"Martial Master Bear, use split tiles!"

The martial arts master's hand knife blocked Pikachu's Volt attack, but the power of splitting tiles was far weaker than the Volt's attack. After a while, the martial arts master was at a disadvantage. There was no way, Tian Lin couldn't use close fists all the time. The unique trick, if used continuously, the double defense of the martial arts bear master will become like paper.

After a stalemate for a while, the body of the martial arts master Xiong retreated again and again, and there were waves of electricity wrapped around his arms, and Pikachu was also injured by the reaction force of Volt's attack.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi and Tian Lin's eyes flashed at the same time, and they both thought of a good way to win.

"Pikachu, close combat, use the iron tail."

"Martial Master Bear, close combat, use a flame fist."

The two made the same choice, close combat, flame fist opponent Iron Tail, the attribute advantage allowed the martial arts bear master to successfully suppress Pikachu, Xiao Zhi saw this, knowing that there was no chance of winning with steel skills, and re-issued the Volt attack Command, this is exactly what Tianlin wants.

"Martial Master Xiong, continuously use split tiles."

The martial arts bear division used the tile split to block the Volt attack again and again, even if the residual strength still hurt it, but Pikachu was injured more seriously after several attacks.

"I understand, Tian Lin wanted to use the Volt attack to counterattack himself." Seeing this, Zhe Ye suddenly realized.

Even if Pikachu's strength and speed are enough to rival the martial arts bear master, its durability is far inferior. This is the chance Tianlin sees.

"I feel very strange, Ash should have noticed this too, but why does he insist on close combat so much"" Masamune wondered.

It wasn't until another collision that Ash's purpose was revealed.

The martial arts master Xiong flashed electricity all over his body, and his movements were far less stable than before. This was a state of paralysis.

"It turns out that Ash's idea is a double paralysis effect. Volt's attack and Pikachu's own characteristic static electricity have the effect of paralyzing the opponent. Using both methods at the same time greatly increases the chance of the opponent being paralyzed." Xiaogang also wants to understand where Xiaozhi sees the chance of victory.

"In this case, Martial Dao Master Bear, use the water jet!"

For the loss of speed, Tian Lin could only choose to make up for it by preemptive skills, but unfortunately it backfired. As soon as the martial arts master Xiong came up, he encountered a paralysis attack and could not move.

"Pikachu, right now, use the volt attack with maximum power!"

In order to ensure that the martial arts bear division can be defeated with one blow, Ash still insists on using Pikachu's current strongest trick.

Pikachu charged towards the martial arts bear master with a strong current, and a golden light burst into the sky from the field, and under that light, the martial arts bear master fell.

However, Pikachu was not too bad. So many counter-injuries also made it close to the limit. This last Volt attacked it with all its strength, and because of this, it received more counter-injury than before.

"Pika!" Pikachu screamed, and fell to the ground unwillingly because of Volt's attack.

"Pikachu, the martial arts bear division, lost the ability to fight at the same time, tied."

The two drew once again, which only happened when the Pokémon on both sides were close in strength and both fought to the limit.

In this battle, it can be said that Tianlin and Xiaozhi have all achieved the different chances of winning, and then there will be a scene of both losing and losing.

"Pikachu, then you can rest well." Xiaozhi took back the unconscious Pikachu, handed it over to Xiaogang and others in the audience to take care of him, and then walked back to the battlefield again, "Tianlin, let's continue, we will decide that it is you. , Kirby."

"Duoduo, it's your turn to go into battle, you're welcome, just go mega evolution!"

Kirby beast can be said to be the top three existences in all of Xiaozhi's current Pokémon, second only to the fire-breathing dragon, slightly better than Pikachu by virtue of the superb racial ability value, and the strength is close to the peak of the king.

In the face of this guy, Tian Lin didn't dare to underestimate him, and he started a mega.

"Is the fat otaku against the black-bellied queen? It's really interesting, Duoduo, use meditation."

"My Kirby beast is not a fat house, and it makes a belly drum!"

Tianlin and Xiaozhi both chose to strengthen, Shaneduo used meditation to improve his special attack, and Kirby beast was even more extreme. After sacrificing half of his physical strength, he increased his strength to the limit in one breath.

"The belly drum! It just got bigger, Xiaozhi, you still said that the Kirby beast is not a fat house, Duoduo, Jusheng."

"Kapibeast, rush over and use Taishan to press the top."

The Kirby beast is not afraid of Shanaido's loud sound at all, and rushes straight forward. Only with its durability, can it dare to fight Shanaido's loud sound with half of its physical strength.

Moreover, it runs very fast, which is completely inconsistent with the general fat house. According to his running posture, his body leans forward. This guy is actually accelerating with the help of inertia. It was easy to fall when running like this, but it is as stable as Mount Tai.

The sense of balance of this body is really amazing. Tian Lin has indeed wronged him by saying that it is a fat house. He is simply a flexible fat man.

"'" Shanaido, using teleportation to avoid. "

Shanaido's figure disappeared, avoiding the top of Taishan by the Kirby beast, and Tianlin had no other way. If he was pressed by the Kirby beast at this time, Shanaido would undoubtedly fall down, and the Kirby who increased the sixth-order physical attack Beasts are enough to destroy everything.

"Kapimon, Shanaido is about to appear on your left, and use the destruction light!" Ash shouted loudly, and through the vibration of the air, he had already discovered the location where Shanaido was about to appear.

This is the biggest weakness of teleportation, and no one can avoid it.

The Kirby Beast blasted out with a destructive light of death, hitting Shanaido who had just appeared, but Tianlin was not afraid of this at all. The belly drum only increased the Kirby Beast's attack, the special attack did not change, and a single blow was not enough to defeat Shanai. flower.

"Now, Shanaido, meditate again.

After destroying the dead light, the (Nuo Nuo Zhao) Kirby beast was in a stalemate for a period of time. Tian Lin did not choose to attack, but continued to increase Shanaido's power, intending to kill with one hit.

"Kapimon, since this is the case, go to sleep and recover your strength."

"Don't think about it, Shanaido, Mist Field!" Tian Lin stopped Xiao Zhi's tactics.

Under the misty field, Pokémon can't fall into any abnormal state, and of course Kirby can't fall asleep. With Kirby's physical strength and special defense, once it recovers completely, even the current Shanaido will hardly be able to move. it.

"Oops! What should I do next?" Xiao Zhi was completely helpless at this moment, and almost all the tactics that he was good at were destroyed by Tian Lin.

"It's over, Duoduo, use your greatest strength to use your mental strength!"

Shanaido controlled the Kirby beast to float, and then smashed to the ground heavily.

"Kapimon loses its ability to fight, and Shanaido wins."

Ash has lost his fifth Pokémon, and finally, it's time for his last remaining ace to appear.

Chapter five hundred and sixty seventh

"Fire-breathing dragon, it's up to you."

Xiaozhi's final trump card appeared. It was the fire-breathing dragon that had broken through the Heavenly King level. To Tianlin's surprise, its strength was not the Heavenly King-level primary level predicted by Tianlin, but had already reached the intermediate level.

Because of the battle box, even if Tianlin's fire-breathing dragon is not around, he can still know the strength of his old fire, and now he is only at the peak of the Tianwang-level intermediate level.

Sure enough, it is the existence of the original slaughter god.

"Duoduo, the other party is the King of Heaven, don't be careless, use [*] volts!" Tian Lin ordered, Super Shanai Duo's overall strength did not break through the King of Heaven, but the light theory special attack, that terrible racial ability value plus two meditations The doubling of , and now it is not inferior to the level of the king.

"Fire-breathing dragon, shoot flames!"

It is a good situation for Shanaido to collide with each other, regardless of whether they are up or down.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the flame vortex to limit Shanaido's movements."

The fire-breathing dragon trapped Shanaido in the vortex, and even Super Shanaido couldn't move at this moment.

There was no other way, Tian Lin used teleportation again in order to let Shanaido escape the siege of the vortex of flames.

"That's it." Xiao Zhi excitedly said, this is exactly what he wanted. After calming down and feeling it, he shouted, "Fire-breathing dragon, 997 Shanaido will appear behind you and use a jet of flame."

Shanaido, who had just emerged from the teleportation state, had no way to fight back, and suddenly fell into a sea of ​​​​fire at the level of the king. Fortunately, the previous two meditations greatly improved its special defense, so it was not directly defeated.

"Shanaido, if that's the case, then make it charming."

No matter how powerful the fire-breathing dragon is, the male is the male. Being charmed by the female queen, the chance of making a move is greatly reduced, and the charm is a negative state, not an abnormal state. Even in a misty field, this move cannot be restricted.

"Fire-breathing dragon, continue to use fire-breathing!" Xiaozhi insisted on the order. Even if he was in a state of fascination, he was not completely unable to use his unique skills. Xiaozhi believed in the bond between himself and Pokémon.

It's a pity that his first command was very slap in the face. The fire-breathing dragon's eyes showed love, and he couldn't attack at all. "Duoduo, use the drops of life."

Tian Lin took the opportunity to choose a reply.

"Duoduo, the attack can be launched below, [*] volts."

The thunder and lightning of the king level hit the fire-breathing dragon and instantly inflicted heavy damage on it.

"Damn, it seems that unless you defeat Shanaido with one blow, you will be entangled by its various transforming skills." Xiaozhi thought, although the fire-breathing dragon has a skill that is enough to kill Shanaido in one hit, but he Originally, I wanted to keep it until the final battle, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use it to overheat." Ash shouted loudly, this time, the fire-breathing dragon finally lived up to Ash's expectations and successfully spewed flames.

"Block it, Duoduo, use your mind to force your thoughts!" Tian Lin tried to get Shanaido to use his spiritual force to control the flame.

This time, he underestimated the flame of the fire-breathing dragon. He didn't expect its overheating temperature to be so high that it could burn even the invisible mental power, and the mental strength was completely unable to control the flame.

The overheating big move swept across the sky, and the ultra-high temperature cooked the entire venue. Not to mention Shanaido, who was directly hit by the flame, has already withdrawn from the super-evolution state.

"Shanaido loses his ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins."

"Duoduo is back, it's really hard for you."

"Xiaozhi, it's really good that you can hit here, but unfortunately, the fire-breathing dragon's strength has been greatly reduced after overheating. Now you have no chance of winning, come on, Latias."

"Oh, I'm finally here, Tianlin's ace, the legendary Pokémon Latias." The host and the audience were immediately excited. They had been waiting for Latias for a long time.

The scene of the semi-finalists fighting Latias through six was still lingering in their minds, and they eagerly wanted to see Latias' strength again.

"Latias, stealth tactics."

"Wow, this is the rumored tactic of defeating Mr. Wang Yuanzhi in the four days. Let's see how Xiao Zhi will deal with it."

"Tactics to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings?" Xiao Zhi heard the words, his eyes dignified (aidj), and loudly reminded, "Fire-breathing dragon, be careful."

"Latias, [*] volts." Tian Lin conveyed an order in his heart. In the void, [*] volts suddenly attacked the fire-breathing dragon without any warning.

"It's a tactic that can't be prevented, what should Xiao Zhi do now?" Masamune said anxiously, this kind of tactic that neither saw the opponent's figure nor heard the instructions of the opponent's trainer, there was absolutely no way to see the move.

"Very well, Latias, do it again."

It was another [*] volt move, but this time the fire-breathing dragon had expected it, flapping its wings and flying into the air to avoid the attack.

This fire-breathing dragon's combat literacy is still higher than Genji's double-axe fighting dragon, but with one move, he can begin to predict the crisis and dodge the opponent's trick.

"Fire-breathing dragon, good, Dragon's Wave."

"Latias, after resisting this attack, use the mist ball." Tian Lin was very calm. Since the opponent chose to attack, this was also a good time for him to counterattack.

The wave of the dragon emanated from the place where the [*] volts just appeared, hitting the invisible Latias, making it out of the invisible state, but it didn't seem to be hurt at all.

"How come, Dragon's Wave is a dragon-type skill, and it should do a lot of damage to Latias, right?" Ash said puzzled.

"No, Tianlin has already set up a battle. In the misty field, under this field, the power of dragon-type moves is halved, plus the side effect of the fire-breathing dragon's overheating, even the dragon-type skills can't deal damage. "Xiaogang was in a cold sweat, but Tianlin had already prepared measures to deal with the fire-breathing dragon-type tricks in the last match. Now, the fire-breathing dragon has no suitable tricks to deal with Latias.

The mist ball hits the fire-breathing dragon, the additional effect is triggered, and the fire-breathing dragon's special attack is reduced again. Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon relies on this aspect to eat, and the strength it can exert now has been reduced to below the level of the king.

"Old spray, your slaughtering journey is not today, and now you should fall here obediently, Latias, the last [*] volts." Tianlin ordered.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use it again to overheat."

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