The giant marsh monster swayed its fins towards the sky, and after a while, the field became covered with dark clouds, and light rain began to fall.Originally, the situation was extremely unfavorable for Ah Huo, but now Tian Lin~ has made things worse.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the sunshine and flames!" Ah Huo gave an order helplessly. It is not a smart choice to use the sunshine and flames on rainy days. , after all, compared to fire skills, at least Sunshine Flame - can restrain the giant marsh monster four times.

"Aren't you giving up now, Ah Huo, you are worthy of admiration for this, then I will continue." Tian Lin's tone suddenly intensified, and the sense of oppression even at the Heavenly King level gradually increased, pressing Ah Huo. Breathless, he knew that Tianlin was going to show more strength - here he comes.

"Giant marsh monster, mega evolution!"

Tianlin chose super evolution at this time, and it is absolute respect to show the greatest strength to his opponent.

"Super giant marsh monster, sunshine flames, launch!" Ah Huo gritted his teeth and gave the last command.

"The giant swamp monster, use the waterfall!"

The huge water flow broke the ice surface and rose, and the giant marsh monster rode the water flow straight to the fire-breathing dragon in the sky.

The Sunshine Flame barely launched a few meters before it was resisted by the waterfall climbing trick. Originally, the Sunshine Flame did restrain the waterfall climbing, but in the rainy day, the two tricks increased and the gap was smoothed out, and the power of the super giant swamp monster Far better than the fire-breathing dragon, the flames of the sun were pushed back like a destructive force.

The fire-breathing dragon was surrounded by water, and it fell from the sky in pain. The super giant swamp monster landed first with its powerful speed and caught the fire-breathing dragon.

"The fire-breathing dragon lost its ability to fight, and the giant marsh monster won. The winner of this game is Tianlin!"

"Come back, fire-breathing dragon." Ah Huo took back the fire-breathing dragon, walked to Tian Lin and said gratefully: "Tianlin, thank you for saving the fire-breathing dragon just now. Really new town Samsung, I'm just too far behind."

"Ahuo, in fact, you are much stronger than when you were in the Kanto region. It's a pity that you woke up too late. If you had learned the real cultivation method a year earlier, you would have been able to fight a more exciting battle today." Tianlin laughed.

"Well, I plan to go back to Kanaz City to find Miss Du Juan to continue my studies for a few months. Although in a short period of time, I will definitely not be able to surpass you and Xiaozhi Xiaomao, but as long as we can keep getting closer, one day, I will catch up." Ah Huo made up his mind again, and Tian Lin was of course very happy to encourage him.

After the whole day of fighting, another eight trainers were eliminated. Most of them packed their bags and chose to leave, such as Ah Huo, but there were also choices to stay until the end. Masamune decided to see it here. Until the battle between Tianlin and Ash is over.

As the number of people continues to decrease, the probability of a few familiar people fighting has gradually increased. Today, a new round of competition schedule has been announced, which has changed again from the original book, but Xiao Zhi encountered an unknown person. The male trainer, and Tian Lin's opponent is Tetsuya, the champion of the Hoyuan League who defeated Ash in the original book.

"Brother Tianlin finally met Shang Zheye, the top three of this league competition met in advance!" Xiaosheng said regretfully, he has already done investigation, this Fengyuan League has been hit so far, and the rest Among the eight contestants, according to his judgment, the strongest must be Tianlin, and Xiaozhi and Zhe are also in the middle. The remaining five are far from their opponents. If they meet later, maybe the three of them can take the lead. three.

Xiaoyao was also a little sad. As a friend, what she most wanted to see was the scene where the three of them stood on the podium together.

Now that Masamune has been eliminated by Xiaozhi, Tetsuya and Tianlin will also fight to the death. The alliance competition is really cruel.

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"You don't have to be sad. Whether it's Zheya, Xiaozhi, or me, you're only interested in the top throne. The two positions next to it don't matter at all!" Tian Lin said.

"That's right, no matter how strong Tianlin is, I will never give up the hope of winning." Zhe is also full of confidence. As a high-level trainer, he will never doubt himself.

"I hope we have a good game." Tianlin and Zhe also agreed to each other, and the time soon came to the day of the game.

"Now it's the third round of the final tournament. In this match, Tianlin player will face Tetsuya player, and the venue is the ice venue."

The two entered the battlefield, obviously under the influence of the ice field, the temperature was very low, but the hearts of the two were scorching hot, Tetsuya took out the top three Pokémon in his team, the Lizard King, without saying a word.


And Tianlin's side is Absol.

"Lizard King, Sunshine Flame."

"Absol, after the sword dance, use the spiritual blade!"

In the first round, the Lizard King gathered qi and Absolu strengthened, and nothing happened to both sides. This was simply the tranquility before the storm.

In the second round, the storm finally came, one side of the sun and flames shot out, and the other side's spiritual blade also slashed across the ice.

The two great tricks collided head-on, and the huge explosion directly blew up the entire ice field.

"Wow, what a huge power. Both Pokémon are very extraordinary. I wonder what happened to them?" The host's words aroused everyone's curiosity.

The ice cubes in the Ice Field were completely shattered, and the two Pokémon were crushed under countless icebergs.

"Lizard King, Absol, incapacitated at the same time!"

"My God, the two sides actually killed each other's Pokémon from the beginning. Whether it's player Tetsuya or player Tianlin, in this Fengyuan League, I'm afraid it's the first time they lose a Pokémon. Dream, it seems that they have met each other's rivals!" the host said.

He was right, no matter the preliminaries or the first and second rounds of the final tournament, Tian Lin and Zhe also almost completely overwhelmed their opponents to win. Until now, the two have met their real opponents.

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Nine: The Battle Between Ice and Water

"Tianlin, you really are very powerful, so next, sly tengu, please."

"Desert Dragonfly, it's your turn!"

The two sent out Pokémon at the same time again. Now the entire ice field is full of pits, and those large power-type Pokémon are undoubtedly not suitable for playing at this time, so Tetsuya's body size is not too big, and his skills are more flexible. The cunning Tengu, while Tian Lin was more direct, took out one that could fly and was completely unaffected by the venue.

"Desert dragonfly, use signal light!"

The colorful beams attacked the sly tengu. This is a worm-type trick. The restraint of the cunning tengu is too great, and Zhe also dare not take it hard. "The cunning tengu, hide behind the iceberg."

Unexpectedly, because of the explosion just now, the accumulation of countless pieces of ice on the field turned out to be a natural barrier for the cunning tengu. With the power of the desert dragonfly, although it can break the iceberg "Nine Nine Three", the remaining power is not enough to hit the cunning. Tengu.

"Very good, cunning tengu, use the shadow ball!"

The cunning tengu jumped out, and the shadow ball hit the desert dragonfly in the sky. Because it was in the air, it had no barrier to avoid it.

"In this case, I will completely destroy this venue, desert dragonfly, use all my strength to spray flames!"

The desert dragonfly started an indiscriminate attack, chasing the cunning tengu on the field while spewing flames. Even if it didn't hit the opponent, it didn't weaken its output in the slightest.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Tian Lin planned to melt the entire field, so that the cunning Tengu completely lost a place to stand and hide.

At this moment, most of the venue has been melted. If this goes on, the cunning tengu will not be able to move. "No, I have to stop Tianlin, cunning tengu, and make unreasonable troubles!"

Zhe also quickly thought of a way to limit the desert dragonfly's tricks with unreasonable vexation, so that the desert dragonfly couldn't use the fire-spraying trick continuously.

"It doesn't matter, you can use other tricks for the rest, desert dragonfly, and use meteor swarms towards the remaining ice surface!"

There was not much left in the ice field. The desert dragonfly spewed a ball of light toward the remaining one-third of the acre, and then exploded. The huge bolide swept over the remaining ice surface, and the cunning tengu was also affected.

Although the Meteor Swarm is a dragon-type unique move, its temperature is not inferior to any fire-type move. The ice field completely disintegrated and turned into a water field. The cunning Tengu, who was just affected by the meteor group, was not only severely damaged, but also completely lost now. No standing point, can only barely float in the water.

This kind of melted water field is even more extreme. Ordinary water fields have a floating platform to stand on, and here is all water.

"It's over, desert dragonfly, signal light!"

This time, the signal light hit the cunning tengu without hindrance. After all, it lost both its shield and the ability to move in the water. It was a living target.

"Cunning Tengu loses its ability to fight, Desert Dragonfly wins!"

Tianlin successfully won the second game. At this time, the tangled one became Tetsuya, because the rest of his team, except Meow, were all power-type Pokémon and couldn't fly. Even Meow Meow cannot fight without a platform for it.

"There is no other way, but to use you in advance, come on, giant gold monster!"

Zhe also had to send the ace in advance. He has two Pokémon that are at the peak of the quasi-King of Heaven. Besides Meow, it is this giant gold monster.The giant gold monster can barely fly in the air by relying on magnetic force, but its mobility is greatly weakened at this time.

"I know too much about giant golden monsters. Tetsuya, your idea is really easy to understand, desert dragonfly, use fire jet!" Since he had used other tricks just now, fire-type tricks have been liberated.

"Giant golden monster, use electromagnetic floating!"

When the giant golden monster has not entered the mega state, its flying ability is not strong, so Zhe also chooses to increase the magnetic force again, and the electromagnetic floating makes the surrounding magnetic field stronger, which greatly enhances the giant golden monster's mobility.

Of course, there is also a price, that is, the giant gold monster wasted a round and was hit head-on by the jet flame.

"The giant golden monster, use the Frozen Fist!" Zhe also quickly launched a counterattack.

Of course Tianlin wouldn't give him a chance. He had already said that he knew too much about the giant golden monster. "Come back, Desert Dragonfly, I'll ask you, Martial Dao Master Bear."

The martial arts bear master took the place of the desert dragonfly and resisted this frozen fist. For it with the water element, the ice element trick was completely useless.

"Very good, Martial Dao Master Bear, dive into the water!"

The combo flow has one more advantage than the one-shot flow, that is, it can carry out underwater combat with the water system. Zhe Ye managed to let the giant gold monster come to the air, but Tianlin dived into the water.  … ...

"Damn, can't you come out? Then I will freeze the water surface again, and see if you can't come out, the giant gold monster, throw a frozen fist at the water surface."

Zhe also intends to freeze the water again, Tian Lin smiled and said: "You don't have that chance, Martial Dao Master Xiong, use split tiles!"

Every time the giant golden monster freezes a piece of water, it is smashed by the martial arts bear master with a punch from the bottom of the water. After all, it is much easier to destroy than to create.

Over time, the giant gold monster's combat was completely futile, and its movements suddenly weren't as smooth as before.

"I understand, it turns out that Tianlin let Martial Dao Master Xiong hide in the water to delay the time. Electromagnetic floating has a time limit." Xiaogang finally said at this moment.

"The giant gold monster, use the electromagnetic float again." Zhe also hurriedly shouted.

"It's too late, martial arts master bear, flame fist!"

Just when the giant gold monster was preparing to strengthen its magnetic force again, the martial arts master Xiong suddenly jumped out from the water surface directly below it. After leaving the bottom of the water, its fist began to condense raging fire. With the action power of the giant gold monster at this time, there was no way to dodge it. Method, hit the core by the flame fist.

"The giant gold monster lost its ability to fight, and the martial arts bear division won. Since the Tetsuya player lost three Pokémon, the game entered a halftime break."

3.9 "Come back, Giant Gold Monster!" Zhe Ye's face was a little ugly. Giant Gold Monster was one of his ace Pokémon, but he didn't expect to defeat even one of the opponent's Pokémon. He can only hope now In the second half, the field was better. If it was a water field, then he could really play gg.

Fortunately, God will not be so cruel. It is too embarrassing to let a strong man like him lose. The second half is a battle field of rocks, which is very suitable for his powerful Pokémon.

"Desert Dragonfly, I'll ask you one more time." This time, Tian Lin took the lead in sending out Pokemon, and he also wanted to make the battle more exciting.

"Then the Iron Hand Warriors, go to battle."

Tianlin's first post gave Tetsuya the opportunity to make a move, and the Pokémon under his hand that can deal with the desert dragonfly is none other than the Iron Palm.

Chapter five hundred and sixty white-hot

"Desert Dragonfly, use a jet of flame!" Tian Lin planned to test the strength of the Iron Palm Warrior first.

The fiery pillar of fire struck again, but Tetsuya ordered: "Iron palm warriors, approach each other while pushing hard."

With its huge iron palm, where a thick layer of fat gathers, the Iron Palm Lux, facing the jet flame of the desert dragonfly, can actually push the flame towards it step by step.

"I can't believe that the strength of the iron palm warrior is so amazing. Not only is he not afraid of spraying flames, but he also pushes the flames away little by little." The commentary was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

"The characteristics of this iron-clad warrior seem to be thick and fat. Then, desert dragonfly, stop the flames and use the meteor swarm!"

Tian Lin wanted to see, but in the face of the Dragon Element's ultimate trick, Zhe also dared not take it hard.

"Iron Palm Warrior, use a substitute!"

As Tetsuya, who is very good at traction tactics, many of his Pokémon are equipped with various transformation skills. Under the unique trick of the stand-in, the meteor group was perfectly tolerated by the stand-in of Iron Palm, and at this time its real body has come very close. A place for desert dragonflies.

"Very good, Frozen Fist!" Tetsuya ordered quickly.The super-power king jumped high, his fists sending out bursts of chills.

"08 Desert Dragonfly, avoid it!" Tianlin reminded, but unfortunately, starting from the first half, the Desert Dragonfly has continuously used all kinds of great tricks. At this time, it is very tired, and it moves slightly when it is dodging. After slowing down for a while, he was hit by the ice fist of the Iron Palm Lux.

"Desert Dragonfly loses its ability to fight, and the Iron Hand Warrior wins!"

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