knowing whether to believe him or not.

"Sister, you can't trust him easily, maybe he's lying to you again." Xiao Sheng has learned a lot, and he is always vigilant towards Harry.

However, Miss Joy appeared at this time and helped Harry to confirm his words. Although Xiao Zhi and others did not believe Harry, they would not have doubts about Miss Joy.

"Are you guys Mr. Harry's friends? He really helped me a lot during this time."

Miss Joy went on, it felt very subtle, and now they could only believe that Harry had really changed.

"By the way, Xiaoyao, you have the pass for the Hoenn Area Gorgeous Competition. The registration deadline is at [*] o'clock tomorrow. Today you should prepare well for the Golden Conference~'!" Harry said, twisting his waist and leaving .

"Mr. Harry has really gotten better. I just suspected that he was going too far." Xiaoyao said ashamed.

Looking at the simple Xiaoyao, Tianlin smiled helplessly. It turned out that those friendly words just now were all to gain everyone's trust and pave the way for the last sentence. He immediately stepped forward and said, "Xiaoyao, now we will go to sign up immediately. ."

"Why are you in such a hurry, doesn't Mr. Harry say that the deadline will be at 11 o'clock tomorrow? I still want to train hard today." Xiaoyao puzzled.

"The most easy to believe lies are nine true and one false. Most of what Harry said just now is true, except for the last sentence, the pass of the Hoenn area cannot be used in Kanto, and the registration deadline I think It's not 11 o'clock, but earlier, as long as we can't sign up for the competition, the information he disclosed to us before is meaningless." Tian Lin analyzed.

"I knew that he wouldn't let his sister go so easily!" Xiao Sheng, as a fan of Tian Lin, let alone he was suspicious of Harry. Even if he didn't, he also unconditionally believed in Tian Lin.

"Harry's nature is not too bad, but Jie Ji will pay back, he has suffered so many losses in Xiaoyao's hands, and last time he failed miserably in my hands at the Evergreen Conference, I don't think he will give up so easily. "

Tian Lin has analyzed it to this point. The so-called "don't be afraid of [*] is just in case." To be on the safe side, Xiaoyao decided to sign up first.

Sure enough, the deadline for registration is actually 10:9. In addition, if you want to apply for a new Kanto Pass, it will take half an hour, which means that unless Xiaoyao arrives before [*]:[*] tomorrow morning, he will not be able to participate.

If Tian Lin wasn't here, she would have been tricked by Harry again.

The next day, the Golden Conference finally started. Harry looked at Tian Lin angrily. Since they successfully participated in the competition, it means that their plans have been seen through. It is undoubtedly Tianlin.

"Harry, your little tricks will never make it to the top. If you want to beat me and Xiaoyao, just show your own level!" Tian Lin walked to Harry's side and whispered.

Having read the original book, he knew that Harry's nature was actually not that evil, he was just being stingy and holding grudges.

"Hmph, you don't need to teach me a lesson. Today, even against you, I will win."

"Welcome everyone to come and challenge the Golden Conference of the Gorgeous Competition. The prize for the winner of this conference will be this, the golden ribbon medal!" Lilian walked to the center of the stage and took out the ribbon medal to be distributed at this conference.

"Then, the first round of gorgeous performances, areyouready!"

Led by Miss Lilian, the audience cheered.



"Wow, as expected of our Kanto region, the audience of the gorgeous contest here is so enthusiastic!" Xiaozhi was also infected, "'" In this case, we must also work hard to cheer for Tianlin and Xiaoyao. "

The exhibition game opened, and Harry was the first to play.He still used his favorite Pokémon, Menggonia, and his performance style was still cold and evil.

Meng Ge Naiya spilled cotton spores at the beginning, followed by the change of the spiked arm. Countless spikes grew from the body and pierced the cotton spores. At that moment, the image gave people the feeling of being cool, bad and handsome. Very in line with Meng Ge Naiya's temperament, he also got a very high score, just 29 points.

With him as the opening scene, it can be regarded as a pearl and jade in the first place, and the subsequent performances are a little unremarkable against his background, and the average score is only about 25 points.

Until Musashi, who goes by the pseudonym Musashi Bi'an, came on the stage, wearing a red dress and wearing a butterfly mask, but the Pokémon he used was Kojiro's partner, Desert Naia.

"Are you ready, Desert Naia!" The eldest sister Musashi greeted her, and she opened her arms and rushed towards Desert Naia. Desert Naia (who got it) also rushed towards her as usual to Kojiro.

One person and one pet are hugged together like this.

"Follow the whole body's performance style, and it will start to take shape at this time!" Tian Lin sighed, this scene, he just looked at it hurts, desert Naia is a cactus, with spikes all over his body.

However, everyone present was moved by this scene, and Lilian cried out with tears, "This is love, love and peace!"

Musashi endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth and ordered, "Desert Naia, just shoot missile needles into the sky like this!"

The missile needles of Naia in the desert hit the sky and collided together, turning into fireworks and scattering, which was the curtain for the performance.

Musashi scored an unexpectedly high score of 29.4, surpassing Harry's. It seems that her performance of love and peace really touched the audience and the judges.

It's a pity that she was stabbed by a spike herself, and now she has to go to the hospital to accompany Xiao Shun temporarily.

Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety-One The Changes of Tianlin's Performance Times

"Is Musashi still working hard? If she can concentrate on the gorgeous competition, she may be able to achieve something." Tianlin looked at Musashi who was carried out on a stretcher and thought, after all, not everyone can do it for victory. of.

"Okay, it's up to me, Brother Tianlin, just watch my performance here!"

Xiaoyao came to the stage, and she used the strong chicken for her performance. In fact, Tianlin felt that the strong chicken was better for the gorgeous battle later on. After all, the jenny turtle was still too tender.

However, the performance of the experienced strong chicken was enough to make people's eyes shine. Xiaoyao threw his turban, and the strong chicken blew away with a vortex of flames. The strength was kept at a level that would not let the turban fall or burn the turban. This is really rare.

Then Lizhuang Chicken folded the hood again with the sky-high fist, and threw it in the direction of Xiaoyao. Xiaoyao, who ran over, just caught it, and there seemed to be a tacit understanding between the owner and the Pokémon.

Of course, this kind of performance won't get a low score. In the end, Xiaoyao, like Harry, scored 29 points, which made Harry very unhappy, because he could never beat Xiaoyao.

"The above is Miss Xiaoyao's performance. Then, the last player to appear is Tianlin. What kind of performance will he have?"

"Ice Snow Dragon, please."


Snow Dragon stood on the stage for the first time, and small hailstones began to fall in the venue. This is its characteristic, snowfall.The characteristics of Ice-type Pokémon are vividly displayed as soon as they come up.

"Everyone, the theme of today's performance is the change of the times!" Tian Lin shouted towards the audience.

Each coordinator will have his own unique way of performing, such as Harry's cool and handsome, Xiao Shun's coldness, Musashi's full-body performance style, etc. Tianlin's characteristic is to interact with the audience, thereby To drive the atmosphere of the venue, just like the ghost and dragon shadow he showed to the audience last time.

"First of all, Ice Snow Dragon, use the original power."

The ice dragon called out countless huge rocks and smashed them onto the venue.

"The Ice Dragon is a Pokémon resurrected from a fossil. The original power represents the ancient period in which it lived. Then, the times changed. Ice Dragon, made a blizzard."

This is Frozen Dragon's new trick. Tianlin used the skill machine given by Master Ke Na in order to get Frozen Dragon into battle as soon as possible.

There is no possibility of a blizzard under the snow, and the entire venue is instantly dyed white. (aiea)

The rocks were also frozen into icebergs.

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