In order to return to Chenghua City, Tianlin and his party started from Kanaz City again and passed through the Chenghua Forest. Now they are not far from Chenghua City.

Since the Ice Dragon is a newly resurrected Pokémon, Tianlin intends to let it come into contact with this world that is completely different from its time, so he did not put it back into the ball, but kept it outside like Pikachu and traveled together. .

"Come on, Ice Dragon, try this, my new Pokémon food."

Xiaogang seems to be really interested in breeding ice dragons. He has been researching all kinds of Pokémon food he likes for the past few days. At first, he was a little unsuccessful, but now, Xiaogang has completely mastered the taste buds of ice dragons.

Out of curiosity, Tianlin asked Xiaogang's recipe, which contained all kinds of beneficial tree fruits. The secret recipe prepared in the right proportion was prepared by him after many days of research.

Compared with those made by Tianlin, it is not only more delicious, but also extremely nutritious. Xiaogang has a notebook, which records various formulas he developed.

"Xiaogang, thank you very much these days. No wonder Xiaozhi's Pokémon are so healthy and strong. With a top breeder like you, it's hard to be thin." Tian Lin was a little envious, he took care of his own treasure Kai Meng, 08 thought of his own way. In terms of training Pokémon's strength, he is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

But when it comes to breeding Pokémon, it has to be said that Xiaogang, who aims to be the world's No. [*] breeder, is better than him.

"It's nothing, although it's hard to keep Pokémon, but as long as I see them growing up healthily, as a breeder, I'm very happy." Xiaogang squatted down and looked at the ice snow dragon who was eating with relish, suddenly remembered something , "By the way, Tianlin, since you have been traveling alone now, if you don't dislike it these few days, take a look at this, it will definitely help you."

What Xiaogang took out from his backpack was his notebook, which recorded many delicious and nutritious Pokémon food recipes he invented during his travels.

"Give me this? Xiaogang, this is what you carefully prepared for Xiaozhi, right? I am Xiaozhi's rival, and I was originally stronger than him. After getting this, my Pokémon will definitely become stronger. For his friend, you are advising the enemy." Tian Lin said half-jokingly.

Xiaogang shook his head and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I will invent more and better Pokémon food recipes in the future. I want to help Xiaozhi realize his dream, yes, but Tianlin, you are not an enemy. I am also my friend, and I am very happy to help you realize your dreams."

"Thank you!" Tian Lin was moved, Xiaogang was indeed a rare friend.

"Tianlin, Xiaogang's Pokemon food is the best, and your Pokemon will be blessed in the future," Xiao Zhi said.

"Xiao Zhi, I really envy you, you have such a good travel companion." Tian Lin sighed, Xiao Zhi's luck has always been good, in the first few areas, Xiao Gang accompanied him, and later even if Xiao Gang left for his dream, There are also other companions who help take care of his Pokémon.

Hezhong's Tiantong, Carlos' Citron, etc. are all helpers on the road of his dream.Only the Galar region.

Thinking of something, Tianlin patted Xiaozhi's shoulder and said, "Xiaozhi, someone like Xiaogang is your true friend. When he was there, he said that people who never thought of helping you fulfill your dreams, don't be polite, just let Pishen Hundred Thousand Volts come forward and say hello."

"Is there such a person?" Xiao Zhi wondered, he felt that the people around him were good.

"You may meet in the future." Tian Lin said a word without saying much.

"Tianlin is really strange, who is he talking about?" Xiaozhi was still thinking hard, but of course he couldn't get any results, because it was still early before he met that guy.

Dividing line

A few days later, the group finally returned to Chenghua City. They officially set off from here. After a reincarnation, Tianlin and Xiaozhi will take a cruise here to return home and return to the Kanto region.

"Dad, Mom!!"

Back at Chenghua Taoist Hall, Xiaoyao Xiaosheng happily threw himself into his parents' arms.

"Tianlin, Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, thank you for sending your two children back, I have helped you buy the tickets for your return journey, you can go home tomorrow, and you can stay in the gym for one night today, let me Our couple will treat you well." Qianli invited.

"Okay, then I'm bothering you." What else can a few people say, Qianli's service has been so thoughtful, and they can only be respectful rather than obedient.

At noon, at the warm invitation of Mitsuko, they enjoyed a beautiful lunch. After Chisato and Mitsuko watched Xiaoyao's magnificent large-scale competition, they were very satisfied with their daughter's growth. They knew that without the help of Tianlin and others , she will never have the strength she has now.So very enthusiastic.

In the early morning of the second day, with the farewell of Qianli's family, the three boarded the ship and embarked on the road to return home.

Looking at the Hoenn Continent that was getting farther and farther away, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh, "The trip to the Hoenn area is over, what a long and interesting journey."

He looked a little reluctant, not only for the Fengyuan area, but also for the two good friends of Xiaoyao Xiaosheng, Tianlin didn't care, because he knew that the 000 journey with Xiaoyao and their [*] was not over yet. How long will they meet again.

A few days later, the ship finally arrived in the Kanto region, and the few people who set foot on the Kanto land again felt the intimacy of returning home from a wanderer.

At a crossroads, Xiaogang is about to part with them.

"I'm going to the dark gray market, so I'm going to the right. Be careful on your way back!" Xiaogang reminded.

"Don't worry, Xiaogang, don't forget that I am here, there will be no problem." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Haha, yes." Xiaogang smiled and turned to leave. With Tianlin around, he was really relieved.

Tianlin and Xiaozhi went in another direction. In order to return to Zhenxin Town, they had to go through Changqing City on the left first.

"Changqing City, it's really nostalgic. This is the first town we traveled through." Before we knew it, Tianlin and Xiaozhi had already traveled to three major regions plus an orange island, and Tianlin even more Winning three championships in a row and returning to Evergreen City again feels really good.

"Hey! Could this be the Evergreen Gym?"

When passing by Changqing Gym, Xiao Zhi suddenly found out that the gym has been renovated. This gym used to be controlled by Team Rocket, and it was bombed when Xiao Zhi came to challenge the gym last time.

Now, the gym has been redecorated, bright and atmospheric, giving it a solemn feel.

Chapter [*] The new trainer of the Evergreen Gym

Just as Tianlin and Xiaozhi were admiring the new Changqing Gym, a red sports car stopped in front of them, and a fat young man wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt jumped out from it.

"Hello, I see that you have been staring at the Evergreen Gym. Are you a Pokémon trainer? Are you planning to challenge this Evergreen Gym?"

The young man suddenly greeted enthusiastically. "I almost forgot to introduce myself, hello, my name is Yachida."

"Hello, I'm Tianlin." Tianlin nodded and replied.

"I'm Xiao Zhi, that, we just passed by, not to challenge the gym, and I have already got the badge of the Evergreen gym."

"Oh, so powerful!" Yachida looked at Xiao Zhi in surprise, Changqing Gym is the first of many Gyms in Kanto, and it is not easy to get the badge here.

So he looked up and down, "Xiao Zhi, I seem to have heard this name, and your appearance and this Pikachu, could it be that you are the general star Xiao Zhi in the three-star town of Zhenxin Town."

"It's me, I just returned from a trip to the Hoenn area."

"Then is this the Emperor Star Tianlin headed by Samsung?"

Tianlin didn't answer, just nodded slightly, which made Yaxida's face suddenly surprised, "It's great, I didn't expect to meet you two here, so, have you heard of the Battle Development Zone? "

"Battle development zone, what is that?" Xiaozhi asked in confusion.

"The so-called battle development area is..." Yachida was about to explain.

"Ah!" Suddenly, an old woman's painful cry came from behind, and when she looked back, she saw a blond old woman fell off her bicycle.

"Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum!" Tianlin recognized the person at a glance, it was Sundae's aunt, and he hurried forward to help her up, "Mother-in-law, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I just lost my balance and fell down. I can't help it, I'm all to blame for buying so many things." Juzi stood up and saw a familiar face, "Isn't this Tianlin, you have already returned from Fengyuan Ah~'!"

"Yeah, mother-in-law, it's hard for you to take so many things by yourself. Let me help you." Tian Lin smiled. After all, she is the grandmother of Sundae.

"Well, then you can help me get it into the Changqing Taoist Hall." Ju Zi was not polite to Tian Lin at all, and would be polite to her future grand-nephew and son-in-law.

"Tianlin, do you know this mother-in-law?" Xiaozhi ran over and asked.

"Of course she is..."

Tian Lin was about to introduce Juzi, but was interrupted by Juzi's words, "I am the gym trainer of the new Changqing gymnasium."

It seems that she doesn't want to expose the name of the Four Heavenly Kings indiscriminately, which is very similar to her sister.

"Oh, that's it, then I'll help too." When Xiao Zhi heard the words, he took the initiative to pick up the bicycle and entered the gym with Tianlin Juzi.

"Mother-in-law Juzi, why did you suddenly become a gym trainer?" Tian Lin asked after putting away the things.

"It's just a temporary replacement. When the official gym trainer comes down, I can leave." Chrysanthemum said bluntly to Tianlin.

"By the way, Yahida, you are still motivated as always. I heard that you went to the Shenno area and Gemini Island a while ago, didn't you?" Kikuko looked at Yahida who was following Tianlin and Xiaozhi. , "It seems that you are eyeing them this time, two of the three Samsung in the real new town."

"Yeah, I need to find more people to challenge the development zone. I finally found Lei Si before. He is very strong. He has played six battle facilities in a row, but unfortunately the last one has never been able to pass. I feel like God. Lin and Xiaozhi should have stronger strength than him, and their words may be successful." Yahida said his plan without caring at all.

"It's a good thing to have enthusiasm for work!" Ju Zi laughed, then looked at Xiaozhi and Tianlin, "How about it, Xiaozhi, Tianlin, do you want to come and fight with me, especially Tianlin? , it has been a long time since the last battle, I want to see your current strength, just right, I remember you don't have a green badge, don't you feel sorry for that?"

"It's a pity, so I can't ask for it!" Tianlin's eyes flashed, and the strength of the four kings of Kanto is higher than that of the four kings in other regions. Tianlin has long wanted to play against Juzi again.

As for Xiaozhi, he never refused to challenge him, and he also proposed to go first.

"Is that how it should be? Recently, the rookie trainers in Kanto are too weak. Two people came to challenge yesterday, but they were defeated all at once. I really want to play against a strong trainer. I'm so happy to be the first and second runner-up." Hearing the two agreed, Kikuko immediately became excited.

"Hey, I really feel sorry for the newcomers in Guandong." Tian Lin sighed silently when he heard Juzi's words. You are a four-day king stationed in the gym, and if the general trainer can pass, it is really a ghost.

Xiao Zhi went on the field first. He still used Pikachu, while Kikuko used a Gengar of the Heavenly King level. It should not be her team, but his strength should not be underestimated.

Pikachu's performance was outstanding, but it was a pity that the strength gap between the quasi-celestial king and the heavenly king made it impossible to return to the sky at all, and he was finally defeated by Gengar's hypnotism and the combination of dream eating.

After the war, Xiao Zhicai learned the true identity of Kikuko, the ghost king of Kanto, who unexpectedly fought a battle with the four kings unknowingly.

"' "Tianlin, it's your turn. "Chrysanthemum still seemed unfinished about defeating Xiaozhi, urging Tianlin to play.

"Okay, mother-in-law Juzi, please fight with all your strength." Tian Lin stepped forward and said.

"As it should be, go ahead, Abel!"

Chrysanthemum this time is using the Arbo monster, the strength of the king-level peak. Although her team members are at the bottom of the team, they are not easily shaken by any Pokémon.

"To deal with the poison system, you still need the super power system, please, Latias!"

(Yes) "Oh, is that your legendary Pokémon? Even me, it's the first time I've played against Latias." Kikuko said with awe, "Then I'm welcome, Abo. Strange, use a poisonous poison."

"You won't succeed, Latias, use the mysterious shield."

To fight against Juzi, who is known as the ghost king is actually the poison king, Tian Lin is of course prepared, but he doesn't want to be poisoned when he comes up.

A green light appeared around Latias, completely blocking the poison.

"Isn't it good, then Aber, pull tight!"

"Radias, get out of the way!"

Tianlin's dodge command was extremely fast, but unfortunately he underestimated the speed of the Aber Monster. Juzi's Aber Monster is indeed one of her main forces. The crawling speed on the ground is astonishingly fast, almost twice as fast as the current Skin God.

Before Ladias acted, he was already firmly bound by it. As soon as the battle started, Tianlin's side fell into crisis zero.

Chapter five hundred and seventy-two regrets when the green badge Kanto

"Latias, break free and use your mental strength!" Tianlin ordered.

He originally thought that under the super power system trick, Aboguai must be severely injured and let go of Latias, but he didn't expect it to not care about the impact of strong mental thoughts at all, and its tail tightened more and more.

Tian Lin could see that the strong mental thoughts did a lot of damage to it, but the willpower of this Arbo monster was too strong, and even an attack with outstanding effects could not force it to let go of its body.

"Hehe, you are too naive, Tianlin. My Arbor has experienced hundreds of battles and has fought against super-type Pokémon hundreds of times. Your attack is not enough to make it move." Ju Zi sneered, " Aber monster, use the bite!"

Arbor bit on the neck of Ladias, and the evil trick brought incomparable heavy damage.

"This can't be done, by the way, Latias, transform into Pikachu." Tianlin's light flashed, and his Latias can be transformed. Although it is different from the transformation of the Variety Monster, it only changes his body shape. This is the same thing.

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