Xiaozhi temporarily called back Pikachu and sent a new Pokémon, which is a coal turtle of the fire type. However, although the flame type of the coal turtle can restrain the steel type of the big steel snake, the ground type of the big steel snake can also counter the coal. Turtles have their own pros and cons.

"I don't care about attributes, big steel snake, use the breath of the dragon!"

"Coal turtle, resort to overheating."

The two are worthy of being reckless representatives, and they faced Bo when they came up, but the overheating power of the first shot was obviously far better than Dragon Breath, and Masamune was still standing on the left, so the result against Bo was obvious, and the strong flame quickly topped. Hit the big steel snake with dragon breath.

Originally, with the slight special defense of the big steel snake, this move could almost kill it in an instant, but Masamune's big steel snake was strong and could not be killed instantly, so he barely saved his life.

"Coal turtle, and then use the jet flame 々"!"

"Big steel snake, use digging!" Masamune immediately let the big steel snake sneak into the ground to avoid it. He knew that the big steel snake would be finished if it was touched again.

The big steel snake that sneaked into the ground successfully evaded the attack of the jet flame, and then the big steel snake appeared directly under the coal turtle. Shell facing down.

"Very good, big steel snake, use the dragon's breath!"

It was another dragon's breath, and before the coal turtle was turned over, it hit it, and it completely lost its fighting ability.

"A good set of attacks!" Tian Lin praised, it seems that Masamune has really reached the best state, and actually completed the bloody counter-kill.

"Is it very powerful, Masamune, but the next one won't be so simple, let's go, Forest Lizard!" Ash's fourth Pokémon is Forest Lizard, and among his companions now, he can completely cut through steel. The snake's dragon breath is the only one attacking it.

"Big steel snake, use the dragon's breath!"

"Forest lizard, with a blade."

Facing the dragon's breath, the forest lizard waved its blade at the moment when the opponent's ultimate move was closest, and a crescent-shaped blade cut through the dragon's breath, hitting the big steel snake with one blow.

"The big steel snake loses its ability to fight, and the forest lizard wins." Originally, the big steel snake was triggered with its real characteristics, and the referee did not need to verify the result to pronounce the sentence.

"It's so strong, I didn't expect that the blade can be used that way." Masamune's disadvantage is getting bigger and bigger. He has used all his strength, but he still can't close the distance between him and Xiaozhi, but he is not that kind of lighthearted. The person who gave up took out another Poké Ball, "I will use speed to win next, go Scorpio, use steel wings!"

As soon as Scorpio appeared, he used his steel-wing trick to charge at the forest lizard.

"We won't lose if we compare speed, Forest Lizard, use a flash of lightning."

The forest lizard used a flash of electric light to avoid it, and then jumped into the grass. Its body was the same color as the grass. With this protective color, the scorpion could not find its target.

"The forest lizard, with the seed machine gun."

The forest lizard suddenly jumped out from behind Scorpio, and the seed machine gun fired at Scorpio's back.

"Don't admit defeat, Scorpio, use the steel wings again."

Scorpio turned around and planned to fight back, but the forest lizard once again hid in the grass.

"Scorpio, cut the grass with your scissors and steel wings." Masamune ordered.

The scorpion flew at a low altitude and cut away all the tall weeds, leaving fewer and fewer places for the forest lizards to hide.

"Masamune, if you want to mow the grass, let me help you, forest lizard, wield the blade continuously!"

In the face of this situation, Xiao Zhi chose to take the initiative to attack, the forest lizard hiding in the grass burst with blades, and suddenly the blade Qi was horizontal, and the Scorpion who was mowing the grass was hit by the sudden blade Qi and fell to the ground.

"Now, forest lizard, seed machine gun."

The forest lizard jumped out of the grass and came directly above the scorpion, and it was an output to the scorpion below.

"The scorpion loses its ability to fight, and the forest lizard wins."

"Scorpio has been defeated. Now Masamune has only one Pokémon left to use, while the other player, Ash, has four left. The game is very bad for Masamune," the host explained.

"Xiaozhi is much stronger than the original book, and the current Masamune is far from his opponent." Tian Lin murmured, under his influence, Xiaozhi's strength has indeed improved rapidly.

And unlike the original, this is the real world, and the strength is there. Whether it is Xiaozhi or Pishen, they will not go to a new place and have to do it all over again. The battles brought to them in the past two years Experience and strength are completely preserved in them.

"'" Metal monster, go! "

"Metal monster, come back, forest lizard!" Ash took back the forest lizard. Since Masamune played the trump card, he would also use his strongest Pokémon out of respect, "Pikachu, I'll ask you later. once."

"Pika." Pikachu shouted and jumped onto the battlefield.

"Pikachu, use [*] volts."

"Metal monster, use mind power."

The Pishen thunderbolt was sent out, and the metal monster originally wanted to control the electricity to fight back, but found that the thunderbolt was too strong, and it could not be completely controlled. This is of course, the strength of Pishen has reached the high-level level of the quasi-king, not just evolved, The strength is only the metal monsters of the first-level Quasi-Tianwang can compete, and the giant gold monsters are almost the same.

When the gap in strength is too large, even the super power system can't do whatever they want.

Hundred thousand volts hit the metal monster, not only causing huge damage to it, but also paralyzing it unfortunately.

"It's now, Pikachu, it's time to pull out our bottom-of-the-box stunt, go, Volt attack!"

 (Nuo Nuo's) Volt attack, that is the exclusive skill of the Pikachu family. Originally, Xiaozhi's Pikachu only realized it when he challenged the development area.

Pikachu's powerful golden electricity charged towards the metal monster, and the huge impact sent it flying off the field, but Pikachu also suffered a lot of damage. Injury moves, so can't be used indiscriminately.

However, the timing of Xiaozhi's choice now is undoubtedly very correct, because Tian Lin estimates that this move is enough to defeat the metal monster at the moment.

"The metal monster lost its ability to fight, Pikachu won, and the winner of this game is Ash!" Sure enough, the referee stepped forward to check it out and immediately issued a verdict. end.

If Masamune hadn't given those two at the beginning, he might have been able to fight a little more intensely, but unfortunately, in the league competition, there was no if.

"Okay, it's up to me next!" Tian Lin stood up, the match between him and Ah Huo was right after the two of them. Affected by them, his blood was already burning.

Chapter five hundred and fifty-seven the ruthless crushing of fellow villagers

Following the battle between Xiao Zhi and Masamune, Tian Lin also fought with Ah Huo Kai, and the battle has passed for a while.

"Heh, heh, heh...!"

Ah Huo gasped heavily. People not only gasp when their bodies are tired, but also sometimes when they encounter unparalleled pressure.

At this moment, Ah Huo is like this. On the field of water, the gem starfish is fighting against Martial Dao Xiong Shi. On the big screen above, Ah Huo has two grids darkened, but Tianlin only lights up the martial arts. Master Xiong has an avatar, which proves that Master Xiong has pushed away two Pokémon from Ah Huo in a row.

"It's too strong, I know there is a gap between me and this person, but I didn't expect it to be so big." Ah Huo was sweating coldly, thinking that when he first debuted, he could still compete with Tianlin's wave in the Hualan Taoist Hall. , is now almost powerless to fight back.

Regardless of how Tian Lin usually treats people with gentleness, once he sets foot on the battlefield, he is a cold-blooded and ruthless God of War.

"Martial Master Xiong, use the water to fight!" Tianlin ordered.

The martial arts master Xiong threw three punches in a row, and the gem starfish was knocked down to the surface like a piece of paper.

"The gem starfish lost the ability to fight, and the martial arts Xiong Shi won. Since Ahuo player lost three 990 Pokémon, after the five-minute intermission, the battle field was changed to enter the second half." The referee announced.

"It's amazing, this and the one that won the last game are all three-star towns, right? Does this town specialize in monsters?" During the break, there was a lively discussion in the audience.

Originally, Xiaozhi's [*]-[*] victory over Masamune was already amazing, but now Tianlin is even more exaggerated. In the first half, the martial arts master Xiong pushed out the opposite three almost without injury, and the opponent was still Tianlin's hometown, so ruthless , so that countless trainers have become more afraid of Tianlin.

Five minutes passed in this way in the voice of the crowd.

"Okay, five minutes are up, the two trainers have returned to the battle field, and the venue for the second half is determined to be the battle field of Ice Battle. Please bring out the Pokémon from both trainers!"

"Thorn shell, please!"

Ah Huo's first launch this time is a water-type and ice-type Tu Longbei. It is a high-level gym-level with strength. It is also one of the Pokémon that evolved with the water stone as soon as Ah Huo was conquered. In fact, Tianlin feels that with strength On the other hand, Xiaofeng in the last game was also better than him, after all, Ah Huo's Pokémon was too poor.

"Hey, that's it?" Tian Lin noticed that there was a red thing tied to the thorn of the dragon-slaughtering shell, like a strip, and Tian Lin immediately had a tactic in his mind, "So that's the case, I want to use that Is it a tactic, Ah Huo, your idea is good, but unfortunately if your opponent is me, you are too naive."

"Dou Li Mushroom, it's your turn to go into battle!" The martial arts master Xiong had already fought three times in a row, and Tian Lin chose to let it rest for the time being.

"Stinging shellfish, use a broken shell."

"Battle mushroom, slow down and use the seed bomb."

The two sides ordered together that the basic speed of the thorn shell mushroom and the thorn shell were at the same stage, but when the shell mushroom deliberately slowed down, it successfully obtained the back attack. Much lower after the shell.At this time, the seed bomb of the tussock mushroom hit it again, and the damage reached the maximum at once.

"I actually deliberately slowed down the attack. Could it be that Tianlin had already guessed my intention?" Ah Huo broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn't panic too much, because his tactics had already succeeded.

The strap that was originally tied to the thorn shell slowly fell to the ground. Its function has ended. It is the power strap. When the Pokémon is carrying it, it can ensure that he will not be killed by one blow. Ah Huo is to take this. The props are used with the broken shell of the thorn shell.

After the shell is broken, although the defense of the thorn shell is greatly reduced, its physical attack, special attack, and speed have been doubled.

"Okay, the counterattack is launched, stinging shellfish, and making an icicle crash."

"Hehe, Ah Huo, have you forgotten (aidj) how you lost our first battle?" Tian Lin suddenly smiled and asked back, "Dou Li Mushroom, use a sonic punch!"

The stinging shellfish was extremely fast at this time, and it was summoning icicles extremely quickly, but at this moment, the bucket hat mushroom suddenly appeared in front of its eyes, and it hit the key with a punch.

"The thorn shell loses its ability to fight, and the bucket hat mushroom wins."

"Preemption...skill!" Ah Huo finally remembered the situation of his first defeat. That's how his fire dinosaur lost to Tianlin's forest lizard. No matter how fast he was, he could never surpass the preemptive skill. Forgot such an important point, resulting in a fatal flaw in his tactics, which was discovered by Tianlin at once.

"Dashihua, I'll leave it to you next!" In order to deal with the grass-type bucket hat mushroom, Ah Huo took out the poison-type Dashihua. Tianlin found that almost all of Ah Huo's Pokémon relied on entering The kind of fossil evolution, it seems that he did not conquer any new Pokémon in the Hoen area, but retrained those old Kanto friends.

"Da Shihua, used a poisonous poison."

"Dou Li Mushroom, then we will use the eye of the heart!" Because the poison-type Pokémon is extremely poisonous, Tian Lin directly gave up dodge and used an auxiliary skill. After using the eye of the heart, the next strike Can definitely hit.

"Then use the venom shock!" Ah Huo is a combined skill. The venom shock will double its power when facing an opponent who is in a poisoned state, which is enough to knock down the bamboo cap mushroom in one move.

"Don't try to succeed, Dou Li Mushroom, use a burst punch!"

Bursting Fist, a fighting-type ultimate move, can make the hit opponent fall into a state of chaos. The disadvantage is that the hit rate is extremely low, but because of the mind just now, the Dou Li Mushroom can sense the position of the big food flower even with its eyes closed, and a punch hit.

Dashihua's eyes suddenly stared at Venus. Not only did the venom shock fail to be used successfully, but instead, it slammed into the iceberg beside him. In a state of chaos, Pokémon had a chance to attack him.

"Dou Li mushroom, end it, use the hammer!"

The head of the bucket hat mushroom collided with the huge iceberg against the big food flower, and the whole body of the big food flower was immediately buried under countless broken ice.

The referee stepped forward and glanced at it. Dashihua's eyes were already full of circles, so he raised the flag, "Dashihua lost his fighting ability, and the bucket hat mushroom wins!"

This game is even more exaggerated than the last one. Ah Huo has only one Pokémon left, and none of Tianlin's side has lost the ability to fight. This cannot be explained by the difference in strength, it is simply in a different dimension .

"Finally, I have to ask you, go, fire-breathing dragon!"

Ah Huo's strongest trump card, the quasi-king-level fire-breathing dragon finally appeared. The last time we met, it was still at the gym level, and now it has barely stepped into the ranks of the strong.

Chapter [*] Tianlin vs Zhe Ye loses both

"The bucket hat mushroom loses its ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!"

After a fierce battle, only the Gym-level peak strength and inferior attributes of Dou Li Mushroom are of course not the opponents of the fire-breathing dragon. After a fierce battle, he was finally defeated by a wing attack, and Ah Huo finally won a Pokémon, to avoid The tragic fate of being sealed by Tianlin.

"Okay, Giant Swamp Monster, let's end this game!" Tian Lin's third Pokémon is also a water-type monster, and it is a Giant Swamp Monster from one of the three Hoennyu families.

"Make a request for rain!"

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