This is the last collision, but this time, after the fire-breathing dragon dropped the third-order special attack, the overheating temperature was no longer as amazing as before. Facing the high-ranking Latias of the King of Heaven, there was no way to fight back.

One hundred thousand volts passed through the flames, and with a bang, the fire-breathing dragon landed on a huge rock, and the flames of its tail were greatly weakened.

"The fire-breathing dragon lost its ability to fight. Latias won. The winner of this game is Tianlin." The referee immediately announced.

At this point, the decisive battle between Tianlin and Xiaozhi is finally over. He once again won the victory and became the champion of the Hoenn League Caiyou Conference.

Chapter [*] Closing of the General Assembly

"The winner is determined, the champion of the Fengyuan Alliance Caiyou Conference is Tianlin player."

The host's words ignited the atmosphere of the scene, and this fierce civil war in Zhenxin Town finally came to an end.

"Fire-breathing dragon, are you alright." Xiao Zhi stepped forward to help the fire-breathing dragon.

The old spray is a little lost at the moment. Compared with the Chengdu League period, it is much stronger, but it is still not the opponent of Tianlin, which makes Xiaozhi lose in the place closest to the championship.

"It doesn't matter, it's okay to lose to Tianlin this time. Next time, we will work hard to win it back."

Looking at the back of Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon supporting each other and leaving, Tianlin showed a smile. Although Xiaozhi lost, he was the first and only training player in this Fengyuan League Tournament that hit him with only one Pokémon left. Family.

In fact, the overall strength of Tianlin's team today is not weaker than that against Ah Yin Touye in the Chengdu League. This means that Xiao Zhi is now infinitely close to Tou Ye and Ah Yin from a year ago.

After this year, the two of them will of course make progress, and they may still surpass Xiaozhi, but Tianlin believes that sooner or later, Xiaozhi will catch up with them and even get close to himself.

"Xiao Zhi, continue to work hard to become stronger, no matter how strong you become, I will walk in front of you." Tian Lin murmured.

He was very fortunate to have so many good rivals. No matter how strong he became, they always reminded him that a group of people were chasing after him, forcing Tianlin to continue to give out [*] points. s hard work.

"Humph!" In the elf center of Baike City in the Carlos area, Xiaomao snorted and stood up, "Xiaozhi, Tianlin, you have grown up again, but I will never lose to you."

He was stimulated by the strength of the two, and vowed to play even better results than them in the Carlos League.

Dividing line

In the evening of Caiyou City, under the blooming of countless fireworks, the Caiyou Conference ushered in the closing ceremony. Tianlin stood on the podium and received the championship trophy from President Damaranch under the cheers of everyone.

He fulfilled his promise in the Chengdu League, and his championship trophy will never be the last.

"Congratulations to the host for winning the Fengyuan Alliance Championship, the system update progress has increased by [*]%, and a Fengyuan gift package, will you open it immediately?"

"It will not be opened for the time being, but why is your update progress only [*]%?" Tian Lin felt a little strange.

"Host, because your reputation in Hoenn is already very big, and you won't gain much by winning the Hoenn Championship, so the system can't get much update progress." The system explained.

Tianlin suddenly realized that it was because he had done too many great things in this Fengyuan area, and his reputation was already loud. Now winning the championship is a matter of course in many people's minds. Also less.

"Congratulations, Tian Lin, you are really outstanding. Every time I see you, I feel that your strength is changing rapidly." When Tian Lin was stunned, Damaranch suddenly praised.

"Thank you for your compliment, President Damaranch." Tian Lin returned to his senses and immediately said gratefully.

"By the way, Miss Nazi, the owner of the Golden Temple, and you are good friends, right? Sure enough, people gather together, and your friends are also very good." Damaranch suddenly mentioned Nazi, which made Tianlin I thought of the important things Nazi was accomplishing that the sundae said before.

So Tianlin asked, "President Damalanci, what did Nazi do?"

"Don't you know, it seems that there is still not much information about the Kanto region in the Hoenn area. This incident has spread all over the Kanto region. Nazi challenged Shiba to bet on the throne of the Four Heavenly Kings. Three months later, so I also have to rush back to host."

"Nazi, she has already begun to covet the throne of the Four Heavenly Kings!"

Tianlin didn't expect Nazi's ambition to be so big. He had heard that the most outstanding gym owners in each region had the opportunity to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings once a year. She has this qualification, but it has not been long since the two separated after the Chengdu alliance. She even challenged the Four Heavenly Kings so early.

Should it be said that she is Tian Lin's girlfriend, her confident and ambitious character and Tian Lin are simply carved out of the same mold.

"Nazi, since you've decided so, come on!" Tianlin cheered Nazi silently.

Dividing line

The league match was over, and everyone separated at the airport in Caiyou City. Zhe also went back to Zijin City and planned to practice again. He had a great obsession with the Fengyuan Alliance and believed that as a local Fengyuan person, he must win Once the Hoenn champion, then set off to other regions.

Masamune didn't have so many ideas, but he didn't think about where to go after that. Under Tianlin's recommendation, he decided to do some cultivation for a while, and then rushed to the Shenno area, which is where Tianlin will go after that.

As for the three of Xiaozhi Tianlin and Xiaogang, of course they are going home, but before that, they have to be responsible for sending Xiaoyao Xiaosheng back to Chenghua City safely. After all, they brought them out in good condition. It is their obligation to bring it back without damage.

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Half a day after the plane took off, it landed in Kanaz City.

As soon as he got off the plane, Tianlin turned on the navigator, which was closed, and found that there was a missed call on it. The source was the city of Kanaz.

Tianlin called back curiously, and the phone was quickly picked up, "Is that Mr. Tianlin, you finally called back, I'm Akutagawa, do you still remember me?"

Akutagawa?Tianlin pondered the name for a while, "I remembered, you are the leader of the fossil recovery team of Dewen Manufacturing Company, right?"

"It's such an honor that you still remember me, Mr. Tianlin, I want to disturb you today to tell you that our company's latest fossil recovery equipment has been completely completed. Don't you have a fossil in your hand? I wonder if you have any. If you are interested in visiting Kanaz City, we can help you restore Pokémon for free." Akutagawa invited.

0 0 0

Tianlin remembered that there was indeed such an agreement, and immediately agreed: "No problem, I am in Kanaz City now, and I will come to your company immediately."

"Great, then I'll be waiting for you at the company."

The two hung up the phone, and Tian Lin asked Xiao Zhi and others for their opinions. If they don't want to go, they can rush to Chenghua City first, but because the large-scale celebrations and alliance competitions have already ended, they have a lot of time now. So he also proposed to go to Dewen Manufacturing Company with Tianlin to have a look.

After all, fossil restoration, such a wonderful thing, they have never seen it.

Several people came to the Devon company, and Akutagawa was waiting there early.

After some conversation, Tian Lin learned that the fossil recovery machine had been completed as early as two months ago, but Akutagawa had not communicated with him at that time, considering that the league competition was approaching and it was inconvenient to disturb Tian Lin.

It wasn't until now that the conference was over that he couldn't wait to call him to inform him. For this, Tian Lin was very grateful.

Akutagawa took a few people into a research institute. There was a huge glass warehouse filled with green culture medium, and there were many instruments connected to it. If you guessed correctly, it was a fossil recovery machine.

"Mr. Tianlin, please take out your fossil. Let's try it immediately. Although we are using this machine for the first time, I can assure you that there will be no problem." Akutagawa said confidently.

"Okay, I believe you." Tian Lin handed the fossil to Akutagawa, and he was also very curious about what kind of Pokémon towel this fossil could be resurrected into.

Chapter five hundred and sixty-ninth fossil resurrection ice dragon

Akutagawa carefully took over the fossils. What his research results over the past year have been like depends on today.

After placing the fossil in the glass petri dish, everyone looked at the fossil suspended in the liquid with bright eyes, and continuous bubbles emerged from the surface of the fossil.

In front of the glass warehouse, three staff members in white coats are constantly collecting data about the fossil. They are doing genetic classification to determine the attributes of this fossil Pokémon.

Fossil Pokémon with different attributes have different nutrient solutions for resurrection.

Since it was resurrected from a fossil, naturally there is no need to mention the properties of the rock, it can be confirmed that it definitely has. The key is to see if it has a second property. What is the second property?

This stage is extremely important, and there is no room for sloppiness, so several staff members are extremely serious.And in addition to his "Zero Zero", there are several others on standby at any time to deal with all possible emergencies.

At this time, a staff member who paid attention to the thermometer found something, "Team leader, the temperature of the culture medium has begun to drop rapidly."

"What?" Akutagawa immediately stepped forward to check, and found that the temperature of the culture medium was not as simple as a drop in temperature, and the part close to the fossil had even begun to freeze.

"Could it be, the ice attribute!"

He immediately realized that this fossilized Pokémon had the combined properties of rock and ice, which was the first time he had encountered this combination.

"A fossilized Pokemon with rock and ice, is that it?" Tian Lin heard the news and had roughly confirmed the Pokemon inside.

Akutagawa immediately ordered to raise the temperature of the culture medium, but it should not be too high, as long as it is kept in a liquid state and does not form ice cubes, he is afraid of hurting the ice-type fossil Pokemon inside, and then injects the ice-type Pokemon The nutrient solution needed for dreams.

"Team leader, the nutrient solution has been injected, and the genetic classification has been completed. It is determined that the attributes are rock and ice, and the data is normal." A staff member shouted.

"Okay, let's go to the final step and start resurrecting Pokémon." The excitement on Akutagawa's face was hard to contain, and success or failure depended on this.

Resurrection of life is something that can only be achieved by the legendary God of Creation. Today, their human beings are about to accomplish this feat through their own efforts. How can this not make people excited.

As the revival-promoting culture medium was continuously injected into the fossils, at this time, an icon similar to battery charging appeared on the computer screen, and the progress continued to increase, 3%, 10%, 40%, 80%, 99 %.

Soon after, the progress finally reached 100%, the progress bar began to jump, and the red light on the cultivation warehouse also jumped to green.

"Resurrection completed, we succeeded."

The entire institute suddenly burst into clamor, and their long-term efforts were finally confirmed today.

Only Akutagawa, although he was equally excited, still forcibly maintained the last trace of calm. After all, he hadn't seen the resurrected Pokémon, and it was too early to be happy, so he ordered anxiously, "Quick, open the training warehouse. , and see how the resurrected Pokémon is doing."

As the white air was revealed, the cultivation chamber slowly opened, and what emerged from inside was no longer a lifeless fossil, but a living Pokémon.

The body is light blue, the body is petite, and the body shape is somewhat similar to the plesiosaur. On the long neck is a round and very cute little head, and there are pink fin-shaped horns next to the forehead.

Tianlin stepped forward quickly. The newly resurrected fossil Pokémon has a similar mentality to the newly born one. People who see it for the first time will have a sense of dependence, which is very helpful for nurturing Pokémon.

The Pokémon opened its big blue round eyes and saw Tianlin who was looking at it tenderly. Because it had just been resurrected, it was still a little timid.


It let out a soft cry. The voice was ethereal and clear, like a baby. Tian Lin stepped forward and picked it up. In Tian Lin's arms, it didn't struggle at all, instead, it used a round and small voice. His face rubbed against Tianlin's face, showing the beautiful relationship between the trainer and the Pokémon.

"So cute" Xiaoyao was instantly captured by its cuteness.

"It's a Pokémon I haven't seen before." Xiao Zhi took out the picture book and scanned it, but he couldn't get any information. "There is no information, so this Pokémon is not from Fengyuan!"

"Yes, Xiaozhi, it's called Frozen Dragon, it's from other regions, and your illustrated book doesn't have 0 of its data........" Tianlin explained.

Xiaozhi's action just now seemed to frighten Ice Snow Dragon. Ice Snow Dragon buried his head in Tian Lin's arms in fear. At the same time, in the originally closed research room, small hailstones began to fall.

"This is, Xue Xue, you actually have the dream characteristic." Tian Lin was surprised. He saw that Frozen Snow Dragon did not use a unique move, but because he was just resurrected, he could not control his own power well, so he was afraid because of his fear. And forced to stimulate their own characteristics.

Ice Dragon, Tundra Pokémon, Rock-type plus Ice-type, characteristic snowfall, restrained personality (adds special attack and reduces physical attack), height 1.45m, weight 25.5kg, top qualification, champion-level potential, current strength elite-level beginner, Possess skills: fine snow, electromagnetic waves, frozen wind, primitive power, mirror reflection.

Although Fossil Pokémon has the same mentality as a newly born Pokémon, its strength is worlds apart. It seems that it retains some of the strength before it was turned into a fossil in ancient times, so it has an elite primary level just after being resurrected.

This also reflects the extraordinary aptitude of this ice dragon.

"Mr. Akutagawa, I am so thankful for the Ice Dragon to be resurrected in such a healthy manner." Tian Lin walked to Akutagawa and said gratefully.

"Where, it should be me thanking you. Thanks to the fossils you provided, this proves the success of our machine. Starting tomorrow, the Fossil Restoration 4.0 business of Dewen Manufacturing Company can be officially listed as the first one. Can I take pictures of your main pet for the successful resurrection of the Ice Dragon." Akutagawa pleaded.

His idea is good. With Tianlin's current reputation, this is not only a simple souvenir, but also a very good advertisement, and for this small request, of course Tianlin will not refuse, pick up the ice snow dragon and shoot it. After a photo, I said goodbye to Mr. Akutagawa and left.

The addition of Ice Dragon is just at the right time for Tianlin. He is about to step into the coordination trainer. Ice Dragon, a Pokémon with several characteristics such as cute, beautiful, and rare, is itself a huge Pokémon in the gorgeous competition. bonus item.

This is a very good sign, indicating that Tianlin's road to the top coordination trainer in the future is bound to be smooth sailing.

Chapter five hundred and seventieth return to Kanto

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