Under the urgency of time, he gave up running, risked a lot of mental energy, and used teleportation continuously. When he arrived, he happened to see Hunter J turning desert dragonflies and strong chickens into stones with petrified light, and The scene where Satoshi sacrifices himself to protect Pikachu.

This made him completely angry. Just when he wanted to save people, Nazi quickly saved Xiaozhi, so he changed his plan and used teleportation to suddenly appear behind J, intending to capture the thief first, the king, Solved her with 010.

"You're all right, but I still have Pokemon who hurt innocent people, and my friends. You can't leave today, Hunter J!" Tian Lin squeezed J's shoulder with a sudden force, as if he was about to break it. Her bones are average.

"Damn, who are you?"

J said angrily, she didn't wait for Tianlin to reply, she backhanded an elbow to Tianlin's abdomen, Tianlin dodged sideways, and then J held Tianlin's wrist to twist it off, her strength was very strong, almost not inferior to Tianlin Lin, helpless, Tian Lin had to let go of J's shoulders, and J took advantage of this to do backflips several times in a row, avoiding Tian Lin's shackles.

"As expected of the world's No. [*] Pokémon hunter, I didn't expect that in addition to the strength of Pokémon, your own skills are so good, much stronger than the two international thieves I have fought against." Tian Lin said.

"Hmph, Flying Dragon, shoot flames." J didn't say much, she seemed to know the villain's bad habit of dying by talking too much, and ordered the attack bluntly.

"Canon!" Tianlin shouted loudly, and Kanon transformed into Latias to block Tianlin, and then used the mist ball to completely defend against the fire-spraying attack.

"It's actually the mythical beast Latias!" J's eyes lit up, this guy is a hundred times more precious than the wind speed dog she just caught, and it will definitely sell for a good price.

"I want it!"

J raised his hand and shot a petrified light towards Latias. At this time, a superpower shield blocked the light, and Tian Lin disdainfully said, "My trainer is still there, you think you can move my Latias. s!"

"Nazi, go save the Fengsugou family, this guy J is handed over to me."

"Damn!" J was a little angry. Originally she thought it was a simple job, but there were variables one after another. The strength of Xiao Zhi's quasi-king peak had shocked her. Now two heaven-level trainers suddenly appeared. Her How could the younger brother be the opponent of the Heavenly King-level master? She guessed that this task would not be completed.

"In this case, as long as I accept this Latias, all my losses will be recovered, Dragon King Scorpion, let's go." J sent another Dragon King Scorpion, a high-level Heavenly King, intending to fight two against one.

"Is it a group fight? I'm not afraid, giant gold monster, you can go too, the ultimate shock!"

"Dragon King Scorpion, use a secret attack!"

The two Pokémon collided with each other, and the giant golden monster gave a full blow, and the Dragon King Scorpion was knocked back to the ground after breaking several trees in a row.

"What's the matter? Is this the standard? This dragon king scorpion will also bully the old man. Facing my giant gold monster, it is not up to the standard."

"Championship level!" J was shocked. She still underestimated Tianlin's strength, which was not something she could compete with. At this time, Nazi also subdued her younger brothers. The two were attacked back and forth, and she had no way out.

"Go ahead and capture it, j!" Tian Lin stepped forward and said.

"Hehe, I can't catch it, (aiea) You want to catch me like this, it's too simple to think, the flying dragon, the meteor group!"

The Flying Dragon suddenly shot a meteor swarm in the sky, but it did not attack Hudi, Latias or the giant gold monster. It was a one-vs-three, even if it was the peak of the king, it couldn't do it, let alone a giant gold monster. enough to crush it.

Its real purpose is the forest.

"Damn it!" Tian Lin, who noticed this, shouted, but unfortunately it was too late to stop it. Many bolides smashed into the forest, causing a huge fire, and countless innocent Pokémon were affected and seriously injured. .

j then jumped on the back of the Flying Dragon at this time, "this time the wind speed dog family will return it to you, we will meet again next time!"

j flew away decisively, not even caring about her own subordinates, and Tianlin did not stop her, or could not stop her, the top priority now is to rescue innocent Pokémon and put out the fire, if at this time to chase and kill j And letting the disaster expand is putting the cart before the horse.

"Latias, use surfing!" Tianlin ordered.

Latias rolled up a lot of water from the small lake on the side, and the huge waves rushed towards the forest.

Tian Lin and Na Zi looked at each other, nodded tacitly, and drank to Hu Di and the giant gold monster at the same time, "Use your mental strength!"

The two Pokémon controlled the water flow to cover the place where the fire was burning. With the efforts of the three Pokémon, the fire was finally put out.

But there are still a lot of Pokémon injured, including the Fengsugou family, Xiaoyao's strong chicken, and Xiaoshun's desert dragonfly, which are still petrified.

"Brother Tianlin, my strong chicken has become like this, what should I do?" Xiaoyao cried, she had no other choice but to ask the most reliable Tianlin here.

"Xiaoyao, don't worry, the petrochemical light is powerful, but it is not without solution, Latias, use the healing wave!"

Latias released a healing wave, and it spread around. The powerful power of the divine beast was fully manifested at this time. All the injured Pokémon nearby were healed, and the petrified Pokémon were also successfully restored.

"Lizhuang Chicken, great, you're all right, I was really worried to death just now!" Xiaoyao happily hugged Lizhuang Chicken, and finding it back is the happiest thing.

Although Xiao Shun's personality is relatively indifferent, he is also concerned about his Pokémon from the bottom of his heart. When he sees the recovery of the desert dragonfly, he casts a grateful look at Tianlin.

"Tianlin, it's fortunate that you and Nazi came in time, otherwise we would be miserable." Xiaogang said with lingering fears, Hunter J was too strong, and almost wiped them out.

"Damn, I want to become stronger, I will never lose when I see her next time." Xiao Zhi said angrily.

"Hunter j, don't worry, I won't let her go!"

Tian Lin is determined to solve her completely one day. She is too cruel. She doesn't take Pokémon or even human life at all. As long as she can achieve her goal, she will use any means. Such a person is really too dangerous.

Chapter five hundred and eighty-eighth to conquer the power of the wind speed dog evergreen

After a while, maybe it was the grandfather who called the police. Miss Junsha came with a large number of police officers, but J had already fled, and they only arrested a few of her unimportant subordinates.

Because Xiao Shun was seriously injured, in order to treat him as soon as possible, Miss Junsha called an ambulance and planned to send him directly to Golden City for treatment, which is the largest city in Kanto and has the best medical equipment.

He was injured to protect Xiaoyao, of course Xiaoyao couldn't ignore it, so Xiaozhi and his party got into the car together and went to the hospital together.

After watching Xiao Zhi and his party go away, Tian Lin turned around and said, "Then, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Catty Dog, do you have any plans? Hunter J is notoriously unscrupulous. Once she's sure I'm out of here, there's going to be a comeback."

Tian Lin is not an alarmist. The original Hunter J even dared to fight Sanshenzhu and Regichkas head-on. What motivated her was greed. Tian Lin believed that she would not really let the Fengsugou family go.

The wind speed dog looked at his children and was a little worried. If that person comes again, it is indeed not an opponent.

Tianlin smiled slightly and took the opportunity to say, "If you want, you can follow me, I will find a good place for you and your children, there are many powerful guys who can protect you, I know you like to eat sweet peaches, There are many there!"

I have to admit that he is greedy for this wind speed dog. Because of the news from the system, the strength and potential of this wind speed dog is really amazing.

Wind speed dog, legendary Pokemon, fire type, height 2.2m, weight 166kg, characteristic intimidation, stubborn character (additional attack and subtraction special attack), excellent qualification, champion-level potential, current strength is quasi-king intermediate, has skills, hot air, Speed, Flare Charge, Mad Volt, Close Combat, Wraith, Dawn Charge, Morning Light.

When Tianlin saw this wind speed dog just now, he only felt that it was beautiful in appearance and gorgeous in action. I didn't expect the skills to be so violent. Except for the speed, all the physical attack skills have reaction force, three counter injuries, one Lower your own double defense, once the battle starts, this wind speed dog is a veritable 'crazy' dog.

"Wow!" The wind speed dog lowered his head and barked reluctantly. He actually didn't want to leave the forest where he had lived for so many years, but seeing the newly born children beside him, he had to think about them too. , In the end, the wind speed dog nodded to Tianlin and agreed to join his team.

"Thank you! I promise you, I will definitely protect you." Tian Lin is very happy, in fact, even if the wind speed dog does not want to go with him, he will not ignore it completely, at least he will mobilize the police force to protect the place as a senior investigator For a while, but now the wind speed dog agreed, that is the best, after all, once and for all.

"Come to the Poké Ball, Wind Speed ​​Dogs and Catty Dogs!" Tian Lin threw out four Poké Balls in one breath, subduing them all at the same time.

Then he came to the nearby Pokémon Center. After explaining the situation to Dr. Damu, he sent the four Pokémon together with the giant gold monster back to the big wood research institute. Golden monsters are more trustworthy.

As for the wind speed dog, Tianlin does not intend to take it directly, but let it live in the backyard of the Damu Research Institute for a while. After all, it has to make sure that their new home can bring a safe and comfortable life to its children. , it can be completely at ease.

"Come on, Fengsugou, Katie dog, this is your new home in the future, don't worry, no one can hurt you here again." Dr. Damu brought Fengsugou's family to the backyard, a treasure belonging to Tianlin The realm of dreams.

One after another, the tyrannical momentum was so frightening that it did not dare to move. Originally, the Flying Dragon and Dragon King Scorpion of Hunter J were considered very tyrannical, but there are actually many auras here that do not weaken them at all.

"Everyone, this is Tianlin's newly conquered partner. It and its children were almost persecuted by bad people when they were outside. You should take good care of them in the future!" Dr. Damu greeted the Pokémon.

As the eldest brother, the Lizard King took the initiative to step forward, "Chamo... (So, you must have suffered a lot outside, don't worry, you are a family here, no one can I'll hurt you again!)"

The Lizard King has a very high status in all Pokémon of Tianlin, just like Ash's wonderful frog seed. Although he is not the strongest, he can manage the backyard in an orderly manner. With him taking the lead, one Pokémon will take the initiative to come up. Before chatting with the wind speed dog family.

The cold-hearted giant mantis, the gentle and loving Minas, the kind-hearted kangaroo, the mischievous Gengar... Tian Lin's partners took turns to greet each other.

Everyone's friendliness gradually calmed Fengsu Dog's nervous heart, and the three little Katie dogs were even more newborn calves who were not afraid of tigers, and rushed into the Pokemon pile to play.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Facing the three little cuties, let alone the already gentle Minas, even the more irritable Tyrannosaurus, Fossil Pterosaur, Banquilas or Boscordola can't make it out. A little temper.

"Well, it's all Tianlin's Pokémon, that's how it should be!" Dr. Damu nodded and left with a smile.

From now on, this is the new home of the wind speed dog and the catty dog, here, they will no longer be in the slightest danger.

In the Pokémon Center, Tian Lin was very relieved to learn what happened from Dr. Damu.Lizard King is worthy of being his initial Pokémon. No matter his temperament or strength, he is very satisfied. With it, the peace of the Pokémon in the backyard doesn't have to worry him at all.

0. 0

Everything was completely resolved, and Tian Lin, who was relaxed in one breath, suddenly reacted to all his fatigue because of the excessive use of teleportation to hurry on his way.

Tian Lin fell to his knees and gasped for breath.

"What's wrong with you, Tianlin?" Nazi asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, it's just that the super power is overused, just take a rest." Tian Lin forced a smile, he didn't want Na Zi to worry.

In order to let Tianlin rest well, they stopped rushing tonight, but found an open space for camping. Tianlin stayed in the tent and meditated cross-legged, relying on meditation to restore his spiritual power.

At this time, the system helped the third force awakened by Tianlin to function, and actually began to actively repair Tianlin's spirit. It turned out that this was a force with healing power.

"Is this the power of evergreen?"

Tian Lin finally realized what the third force in his body after the super power and the waveguide power was, the rumored power of Evergreen.

The power of evergreen is a very powerful ability. It can not only heal Pokemon, but also communicate with Pokemon. When the trainer is angry and passionate, the level of Pokemon will also change. Then increase.

It's just that Tianlin's evergreen power has just awakened, and there is only one effect of treatment at this time.

With the help of the power of Evergreen, Tianlin returned to his best state in just one night.

Na Zi was stunned. As a superpower, she knew very well that once her mental power was overdrawn, she would not get better if she didn't rest for more than a few days, but Tian Lin recovered in one night, she was a monster!towel.

Chapter five hundred and eighty-ninth return to the golden city

The few people who had completed the reply embarked on the journey again. Because Tian Lin was also a little worried about Xiao Shun's situation, he sped up the journey and rushed to the Golden City non-stop.

He and Nazi are already familiar with the road to the golden city.

Two days later, the group quickly arrived at Nazi's hometown. They did not rush to the Golden Hall or the venue where the gorgeous competition was about to be held, but went straight to the hospital.

Unlike the Pokémon Center, it is dedicated to treating humans.

After inquiring about the situation with a nurse who is not Miss Joy, I learned that Xiao Shun was recovering in the ward on the 4th floor.

When I arrived at the ward, I saw Xiao Shun who was resting on the bed, and Xiao Zhi and his party who had been taking care of him by his side for the past few days. Xiao Yao was carefully peeling an apple.

"Xiaoyao, I'm really fine. The doctor said that it was just a skin injury, and it's fine to rest for a period of "zero-one-zero"." Xiaochun was sweet and distressed. Although Xiaoyao has been meticulous to him these past few days, but The management is too strict, the food he eats must be light, and he is not allowed to walk outside, not to mention his original plan to train the Pokémon on his body to maintain the state, but Xiaoyao scolded him directly.

"No, although it is a skin injury, but the burn area is very large, you are not allowed to think about anything now, just stay with me."

"Haha, I didn't expect Xiao Shun to have today too!" Seeing Xiao Shun slumped, Tian Lin walked in with a big smile. Seeing his energetic appearance, he must be fine.

"Tianlin, you're here too." Xiaozhi stepped forward and greeted him.

"Well, the battle arena is near the golden city, and it seems that the golden competition will be held here tomorrow. I can't miss it. By the way, I will also take a look at Xiao Shun's physical condition, but looking at him, it should be fine. already."

"Thank you for coming to see me, Tianlin, unfortunately, I can't participate in this golden conference, you and Xiaoyao have to cheer!" Xiao Shun said,

"I..." Xiaoyao hesitated.

Xiao Sheng saw something and immediately asked, "Sister, don't you want to participate in this golden conference?"

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