"Don't worry, Mr. Du, let's wait here for a while, I think someone will help us find it." Tian Lin was not in a hurry, he found an open space and sat down to rest.

Seeing this, Du also sat beside Tian Lin and said helplessly: "You have such a big heart, you are still so calm at this time."

Of course, Tian Lin is not in a hurry. Even if he is in a desperate situation, he still has Lie Kong to sit, but he does not intend to summon it unless it is a last resort. The destructive power of the three gods of Fengyuan is extremely amazing among the first-level gods. Yes, once the three gods scuffle, the disaster will be even greater.

"Mr. Du, before you came here, did you talk to Miss Ayako?" While there was still some time, Tian Lin and Du chatted.

Watt nodded, "Well, after you finished talking to me that day, I stayed with Ayako for several days. During those days, I was very happy and gradually realized my inner thoughts. If I can go back alive after this incident. , I want to confess to her."

"Haha, Mr. Du, don't set up such a death flag indiscriminately," Tian Lin said with a smile, but the confident look on his face did not change in the slightest, "But it doesn't matter if you set it up, I promise Mr. Du that your wish will come true. of."

"Lend your auspicious words!"

----------Dividing line

Soon after, the planes of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team also arrived at Dreams Island, and the leaders of the two sides met.

Shuiwutong temporarily controlled Kyogre with the red orb to stop attacking, and fell asleep in the container.

When Chi Yansong came up, he asked Shuiwutong to hand over Groudon, but how could he agree with Kyogre, he planned to seal Groudon forever, so that his Kyogre would be invincible.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"Chi Yansong, I order your lava team to disband automatically from today, just watch our ocean team conquer the world by the side, or do you want me to use Gaioka to solve you now?" Shui Wutong said .

At this moment, Shuiwutong has completely ignored the Lava Team, and now I come here just to see how this old rival of Yuhi is begging for mercy in front of him.

Just as the two sides were talking, a big explosion suddenly occurred in a hidden base not far away, which immediately alerted Tian Lin, who was resting, "It seems that Groudon's location has been found, Mr. Du, I will follow. Go in the direction of the explosion, and go and wipe out the lava team and the ocean team!"

"Okay, split up!" Du said decisively.

And Izumi also received a report from his subordinates, "Sir Shuiwutong, the container where Gaioka was resting was said to have been attacked by an unknown person."


"Hey, Chi Yansong, it's too naive to use this trick to repay us, isn't the Lava Team what you want Groudon!"

"It's unreasonable, it's not what we did, we don't even know where Gaioka is!" Chi Yansong said angrily, it's already this time, and there are still people who let him take the blame for no reason.

Speaking of which, he was really wronged. The one who just destroyed the Kyogre container was actually the dark line that Tianlin had arranged a long time ago. Team Rocket, their ability to do damage was first-rate at some point.

It's a pity that they got the wrong container. Tianlin hoped that what they released was Groudon, but these guys awakened Kyogre again.

The wake-up Kyogre started to wreak havoc again. The Rockets trio looked at the powerful force that destroyed everything. They were a little arrogant at times, but they were definitely not brainless. Kyogre's power was obviously not them. controllable.

"Musashi, Kojiro, Meow!" At this moment, Tian Lin finally arrived.

"Boss Tianlin!"

"Your mission has been completed very well. Now take the sakura fish and the spotted fish to escape. The rest is not something you can intervene. Remember what I said before, everything is the priority of protecting yourself."

The three also understood that they would not be able to help Tianlin by staying here, nor would they be able to capture Gaioka and present it to Boss Sakagi, so they nodded and said, "Then we're leaving, be careful yourself!"

Seeing that the three of them left safely, Tian Lin felt relieved, and then looked at another container. The next thing he had to do was to release the Groudon mouth.

Chapter five hundred and nineteen: the death of the tide, the liberation of Groudon

Tian Lin watched the trio leave Mengsi Island before walking towards the container, "Come out, Duoduo, use [*] volts to destroy the container!"

"Stop!" A giant man suddenly jumped down from the hillside. He was the tide of the ocean team. Because he was instructed to come back and defend, he happened to see that Tianlin was going to release Groudon, so he jumped out to stop it.

"Are you, Chao?" Tian Lin also recognized the person at a glance, he had long remembered the appearance of the Ocean Team SSS combination, "Go away, don't hinder me, Gaioka has already started to rage, I don't have time to care about you now. "

"It's you who should get out of the way. For the great dream of Lord Shuiwutong, I want to destroy all those who get in the way. Today, with me, you can't save Groudon. Go, stinky mud, big wolf dog, Difang sea lion ." Chao sent three quasi-king Pokémon in one breath.

"You are courting death!" "Nine Sixty Seven" Tian Lin's eyes flashed with murderous intent. If it were replaced by the other two cadres, he would not be like this, but this tide's paranoid heart is not inferior to Shui Wutong. A guy who treats people as people, not even himself, can give up everything for his dreams, and he is extremely loyal to Shui Wutong. If he is not completely solved today, Tianlin will not be able to destroy the container.

"Come on, Martial Master Bear, Dou Li Mushroom!" In order to make a quick decision, Tian Lin also took out three Pokémon along with the previous Shanaido.

"Hey! Take it, Sludge Bomb, Crush, Freeze Light!" Chao grinned and attacked.

Seeing this, Tianlin immediately ordered: "Fight back, mentally strong, absorb fist, close fist"

-----Dividing line

Just when Tianlin and Chao were in a decisive battle, Shuiwutong took a small aircraft into the air, ignoring Quanmei and other members who were still facing off against the Lava team, and shouted arrogantly: "Chi Yansong, I am here."

"Shui Wutong, you bastard!" Seeing his arrogant appearance, Chi Yan gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Chi Yansong, I originally wanted to keep you guys to see how I conquer the world, but it seems impossible now. I'm going to sink you and the whole island into the sea, come on, Gaoka!" As soon as Shuiwutong finished speaking, he saw Kyokka jumping out of the water, shaking violently with his huge fins, and setting off an incomparably huge wave.

"What are you trying to do, don't forget that your subordinates are also here." Compared with Shui Wutong, Chi Yansong is still more humane.

"It doesn't matter, let them also sacrifice for my great dream!" Shui Wutong's voice was cold, and she said extremely chilling words.

"Lord Shuiwutong!" Quan Mei looked at Shuiwutong in disbelief. She was obviously loyal to Shuiwutong, but in the end she was going to become the abandoned child of his dream?

"Shui Wutong, let go of the red bead, you will be possessed by that bead!" Du finally arrived on the fast dragon, but his suggestion was completely ignored by Shui Wutong.

"The ancients made that bead originally to control the super-ancient Pokémon and use it as a weapon, but the power of the super-ancient Pokémon far surpassed the wisdom of the ancients, and what they did, in the end, was nothing more than It's just desecrating nature."

"Are you, Dragon's messenger, Du?" Chi Yansong was attracted by Du's words and recognized him at the same time.

"The more evil the person who controls the two beads is, the more difficult it is to control the runaway super ancient Pokémon, so the two beads are sealed up, in order to prevent humans from making the same mistakes, but now , you and Shui Wutong, but stupidly intensified, actually trying to use the power of super ancient Pokémon to control the world." Du said very angrily.

"Hmph, what nonsense, in order to achieve great ideals, the power of super ancient Pokémon is essential, people in the past were controlled, but their minds were not firm, I will show you now, I have fully grasped it The power of Kyogre." Hearing Du's words, Shuiwutong dismissed it and called to Kyogre, "Kyouka, use the destructive death light!"

"Quick Dragon, we also use the destruction to die!" In order to protect the countless people still on the island, Du had to fight.

The world's strongest champion-level peak fast dragon VS the first-level god Kyogre.

The two incomparably huge rays of destruction collided head-on, and the destructive rays of the fast dragon were pressed back a little and then exploded in the air. Although he was at a disadvantage, Du was barely able to withstand it.

"What a terrifying power, this is the first time that Kuailong is completely at a disadvantage." Du said solemnly, it seems that he is not at the master level, and there is absolutely no way to compete with a first-level god.

"Haha, what the invincible dragon messenger in the world is not my opponent now!" Shui Wutong madly said 0 ........

This face is really annoying, if it hadn't been for Kyogre, he could have beaten him five times.

At this time, the red orb finally merged into the body of Shui Wutong, making him even more crazy, "Kaiokka, continue to attack!"

Gaioka emits light again, and here, only Du can stop it for a moment, but that won't last long, Du looks into the distance worriedly, "Tianlin, come on, I will persevere to the end, you It must be there in time.”

At this time, next to the Ocean Team container, Chao and his three Pokémon had been knocked to the ground by Tian Lin. With the difference in strength and the disadvantage of attributes, he had little room to fight back.

Tianlin stepped over the tide and walked towards the container, but something grabbed his ankle. It was the tide that was not giving up at this moment.

"For the dream of Lord Shuiwutong, I will not let you destroy the container!"

"Chao, your loyalty to Shui Wutong is admirable, but in this way, I have to be even more ruthless, Martial Dao Bear Master!" Tianlin shouted, Martial Dao Xiong Shi came to Chao and slammed his fist down. , ended his stubborn life.

Throwing away Chao's hand, which was rendered powerless by the loss of his life, Tianlin whispered, "I hope in the next life, you will stop joining the evil organization. Maybe then I can become friends with a guy like you."

"Okay, let's destroy 3.9 cabinets of goods, Shanaido, make a hundred thousand uniques!"

"Shanai!" Shanaido's whole body shone with electric light and slammed into the container. With a huge explosion, the sleeping Groudon opened his eyes.

A white light rushed to the sky from his body, instantly dispelling the rain clouds, and the island of Dreams became sunny again. This is the characteristic sunshine of Groudon, and now it has covered the rainfall of Kyogre.

"Hey, it's finally out!" Tian Lin's figure flashed, he teleported to the top of Groudon's head, and ordered with the blue orb, "Gulado, go and stop Kyogre."

'Roar! ' Graduo roared and walked towards the sea.

It tried to use the blue orb to control Tianlin and failed. I didn't expect that this person actually has the power of Lie Kongzai. Now that it is controlled by the blue orb, it has to obey Tianlin's instructions.

Chapter [*] Groudon vs Kyogre

"The sky is clear, so Tianlin has succeeded!" Du looked at the sunny sky, knowing that this was the proof of Groudon's appearance, and finally felt relieved.

With Groudon around, Kyogre can be stopped.

Kyogre and Shuiwutong, who were wreaking havoc, suddenly sensed something, and the angry Shuiwutong ordered Kyogre to roll up an incomparably huge tsunami. Seeing the height of the tsunami, it was enough to submerge the entire island.

Shui Wutong has completely abandoned his subordinates.

"Sunshine flames!" With a command, a white light rushed towards the sea, and the tsunami was shattered in one move.

Then, the red figure of Groudon appeared in front of everyone.

"That's Groudon's true power, I actually tried to control such a terrifying power before!" Chi Yansong murmured.

At this time, a pair of small hands held his palm and persuaded: "Chi Yansong leader, this power is not under our control. In the future, don't insist on it."

Bonfire watched this scene with lingering fear. Now Shuiwutong has been completely controlled by the red orb. Gaioka's tyrannical 08 combined with the evil of Shuiwutong has turned into a complete monster. Fortunately, Tianlin stopped Chi Yansong before, otherwise He must be like this.

"Well, I know about the bonfire. It seems that we have to make atonement for nature in the future." Chi Yansong clenched the hand of the bonfire, and he had let go of his obsession.

"Leader of Chiyanpine, no matter where you go, the campfire will never leave you." Campfire laughed.

"Thank you, Bonfire!"

"Tianlin!" Du rode the fast dragon to Tianlin's side, looking at the blue orb in his hand with some worry.

Tian Lin saw his concern and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Du, if there is still one person in this world who can perfectly control super ancient Pokémon with the power of the orb, it must be me."

"Mr. Du, leave Gaioka to me, you find a chance to solve the water parasol!"

"Okay, I see." Du and Tianlin attacked in two ways. As long as either way wins, it means the end of the war.

When Gaioka faced Groudon, he came up with a water cannon that restrained Groudon. Unfortunately, its weather was robbed at this time, and the attribute advantage was not only gone, but it was now at a disadvantage.

"Grado, the flames of the sun!"

Another blast of sunshine flames that didn't need to be charged broke through the water cannon and blasted towards Kyogre. Seeing this, Kyogre immediately entered the bottom of the sea and barely escaped a blow.

"Well done, Groudon, now that the weather is on our side, we have a good chance of winning." Tian Lin patted Groudon's hard head and smiled.

At this time, Kyogre went downstream from the sea to Groudon and dragged it into the sea, and the two Pokémon began to fight in close quarters. insufficient.

"Damn, although there are advantages, the disadvantages are not small. I said Lao Gu, but unfortunately you can't fly. If you can, we will have no disadvantage at all." Tian Lin said helplessly.

Hearing the three words "can't fly", Groudon couldn't help but give Tianlin a blank look. Are you praising me or hurting me? Who said I can't fly? Give me another Z, and fly up in minutes to hit the blue fat man on the opposite side.

"Gulado, this is not the way, use the sword of the cliff!"

Groudon reached out and slapped the sea, and suddenly, countless sharp blades protruded from the bottom of the sea, stabbing Kyogre's huge body from bottom to top.

Kyogre backed away and released countless bluish-white and shining rays of light from his body to smash all the sharp blades. This is the source of his exclusive skill fluctuations.

The big tricks of the two sides were evenly divided, but the distance was widened, which was exactly what Tian Lin wanted to see.

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