Latias transformed into Pikachu. Due to the sudden shrinkage of his body, he finally escaped from the shackles of the Abel monster, and then re-transformed into Latias, but it looked a little swaying, and the blow just now Crushing it, it does a lot of damage to it.

"Latias, reply, regenerate yourself."

"Aber monster, use the snatch 000!"

"What?" Tian Lin was startled, snatch is a unique move that takes the recovery move or ability change move that the opponent intends to use for his own use.

This time, Latias' self-regeneration not only didn't work, but instead helped the Aber monster to recover the damage he had suffered because of his mental strength.

"Damn, in that case, Latias, stealth tactics!"

Tianlin finally came up with the stealth tactics, and Juzi smiled slightly, "Is this the tactic used to defeat Yuanzhi? Unfortunately, it worked for him, but for me, it's a little more tender, Abowei, use a siege."

Five black shadows suddenly appeared beside the Arbor, looking at the shape, there were Gengar, Fork Bat, Ghost Stone, etc. These were all Pokémon that Kikuko was currently carrying.

The trick of siege is to attack according to the number of Pokémon on his body. At this time, Juzi is full of six, so Aber blames himself, six shadows rush in all directions, five hits empty, but Gui Si. Tong's shadow hit the target firmly, and Latias was knocked out of his invisibility.

"It's amazing!" Xiao Zhi was stunned. The Four Heavenly Kings in Kanto were really strong. (aiea) This was the first time he saw Tianlin being suppressed like this.

"It's really powerful, but I won't be defeated so easily." Tian Lin said solemnly.

In the sky, a pink light shone on Latias, and after a while, most of the injuries on his body were healed. It turned out that Tianlin had just issued another reply command through the spiritual connection, praying.

Since he didn't reply on the spot, Tian Lin also relied on the instructions given by his mind. Of course, Kikuzi didn't notice it, but Tian Lin finally found a chance to save a little.

But at this time, the original green light slowly disappeared, and Latias' mysterious guard time ended.

"It seems that your mysterious guardian is gone. Then, Abo, let's use the poison again."

The huge poisonous mist spreads out, and Juzi, the 'poison' king, has a very deep obsession with poison.

"Mother-in-law Juzi, this time, I don't need to guard the mystery, but this, Latias, the mirror attribute." Tianlin shouted, this is a unique trick to reflect the opponent's attribute and make himself into the same attribute, Lati Yass changed from the dragon type to the super energy type, and directly changed to the poison type, so that he could be immune to severe poison.

This is just the first step. Tian Lin is very familiar with the tactics that Juzi is good at. If the poison does not work, she will most likely use another abnormal state attack.

"Is it actually such a tactic, but my Arbor is more than that. Go, the big snake stares."

"That's it." Tian Lin's eyes lit up, and this is what he was waiting for. If it was a mysterious guardian, Juzi would not use this trick, so Tian Lin took the next step and used other methods to immunize against the poison.

Latias, who was hit by the serpent's stare, entered a state of paralysis, but Tianlin was not worried but happy, and his chance to win came, "Latias, it is now, the spirit is transferred."

This is a unique trick to transfer one's abnormal state to the opponent. Now the paralyzed one becomes an Arbo monster, and Juko's Arbor monster has the intimidation feature rather than shedding, and it can't take the initiative to get rid of the paralysis.

After that, Tianlin asked Ladias to put up the mysterious guard again, in case Juzi would stare at the big snake again and make him paralyzed, so that the advantage Tianlin had finally created would be gone.

The Arbor lost his speed, and Latias was now much easier to move.Stealth tactics are on the scene again.

"Latias, Mist Ball!"

Under the mental command, Ladias used the mist ball, dragon wave and other skills to actually inflict damage to the Arbor. Although Arbor can rely on the siege trick to counterattack, it is a pity that its attack speed is greatly reduced, even if this multi-stage attack The attack, Latias can also calmly avoid it.

"This battle, it's time to end, Ladias, the last mental strength!"

Tian Lin calculated the remaining physical strength of the Aber Monster, and finally, under the mental force of Latias's maximum strength, he completely defeated it.

"Win, this guy actually defeated Kikuko!" Yahida couldn't believe his eyes, the so-called strongest Kanto Four Heavenly Kings, just lost in front of him.

"Come back, Arbor." Juzi calmly took back Arbor, without a trace of unwillingness on her face. In fact, she was a little bit watery. Her Arbor didn't have any countermeasures in the end. She still had a surprise attack. Use, as long as the opponent chooses the attacking skill, the Aber Monster can counteract the opponent through this move and find the position of Latias.

However, that is only to increase the odds of winning to [*]. Today, Tian Lin's performance is enough to satisfy her, and there is no need to continue fighting. She used Geng Gui to attack Tian Lin in order to make him ruthless. Don't be complacent and make him grow up. The same is true today. This victory will make him more confident. For this grand-niece and son-in-law, she is also heartbroken.

"Tianlin, your strength has improved a lot. Come on, this is the proof of winning the Evergreen Gym, the green badge." Juzi walked up to Tianlin and handed out the badge with a smile.

In fact, this is the first badge she has handed over since she temporarily became the gym owner.

"Thank you." Tian Lin took the badge, which made up for his regret that he did not challenge this strongest gym during the Kanto period.

"This person, I must let him challenge the development zone, and that Xiaozhi, although he lost to Juzi, his performance is quite remarkable." Looking at Tianlin who won, and Xiaozhi who was congratulating him , Ahida made up her mind completely.

Chapter [*]: The Battle Development Zone Returns to the True New Town

At the gate of the Changqing Gym, Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi, who had finished their battle, were about to leave, and Kikuko saw them off.

"Tianlin, my grand-niece Sundae is at your house right now, remember to accompany her when you go back, you know!" Before leaving, Juzi specifically explained.

The sundae is her heart, and no one is allowed to bully her. Of course, Tian Lin didn't dare to treat her badly, and immediately said, "Don't worry, I will."

"Well, that's good, you are careful on the road." Juzi nodded, turned and went back to the gym.

At this time, Yahida, who had been hanging around for a while, finally found a chance to speak, "You two have done really well just now. Although you lost Xiaozhi, it is very rare to be able to fight Kikuko to this extent, God. Lin is even more powerful and can actually defeat the strongest Kanto Four Heavenly Kings, I hereby sincerely invite the two of you to challenge the development zone."

"What exactly is the Battle Frontier?" Ash asked, because Yachida didn't have time to explain just now, he didn't know the meaning of the Battle Frontier.

"The so-called battle development area refers to seven battle facilities located in the Kanto region. Each facility is presided over by the brain of development, that is, someone similar to the master of the gymnasium. If you win them, you can get the symbol of development, and It's normal to get a gym badge."

"At the beginning, you can only know the locations of the six battle facilities, and only after you defeat them all can you get the address of the last development facility," Yahida explained.

"Sounds like a lot of fun, why don't we go challenge, Tian Lin." Xiao Zhi was immediately aroused.

Seeing that Xiaozhi had been convinced that Yachida had more important goals, he looked at Tianlin and continued to add, "Tianlin, there are several brains who are not inferior to Kikuko in combat facilities, and even among them There are people who control divine beasts like you, so you shouldn't want to fight with them, right?"

In order to completely arouse Tianlin's interest, Yaxida revealed an even more startling secret.

Of course, Tianlin actually knew it for a long time, and what Yaxida said was a bit exaggerated. The level of the brain of development is indeed higher than that of ordinary gym trainers, but if it is comparable to Kikuko, I am afraid that only the last pioneer The Brain God Generation can do it, and his strength is indeed not lost or even slightly surpassed by the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto.

As for the rest, Lila, who is at full strength, can reach the level of the heavenly king, but it is also the level of the ordinary four heavenly kings in other regions. It is still early to win against Kikuko.

Fighting against the gods and challenging the three pillars of the gods, Tianlin will not give up this great opportunity without Yaxida's words. Moreover, due to the early end of the Hoenn area alliance, places like Shenao and Carlos have not yet opened. Well, this year's Tianlin won't be in time even if he rushes past, and next year's is too early to go, so Tianlin has nothing to do in the next few months, so he immediately said: "Mr. to challenge."

"It's great." Yahida was very excited to hear Tianlin's promise, "Then I will inform the major pioneering brains and be ready to welcome the arrival of the two at any time."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Yahida drove away again in his red sports car. He not only had to inform Pioneering Brain, but also found a way to find more trainers to challenge, which was really busy.

Saying goodbye to Yaxida, Tianlin and Xiaozhi set out on the road again, and after a long time, they finally returned to the entrance of Zhenxin Town.

"We're back, doesn't the real new town seem to have changed!" Xiao Zhi said with a nostalgic expression.

"Okay, let's go, Xiao Zhi!" Tian Lin couldn't wait more than him, and ran ahead.

The two came to the town entrance, but found that the originally lively town was empty. While they were wondering, a big banner suddenly fell at the town entrance.

It reads, warmly welcome Tianlin, the champion of Fengyuan League, and Xiaozhi, the runner-up, to go home.

"Welcome home!" Countless people shouted and ran out of the house. They were all residents of Zhenxin Town. No wonder they looked so deserted. It turned out to be a surprise for Tianlin and Xiaozhi.

"Welcome back, Tianlin!"

A petite figure plunged directly into Tian Lin's arms, it was the sundae who could no longer hold back his longing, and then Dr. Damu, Xiaojian, Xiaoxia, Hanako, Jun Shalan and others all smiled. Walking over, Tian Lin was surprised that Na Zi was actually there. Seeing her appearance, she seemed to want to rush in too, but it was a pity that Sundae took the lead, so she couldn't compete with Sundae.

Instead, Tianlin stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Nazi's hand, looked at the sundae still in his arms, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm back late, so please wait."

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The two women shook their heads together, "It's okay, it's good to see you."

"Everyone, thank you for coming to meet us. Xiaozhi and I kept our promise before leaving and didn't lose to any Fengyuan trainer." Tian Lin turned to look at the townspeople and said loudly.

"It's beautiful, Tianlin, Xiaozhi!" The townspeople are also very happy, and there are two such powerful characters in Zhenxin Town, and they are also honored.

After the welcoming ceremony, everyone gradually dispersed. Those who should go home should go home, and those who should work should be away from home for a long time. Dr. Damu did not rush to listen to the travel report of the two, but asked them to go home and reunite first. Tomorrow morning, we will meet at the Oki Research Institute.

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Tian Lin was also so happy, but he hadn't had a good time with Jun Shalan and Sunda Nazi for a long time.

Jun Shalan couldn't wait to take her younger brother and two future sisters-in-law home. She had already prepared a large table of dishes and was waiting to wash the dust for Tianlin.

Returning to the familiar home again, and after saying hello to the wind speed dog and the floating bubble, which he had not seen for a long time, Tian Lin entered the room and opened the cabinet, and there were eight more badges and a championship trophy to put in. In addition, he The black badges among the eight badges in Kanto were also removed and replaced with the newly obtained green badges. After all, the weights of the two badges are completely different.

"Wow, there are four trophies. It seems that your cabinet should be full soon." Sundae looked at the cabinet and smiled. She knew that the day when the cabinet was full, that is, Tianlin reached the top. At that time, Tian Lin will become the strongest trainer unmatched.

More importantly, Tianlin should not leave at that time, and will accompany her forever.

"Okay, Tianlin Sundina, hurry up to eat."

When Sister Lan's voice came, Tian Lin smiled and held the hands of the two girls. Now, the championship trophy is not important, the important thing is to accompany the family.

ps: The Fengyuan area volume is all over here. The next chapter starts to enter the battle development area volume. The author continues to shameless once, and asks you to give flowers, monthly tickets, and reward towels.

Pioneering and dominating

The five hundred and seventieth chapter of the big wood research institute gathers everyone

After dinner, Tianlin told the three girls about the interesting stories of Fengyuan's trip, and introduced Latias to them. After all, she was with her on this journey.

Apart from Nazi, both Sundae and Jun Shalan saw Ladias for the first time. Sundae was curious. After all, divine beasts were rarely encountered, and Jun Shalan was completely surprised, because Ladias no matter what Whether it's a Pokemon image or a Kanon in human form, it's too cute.

Since she is Tianlin's Pokémon, that is her family, she suddenly has a feeling that she has a little sister, so she will pull Latias to sleep with her tonight.

Several people chatted like this, and they went back to their rooms to rest until late at night.

Tianlin also returned to the room he had been away from for a long time. He opened the Chengdu Alliance gift package here. Now, it is time to open the Fengyuan gift package. I don't know what it will be?

"System, open the "Zero Zero Zero" Qifengyuan winning package."

"Yes, host, the gift package is opened, congratulations to the host for awakening another mysterious power in his body, obtaining a treasure s-level directional adventure card, and two extreme qualification potions (only the super-qualified Pokémon can be taken, and can be forced to upgrade to the king's qualifications) , infinite potential, but it belongs to the acquired form, which is weaker than the natural infinite potential), three copies of the characteristic plaster (to change the Pokémon characteristic into the dream characteristic), one full set of character mint, one Latias super evolution stone , 500 million alliance coins."

The prizes this time may not be as rich as the Chengdu Alliance spree, but they are really good things. The ultimate qualification potion can make Tianlin plain and have two more infinite potential Pokémon, not to mention the character mint and the special plaster. To make the Pokémon that he will conquer in the future become more perfect, the Latias evolution stone directly enhances the power of Latias.

Such a gift package is enough to satisfy Tianlin.I just don't know what the system said about his newly awakened mysterious power. At least he doesn't feel it at all, but he doesn't care. The power that belongs to him will naturally be used when it should be used. For this aspect, he has always Very open.

next day

After a day of reunion with his sister Jun Shalan, Sundae and Nazi two girlfriends, Tianlin brought Sundae and Nazi to the Damu Research Institute as promised.

The Ogi Research Institute is the place where trainers from Zhenxin Town deposit their Pokémon. This is the home of countless Pokémon.

Today, a stable ecology has been formed, led by the Pokémon of Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, and Tianlin.

Recently, another group of new trainers is about to set off on a journey, so Dr. Ogi began to cultivate a new group of Kanto Yusan.

Just yesterday, while Dr. Oda Maki came to visit Dr. Ogi, Xiaosheng took a ride. Now he is checking the health of the three Xiaoyu families with Xiaoxia and Xiaojian.

"Every one is so small and cute." Although Xiaosheng is not the first time to see the Kanto Yusan Family, he is full of joy and emotion every time.

"As far as Pokémon for beginners is concerned, this is the most suitable." Xiaoxia smiled.

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