Harry glanced at Xiaoyao, it was really a narrow road, and he met the opponent he wanted to defeat the most.

The battle will start in the afternoon, everyone will leave first, Harry walked to Tian Lin, "You once said that one of the four people who are stronger than me is Xiaoyao, right? Today, I will let you know What a mistake in your judgment!"

"Hehe, I'll wait and see, but don't blame me for not reminding you, if you underestimate Xiaoyao now, you will lose miserably!"

Tian Lin didn't pay much attention to Harry, and left the venue directly. On the way, he met Junma Lu and exchanged a few words. After all, his opponent was Robert. Tian Lin encouraged him and told him that he would soon be after the Fengyuan Alliance. To embark on the road of coordinating trainers, Junmalu is very happy about this, and said that the coordinating trainer community is very welcome to join Tianlin.

Chapter [*]: Battle of the Enemy Xiaoyao vs Harry

In the second round of review, 32 to 16 games, Xiaoyao met Harry as soon as he came up.

Now that the game is about to start, Harry has a very extreme personality, and he is eager to report. He also likes to play some small tricks.

"The Pokémon Gorgeous Contest is a large-scale celebration, the second round of Gorgeous Battles, a five-minute doubles match, and now the trainers from the first match, players Xiaoyao and Harry, will appear." Vivian announced loudly. road.

From both sides of the venue, Harry and Xiaoyao stood on the left and right sides respectively.

Xiaoyao is still very confident in the doubles battle. In the battle tower, she has come into contact with a lot, "Go, the seeds of the wonderful frog, hunt for swallowtail butterflies."

Xiaoyao chose a combination of air and ground combat, with four attributes of insect, flying, grass, and poison, which is quite sufficient in terms of attack surface.

"Go on, I have to be super petty, Monganaia, and cursed doll!"

Harry is still the other two. I have to say that this person's bad personality fits very well with the gloomy Pokémon of the evil and ghost types.

"Then, count five minutes, and the battle begins!"

Harry took the lead in attacking, "Curse the doll, make a noise, Mongonaia, use the seed machine gun on the Frog Seeds!"

This is a combination move, the noise can greatly reduce the opponent's defense, and if supplemented with a physical attack move, it can indeed deal good damage.

If it was the original Xiaoyao, he would have to suffer here, but now...

"Wonderful frog seeds, use the vine whip to defend, hunt swallowtail butterflies, and use silk to trap Menggonia!"

The seeds of the wonderful frog turned the vine whip, like a war dancer who stood upside down and rotated, blocking all the seed machine guns, while the hunting swallowtail relied on spinning silk to tie up Menggonia.

"Oops, curse the doll, use thunder to hunt swallowtails, and rescue Menggonia!" Harry's response was not slow, and he immediately counterattacked.

The lightning power of the cursed doll is amazing, and it rushes straight to the hunting swallowtail.

"I accept this thunder and lightning, Frog Seed, relying on the vine whip to jump and strike thunder for hunting swallowtail butterflies!" Xiaoyao's instructions were completely unexpected, and Frog Frog Seed pressed the vine whip to the ground and jumped high, Blocked in front of the hunting swallowtail.

The thunderbolt hit the frog seeds directly, but did not cause much damage. After all, the grass type frog seeds are resistant to the electric type.

"Very well, it is now, the seed of the wonderful frog, the flower dance of thunder and lightning!"

"Seeds!" The dance of the seeds of the wonderful frogs bloomed, and the pink flowers were still surrounded by powerful lightning at this time, and Xiaoyao in turn used the opponent's unique trick to increase the power of his own side.

In an instant, the cursed doll fell into the endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and the numbness of thunder and lightning and the powerful attack of the dance of flowers made it immobile.

"Mengge Naiya, try to break free from spinning to rescue the cursed doll!"

"Don't think about it, it's not that simple. Hunting swallowtails and throwing Mengonaiya into the air!" Xiaoyao's attack is still going on, and her best trick is coming. When hunting swallowtails, she first uses spinning silk to throw Menggonia into the air! He flew directly above him, and then Xiaoyao immediately ordered: "Very good, hunting for swallowtail butterflies, silver light tornado!"

With the rotating silver whirlwind and air cutting, the tornado that ripped everything was finally displayed in front of the world.

The original bug-type trick has four times the suppression power on the grass-type plus evil-type Mengge Naiya, plus the equally restrained air blade, this Mengge Naiya is afraid that it will not be able to take [*] lives.

"Wow, the flower dance of thunder and lightning, and the silver tornado with cutting ability, Xiaoyao's attack is so perfect!" Miss Vivienne praised, even in a gorgeous match, she has rarely seen such a good match attack.

"I will definitely win. This is the fighting method that my friends have taught me so far, and I will never fail their expectations!" Xiaoyao's tactics were successful, and he was full of confidence at this moment.

"Then, what is that fighting method?" Xiao Sheng's eyes lit up, his eyes swept over the two people beside him.

"Hehe, no doubt, that's how Xiao Zhi and I fight," Tian Lin said, "The vine-whip defense and vine-whip jumping of the wonderful frog seeds are Xiao Zhi's best tricks, but resisting the thunder and turning the other way Using lightning to counterattack is also his extremely reckless tactic, as for the silver light tornado, seeking an opportunity to kill with one strike is my best fighting method."

Xiaogang nodded and added: "Xiaoyao has always watched Xiaozhi's battle the most, and she has gradually learned it without knowing it, and Tianlin has taught her for a while, and now she can easily It is said to be a combination of a weakened version of Tianlin and Xiaozhi."

"The outcome is already divided. Even the weakened version of me and Xiaozhi is not something that Harry can compete with. Now that these two completely different tactics appear at the same time, I am afraid that Harry's position has been completely disrupted. "Tian Lin made a decision with a smile.

He was right. At this moment, Harry was completely helpless. After a while, Meng Naia in the tornado and the cursed doll in the thunder and lightning flowers landed one after another, and lost their fighting ability at the same time. In two minutes, Xiaoyao completed the technical ko.

This battle of revenge and face-slaying Tianlin that Harry had prepared originally ended in Xiaoyao's victory. Under the onslaught of two different tactics, Harry, who likes to play tricks, was even able to fight back. No.

"'" Great, we won, hunting swallowtails, frog seeds! "Xiaoyao won the first game and celebrated happily.

Harry angrily withdrew the two Pokémon, walked out of the battlefield, and bumped into Xiao Shunhui who was about to play next.

"You must think I deserve it," Harry laughed to himself.

"No, the most important thing is the result." Xiao Shun walked out of the passage without looking back.

"Damn, you two are just lucky (the ones who promised money), and you have been taught by two of the three stars in Zhenxin Town. I will always be here until I see how you are defeated!"

Dividing line

After the first game, the battle continued. In the next game, Xiaoyao and Xiaoshun were in a rush, and they went through all the stages and quickly made it to the top eight. Only Junmalu, although his strength was good, he still faced Robert. The gap is too far, and like Harry, he unfortunately lost the first game.

But he is not sad. After all, losing to a strong player like Robert is not ashamed, and his obsession with the championship may be the lightest among all the coordination trainers in the field. He just likes gorgeous competitions and enjoys the joy of gorgeous competitions. That's it, I lost today, so I'll just go to the next match.

Tian Lin felt that his indifferent mentality might actually allow him to perform exceptionally, and he must have a place on the list of top coordination trainers in the future.

The five hundred and fortieth chapter of the fateful battle between rivals

The battle of fate will only be late, but not late.

The 8-to-4 game of the gorgeous large-scale celebration was grouped out, and Xiaoyao finally met Xiaoshu.

They are the last game of this round, the other three in the semi-finals have been decided, Robert and two passers-by, the last seat will be produced between the two of them.

Soon it was time for the game, and the two came to the battle stage and dispatched Pokémon at the same time.

"Xiao Shun, even if the opponent is you, I won't admit defeat, come on stage, strong chicken, meow to the tail!"

"Desert Dragonfly, Roseredo, go!"

Seeing Xiao Shun's debut Pokemon, Xiao Yao's heart was shocked. Desert Dragonfly is a very rare dragon-type Pokemon, but Xiao Shun has hidden an ace.

"Desert Dragonfly is a Pokémon I cultivated for this day. Its combination with Rose Reed is my strongest ace." Xiao Shun explained, putting the strongest combination in the quarterfinals ahead of schedule The exposure shows how much he attaches importance to Xiaoyao.

"Roseredo, use the Dance of Flowers!" The battle began, and Xiao Shun took the lead. Roseredo was the best at the Dance of Flowers.

The power of its flower dance is several times more powerful than that of the frog seeds, and a huge and magnificent sea of ​​flowers flocks to Xiaoyao's two Pokémon.

"980 strong chicken, use the flame vortex to break the flower dance, meow to the tail, and help!"

In the face of this huge sea of ​​flowers that is far bigger than the original book, Xiaoyao wants to bet on the luck of Xiangwei Miao for double insurance, and a flame vortex is not enough, and her luck is really good, Xiang Weimei's assistance The trick he used was also a vortex of flames.

Under the burning of the double flame vortex, the flower dance was completely destroyed, and Xiao Shun was deducted a little point, but at this time, the desert dragonfly suddenly rushed out of the flame. Forced to fly over the flames.

"Desert Dragonfly, use steel wings!" Xiao Shun ordered, the desert dragonfly's wings shone brightly, and at the same time knocked down Xiaoyao's two Pokémon, and Xiaoyao's score was reduced by a full quarter.

"Very good, desert dragonfly, use the jet flame, Rose Raido, the flame of the sun."

The powerful flame and the colorful sunshine flames were launched at the same time. This was the method that Tian Lin taught Xiao Shun to quickly condense energy. I didn't expect that Rose Reidor had almost completely mastered it in such a short period of time.

"What a powerful double attack, once it hits, the winner will be decided at once." Vivian judged.

"Xiaoyao, get out of the way (aidj)!" Xiaozhi reminded loudly.

However, the two Pokémon just got up from the ground, looking at the approaching beam, Xiaoyao quickly made a decision, "No, it's unavoidable, since this is the case, Lizhuang Chicken, use the flame vortex to push down. !"

Completely inheriting Xiaozhi's fighting method, Xiaoyao is simply reckless, and the strong chicken is also very powerful. A flame vortex actually resisted the jet flame and the sun flame at the same time.

"Very good, pierce the opponent's attack!"

The strong chicken continued to increase its strength, and reached its limit in one go.

"It's amazing!" Even Tian Lin couldn't help but exclaim, the fighting ability of this strong chicken is really strong, and it seems that he has risen a lot in the battle tower.

Because the double attack was broken, Xiao Mo's score was greatly reduced, and it came to the level of Xiao Yao's balance.

But he didn't feel flustered at all, instead he smiled indulgently, "Well done."

"Pursue while you win, meow to the tail, and use the blizzard as a full attack!"

Ice-type ultimate trick blizzard, once hit, both Desert Dragonfly and Rose Raido will be severely damaged, but Xiao Shun can't defeat it so easily, "Desert Dragonfly, use sandstorm to block it, Rose Raido, sit down. On the desert dragonfly."

The Sharon Roll blocked the blizzard, and Rose Reed took the desert dragonfly and flew towards Xiaoyao. At this time, there were still about two minutes left, and the scores of the two were even. Gain an edge.

"The general method is to win against Xiao Shun, then, only by surprise, Miao Xiangwei, help!"

Xiaoyao wanted to use the assistance of not knowing what skills would appear, so she was caught off guard, but it was a double-edged sword, once useless skills appeared, she would be at a disadvantage.

But God didn't let her down, a green whip appeared from Xiangwei Miao's hand, it was the vine whip trick of the wonderful frog seed, Xiaoyao had an idea, "By the way, this may be used, strong chicken, with the help of The vine whip jumps!"

"Stop it, Roseredo, use the magic leaf!" Xiao Shun ordered, the magic leaf is a must-have skill, as long as it is used, the strong chicken will not be able to escape. In this way, no matter what Xiaoyao's tactics are, he will Unable to cast.

The idea is good, but this is a doubles game, and the strong chicken has a partner. "Meow to the tail, make another blizzard!"

The powerful blizzard completely froze the magic leaves, and when Xiao Shun saw it, he looked at the desert dragonfly, "Desert dragonfly, use a jet of flame!"

"I'm going to borrow this flame too, strong chicken, rush into the flame."

Xiaoyao ordered Lizhuang Chicken to bravely rush into the flames, letting the flames wrap itself around, "Using the flames of the heavenly fist!"

"Just!" Li Zhuangji hit the desert dragonfly's chin with a punch, and the punch containing flames was astonishingly powerful.

This tactic is very smart, but it also combines Xiaoyao's own characteristics, handsome and gorgeous.

Xiao Mo's score was greatly reduced, and now there are only 30 seconds left. Tian Lin never thought that Xiao Yao would have the advantage.

"The child who hated Pokémon so much in the past is so dazzling with Pokémon now!" Tears flashed in Mitsuko's eyes, and Xiao Haruka's excellence really touched her.

"Xiaoyao, I didn't expect your progress to be so amazing. It seems that if I keep my strength, I will definitely lose ugly." Xiao Shun's expression suddenly became solemn.

"Desert Dragonfly, use a meteor swarm!"

He took out the biggest trick of the Dragon Element, and planned to rely on this trick to turn defeat into victory.

"Lizhuang Chicken, Miao Xiangwei, hurry up and dodge!" Xiaoyao hurriedly shouted, she had seen Tianlin's desert dragonfly make this move, and she knew it was terrifying.

"Roseredo, use paralysis powder!"

Rose Reidor radiated a wide range of paralysis powder that enveloped the two Pokémon. Affected by the paralysis powder, the movements of Lizhuang Chicken and Xiangwei Miao immediately slowed down.

At this time, the meteor group descended, completely covering the two Pokémon.

'Ding! ' At this time, the sound of the timer sounded, and Vivian shouted, "The time is over. Who will be the final winner of this gorgeous battle?"

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