Everyone looked at the big screen. Because Lizhuang Chicken's Flaming Heavenly Fist was really good, the score at this time was Xiaoyao, but as the smoke and dust on the field dissipated, two of her Pokémon were revealed, Lizhuang Chicken. Having lost the ability to fight with Miao Xiangwei, Xiao Shun completed the technical ko at the last moment.

"It's a pity, although Xiaoyao player leads the score, but the Pokémon has lost the ability to fight, I declare the winner of this gorgeous match as Xiaoshu player!"

Vivian made a verdict. Xiaoyao regretfully lost in the fateful battle with her rival, but she only lost in the power of Pokémon. If the time ended two seconds earlier, she would be the winner. It can be said that in the gorgeous In battle, she was the victor.

Chapter [*] The end of the large-scale celebration

The game was over, Xiaoyao didn't come back to his senses for a while, and stayed where he was. At this moment, there were violent cheers from the audience. This was the most worthy of their appreciation in this large-scale celebration so far. a battle.

Xiaoyao was awakened by the cheers, and immediately stepped forward to help up two Pokémon, Lizhuang Chicken, they were a little lost at this time, and lived up to their master's expectations. They were the ones who had the advantage, but they were overturned by the other party at the last moment. , which is caused by their carelessness.

"It's okay, don't worry, you guys played well." Xiaoyao smiled and comforted.

"That's right, if time hadn't stood for me, I would have lost today." Xiao Shun came over, he really did his best today, and only barely managed to win, Xiaoyao's progress really shocked him, It can even be said that if his Pokémon had the upper hand in strength, he would have already lost.

In the gorgeous battle, relying on strength to suppress the victory, in the eyes of many top coordination trainers, it is not a win at all. The most important thing in the gorgeous battle is to show the charm of Pokémon and unique skills. After all, that is the essence of the gorgeous competition. From this point of view, he has actually lost to Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao integrated Tianlin's orthodox trainer style fighting method and Xiaozhi's extreme fighting method into her own style, creating an unprecedented new gorgeous fighting style, as long as she waits for the strength of her Pokémon to improve in the future Up, there will be a hurricane in the coordination trainer session.

"Thank you, Xiao Shun, I had a great time playing today, and then you have to work hard with me!" After the battle was over, the two shook hands, and Xiaoyao walked out of the arena along the channel of the players. Her relatives and friends Already there waiting for her.

Originally everyone planned to comfort her, but now it seems that there is no need, because she is smiling, smiling happily, without any sadness.

On the contrary, Xiao Sheng, with some unwillingness, stepped forward and said, "It's such a pity, sister, ~ it's just a little bit short."

Xiaoyao shook his head, "It's not a pity, this battle is the best one I've played since my debut. Although I lost, I feel like I'm one point closer to my goal of being a top coordination trainer."

"That's right, this game has proved that your hard work over the past year has not been in vain. Well, there will be a final battle between the semifinals and the championship and runner-up. Now only Xiao Shun is left, let's go and cheer him on. Come on!" Tian Lin-said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded and ran towards the auditorium together.

In the semi-finals battle, Xiao Shun and Robert faced two passers-by respectively, and both won easily.

That afternoon, finally ushered in the finals of the gorgeous and large-scale celebration. Xiao Shun played against Robert, and the winner among them will become the new top coordination trainer.

The battle was inextricable from the beginning. Unlike Robert's unilateral killing in the original book, Xiao Shun now definitely has the strength to compete with the opponent.

Robert's Pokémon are Minas and Psychic Puppet, no matter which one is an extremely powerful Pokémon, and Xiao Shun's choice is still Desert Dragonfly and Roseredo, which is his strongest combination, and the finals are not. It may be replaced. As for Absol, although it has super-evolution, at this time its basic strength is not yet a quasi-king, and Xiao Shun will not use it on such an important occasion.

"The score is so tight!" Xiaoyao murmured, 4 minutes had passed by now, and the remaining points for both sides were about a quarter. Even Tian Lin couldn't judge the battle now. win or lose.

"It's too intense. It really deserves to be a large-scale celebration final. The strength of the two sides is equal. It's less than a minute now. Who will be the winner?" Vivian explained.

The audience held their breath, afraid that they would affect the two people on the field. Everyone hopes to witness this wonderful game to the end.

"It's really amazing. Since my debut, you are the first-level enemy I have met." Robert said softly, "But, I will definitely win."

"No, it's me, Rose Raido, who will use Paralysis Powder, Desert Dragonfly, and Meteor Swarm!" Xiao Shun once again took out his strongest combination, preparing to decide the winner at the last moment.

"Minas, please use the mysterious guardian, the puppet of mind power, and open the wall of light!" Robert calmly and confidently gave the order.

Minas radiated a peculiar light from his body to protect himself and the Psychic Puppet. The powder of the numbing powder was completely unable to approach their bodies. At the same time, the wall of light spread out, blocking most of the meteors.

The remaining little power is not painful or itchy for the extremely durable Minas and Psychic Puppets. Obviously, Robert has taken precautions against Xiao Shun's paralysis powder and meteor swarm tactics.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"Hey, Xiao Shun lost this game, not because of strength, but because of intelligence!" Tian Lin sighed. Robert has not shown his true strength since the first gorgeous match.

On the other hand, Xiao Shun, when he fought Xiao Yao, all his fighting styles and cards were exposed. Since a trainer of Robert's level has obtained the opponent's information, how could he not prepare in advance.

When the strength is close, the side that knows itself and the enemy will surely win.

"Counterattack, Psychic Puppet, use strong mental thoughts on Rose Reidor, Minas, freeze the light to deal with the desert dragonfly!" Robert ordered.


The two Pokémon attacked at the same time. Rose Reidor was controlled by the strong mental power. The super power type trick did great damage to the poison type. However, the desert dragonfly blocked the freezing light with its jet flame, but it used the meteor swarm. After that, its special attack has dropped significantly, and after a while, the jet flame was pushed back by the freezing light.

The desert dragonfly was completely frozen, and Rose Reidor was finally pressed to the ground by the Psychic Puppet with super power, unable to move.

'Ding! ' At this point the timer sounded.

"Time is over!" Vivian said loudly, and everyone hurriedly looked at the big screen. At this time, Robert's score was still about one-sixth. , Xiao Mo has deducted more, and now only one-eighth is left.

"It's confirmed that the winner of this gorgeous and large-scale celebration is Robert, let's congratulate him on becoming the new top coordination trainer."

"I lost completely!" Xiao Shun was stunned for a moment, and then smiled relievedly. He thought that with his current strength, winning the championship would not be a problem, but there are people out there.

After the competition is all over is the award ceremony. Robert stood on the podium and Mr. Conkenstein presented him with the championship trophy.

"That trophy seems pretty good!" Tian Lin murmured while looking at the podium, "Next time, it must be me standing there."

This gorgeous and large-scale celebration has further strengthened Tianlin's determination to step into the coordinating training family.

Chapter [*] Arrive at Caiyou City

With the end of the big celebration, everyone is about to part ways again.

Xiao Shun didn't even bother to stay for another day, he just wanted to move on to the next big celebration.

"Xiao Shun, are you leaving so soon, don't you stay for a while?" Xiaoyao intended to stay, but Xiao Shun decisively refused.

"I don't have that time. I just saw that Mr. Robert is already practicing. If you want to stay at the top at any time, you must have his efforts. Or Xiaoyao, you don't plan to continue to participate in the gorgeous competition? "

"That's not the case!" Xiaoyao said loudly, now that she has completely fallen in love with the Gorgeous Competition, how could she give up.

"That's good, since the day I traveled, I have aimed to become a top coordination trainer. I will use a method that only I can do to make Pokémon shine. Therefore, I will also play in the next game. Gorgeous large-scale celebrations are waiting for your "Nine Eighth Three", bye."

"By the way, there is also Tianlin. Next is your Fengyuan League competition. If I have time, I will come to cheer for you." Before leaving, Xiao Shun suddenly turned around and said, for Xiao Shun, who is relatively withdrawn. , that is, Xiaoyao and Tianlin can be called his true friends, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang do not communicate much, so if he said that he will come when he has time, then translate it, it will almost certainly come, just proud He couldn't say anything for sure.

"Thank you!" Tian Lin smiled as he looked at Xiao Shun's back.

-Dividing line

The next morning, after experiencing the closing party of the large-scale celebration, Mitsuko got up early to say goodbye to everyone and rushed back to Chenghua City. As for Tianlin and Xiaozhi, they naturally set off towards Caiyou City.

"My competition is over, and then it's up to Xiaozhi and Tianlin!" On the way to the airport, Xiaoyao was in a very good mood. Although her hard work over the past year is not perfect, it can be said that it has paid off Yes, she is very satisfied.

"I don't think Brother Tianlin has to worry at all. There are not many people who participate in the league competition that will be his opponents. Xiaozhi, as long as he doesn't meet Brother Tianlin sooner, he will not be defeated easily!" Xiaosheng confidently said. Analysis Road.

It's just that this sentence immediately aroused Xiao Zhi's dissatisfaction, "What does it mean to meet Tianlin early, do you mean that I will definitely lose to him?"

"Isn't it?" Xiaosheng asked back. Even Xiaogang and Xiaoyao didn't refute his words. The more he knew about the trainers, the more clearly he knew that Tianlin was the representative of the trainers at this time. What, that is enough strength to be at the top. Except for the champions from all over the world, generally the Four Heavenly Kings do not dare to say that they are certain to win when they meet him.

"I can't say the same. There are many unknown powerhouses in this world. Even me, I can't be careless." Tian Lin smiled. Although he was very confident in his own strength, he would not despise others because of this. Getting carried away is always a taboo as a trainer.

During the conversation, everyone had arrived at the Kaina City Airport, and they were going to take a plane to Caiyou City quickly. As for the air tickets, of course, Tianlin paid for them. The two allowances that the inspector and the champion of the tournament get every month, his capital is very sufficient now.

The flight speed of the plane was indeed much faster than that of the ship, but within half a day, it landed in Caiyou City.

Caiyou City, known as the paradise of flowers, oceans and Pokémon, is located on an island on the border of the eastern sea area of ​​the Hoenn area. The island is very large and can be divided into two parts: north and south.

In the southern part of the island, the natural ecological environment is maintained and the scenery is beautiful, while the venue of the competition is in the northern part of the island.The headquarters of the Hoenn Alliance is also located here.

The Saiyou Tournament is a grand event where the trainers who have obtained eight or more badges in the Hoenn area put out their full strength and fight fiercely.

The competition venue is more than ten times larger than the grand and grand celebration, and only such a place is enough to compete for the strongest stage as the best trainers.

But before that, there are still nearly two months before the opening of the Caiyou Conference. They came too early, so Xiaoyao decided to take this opportunity to take everyone to taste the delicious food of Caiyou City.

"Good food? A good suggestion." Tian Lin agreed. His Pokémon had already been adjusted. He could do basic training for the past two months to maintain his state. He had nothing else to do. .

"Then let's go eat ramen. I heard that there is a very famous ramen shop in Caiyou City called Caiyou Xuan! The ramen there is delicious enough to squeeze into the top three places in Fengyuan." Xiaoyao seems to have long ago Investigation work has been done.

"I have decided that during the Caiyou Conference, I will visit all the businesses and gourmet restaurants. The first stop is Caiyouxuan. I will lead the way. Let's go!"

Xiaoyao walked at the forefront with great interest, but she traveled with Xiaozhi for nearly a year, and her road-crazy attributes seemed to have been brought out long ago.  …

Turning left and right, after a while, she brought everyone to a deserted place.

"Strange, the guide book should be here, right?" Xiaoyao looked at the map on the book with a puzzled face.

"Show me." Tian Lin borrowed it to compare it, and then his head was covered with black lines. Is this guy Xiaoyao who doesn't distinguish between east, west, north and west, he actually went the other way.

"Xiaoyao, we went in the opposite direction, Caiyouxuan is on another street."

"What?" Xiaoyao carefully compared in disbelief, and finally found that what Tian Lin said was right, and smiled awkwardly: "Ahaha, this is just a small mistake, the journey to find food has always been so full of Is it hard!"

"Alas!" Everyone sighed in unison, and it really wasn't the right decision to ask her to lead the way.

Just when the group turned their heads and prepared to start again, suddenly, a black mass surrounded everyone.

"It's the Dark Crow, what a big group!" Xiao Sheng exclaimed in surprise.

Those dark crows looked at everyone hostilely, it seemed that they had entered the territory of the dark crows by mistake, and ordinary people would be attacked when they came in, no wonder it was so desolate.

Dozens of dark crows pecking at everyone, Xiaoyao shouted in pain, "It hurts, don't peck me!"

"Damn, Pikachu, 3.9 volts!" Ash ordered angrily, these indiscriminate attacking black [*] dark crows also annoyed him and Pikachu.

Pikachu shot down several dark crows in an instant with [*] volts, but that seemed to anger them even more, and more dark crows surrounded them.

"Although the power of [*] volts is amazing, it is a single damage after all. Even if Pikachu deliberately spreads the current, it cannot cause large-scale damage." Tian Lin analyzed, and then he took out his Poké Ball, "Everyone step back. , then leave it to me, since they are evil, I will use the fairy type, come on, Duoduo."

"Shanai!" Shanaido appeared.

"Duoduo, shine with magic!"

Magic Shine is a group skill. Shanaido radiates the light of fans all over his body, covering all the dark crows. After a while, a large number of dark crows fell here. Seeing the rest, he had no choice but to retreat. .

Chapter [*] Masamune arrives before the preliminaries

The dark crow gradually dissipated, and Shanaido's shot was not heavy. Even those who had just been hit by the magic flash could fly after a while, but they didn't dare to continue to attack Tianlin and others now, fluttering. The wings fled quickly.

Xiaoyao stood up and wiped off the sweat, "Huh, it's so dangerous. Fortunately, Brother Tianlin is here, otherwise it would be troublesome."

"Cut, even if Tian Lin doesn't take action, I can solve it all." Xiao Zhi pouted, he found that he was completely out of the limelight when Tian Lin was there.

Pop, pop, pop!At this moment, a young man walked out from the back of the alley, clapped his hands and said, "Really excellent Pikachu and Shanaido, I originally planned to save you, but I didn't expect it to be needed at all."

"Hello, my name is Tetsuya. I'm a contestant in this Hoenn League competition. If you guessed correctly, you should be too, right?"

"Yes, my name is Tianlin, this is Xiaozhi, and we are also contestants." Tianlin glanced at Zheya and replied, it turned out that this person was the original Fengyuan League champion, and then his eyes swept to his feet. A cat wearing boots.

Meow, monster cat Pokémon, normal type, 08 characteristic technical master, impetuous personality (balanced personality), height 0.6m, weight 4.5kg, supreme qualification, super champion potential, the current strength is the peak of the king, with skills: Split, Shadow Clone, [*] Volts, Iron Tail.Remarks: Although this Meow Meow skill is small, it is practical, and every trick has been used to the point of perfection.

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