Tianlin also appeared from the right side of the passage, and the Aidj match of the Hoenn League started at this moment.

"Trainers from both sides are in place, please send Pokémon," the referee announced.

"Ok, let's go, Rice Spoon Snake, Straight Bear!" Kinoshita took the lead in throwing the Poke Ball. Anyway, the participating Pokémon have been registered in advance, it doesn't matter who sends out first, and the latter cannot be replaced according to the opponent's lineup.

"Poison-type and normal-type, then you are in a miserable day, please, Duoduo, Dou Li Mushroom!" Tian Lin sent out two Pokémon that he had been training recently. The combination of the two has a very dirty one. involved.

"Game start!"

As the referee announced, Kinoshita took the lead in taking action, "The rice spoon snake, used the mud wave on Shanaido, went straight to the bear, and played with the bamboo hat mushroom."

He made the right choice. Poison-type tricks can deal double damage to Fairy-type Shanaido, and goblin-type tricks can deal double damage to Fighting-type Dou Li Mushroom.

"Unfortunately, you don't have a chance to make a move, Dou Li Mushroom, Mushroom Spore, Shanaido, Hypnosis!" Tian Lin ordered, his Pokémon level is much higher than the opponent's, and the speed of shooting is of course faster.

The opponent's two Pokémon were hit by hypnotism and mushroom spores one after another before they could make a move. The so-called sleeping on the left side and sleeping on the right side, the Snake Spoon and the Straight Bear quickly both fell asleep.

"Very well, next, Duoduo, use the dream of eating on the rice spoon snake, the bucket hat mushroom, and use the wake-up slap on the straight bear."

A pink wave of light from Shanaido enveloped the Snake Spoon, while the Dagger Mushroom slapped the Bear, which was a fierce fan.

Dream Eating and Awakening Slap are both skills used on sleeping Pokémon, and the power is doubled at this time. Originally, the super power type and the fighting type restrained the poison type and the normal type respectively.

Doubled and doubled, the damage has been increased to four times in one breath. Under such power, Rice Spoon Snake and Straight Bear have no chance to get out of sleep at all.

"The Rice Spoon Snake and the Straight Cushion Bear both lost their ability to fight. This game is won by Tianlin!"

"It's amazing, this game took less than a minute, and Kinoshita player didn't even have a chance to play before ushered in a fiasco. Is this the strength of Tianlin player?" The host was surprised.

strength?As for the host's words, Tian Lin smiled and declined to comment. In fact, it wasn't any strength, it was just pure dirty. Presumably anyone would be very angry when they encountered such a tactic.

At least the opposite player Kinoshita was full of anger at this time. He was really unwilling to lose without playing at all.

Tianlin walked out of the battlefield, as agreed before, after winning the victory, he should also go to cheer for Masamune.

Chapter [*]: Masamune and Ash's Preliminary Tournament

Arena A is far away from Arena E. When Tian Lin arrived there, the game seemed to be in full swing.

Masamune's opponent is a strong man named Karen, with all the muscles, and the Pokémon he uses are also very compatible with him. The famous fighting Pokémon, Weili, and the other one is Gala Gala.

Masamune sent Katie to fight against Scorpio. Although they were on a par with each other in terms of level, they were both in their initial form, and their racial abilities were not comparable to the other's two evolutionary types. Masamune was suppressed at the beginning.

Although Scorpio's one-shot nirvana is powerful, its hit rate is really not high. After being easily dodged by the strange force, it counterattacks with an empty-handed hack.

And Gala Gala used the rotating bone stick to block the jet flame of the Katee, and then used the freezing light to freeze the two hind legs of the Katee, and then the ground-tying bone rod trick gave heavy damage, a set of combos All in one go.

Seeing that Masamune was at a disadvantage, Xiao Zhi stood up and shouted anxiously: "What are you doing, Masamune, take out the courage to fight back!"

"Don't worry about Xiaozhi, the game has just started. With Masamune's strength, he will find a way." Tianlin walked behind Xiaozhi and persuaded.

"That's right, Tianlin, you are right, Masamune will not lose here." Xiaozhi nodded, and after a while he finally reacted, his eyes widened, "Tianlin? Why are you here, don't you go too? Is there a game?"

"My game is over, I won, so I rushed over." Tian Lin replied lightly.

He heard Xiaogang Xiaoyao and others sweating coldly. How long has it been since Masamune's side just started, but his side has already ended. How big is the difference in strength.

Only Xiaosheng, his expression was not surprised in the slightest, and he admired: "As expected of Brother Tianlin, an existence on the same level as my father."

"Okay, I'll talk about the battle process later. You can see that on the field, Masamune is about to start a counterattack." Tian Lin pointed his finger at the battlefield.

"Scorpio, pull the steel wings at the fastest speed!" Masamune finally gave the most correct order. When the levels of the two Pokémon are similar, in terms of power alone, the strange power is far better than that of the Scorpion, it must use its own speed. Advantage is the odds.

Scorpio's body showed afterimages, and it used steel wings to back and forth to cause damage to the strange force. It was really effective at first, but as the strange force gradually got used to the Scorpio's movements, it was gradually able to make defenses in advance with its excellent prediction. action.

Seeing this, Karen laughed and said, "Haha, it's too naive to think that I can be defeated by fast breaks."

"It's really you!" Tian Lin whispered to himself, Masamune was obviously doing a fake move just now, just to make the opponent careless and underestimate the enemy, the current strange power is too confident, and every time he defends the Scorpio without a hurry. attack.Then, Masamune should slap him in the face next.

"Right now, Scorpio, use the guillotine."

Just when the strange force raised his arm again to defend against the Scorpion's attack, it was not the steel wing just now, but the one-shot nirvana guillotine. Karen who reacted immediately ordered to avoid it, but unfortunately it was too late.

The guillotine hit the strange force's arm, directly suppressing its arm and hitting the chest area. The one-hit nirvana ignores the defense. As long as it hits, the outcome is determined.

"The strange force loses its ability to fight, and the Scorpio wins."

"Oh, Karen is in a big crisis. The strange force was successfully attacked by Scorpio's one-shot nirvana. Next, Gala Gala will face a one-on-two situation." The host explained.

"So what, quack quack, use a bone stick trick!" Karen was agitated by Masamune's series of tricks. Just when Scorpio suppressed the strange power, Katie was also suppressed by gallah. , was already seriously injured.

This time, Ga La Ga La raised the bone stick and hit it on the top of its vital head, and it lost its ability to fight with a single blow.

The battle situation was leveled into a one-on-one fight.

In the end, Masamune fully demonstrated the importance of backbone to the audience. Scorpio, despite being seriously injured, actually used his head to forcibly withstood the bone stick of Gala Gala, and then a super-close shot of the iron tail knocked it out. Hit fly out.

Finally, Gala Gala lost his ability to fight, and Masamune won the first round of the preliminaries after a hard fight.

The following is the battle between Tetsuya and Xiaozhi. Tetsuya is amazing and easy to pass, but Xiaozhi meets a master, a trainer who uses tropical dragons and swallowing beasts, named Tomono.

"Both of them seem to be very powerful!" Xiaoyao looked at the two Pokémon on the field, no matter which one was stronger than her strongest chicken, the level of the alliance competition is not a gorgeous competition at all. comparable.

Devouring Beast, Poison Bag Pokémon, Poison Element, Gym-level Peak Strength, Tropical Dragon, Transportation Pokémon, Grass-type plus Flying-type, Gym-level Peak Strength.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

The information from the system proves that these two Pokémon are indeed very strong, but God is a special vehicle for Pokémon, does this category exist in Pokémon?

"The system just expressed the host's heart. In the host's heart, isn't the tropical dragon a means of transportation?" the system said.

Tianlin really couldn't refute this day, because he did think so, and he did so back then.

The battle started, and Xiao Zhi used coal turtles and lobster soldiers. They were not at a disadvantage in terms of attributes, but their strength was only around the middle and high rank of gymnasiums, and their momentum was weaker by a point.

Because the opponent's speed is fast, the right to take action is with the opponent. The tropical dragon and the devouring beast attacked first. When Ash saw this, he let the coal turtle and the lobster soldier use the two moves of iron wall and hardening to improve their defense.


After blocking the opponent's attack, he launched a counterattack. Unfortunately, the first overheating of the coal turtle was flashed by the tropical dragon, and the crab claw hammer of the lobster soldier hit the swallowing beast. After encountering the soft body, the impact was also completely was removed.

Xiao Zhi's counterattack didn't work at all.

"Tropical dragon, unleash the flames of sunshine!" Seeing this, Tomono planned to take advantage of the situation to come up with a big trick to decide the winner.

Of course, Xiao Zhi will not give up this great opportunity. Taking advantage of the tropical dragon's charging time, the lobster soldier and the coal turtle launched a concentrated attack on it, both the jet flame and the crab claw hammer hit, but the durability of the tropical dragon is really excellent. Even under so many attacks, it still stands tall.

Soon, the tropical dragon was fully charged, and Tomono snapped his fingers confidently, "Very good, Sunshine Flame, launch!"

"The Coal Turtle, block it with overheating!" Xiao Zhi ordered, not to be outdone.

This was the second overheating of the Coal Turtle, and its power was nowhere near as powerful as the first, but after all, it restrained the grass-type sunlight and flames. In the end, the two sides drew, and the Tropical Dragon and the Coal Turtle both lost their ability to fight.

The game has come to this point, because the attack of the lobster soldiers can't work against the devouring beasts, everyone thinks that the outcome is already divided, but Xiao Zhi's coquettish operation will always shock people's attention, he makes the lobster soldiers shoot the foam light into the devourer In the mouth of the beast, in this way, the defensive power of Rou Kegang can't be exerted.

The foam light exploded in the mouth of the swallowing beast, and the attack that directly hit the inside of the body instantly killed it.

Xiao Zhi also won the game without any risk, and everyone successfully passed the first round of battle.

Chapter [*]: The Second Round of Changes

In the afternoon of the next day, Tianlin's second round arrived. This time, everyone's game time was not in the same time slot, so everyone came to cheer for Tianlin. Of course, it was not necessary, because Tianlin would never lose in the game. here.

Tianlin's opponent this time is a short-haired athletic girl named Misako. According to the information, she is a good player who is very good at using interference and transformation skills.

"Everyone, the second round of the preliminaries tournament is about to start. Will the winner of this match be Tianlin or Misako?"

"Game start!"

"Let's go to battle, Da Wangyan, Evil Eye." As soon as the referee's voice fell, Misako couldn't wait to send Pokémon to play.

"That person also has a Great King Yan!" Xiao Zhi said excitedly, he wanted to see how strong the opposite one was compared to his own Great King Yan.

"Flying and "Nine Eight Seven" ghosts are really interesting combinations." Tian Lin laughed, one attacking and one interference on the opposite side, a very appropriate choice, "Then I'll leave it to you, Absol, Little Duo!"

Tian Lin used a combination of Absol and Duolongqi, evil type and ghost type. In order to deal with the alliance conference, Tian Lin had already returned all the Pokémon captured by Feng Yuan from Dr. Damu.

"Very good, Evil Soul Eye, use ghost fire! Da Wangyan, use Qi Gathering!"

Misako came up with two major transformation skills, exactly as the information said.

The ecstasy eye on the field has the heart of mischief with the dream feature. It uses the transformation skills extremely fast, and the ghost fire quickly forms in its hands.

"No, both of Tianlin's hands are very physical attack. Once they get burned, they will be useless." Xiaogang frowned, because it was a doubles match. Only, so both are possible. If Tianlin judges wrongly, one will definitely be abolished.

This is the interesting point of doubles battles, when the order does not specify the target of the attack, it will cause the opponent to be confused.

Tian Lin smiled indifferently, "Is it transformational skills? Actually, I am also very good at it. Absolu, use sword dance, Xiao Duo, dragon dance!"

"It's amazing. In the face of Misako's extremely threatening ghost fire, Tianlin didn't make any of his Pokémon dodge, but instead strengthened it in place. Is it because he wanted to use the power of strengthening to make up for the burn? disadvantage?" the host explained.

"Hmph, it's still a correct choice!" Misako hummed proudly, obviously she agreed with the host's guess.

"Don't take me too naive, I knew from the beginning that the target of the ghost fire is not my Pokémon." Tian Lin said with a smile.

As he said, after the ghost fire of the soul-eating eye was sent out, it flew towards Dawangyan, and Dawangyan didn't dodge, and fell into burns like this.

"Why do you want to burn your own Pokémon? Dawangyan also relies on physical attacks." Xiao Zhi said puzzled.After all, he also knew Wang Yan very well.

"I see." Xiaogang's light flashed, "Da Wangyan's characteristic is perseverance, and his attack power is not only not affected by the burn state, but also improved."

The girl on the opposite side is very scary. In order to exert the greatest power of Wang Yan, he actually chose to burn himself, but Tian Lin is even more scary, because he discovered the opponent's purpose in an instant. .

"Che, what if you find out, I'll just burn you one more time, ecstasy eyes, one more ghost fire, Da Wang Yan, use hard support for Absol!"

I have to say that this girl's tactics are pretty good, Hunhun Eye has the heart of mischief, changing skills are all preemptive skills, and Da Wangyan's speed is extremely fast, far surpassing Absol and Duolongqi. The power is doubled, and Wang Yan has gathered his qi once. If this blow hits Absol, it will be enough to kill it in seconds.

When ordinary people encounter this kind of cooperation, they should almost be able to disarm. The problem is that she encounters Tianlin.

"It's useless, Absol, use the provocation against Soul Eye! Xiao Duo, come up with a new move prepared for the doubles battle, and use the swap field!"

After Tian Lin issued the order, the situation on the field changed very quickly. Originally, the Prank Heart's ecstasy eye should send out the ghost fire first, but unfortunately its opponent is the evil Absol, once the Prank Heart encounters The same evil-type Pokémon above will have no effect, and the basic speed of Evil Eye is not as good as that of Absol, and he is quickly provoked, and the transforming skills cannot be used, and the ghost fire dissipates.

And Wang Yan, who had the fastest basic speed on the field, was about to hit Absol and take it away with a single blow, but Duolongqi suddenly switched positions with Absol. That was also a preemptive skill. Better than Wang Yan 0 ........

No matter how powerful the force is, when he encounters Duo Longqi of the ghost type, it is a waste move. Da Wangyan passes directly through Duo Longqi and does nothing.

After the round, Misako didn't take advantage of it at all. Instead, her best interference skill was no longer available because of provocation, and she was completely played by Tian Lin with applause.

"It's amazing. Player Mezuko, who is famous for her transformation skills, meets player Tianlin. It's like a little fire dragon meets a fire-breathing dragon. It's not the same level at all." The host exclaimed.

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