"In the first round of the decisive championship, Tianlin player will play against Xiaofeng player, please prepare the trainers of both sides."

"The game is a full battle with six Pokémon. Pokémon can be changed freely on the way. The battle field is divided into four fields: grass, rock, water and ice. When three of one's Pokémon lose their fighting ability. , the venue will be changed.”

The host proclaimed the rules skillfully.Like the Silver Conference, venues are drawn at random on a roulette wheel.Therefore, in the formation of troops before the game, you must think about the possibility of dealing with various venues in advance, otherwise, once you choose a venue that you are not suitable for, it is easy to fall into passive.

"Okay, let's see now the battle field in the first half is the rock field!" Immediately after the roulette stopped, the battle field between Tian Lin and Xiao Feng was opened, and a huge rocky battle field rose from below.

"What kind of person is Brother Tianlin's opponent? It doesn't look simple." Xiaoyao asked, even with Tianlin as his opponent, the young lady didn't show the slightest panic.

"This bag is on me." Xiaogang took out his small notebook, "I have recorded all the information about the beautiful big sister in this place."

Is it really worthy of being Xiaogang? Just in the expectant eyes of 990 Xiaoyao, Xiaogang said excitedly: "Miss Xiaofeng is a person born in Shuijing City, known as a cold and cool beauty, and her interest is clarinet. One of the best dishes is the super spicy pasta made with spicy tomato fruit.”

"Really, I like pasta the most." Masamune's mouth was drooling.The problem is that Xiaogang's information has nothing to do with the battle. In the end, Xiaosheng found useful information through the navigator. The reason why Xiaofeng is called a cold and cool beauty is because of the way she fights, as cold and ruthless as the cold winter. .

"I'll leave it to you for the first start, my strongest shield, Boscodora!"

"Please, Moru Mo."

Both sides sent Pokémon at the same time, Tian Lin chose to overwhelm the opponent with strength, starting with Boss Ke Dora, and Xiao Feng chose Moru Mo, who was good at various interference skills.

"Okay, in terms of attributes, Brother Tianlin has an absolute advantage here." Xiaosheng said, Moru Mo's insect type is restrained by the rock type, and the poison type is immune to the steel type. Tianlin has a good chance of winning.

"Come back, Moru Mo!" However, Xiao Feng directly took back Moru Mo. According to the data, she is the kind of trainer who will not easily put herself at a disadvantage, and is the exact opposite type to Xiao Zhi. , "Come on, Three Gophers."

The three gophers of the ground system took over. This time the attribute advantage was completely reversed. The three gophers had four times the restraint on Boscordola.

"Boscotola, use the iron wall!" Since the opponent has replaced, Lin has one more chance to make moves that day. To make up for the huge disadvantage of four times the attribute, he should strengthen his defense in an all-round way.

"Why didn't Brother Tianlin replace him, if the other side can do it, he can?" Xiaoyao wondered.

"No, the characteristic of the three gophers is the sand cave, which is a characteristic that makes the opponent unable to escape in battle. Tianlin can't replace it now, so he can only fight hard." Xiaogang explained.

"As expected of the league competition, the trainers have thought so far in every step!" Xiaoyao was slightly amazed. It seemed that the battle intensity and tactical duels of the league competition were much more intense than the gorgeous competition.

"Three gophers, use quicksand to hell!"

Xiaofeng wants to restrict Boscodora's movements. Don't look at the three gophers. In fact, its speed is very fast, especially in places like rocky fields, it can make it play to the extreme. Three gophers are one Dodged and drilled into the ground, quickly sneaking underground.

After a while, the area where Boscodora stood collapsed, forming a vortex of sand.Bosco Dora quickly slid toward the center of the whirlpool.Because of its weight, it slides down faster than other Pokémon.

Three Gophers are staying in the center, ready to give Boscodora another blow.

"Very good, three gophers, use the magnitude." Xiaofeng continued to attack, the three gophers shook the ground, causing an eight-magnitude earthquake, and in cooperation with the quicksand hell, it gave Boss Cordola incomparable heavy damage, and because of the shaking , the quicksand collapses faster. "Cut, because of the iron wall, have you resisted the attack? It doesn't matter, I will definitely defeat this Boss Cordola again!"

"What you think is too simple, I'm going to use this quicksand hell, Boscodora, a heavy collision." Tianlin shouted, Boscodora no longer struggled at this time, but followed the quicksand. The speed dropped rapidly, and the power of the ultimate move was improved with the help of inertia.

With a loud bang, the quicksand hell stopped. Soon after, Boscodora successfully climbed out, and the three hamsters had already fainted in the center of the whirlpool. The heavy collision power was amazing under the characteristics of heavy metal. The strength of the top and bottom has reached the extreme, Xiao Feng did not expect that his three hamsters would be instantly killed.

"Three Gophers lost their ability to fight, Boscodola wins." The referee announced the three gophers out, and Tian Lin won first, which can be said to be a good start.

"God Duck, I'll leave it to you next." Xiao Feng's second is Gotha Duck, who also restrained Bosco Dora, but with the exit of the three gophers, Tian Lin's replacement right has returned.

"Come back, Boscodora." Tian Lin took back Boscodola, "It's your turn, Dou Li Mushroom!"

"Grass-type Pokémon!" Xiaofeng bit her lower lip. This attribute is better than Gotha Duck. Fortunately, the bell mushroom also has a fighting-type attribute. Although Gotha Duck is a water-type, it is also very good at using various Super power trick.

"Gotha Duck, use your spirit to strengthen your thoughts!"

"Interrupt it, Dou Li Mushroom, use a sonic punch!"

The preemptive skill increased the speed of the fighting mushroom to the extreme, and with a punch, the Goda duck face was hit, and the mental strength had no chance to be used at all.

"Next, the seed bomb."

"Gotha Duck, keep it!"

Countless seed bombs hit Gotha Duck, but thanks to the timely opening of its protective cover, it was completely blocked. Xiaofeng was also ready to fight back at this time, "Godha Duck, soak in water!"

The Gotha Duck sprayed a large amount of water on the tussock mushroom, which directly abolished the grass and fighting attribute of the tussock mushroom and turned it into a water attribute.

"Why did she do this?" Xiaosheng wondered, although he changed the attributes of the bucket hat mushrooms, his skills remained the same, only that the attributes were added together, but whether it was grass or water, Gotha Duck's attack can't have a big effect, and without the fighting system, the power of the super power system is also greatly reduced, so it seems that it is Xiaofeng who has lost.

"Don't be careless. Those who can hit here will definitely not make such mistakes. Maybe that woman has some tactics." Zhe also said solemnly.

Tian Lin didn't understand Xiao Feng's thoughts at this time, but his advantage was still there, and he would never back down.

Chapter [*]: Cracking Cool Beauty's Same-Life Tactics

"No matter what your plan is, I will accompany you to the end, Dou Li Mushroom, and use the seed bomb." Tian Lin's attack continued, and he concluded that Xiao Feng would either choose to protect again or fight hard, whichever it is, Tian Lin will not lose.

But he still underestimated Xiaofeng. In this Fengyuan League, she can be regarded as a top-ranked trainer. Xiaofeng smiled coldly: "I expected you to use the seed bomb, Goda Duck. , take advantage of it now, and take the lead."

"It's actually one step ahead!" Tian Lin didn't expect that Xiao Feng's tactics would be this, and he was completely caught off guard. It turned out that this was the meaning of the flood at first.

This trick is to be one step ahead. It will preemptively use the move that the opponent wants to use, and its power will be increased by 50%. If it is not used first, the move will fail. In terms of basic speed, Goda Duck is still faster than Dou Li Mushroom. point is totally fine.

Goda Duck summoned several huge seed bombs out of thin air, and hit them before the Dou Li Mushroom shot. At this time, the Dou Li Mushroom's attribute was the water element. It was hit directly by the seed bomb, and the damage was amazing.

"Dou Li Mushroom loses its ability to fight, Goda Duck wins!" The referee observed the situation and pronounced the verdict. With an unexpected tactic, Xiao Feng managed to regain a victory.

"Not bad, as expected of entering the final tournament." Tian Lin praised secretly, "Then next, Desert Dragonfly, get ready to fight!"

"Gotha Duck, use the freezing light!" Xiao Feng is indeed an elite trainer, her Pokémon have mastered a variety of moves, and the attack surface is very wide.

But since it is against water-type Pokémon, Tianlin also has measures to guard against ice-type tricks that are likely to appear, "Desert ~ dragonfly, spray flames!"

The raging fire pushed it back against the freezing light and burned the Gotha Duck. For the desert dragonfly, no matter how afraid of ice it is, as long as it is not hit, there is no problem at all.

"Desert Dragonfly, then make a rockslide!"

Countless huge rocks fell from the sky and pressed Goda duck inside, "Goda duck, fight back, use a water cannon trick!"

Xiaofeng realized that the ice-type trick would definitely be blocked by the jet flame, so he changed his tactics.

"Is this? Are you afraid?" Xiao Feng guessed.

This is the additional effect of Rockfall, causing the enemy to recoil.This time is a great opportunity for Tianlin. "Desert dragonfly, use dragon claws!"

The desert dragonfly quickly charged towards the Gotha Duck with its claws raised, pinning it to the ground with a single blow.This Gotha Duck can be called very strong, and it is a quasi-king level like the desert dragonfly, but it is unsustainable after so many attacks in a row.

Another Pokémon's portrait on Xiaofeng's side was darkened.

"Come back, Goda Duck!" Xiaofeng took back the Goda Duck unwillingly. If it wasn't for bad luck, she felt that she would not necessarily lose, "Meng Yao, please."

"It's that dream demon!" Tian Lin, who had read the original book, immediately understood Xiao Feng's thoughts, and he was another one who wanted to come back with him.

"Meng Yao, rush up." Xiao Feng ordered, she didn't make any other tricks, she only prepared to get close to the desert dragonfly and use the same fate trick to die with it.

But Tianlin wouldn't let Xiaofeng's idea succeed this time, and shouted, "Desert Dragonfly, shoot a swarm of meteors behind you!"

"Behind? Why, Meng Yao is clearly in front of the desert dragonfly?" Everyone in the audience was very puzzled, and even the host who had hosted many competitions couldn't explain Tian Lin's intentions.

Not to mention them, even Xiao Zhi or the sundae in front of the TV and others couldn't guess what he was thinking.

Only Dr. Damu touched his chin thoughtfully, "Haha, so that's the case. That girl is very smart. It's a pity that she met my apprentice."

Because it was a meteor swarm that was launched towards the back, the Desert Dragonfly of course made an empty call. After destroying half of the field, it turned back again, "Very good, Desert Dragonfly, just now, use the meteor swarm again on the Dream Demon!"

"Meng Yao, use the same fate!" Although Xiao Feng didn't understand Tian Lin's intentions, she insisted on implementing her own tactics.

"What is the same fate?" Xiaoyao asked puzzled, it was the first time she heard this trick.

Xiaogang explained to her: "That's a trick to make the opponent lose his ability to fight when he loses his ability to fight. I now understand the reason why Miss Xiaofeng is called a cool beauty. What a ruthless tactic! "

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

Xiao Sheng and others sweated for Tian Lin, so that the desert dragonfly would also be defeated, but the meteor group had already been sent out, and it was too late to stop.

'boom boom'

A large number of fireballs hit the dream demon, Xiao Feng was expressionless, sacrificed a dream demon, and took away a desert dragonfly with a full state and a strength as high as the quasi-celestial king, in her opinion, it was totally worth it.

"Miss Xiaofeng, your idea is good, but the premise is that Meng Yao really loses his ability to fight!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"What?" Xiao Feng was startled when he heard the words, and looked towards the battlefield, because after the dust rolled up by the meteors dissipated, the figures of two Pokémon were revealed. Although Meng Yao was not seriously injured, it did not fall down. , in this way, the same fate will of course not be activated. "Why, I haven't trained the durability of the dream demon at all. Why can it resist the meteor swarm of desert dragonflies?"

......... 0

"I understand." Zhe Ye suddenly shouted, "This is the purpose of the first shot of the Meteor Swarm that was deliberately missed. Although the Meteor Swarm is powerful, it is a move that will greatly reduce the special attack after use. This negative effect was used to ensure that only heavy damage was done and that the dream demon would be killed with a single blow."

"That's right, and the move of the same fate cannot be used continuously. The current Meng Yao can no longer use the same fate. Xiaofeng's calculation was completely broken by Tianlin." Xiaogang and others also understood.

"This time it's really over, Desert Dragonfly, use its dragon claws!" Because of the two meteor swarms, Desert Dragonfly's special attacks were few and far between, so Tianlin finally took out a physical attack to win.

Meng Yao, who lost the same fate, was completely defeated by the dragon claw.

"Dream Monster loses its fighting ability, Desert Dragonfly wins. Since Xiaofeng player has three Pokémon that lose their fighting ability, after a five-minute rest, they will switch places and enter the second half," the referee announced.

"It's terrible, Tianlin's timing was too good. Originally, Desert Dragonfly's special attack has been abolished, but now it has been temporarily withdrawn because it entered the second half. When he plays again in the second half, he will return to his best state. Is this also in his calculations?" Zhe Ye looked at Tian Lin who walked out of the battlefield in awe, this person's calculation ability was much more than that of ordinary trainers.

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth chapters into the top sixteen

The five-minute rest time passed quickly, and the two sides returned to the battlefield. The second half began, and the battlefield was re-selected. In the end, it stayed on a drop of water.

"The venue for the second half has been decided, and it is the battle venue for the water!"

"Water!" Tian Lin frowned, this venue is not very friendly to him, the original advantage is slightly less, like Bosco Dora, even if it does not lose its fighting ability, it is completely unable to play.

Although its heavy metal characteristics gave it enormous strength, it was also too heavy, so that the floating platform in the water field was not enough to carry it, and it could not exert any combat effectiveness on this field.

"Forget it, even without Boscodora, I won't lose, Desert Dragonfly, I'll ask you again."

"Come on, Moru moth."

Tianlin and Xiaofeng took out all the Pokémon that had played in the first half.Both Pokémon will fly "Nine Nine Zeros", regardless of the venue.

"Desert dragonfly, shoot flames!"

"Molu Mo, quickly avoid it." Facing the fire-type trick, Xiao Feng did not dare to let Mo Lu Mo hit it hard. Mo Lu Mo flapped his wings and wanted to rise to avoid the attack.

"It's too naive." Tian Lin said, because the desert dragonfly was released after being recovered, the special attack of the desert dragonfly being dropped by the meteor group has long since recovered, and the jet flame is extremely turbulent and has a large range.

Although Xiaofeng's order was timely, Moru Mo still couldn't completely avoid the attack of the jet flame, and the flame brushed half of its body.

"The attack speed is very fast, and the power is not small. Since it can't dodge, then Mo Lu Mo, use the immobilization method."

Xiaofeng made a decisive move, and the immobilization method successfully hit the desert dragonfly, which meant that in the next period of time, it would no longer be able to use the trick of spraying flames.

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