Zhe Ye took over Xiao Gang's place and explained Tian Lin's tactics, and in turn used the fact that Yan Hui must hit the opponent to launch a counterattack, which was quite clever.

"Come back, Big Bird, thank you for your hard work." Xiao Zhi took back Big Bird, "As expected of Tianlin, I can seize every opportunity to counterattack, and then I have to be more careful, and I decided it was you, Giant Clamp. crab."

"I've wanted to play against this giant crab for a long time. Let me give it a try. After receiving the illumination of the sea soul of the whirlpool islands, how far has it grown now, giant marsh monster, use the arm hammer!" Tian Lin shouted loudly.

"Giant Claw Crab, counterattack, use the Crab Claw Hammer."

Ash is full of confidence when using the veteran, and he has absolute confidence in his giant claws.

The arm hammer faced the crab claw hammer. Neither of the fighting type and the water type had an advantage in the power skills of swinging their arms. After a collision, both sides were shaken back at the same time. The giant claw crab was only shaken back a few steps, but the giant marsh monster was Almost halfway back.

"What a terrifying power, that giant claw crab!" Masamune was surprised. In the previous battle, his giant marsh monster and Ash's lobster soldier were tied. If he encountered this giant claw at that time. Crab, I'm afraid it will fail miserably.

Although the overall strength of this giant claw crab is only about the high level of the quasi-king, its attack power has already surpassed the peak of the quasi-king. According to the Pokémon illustrated book made by Dr. Damu, the giant claws of the giant claw have a power of [*] horsepower. However, the illustrated book always likes to exaggerate. In Tianlin's opinion, if there is a giant pincer crab with [*] horsepower one day, it must be the one in front of him.

"Giant Claw Crab, your strength has improved so fast!" Xiao Zhi himself was also taken aback, the sea spirit of the year really increased it greatly, "Then next, the one-hit nirvana, the guillotine !"

"Giant marsh monster, avoid it."

The giant marsh was so strange that it was ready to dodge and dodge, when a sudden pain came from its right arm. The punch it had just hit with the giant pincer crab had already suffered a heavy blow to its arm. The swamp monster moved a step slower and was hit by the giant hammer.

"The giant marsh monster loses its ability to fight, and the giant claw crab wins!"

"The giant swamp monster comes back. To face such power, you have to have a body like steel. Then, Boscodora, please ask you again 0 ........" Tian Lin twice Throw in Boscodora, although the burn greatly weakens its physical attack ability, but its defense is unaffected.

"Is it it again? If you attack rashly, you will definitely be countered by that metal explosion. In that case, Giant Claw Crab, use the guillotine again!"

Xiaozhi's idea is very clear, one-hit nirvana, so that the counterattack of the metal explosion can be completely prevented.

"Hehe, do you think I would not guard against your move, Bosco Dora, throw mud!"

Boscodora picked up a small piece of mud on the ground and smashed it on the face of the giant pincer crab. This move did little damage to it, but it was also a move that could reduce the hit rate. The hit rate of one-hit nirvana was already Poor low, at this time there is almost no chance of hitting.

"Damn, then I'll attack, Tianlin, let's fight head-on, and see if I defeat you first, or you kill me first."

As a general among the three stars, even if Xiao Zhi has gradually learned the transformation skills, his tactical style of attacking will still not change in the slightest. That is his soul.

"Hehe, come on." Of course, Tian Lin, who represented Emperor Star, would not avoid fighting.

"Giant Claw Crab, use the Crab Claw Hammer!"

"Boscordora, metal explosion."

The two sides attacked and defended, and launched a fierce collision. The greater the power of the giant claws, the greater the damage from the metal explosion. After two rounds, the giant claws were injured a little more seriously.

"The next blow is to determine the winner. Giant Claw Crab, use the maximum strength to use the Crab Claw Hammer." Xiaozhi saw that Boscotola was also seriously injured at 3.9, and the key to the outcome was the next blow. .

"Boscodora, I believe in you. After resisting it, she used a metal explosion."

The pliers hit Boscodora's steel body, sending out bursts of metallic sounds.

"Roar! Boss Cordola's body was punched with cracks, but it roared loudly, the metal exploded with power, and under the full force of counterattack, the giant pincer crab was sent flying by the silver light.

"Well done, Bosco Dora, your defense is the most reliable." Tian Lin praised.

It's a pity that he didn't feel happy for a long time, and Boscordora's whole body was on fire, and the burn attack also consumed the last bit of his physical strength.

"Boscodora and Giant Claw Crab lost their ability to fight at the same time. This is a tie," the referee announced.

Not long after the start of the game, the two sides entered a two-to-two draw.

Chapter [*] Tianlin Fengyuan Team vs Xiaozhi Ace Team is evenly matched

"Good job, Xiao Zhi." Tian Lin smiled.

Although Tianlin only used the Fengyuan team, it was still very good for Xiaozhi to follow in his footsteps.

"Tianlin, in this game, I must win you, Heracross, the next decision is you."

Seeing Heracross, Tianlin has completely guessed that Xiaozhi's team today is all members of Kanto Chengdu. After all, his Fengyuan Pokémon has not grown enough to be his enemy.

"Desert Dragonfly, prepare for battle."

Tianlin was actually a little worried about using the desert dragonfly, because the strength of the desert dragonfly was only about the peak of the first-level quasi-king, and facing Heracross who was close to the high-level quasi-king, he would definitely not win if he did not work hard.

"Desert dragonfly, the greatest power, uses a jet of flame, and then rushes into the flame."

"This is?" Xiao Zhi was startled, and attached the flame to himself to increase his attack speed and hit rate. This is a tactic that Xiao Mao used when he was in the Chengdu Alliance. I didn't expect Tian Lin to borrow it this time. Desert Dragonfly and Duck Like the mouth fire beast, it has resistance to the flame-type trick, so it can only be used in 08.

This tactic is simple and rude, and Xiaozhi has no way to hide.

At the beginning of the game, Heracross was overwhelmed by the desert dragonfly in flames, and this was a grass field, which was easier to burn than other fields.

"Desert Dragonfly, make up for another jet of flame!"

Tianlin continued to increase the flame output, and the entire grass field instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

: What a terrible attack, not only hitting Heracross in a row, but also destroying the entire battle arena, is Heracross over?

"It won't end like this, Heracross, shake off the desert dragonfly and escape from the fire!" Ash ordered hurriedly.


Heracross's enormous power erupted, and he forcibly lifted the desert dragonfly on his body against the flames, flung it into the air, and then scattered the flames on his body under the vibration of his wings, as if he had not suffered any serious damage at all.

"Well done, Heracross, super horn!"

"Desert Dragonfly, Meteor Swarm!"

The two ordered at the same time.

"Wow, Heracross took out the biggest move of the insect element and started a close combat, but the desert dragonfly also made a big move of the dragon element. Facing the meteors, will Xiao Zhi give up the attack?" The commentator guessed.

"Give up, how is that possible?" Xiao Zhi smiled confidently, "Heracross, rush in."

Heracross bravely rushed into the meteor swarm, pushing the bolides with huge horns, and even if some debris still hit it, it didn't care at all.

In the end, the super horn hit the key point of the desert dragonfly, and the desert dragonfly fell into the sea of ​​fire created by itself.

"Desert Dragonfly loses its ability to fight, Heracross wins!" The referee pronounced the verdict. As expected of Ash's strongest insect-type, he actually defeated the Desert Dragonfly with a single blow.

Since Tianlin lost three Pokémon, the game entered the second half, and the grass field was also burned and could no longer be used. The time to change the field was just right.

"Come back, Desert Dragonfly." Tian Lin looked at the Poké Ball and realized that this was the first time he had changed the venue because he lost three Pokémon first. He used Team Hoenn to deal with Xiaozhi's strongest main team, and it was still the same. Somewhat reluctantly.

"However, this is interesting, isn't it?" Tian Lin walked back to the lounge with a smile.

"No, Xiaozhi suppressed Brother Tianlin." Xiaosheng and others were completely stunned, and no one could have imagined this scene before the game.

"But don't be careless. In the second half, Tianlin will definitely launch an overwhelming counterattack." Xiaogang's expression was solemn, and Xiaozhi was only slightly dominant now.

"Okay, spectators, five minutes are up, the venue for the second half has been determined, and it is the battlefield of the Rock vs. the battlefield. The two trainers will decide the final winner on this venue."

Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi stood in front of the new battle field and took out the Poke Ball together.

"Heracross, please do it again."

"Go, Martial Dao Master Bear."

Tianlin's next appearance will be his three strongest Pokémon.

"Heracross, make a super horn attack!"

"Martial Master Bear, Fire Fist fights back."

It was another collision of power, but the situation was completely different from before. It was Heracross who was repelled. As a legendary Pokémon, the martial arts bear master may not be as high as Latias, or even slightly inferior. The second-level gods of the flame bird are barely considered a member of the divine beast, and their strength has reached the peak of the quasi-celestial king.

"Heracross actually lost in terms of strength, so he must come up with a more powerful trick." Xiao Zhi reconsidered his tactics.

"Martial Master Bear, rush up. Use the water to fight."

"The opportunity is here, Heracross, use it to hold on!" Xiao Zhi ordered. The method he came up with was the same as the one who beat Xiao Mao back then. He used to hold on to keep Heracross's physical strength to a minimum, and then he would bring the dead back to life. Its power is increased to the maximum, so that it can compete or even suppress the martial arts bear master.

"Xiao Zhi, your thoughts are really clear, but unfortunately, you will not succeed, Martial Dao Master Bear, use the water jet!"

Not giving any chance to counterattack at all, although Heracross survived the continuous attack of the water by holding on, it is a pity that the attack speed of the resurrection is not as fast as the water jet, and the preemptive skill knocked it down before it could be shot.

Xiaozhi wanted to use the same tactics as Xiaomao to deal with Tianlin, but he could only say that his thoughts were too simple.

"Come back, Heracross."

"Pikachu, that martial arts bear master is from the water system, so I'll give it to you at 997."

Xiaozhi's fourth, Pishen finally played.

"Pishen, I can finally fight with you, Martial Dao Master Bear, let's go and fight with water!" Tianlin had been looking forward to Pishen for a long time.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail."

"Pika!" Pikachu's iron tail swung continuously, obviously a one-time attack skill, but relying on delicate movements to completely block the attack route of three consecutive attacks.

"Very good, Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts."

"Martial Master Bear, dig a hole in the ground."

Pishen's lightning could not be resisted hard, so the martial arts master Xiong dug a hole into the ground to escape the [*] volts and waited for an opportunity to counterattack.

"I won't give you this chance, Pikachu, use the iron tail to the ground!"

Pikachu's iron tail was really played by it. After the iron tail hit the ground, it actually produced an earthquake-like effect, which not only severely injured the martial arts bear master, but also forced him out from the ground.However, the martial arts bear master's fighting skills are not weak. Even if he was forced out, he did not panic, but quickly approached Pikachu.

"Martial Master Bear, we can't be passively beaten all the time and use close fists."

The martial arts bear master launched a counterattack with his close-handed fists. Countless iron fists hit Pikachu's small body. After a slap, the two Pokémon separated, and they all looked at their opponents on alert. The two sides were evenly matched. Impossible to go.

Chapter [*] The battle between the fat house and the black-bellied queen intensifies

Pikachu and the martial arts bear division began a confrontation situation.

"Wow, what a serious atmosphere. Both sides are on guard and dare not act rashly. Which side will break the peace?" The commentator's words made the audience quiet.

As a spectator, no one urged the two trainers. They knew that only the two on the field could decide the direction of the battle.

"Pikachu, use the Volt attack!"

It was Xiao Zhi who couldn't hold back his anger first, after all, this stalemate really didn't suit his character.

Pishen, who learned Volt's attack in advance, is stronger than the original. If he faces Tetsuya's Meow again, the ending will be rewritten.

For the current martial arts bear master, Pikachu is also an incomparable formidable enemy.

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