"It's really powerful, no wonder it can defeat Pikachu, its strength is slightly better than Pishen!" Tian Lin thought, Xiao Zhi's current Pikachu strength is about the high level of the king, even if it can leapfrog the challenge, and this one Miaomiao's win rate is also at most four or six, Pishen four, Miaomiao six.

"We are going to eat ramen at Caiyouxuan. We are friends. If we don't dislike it, would we like to come together?" Tianlin sent him an invitation, and he was still very interested in the champion of the original novel.

"You mean Cai Youxuan? Of course I'm going, I'm just looking for it!" Unexpectedly, Zhe also became excited and agreed decisively. It seems that he is another person who has a pursuit of food.

Under the leadership of Tianlin, everyone quickly came to the real Caiyouxuan. Fengyuan's top 3 name is well-deserved. It is indeed a rare delicacy. Fortunately, this is the world of Pokemon, not a certain spirit The world, otherwise I am afraid that many people will make a fool of themselves.

Some people chatted while eating, and they gradually got to know each other.

"No wonder your names are so familiar. It turned out to be the rumored True New Town Samsung. It seems that this Caiyou Conference is welcoming a strong enemy." Zhe also recognized the two during the conversation, and Xiao Zhi was okay. He is not well-known in the Hoenn area, but Tianlin is in full swing now, and Tetsuya is very happy to know the two of them. League competitions are only interesting when they play against high-strength trainers.

"It's not easy for you. Although that Miaomiao didn't make a move just now, according to my estimation, its strength should be at least in the top sequence below the Heavenly King level, and it is only one step away from stepping into the real Heavenly King. "Tianlin looked at Miaomiao who was eating Pokémon food with Pishen, and her stern temperament was a good player even in his team.

"Is it so powerful?" Xiaosheng dared not believe it. Because he is the son of a gym trainer, he has seen many Pokémon since childhood, and he knows that the strength of Pokémon is often related to their evolutionary stage and race. Abilities are proportional, and Pishen who completely breaks this phenomenon is extremely rare. I didn't expect another Meow to appear today.

"Sure enough, this meow is the most qualified of all my Pokémon, even the quasi-god giant gold monster I own can't compare to it, but this kid's mind is elusive, according to its strength, tomorrow morning It can evolve into a cat boss, but it has always refused to evolve." Zhe also explained that at the level of this meow, once it evolves, it is very likely to directly break the shackles and step into the heavenly king level.

"Of course Pokémon can choose whether to evolve or not. Even if we are trainers, we only have the right to make suggestions, not to decide." Tian Lin said loudly.

"Well, that's what I thought too, so I just let this kid go." Zhe also smiled heartily, and had no opinion on Miaomiao not choosing to evolve.

The group chatted very happily. On the way, they learned that Zhe Ye, like Xiao Yao, is a top foodie. Xiao Yao suddenly felt that he and Zhe Ye got along very well, so they asked Zhe Ye to eat all over Caiyou City during the conference.

In this way, Zhe also joined a group of people, playing and training together every day, two months passed quickly, and now there are only two days left before the opening of the competition, and today is the last day of the competition registration deadline.

This afternoon, Tianlin and Xiaozhi were training against each other, and the forest lizard and the giant marsh monster. The two of them agreed that this Fengyuan Alliance Conference will only use the Pokémon that Fengyuan has been traveling with, which is equivalent to starting from scratch. Start a showdown.

"Forest lizard, use the blade."

"Giant marsh monster, freezing light."

The forest lizard blade slashed, and the sharp blade slashed the ground and rushed towards the giant swamp monster. The giant swamp monster resisted the blade qi with a burst of freezing light, and the energy of the ice element quickly defeated the grass-type blade qi.

"Okay, let's go here, yes, Xiaozhi, your forest lizard blade is getting more and more skilled." Tian Lin took the initiative to end the battle, they were just training, there is no need to rush to compete at this time. .

"Xiaozhi, Tianlin, I'm here!" At this moment, a very angry voice was suddenly heard.

The two turned their heads and saw that the visitor was another strong enemy they had met not long ago, Masamune. It seemed that he successfully obtained the last badge and came to the conference.

"Masamune, you look good!" Xiaogang and the others came over and smiled at 983 Masamune.

"Of course, you see, my eighth badge!" Masamune took out a blue badge, which neither Tianlin nor Xiaozhi had, so it was not the eight gymnasiums they challenged of.

"You came quite in time. Today is the last day to sign up. If you miss it, you will have to wait until next year." Tian Lin said.

"What? Today is the deadline, I have to hurry up and sign up!" Hearing Tian Lin's words, Masamune hurried to the Pokémon Center.

At [*]:[*] in the afternoon, Masamune barely caught up and became the last contestant of this conference.

Xiaogang walked up to Xiaozhi and Masamune and said, "Okay, now that everyone has signed up, let's focus on tomorrow's preliminaries, you all have to work hard!"

"The preliminaries, what is that?" Masamune expressed his doubts. He came too quickly, and he didn't know the rules of the competition.

"That was a competition to eliminate some contestants." Tian Lin stepped forward and explained, "According to statistics, there are more than 600 contestants participating in this conference, of which only 256 can enter the official contest, and the preliminaries are one-on-one Pokemon. Dream battle, so we all have to come up with our own confident Pokémon."

"Anyway, as long as you win!"

Satoshi and Masamune don't seem to know much, but what they said is right, as long as they win, everything will be fine.

Chapter five hundred and forty-six the preliminaries of the Hoenn League start

The next day, at the Hoenn League Caiyou Conference, the preliminaries finally started.

This is a one-on-one battle. Once defeated, it means that the journey of the conference will come to an end. Therefore, including Tian Lin, no one dares to be careless.

Before Tianlin and Xiaozhi, the first match was Masamune. He still took out the iron dumbbells he was focusing on training. In all fairness, Tianlin felt that it was too much to use a Pokémon that could only slam on such an important occasion. It's a risk, if the other party sends out a ghost-type Pokémon, then Masamune will have no room to fight back.

Fortunately, he was lucky. The opposite was a Gym-level electric shock beast, and the iron dumbbell could fight with it.

The trainer of the electric shock beast seemed very arrogant, and when he saw the iron dumbbells that only slammed, he even shouted, "Hey, you are too boring to fight like this, please, give me a little more tension, electric shock. Beast, use it to guard."

The opponent kept making Dengekimon alternately attacking and defending his unique skills, as if he was playing with Masamune, and the injuries of the iron dumbbells kept accumulating.

"Iron Dumbbell, your aura is not enough, the battle is only starting now, let's slam with all your strength!" Masamune cheered loudly. For Iron Dumbbell, who can only slam, he doesn't seem to have any other good fights except encouragement. method.

But encouragement is not useless. In a critical moment, the iron dumbbell broke the shackles of the first stage of the quasi-god and evolved into a metal monster.

The evolved metal monsters have newly added three skills: Psychic Power, Comet Fist and Metal Claw. This game has great potential for Masamune.

The metal monster first controlled the electric shock beast with his mind power, and then slammed into the end of the battle. Masamune relied on the backbone and courage of the iron dumbbell to break through the preliminaries without any risk.

The group later came to Tetsuya's side again. His opponent was a girl with two ponytails, and the Pokémon he used was actually Cat Boss.

As an evolutionary type, it overwhelmed Tetsuya's Miaomiao in momentum, but Miaomiao was not only not afraid, but felt more and more angry. Just as the referee flag was waved, it couldn't wait to launch a fierce attack.

The opponent's cat boss is not low in level. At first, after flashing through Miaomiao's split with agile movements, he attacked it fiercely, but soon, the strength of Miaomiao's quasi-day king broke out, and he first took over the cat boss. After a few waves of water, the iron tail turned around and hit the cat boss.

At this time, the cat boss resorted to a trick of digging a hole, trying to hide in the ground to reorganize his position, but the power of [*] volts of Meow Miao was so amazing that it directly lifted the whole ground and forced the cat boss out. The boss was swallowed by the electric light, and soon completely lost his fighting ability.

However, Miaomiao, who had already won, didn't seem satisfied, and stretched out her claws again, as if she would be content to tear the opponent apart completely.

Zhe Ye quickly stepped forward and held Miaomiao, "Miaomiao, wait a minute, we have won 々"!"

In the face of Tetsuya's advice, Miaomiao not only did not listen, but after a few strokes, she forcibly broke free from Tetsuya's hand and rushed towards the cat boss.

"Come back, Miaomiao!" Zhe also responded quickly, and immediately used the Poke Ball to withdraw Miaomiao. Fortunately, his actions were timely, otherwise if Miaomiao really attacked the cat boss who has lost the ability to fight, he will definitely lose the qualification to continue the game. of.

"Looks like that Miao Miao also has a story!" Tian Lin guessed, but he didn't have time to explore at this time, because it was his turn for the preliminaries.

When he came to the arena that belonged to him, the game in front of him just came to an end.

"Fire-breathing dragon, shoot flames!"

A familiar voice sounded, and the fire-breathing dragon on the field burned with a scorching flame, and the big wolf dog on the opposite side lost its fighting ability.

After the winner was decided, the trainer walked out of the venue.

"Ahuo, I didn't expect you to come to the conference. You have collected eight badges in one year. It seems that you have made a lot of progress!" Tianlin smiled, that person was one of his fellow villagers, Ahuo. , a trainer who set off on the same day as Tianlin Xiaozhi, but because of the strength of Samsung in Zhenxin Town, he really has no sense of existence.

But now it seems that he has also begun to become stronger. The fire-breathing dragon just now has successfully broken through the quasi-celestial king, and can be regarded as a strong man.

"Tianlin, thank you, thanks to you and Miss Du Juan's advice, I have benefited a lot after re-learning the knowledge of Pokémon cultivation in the Pokémon Academy. It is wrong to blindly pursue rapid evolution. Now, my Pokémon have received the most basic training again, and their strength has improved a lot." Ah Huo said with sincere gratitude.

"Well, the so-called foundation is not strong, and the ground is shaking. Congratulations, you have realized this truth. Then, let's watch my battle!" Tian Lin said and walked to the battlefield.

In an instant, the audience cheered and cheers sounded one after another. Tianlin's reputation in Fengyuan is now comparable to that of the Four Heavenly Kings. Although he is not a native of Fengyuan, he has no feeling of playing away from home.

"Next, the match between Tianlin player and Dazao player, start!"

"Gulu!" Tianlin's opponent swallowed, and Dazao felt that his luck was really overwhelming. He encountered a monster as soon as he came up. He heard that this year's Fengyuan Alliance contestants included three stars in Zhenxin Town. Two, so I thought that it would not be good for you two to fight and lose both, and you have to come to harm ordinary trainers like them.

"'" Damn, what about the young king, I won't lose, go, poison powder moth! Dazao forced his fear down and sent his own Pokémon, a mid-level Gym-level Poison Moth.

"The Gym-level Poison Moth, I would have known that I would not log in to it." Tian Lin scratched his head. He found that he was overly cautious. It's really overkill, but after the Pokémon has been logged in in advance, it cannot be changed, and he can only be sorry for the opposite.

"Please, Latias!"

Tianlin started as a divine beast, and he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​retaining his strength. Anyway, after this conference, there was no need to fight the Four Heavenly Kings, and he would retain his strength or something, go to hell.

Seeing Latias appear, (Nuo Qian Zhao) the cheers from the audience got a little louder, but Tian Lin's opponent was about to scold his mother.

Tatsuo thought angrily, "You're crazy, I know you have Latias, and you have beaten Mr. Genji before, but what are you using it for in a preliminaries?"

"Sorry, I have to make a quick decision, Latias, Mist Ball!" Tian Lin paid no attention to Da Zao's anger, and calmly gave an order.

Ladias spit out a pink ball and rushed towards the poisonous powder moth at a very fast speed. The poisonous powder moth didn't even have time to react, and was hit by the mist ball and flew off the field.

It doesn't matter at all, the referee decisively raised the flag in his hand, "The Poison Moth has lost its ability to fight, and Latias wins!"

At the same time, in another field, Ash also easily defeated Hibiro with Pikachu and won.

So far, Tianlin, Xiaozhi, Tetsuya, and Masamune have successfully passed the preliminaries and got the right to participate in the official competition.

Chapter [*]: Dirty Tianlin of the Preliminary Tournament

Tianlin, Tetsuya, Masamune, and Xiaozhi successfully won the preliminaries and were able to participate in the official competition of the Caiyou Conference, and because of the good results of the previous alliance, at the invitation of President Damaranch, Xiaozhi, Tian Lin and Tetsuya, a native of Hoenn, were selected as torch runners to complete the torch relay.

As the last runner, Tianlin boarded the holy fire platform and ignited the holy flame from the flame bird. The Fengyuan Alliance Caiyou Conference will officially start under the illumination of the holy flame.

When everyone came to the Pokémon Center, Miss Joy announced: "The 256 trainers who passed the preliminaries will now announce the group list of the Preliminary Tournament of the Caiyou Conference. Please watch the big screen."

Hearing this, all the trainers focused their attention, eager to know who their opponents were.Because the game actually started at the moment when the opponent was decided.

While everyone was looking at the screen, Miss Joy was also reading out the rules of the preliminaries tournament. Among the 256 trainers present, only 32 could get the right to participate in the final tournament. This competition is not without fierce competition.

Another point is that the preliminaries tournament adopts the mode of three rounds of battles, all of which are doubles battles. This is a feature of the Hoenn League. They also include doubles battles in the official battles.

"Do you have to fight three games in a row in doubles? And if you lose once, you will be out of the game 987!" Xiaogang murmured, he saw it very clearly, after all, this is a very simple calculation, 256 players duel in twos, and half of them are eliminated in each round , after three rounds, there are only thirty-two real powerhouses left.

"I'm getting more and more excited." Masamune suddenly became enthusiastic. In fact, he didn't quite understand it, but in short, as long as he won, it would be fine.

"Ah, I saw you." Xiao Sheng, who had been staring at the big screen, suddenly shouted, "Brother Tianlin is playing this morning in Arena A, Xiaozhi is in Arena C in the afternoon, and Masamune is in Arena E. In the morning, Tetsuya-san is in the afternoon at the F Arena."

"So, Masamune and I will be playing soon." Tian Lin smiled.

"Haha, fight first, win first, I can't wait."

Both of them are full of fighting spirit, but it makes Xiaoyao and others tangled. Tianlin and Masamune's game time is actually the same, where should they go to cheer.

In all fairness, whether it is Xiaozhi Xiaogang or Xiaoyao Xiaosheng, they are all on Tianlin's side, because Tianlin has a much better relationship with them than Masamune, and for Xiaoyao, Tianlin treats her a lot. He is like a teacher and a friend. As for Xiaosheng, he is Tianlin's brainless fan.

But if they all went to cheer Tianlin, Masamune would be too pitiful.

Seeing everyone's entanglement, Tian Lin smiled indifferently: "Don't worry about me, go cheer for Masamune, my game will end soon, and I will come to you then!"

After speaking, without waiting for them to reply, he turned and left the Pokémon Center.

"Really confident, as expected of Brother Tianlin!" Xiaosheng said with admiration.

"The source of Tianlin's confidence is his unparalleled strength!" Xiaogang said, he didn't think Tianlin was talking big, and almost no one present thought that Tianlin would lose in the preliminaries.

"In this case, let's go cheer Masamune on, Tian Lin doesn't have to worry at all." In the end, Xiao Zhi decided that he knew better than anyone how deep and bottomless his strength was.

Dividing line

"The first match of the preliminaries tournament a arena is about to start. Dear audience, the first player to appear is Kinoshita from Luyin Town."

The host's voice fell, and an ordinary-looking middle-aged man walked out from the left side of the aisle. Tian Lin also had some information about this person. He was participating in the Fengyuan League for the second time. He lost in the second round of the preliminaries tournament last year. It is the result of the top 128, which is not too strong.

"And against him is Tianlin from Zhenxin Town. He is the biggest favorite to win this year's championship. I wonder if Kinoshita can stop him?"

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