"It's nothing, it doesn't matter if you want to defeat the current Moru moth without spraying flames, desert dragonfly, use dragon claws!"

"Moru Moth, rotate your body and spread a paralyzing powder formation around you!"

While spinning, Moru moth sprinkled paralysis powder. She wanted to use this to block Tianlin's melee attack. Once the desert dragonfly rushed in, it would definitely be paralyzed by the paralysis powder.

"Do you think this little trick can stop me, desert dragonfly, rush in!" Tian Lin ordered loudly, sometimes, his recklessness was no less than Xiaozhi's.

The desert dragonfly rushed directly into the paralysis powder, and a dragon claw knocked Moru moth into the water.

"Moru moth loses its ability to fight, desert dragonfly wins."

Desert Dragonfly's three-game winning streak has greatly boosted the morale of Tianlin's side. It is indeed a dragon-type Pokémon, but due to the influence of the paralysis powder, it inevitably falls into a paralyzed state.

There are only two Xiaofeng left, and Tianlin has five left. The strength gap is very obvious.

"I won't give up, Giant Claw Mantis, please."

Xiaofeng's fifth is a giant pincer mantis, which is the meaning of her blocking the flames of the desert dragonfly.Otherwise, the fire-type trick would be too great a threat to the giant pincer mantis.

"Desert Dragonfly, Meteor Swarm!"

Tianlin knew that the desert dragonfly in the paralyzed state had lost its speed, and it was very unwise to compete with the opponent at this time, so he planned to turn the desert dragonfly into a turret for output.

"Giant pincer mantis, avoid it with a flash of electric light."

The giant mantis spreads its wings. Although it cannot fly as freely as the flying mantis due to its heavy weight, it can still glide by the wind, and then accelerate with a flash of electric light, and its air combat capability is also not weak.

The bolide was dodged by the red lightning one by one, and the lightning flash hit the desert dragonfly.

Tianlin and the desert dragonfly didn't care at all, and it was another shot of meteors. This time, due to the distance, the giant pincer mantis was hit head-on. Fortunately, it was the second shot, and it was not a big problem with its resistance. .

"It's too difficult to deal with, giant pincer mantis, this time we must solve it, the power of awakening!" Xiao Feng ordered.

The awakening power of the giant pincer mantis attacked the desert dragonfly with bursts of chills. Just like Xiao Feng himself, the awakening power of Ice Beauty's Pokémon, the attribute is also ice.

"Desert Dragonfly loses its ability to fight, and Giant Claw Mantis wins."

The brave and skilled desert dragonfly finally fell under Jue Bing, but Tianlin won't let it slip through the victory it worked hard to establish, "Master Wudao, please."

"It's the martial arts master bear of the fighting type and the water type, you have to be more careful." Xiao Feng said to himself.

What a character Tianlin is, Xiaofeng has already done her homework before the battle, even a rare Pokémon like the martial arts bear master is no secret to her.

"Since you have a fighting system, that's good, giant pincer mantis, use Yanhui!"

"Martial Master Bear, use the flame fist!"

After all, Xiaofeng has no system. She can only find out which Pokémon Tianlin has, but she doesn't know their skills. She didn't expect that the water-type martial arts master bear could actually know the fire-type flame fist, otherwise, she would not do this. Blindly engage in close combat 0 ........

The two sides exchanged a unique trick, and the damage suffered by the martial arts master was not small, but the giant pincer mantis completely lost its fighting ability under the fire.

"Come back, Giant Claw Mantis, I'm sorry it was my fault, I didn't expect a Water-type Pokémon to have a Fire-type trick, this person and his Pokémon are too unexpected." Xiao Feng retracted the Giant Claw Mantis, his face It was no longer as chilly as the opening, but three points of apology, three points of unwillingness and three points of helplessness.

By this time, she already knew that she had no chance of winning, but as a trainer, she did not give up these two words in her dictionary, "In the end, it's you, my ace, the Difang Sea Lion."

A quasi-celestial high-level Diya sea lion appeared, and Tianlin admitted that Xiaofeng had nurtured it very well, but she still had little chance of winning against a martial arts master who was stronger and possessed superior attributes.

"Miss Xiaofeng, let me put an end to this battle, Martial Dao Master Bear, keep fighting!"

"Come on, Difang Sea Lion, Blizzard!"


After a while, the water field has been turned into an ice field by the Difang Sea Lion.


With a loud bang, the Difang Sea Lion fell on the ice surface. Although it was carried down by the water, it was still defeated by the martial arts Xiongshi's melee punches. In terms of close combat ability, the martial arts Xiongshi is actually 3.9 stronger. Too much.

"The Diya Sea Lion lost the ability to fight, the martial arts master Xiong won, and all the Pokémon of Xiaofeng players were unable to fight. The winner of this game is Tianlin player."

"That's great, Brother Tianlin won!" Xiaoyao Xiaosheng danced with excitement. Although they thought Tianlin couldn't lose before the game, when he really won, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He is happy.

Xiao Feng walked up to Tian Lin and stretched out his hand: "Thank you Tian Lin for letting me play a good game. Although I lost miserably, I played very happily."

Tianlin also held her hand and said, "Where, I should thank you for your advice."

"Since you have beaten me, try to win the championship, including my share." After Xiaofeng finished speaking, she walked off the battlefield with relief. She knew that at this time, the cheers should be reserved for the winner. The Tianlin.

Chapter [*]: The second round of battle grouping

It can be said that Tianlin's side easily won the first round of the decisive tournament. The same is true for Xiaozhi and others. Compared with Xiaofeng, their opponents are much weaker.

That night, Tianlin and his group gathered together for a small celebration. Kanon turned into a human figure and sat beside Tianlin obediently, filling his glass with water from time to time.

"Uh, who is she?" Tetsuya Masamune looked puzzled. It was the first time they saw Canon, and they didn't know when there was an extra person in the team.

"Haha, this is the first time you see her in human form. In fact, she is Latias, now called Kanon." Tianlin pointed at Kanon and introduced.

"Hello, two new friends of the master, my name is Kanon, please give me some advice." Kanon greeted him very politely with telepathy.

"Where, hello, La... No, it should be Miss Kanon!" The divine beast greeted him so politely, Zhe Ye was a little flattered, and hurriedly replied, "Tian Lin, I really envy you, to be recognized by Latias. , not only powerful, but also can transform into a human form as a companion to accompany you on your travels."

 08 "Yeah, I was alone most of the time when I traveled in the Fengyuan area, and thanks to the company of Canon, I didn't feel lonely!" Tian Lin touched the small head of Canon and said, with three points of gratitude in his words, three points of gratitude. Indulge.

Canon closed her eyes, and she also enjoyed Tianlin's love for her very much.

"I also travel alone. Usually, no one trains with me. I always go up to challenge when I meet a trainer on the road. This is the first time I have participated in such a large-scale competition. It feels more fun than the usual roadside battle!" Masamune Enjoyed the race a lot, even though it was his first time, his performance so far has been pretty good.

"Masamune, but I see you look a little nervous." Looking at Masamune's appearance, Xiaoyao smiled.

"I'm not nervous!" Masamune said stubbornly, "My heart beat a little faster and my throat was a little dry when I was fighting."

"You're showing nervousness." Xiao Sheng said helplessly in cold sweat.

Suddenly, the navigator on him screamed and took a look. It was the notification for the second round grouping, "Everyone, the second round grouping has come out, everyone, hurry up to the Pokémon Center!"

"Okay, no matter who my opponent is, I won't lose." Masamune expressed his promise, but when everyone rushed to the Pokémon Center, the heads of him and Ash were side by side on the battle list, which meant that In the second round, they met, and one of them must be eliminated.

Masamune was stunned there, a little at a loss. After a while, he walked out of the Pokémon Center in silence. He didn't know what to do. It was his first time to participate in the conference, and he had just tasted victory. He didn't want to lose, nor did he want to. Xiao Zhi loses who has finally become a good friend.

But since they are trainers participating in the competition, it is only a matter of time before they meet each other. If they don't have this awareness, they will never become qualified trainers.

"Masamune, could it be him?" Xiaozhi looked at Masamune's back and was a little worried. He understood that Masamune didn't want to fight with him, but the fact could not be changed.

"Xiaozhi, Masamune's problem can only be overcome by himself. Tomorrow, you just have to give your best." Tian Lin said lightly.

His eyes were still on the big screen, not only Xiao Zhi, this time he also met an acquaintance, but it was not Tetsuya, but his and Xiao Zhi's fellow townsman, Ah Huo.

"Tianlin, I can finally meet you at the Alliance Conference. Although I know that my chances of winning are slim, I will also use all my strength." A voice came from behind everyone.

"Ahuo? Aren't you Ahuo, you also came to participate in the Caiyou Conference?" Xiaozhi said in surprise, as a fellow villager, Xiaozhi also recognized Ahuo.

"Yeah, you didn't know until now? It seems that I, the fourth person in the real new town, are completely ignored by you." Ah Huo laughed at himself.

"No, I didn't mean that." Xiao Zhi hurriedly defended.

In fact, Ah Huo really misunderstood Xiao Zhi. He didn't underestimate Ah Huo, he was simply lacking in heart. Unlike other trainers who would investigate the information of all the contestants, he would only go to crammed after confirming the opponent.

"Ahuo, this is the third time we have played against each other. I'm looking forward to it. I hope we have a good match." Tianlin said solemnly. For him, no matter who the opponent is, showing all his strength is the greatest etiquette.

Tian Lin's words also made Ah Huo grateful. After all, he would rather see how far apart he was from Samsung, who had gone all out, rather than a decent defeat after being released.

Dividing line

The next day.

"The second round of the Final Tournament of the Hoenn League Ayyou Tournament is about to begin. The battle field for the first half has been decided, and it will be the ice field. The top 8 will be either Satoshi or Masamune. Woolen cloth?"

Since Masamune left the Pokémon Center last night, this is the first time he has appeared. He seems to be deliberately avoiding Tianlin Xiaozhi and others. It seems that he has not yet come out of the entanglement.

Even if he has come to the battlefield with his own head, he still looks uneasy.

As the battle began, the game entered a one-sided situation. In the first two battles, Xiao Zhi used the lobster minions to easily solve Qilinqi and Katie.

This is all related to Masamune's command mistakes, such as using a light wall to defend special attacks to defend against physical attacks and other tricks, of course, no effect, and commanding high-speed mobile operations on the ice field, but it is affected by the field. Dreams slipped again and again.

At this time, Xiao Zhi finally became angry at 990, "Masamune, why are you not willing to fight seriously, or that your fighting ability is only at this level, if you can only blindly avoid fighting with me, then don't at all. beated!"

"What are you talking about, I'm not the only one!" Masamune retorted.

"Then show your strength, otherwise you are so useless, your Pokémon is too pitiful."

Ash's words hit Masamune's heart directly, and he looked at the catty dog ​​who was injured by the lobster soldier and fell into his arms, and suddenly realized that he was really sorry for his friends.

Katie stuck out his tongue and licked Masamune's cheek lightly, indicating that he didn't blame him.

"I'm a big idiot!!!" Masamune roared loudly, venting his previous depression, "Okay, I want to show you my true spirit."

"I've recovered my spirits, it seems that Masamune is fine, and the game has only officially started now!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

Masamune sent the giant swamp monster for the third time and had a battle with Ash. The giant swamp monster was amazingly powerful, and the lobster minions also won two consecutive games. At this time, they were extremely confident and powerful, and they were completely in a state of extraordinary performance. In the end, The two were tied this round.

As Masamune lost three Pokémon, the first half ended with Ash leading by a huge margin.

Chapter five hundred and fifty-six rivals against Masamune vs Ash

The match between Masamune and Ash was quickly over in the first half due to Masamune's previous poor state. Fortunately, he has now switched back to his former self. With his courage at this time, he still played in the second half.

During the five-minute break, Masamune made a special trip to Ash's lounge to apologize to him. The two agreed that they must show their greatest strength in the second half to decide the outcome.

The five minutes passed quickly. The second half of the battle between Masamune and Satoshi was the new grass field. This field was no problem for the two of them. They could perfectly use their strengths, and they didn’t have to be as constrained as they were in the first half. .

"Look at you, Pikachu!"

"Big steel snake, let's go to battle."

The two sides sent Pokémon, Masamune's big steel snake strength Xiaozhi had seen, even Tianlin took a lot of effort to knock it down, very extraordinary, Xiaozhi dare not be careless.

"Big steel snake, use the breath of the dragon." Masamune's spirit was completely different from just now, he was full of fighting spirit, and he gave an order that was extraordinarily decisive.

"Pikachu, use a flash of lightning to avoid and attack."

In this grass field, there are no obstacles, Pikachu's speed is very good, and a few shifts and shadows are fast, easily dodging the dragon's breath attack.

"Big steel snake, use its iron tail."

Just as Pikachu was approaching, the big steel snake's tail flashed and swept across, and using steel-based skills against ordinary skills was undoubtedly an advantage. Even if Pikachu's strength was amazing, it would inevitably be knocked out.

"Can't the strength be better than the big steel snake, and the electrical skills are completely ineffective. In that case, come back, Pikachu!"

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