"Damn, Gaioka, come and save me!" At this moment, Shui Wutong called out loudly for help.

It turned out that Du had already launched an attack on him, because Kyogre was dragged by Tianlin and Groudon. As a last resort, he could only take out his Pokémon Megalodon and Big Mouth Bat to fight back, but unfortunately the two kings The level Pokémon couldn't resist for a long time in front of the fast dragon, and was beaten and lost its fighting ability after a while.

In desperation, Shuiwutong could only ask Kyogre for help.

At this time, Kyogre and Shuiwutong are one body, and the red orb is still in the body of Shuiwutong. There is no other way. Kyogre can only obey the order to put down Groudon and go to the rescue.

This is the biggest mistake under the water parasol, let Kyogre leave his back to Groudon who is the enemy at the moment, is Tianlin dead?

"Grado, the flames of the sun!"

The powerful sunlight and flames swept across the sea, hitting the key point of Kyogre and causing incomparable heavy damage.


Shuiwutong, which was connected to Kyogre through the red help, let out a painful roar. Tianlin saw this and planned to take the opportunity to completely solve him. The provincial Kyogre came back and continued to be under his control, "Gulado, The big characters burst into flames, the target Water Wutong!"


An incomparably huge fire with the character 'big' spewed out of Groudo's mouth and hit the aircraft that hit the water phoenix tree, and then a big explosion occurred. Tian Lin used his thoughts to float it up and floated it into his hands. At this time, the two orbs finally fell into his hands at the same time.

Without the influence of the water phoenix tree, Kyogre calmed down.

"Enough is enough, you guys!" Tian Lin held two beads in his hand, and he had control over them at this time, but this control was biased towards coercion, and Tian Lin had no interest. "These two beads are too dangerous. The method used by the ancient 967 people to seal is not safe. In order to prevent someone from making the same mistakes as today, it is better not to do both and destroy them directly."

Tianlin threw the two beads into the sky, and then ordered: "Gulado, use the flames of sunshine, Kyogre, destroy the dead light!"

The two Pokémon respectively destroyed the beads that could control them with their own unique tricks. Then, one of them returned to the deep sea and the other returned to the volcano, choosing to continue to sleep.

"Tianlin, well done!" Mr. Du flew to Tianlin's side and praised him. He appreciated the attitude of overcoming the temptation to control the super ancient power and destroy it.

The battle is over. In this battle, the three cadres of the Lava Team, Hokage, disappeared, died in the hands of Kyogre in the flame war, and Chi Yanpine and Bonfire were captured by hand, waiting for the trial in prison, but they did not have time to make a big mistake, so there may be The day we meet again.

In the ocean team, the leader Shui Wutong and the cadre Chao all died at the hands of Tianlin, and the cadre Di died in the melee.

The other little gangsters also gave up their resistance when they saw that the top of the organization was dying, and the descendants were descending.

The incident ended with the victory of Tianlin and Du, the lava team and the ocean team all disintegrated, and their mission was completed perfectly.

Chapter five hundred and twenty first fame

Countless Union helicopters landed on Dreams Island shortly after, all of which were summoned by Du's order, and all the members of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team were quickly arrested.

"Thank you!" Bonfire passed by Tianlin when he was escorted there, and thanked him softly.She knew that it was thanks to Tianlin who stole the orb, otherwise Chiyanpine might suffer the same fate as Shuiwutong.

Although caught now, at least he is still alive.

"It's nothing, Bonfire, you and Chi Yansong are not bad. I hope you will come back after you make a change. There will be a day of reunion." Tian Lin said.

"Well, thank you again, in order to meet the leader of Chi Yansong, I will try my best to atone for my sins." After saying that, Bonfire smiled and was escorted to the plane. She has not lost her goal in life. In the future, as long as she and Chi Yansong will make up for it, must be able to return to their place.

"It's all over!" Du walked over. "This mission has been accomplished so successfully. It's all thanks to you, Tianlin. Don't worry, the alliance will give you a lot of rewards this time."

"I don't expect much for rewards. It's fine. Then I'll take my leave, Mr. Du. After the two teams disintegrate, I can finally enjoy the trip." Tian Lin said with a smile.

Tianlin said goodbye to Du, and under his arrangement, a helicopter drove him directly to Green Ridge City, which was an expression of his guilt for wasting Tianlin's time.

Luling City, a small island in the sea to the east of the Fengyuan area, has beautiful scenery. This city has a slogan, "Cherish Pokémon!"

This slogan has brought a huge reputation to Luling City. No matter who it is, when it comes to Greenling City, they can't help but give a thumbs up.

Because of the continuous battle, Tianlin did not rush to the gym directly to challenge, but went to the Pokémon Center to let himself and the Pokémon rest for three days. During these three days, a strange thing happened. The update progress of the system has inexplicably increased by 5%, and the positions connected to the training slot and the battle box have also increased by three.

Tian Lin couldn't understand it. The progress was really inexplicable, but he didn't bother to think about it because he couldn't figure it out. It wasn't a bad thing anyway.

It was not until the morning of the fourth day that Tian Lin called Dr. Damu, ready to replace the Pokémon on his body to challenge the gym.

"Tianlin, you finally called, why did you do such a dangerous thing 々"!" As soon as he answered the phone, he heard Dr. Damu's roar.

Tian Lin was confused, what did he do?

"Doctor, what do you mean?"

"Don't you know, the alliance has spread all over the world. You and Du joined forces to destroy the two evil organizations of Hoenn with just two people. Du's report also said that you single-handedly broke into the lava team base, and then controlled it. Groudon will fight Kyogre, do you know that when I heard this report, I was scared by you and almost had a cardiac arrest, your sister was crying!" Dr. Damu said anxiously.

Tianlin is his greatest effort and pride. The person who will inherit his mantle in the future is not inferior to his grandson Xiaomao. At the same time, he fights with two major evil organizations, and he also enters the headquarters alone. Scared?

Not to mention Jun Shalan and Sundina Zi, he didn't call back to report safety in the past few days, and he didn't know how they were thinking.

However, Tian Lin did not expect that Du would not take his credit for himself this time. Thinking about it, he used to help Tian Lin prevent disasters, but now Tian Lin has grown up enough to protect himself.

Besides, the lava team and the ocean team were completely disintegrated, who would be bored to find Tianlin to settle accounts?

The alliance has now decided to push Tianlin, the young king, to the stage.Therefore, in the past few days, Tianlin's heroic deeds have been widely publicized. In just a few days, Tianlin has become a household name in Fengyuan.

Although the strength of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team is not comparable to that of the Rocket Team, a large-scale evil organization that spans two regions, they must have some strength to be able to occupy the Hoenn area for so many years. Tianlin and Du only rely on two people. It is really not easy to defeat them.

With the increase of prestige, it is no wonder that the progress of the system has been updated.

"Doctor, I'm fine, don't worry!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

Seeing Tianlin's healthy appearance, Dr. Damu was completely relieved, and then helped Tianlin to replace the Pokémon, and warned him not to participate in such dangerous events in the future, and to call home from time to time to report safety.

Tian Lin agreed again and again, and Dr. Damu hung up the phone contentedly. It is said that he was about to rush to the headquarters of the alliance. One was to scold him for a meal. As a champion, he actually dragged an ordinary trainer into such a dangerous event. Among them, the second is to fight for Tianlin's interests. If such a big credit alliance intends to perfunctory, he will not agree.

Later, Tian Lin also called his sister and two girlfriends to report their safety. After receiving the baptism of the three women's resentment, he felt physically and mentally exhausted. be tired.

------Dividing line

In the afternoon, Tian Lin finally stood in front of the Green Ridge Gym. This Green Ridge Gym is a gym that is good at using super power-type Pokémon. Therefore, he specially brought back the Pokémon that dealt with this gym today.

Gym trainers are a pair of twin brothers and sisters, and they are very happy to see Tianlin, who is currently at the peak of his reputation, come to challenge.

"'" Very nice to meet you, Mr. Tian Lin! The girl with vertical hair on both sides said in a crisp voice, "Our siblings are the trainers of the Green Ridge Gym, I'm my elder sister Nan, and this is my younger brother Feng!" "

"Don't you emphasize the word brother, isn't it just born a minute earlier than me!" The boy on the side shouted angrily.

Although these two siblings were born on the same day, the elder sister is obviously much more mature than the younger brother (Nuo Zhao's).

"You two, please give me more advice!" Tian Lin nodded, and then came to the opposite side of the battlefield.

The referee is also in place, "Now, Feng Yunan, the trainer of the Green Ridge Gym, will play against the challenger Tianlin of Zhenxin Town. This game is a doubles game. The two Pokémon that can be used by both sides are two, then the battle will be played. Race, start!"

"Go, Moonstone Lung."

"Go to battle, Sun Rock."

The older sister and younger brother used Moon Stone and Sun Rock respectively, both of which are rock-type and super-type Pokémon, just as Tian Lin thought.

"Then I'll use them, please, Boscodora, Absol!"

Tian Lin used the steel-type Boscodora and the evil-type Absol to completely restrain the opponent's two Pokémon.

And what Tian Lin has to do is how to crack the joint attack of this pair of siblings, which is the key to winning this game.

Chapter five hundred and twentieth second battle against the twins heart badge

The two sides are ready to take place, and the game will begin immediately.

At this time, Tianlin looked at the sphere in the air and murmured: "This team's field is very special. Even the simulated small planet floating in the air is part of the team's field. If you want to win, you must pay attention to these spheres!"

"Sun Yan, hit Absolu." When Tian Lin was thinking, Feng, the younger brother, took the lead and launched an attack. Before he could see the situation on Tian Lin's side, he directly let Sun Yan rush. come over.

"Hehe, I can't hold my breath, Boscodora, stand in front of Absol and use the iron wall, Absol, sword dance in place!"

Tianlin quickly gave an order. Facing the rushing Sun Rock, Boscodora released a silver-white light from his body to block Absol as the strongest shield, while Absol was relieved of the sword. Dance, it knows that the brothers in front will block all attacks for it.

"No, Feng, come back soon!" Seeing that Sun Rock was about to hit Boscodora, she was very anxious. For Boscodora in an iron-clad state, tickling was disgusting. Too little strength.

It's a pity that she said it too late, it seemed that it was too late, and she had no choice but to step forward to support, "Moon Stone, use the freezing light!"

The speed of the freezing 970 light is very fast. After the sun rock hit Bosscordola but was directly bounced by the reaction force, the light instantly froze Bosscordola.

"My elder sister is much smarter than my younger brother, but even though Bosscodola's special defense is not as terrifying as physical defense, he is not so afraid of ice-type tricks." Tianlin didn't show any panic, "Bosscodola, make A heavy collision, Absol, continue the sword dance!"

Boscodora gathered the strength of her whole body, and the ice cubes on her body soon cracked. Under its huge strength, the ice seal could not restrain it at all.

"Sun Rock, use Sunshine Flame!" Feng was inspired by Nan, and knew that to win this game, it was absolutely impossible to rely on physical attacks. Only special attacks could be used. Sunshine Flames can indeed cause damage to Boscord Very big damage, but his timing doesn't seem like a good one.

Because Boscordola is quite close to the Sun Rock, it will definitely not feel good to be hit by the heavy metal character Boscodola.

"Oops, Moon Stone, use your mental strength on Sun Rock!"

Nan gave support again, the moon rock controlled the sun rock and floated up, dodging the attack of the boss (aidj) Cordola, but because of this, the sun rock, which had finally gathered energy, was completely empty, and the sun's flames turned towards the sun. Launched from above, only half of the small simulated planet was destroyed.

"What are you doing, at the position just now, if Sun Rock's attack is successful, it will definitely damage Bosco Dora." Feng suddenly roared.

"Successful attack? Your timing is simply wrong. If I hadn't rescued you just now, you would have been knocked down by Boscodora's heavy collision before the Sunshine Flame was launched." Nan also retorted not to be outdone. .

These two brothers and sisters, one is the angle of attack, and the other is the timing of the attack. In fact, in Tianlin's heart, these two aspects are very important, but if they cannot be fully combined, it will become a point of contradiction between the two.

From this point of view, the twins should be rookie gym trainers who have not been the masters of the gym for a long time. There is no coordination and tacit understanding at all. Instead, it is Tian Lin's side, because they are alone, they are very handy in commanding.

"I don't have time to listen to the quarrel between your two brothers and sisters. If you don't come, I will continue, Boscodora, continue to protect Absol, Absol, the last sword dance!" Tianlin ordered.

"No, Absol has done sword dance three times, so we need to solve it quickly." Nan was too lazy to argue with his younger brother at this time. If he didn't defeat Absol, everything would be over. The problem was that Boscodora was like The walls of copper and iron are like iron walls, and the Sun Rock and Moon Stone can't get close to Absol at all.

"Leave it to me, Sun Rock, make a rockslide!"

Feng stood up, Rock Collapse is an attack skill of all, so even Boscodora can't help defending the attack, but does Absol still need help from others at this time?

"Boscodora, use a metal explosion, Absol, use a secret attack on the moonstone!"

With its powerful defensive power, Boscordora is not afraid of the damage of rock avalanches. The effect of the metal explosion is to multiply the damage caused by the opponent by 1.5 times before returning it.

Compared with the return fist and mirror reflection, although the power of this move is a little smaller, it can be returned regardless of physical attacks or special attacks. Compared with the first two unique moves, it can be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The Sun Rock was quickly repelled by a burst of silver-white light. It should be thanked that Boscordora had such a high physical defense, so even if it was 1.5 times, the damage it received was not too big, and it was completely able to withstand it.

The other side was miserable. After the three sword dances, Absolu, who had the ultimate attack power, used the sharpness of the dark attack on the key point. It seemed like he was about to tear everything apart. Seeing this, Nan immediately ordered: "Moon Stone, hide. Go behind the asteroid."

The Moonstone uses the simulated asteroid as a shield to try to block the attack.


Absol jumped up and threw the big horn on his head, and a huge sharp blade cut the asteroid in half in an instant.

Then he rushed forward and slashed at the center of the moonstone with a knife, with attribute restraint, extreme attack, and critical hits. The moonstone had no way to survive, falling from the sky and completely lost its fighting ability.

"Yueshi was knocked down with a single blow, how is that possible?" What Bi Nan couldn't believe was his younger brother Feng, who was abused by this moonstone.

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