The submarine has completed the patrol and went straight back to the sea base of the Lava Team, a red building, the flames came out of the cabin, and respectfully saluted Chi Yansong: "Report to the leader, the third action team, the patrol mission It's been done."

"Well, the mission was done well, but why did the little bugs follow?" Chi Yansong looked at the figure on the boat, and after entering the base, Tian Lin no longer hid.

Chi Yansong leader, hello, we are meeting for the first time, I am Tianlin. "Tian Lin greeted very politely.

"It's you bastard who has ruined our Lava team's plan many times, and now you dare to break into our base alone. I will never let you go today." Seeing Tianlin, the flames' new hatred and old hatred came out. , In an instant, countless big-mouthed bats and wolf-dogs surrounded Tianlin.

"Stop it!" Chi Yansong ordered, "Tianlin, I've always wanted to meet you. Although you've made our actions fall short, I still appreciate you very much."

"Thank you for your praise. Indeed, since I arrived in the Hoenn area, I did not participate in the plan of your Guchen Town. The plan of the Kaina Museum was destroyed by me. On Yantu Mountain, the flame was caught by me and the meteorite was also robbed by me. Now, in the Weather Research Institute, the so-called thousand-faced Banay was also planted in my hands, but today, I really didn't come here with any malice 々"." Tian Lin said with a smile.

Countless Pokémon surrounded him just now, obviously giving him a disgrace, but now that he has come one by one for his glorious deeds against the Lava team, he has returned them a lot of deterrence.

"You really dare to say that the visitor is a guest. Since you did not shy away from coming in person, we can't neglect the distinguished guest. Come with me." Chi Yansong was going to take Tianlin to the office to speak.

When passing by the flame, Tian Lin smiled at him: "I didn't expect you to get out of prison so quickly, does your boss hurt you a lot?"

"You bastard!" The flame's anger was ignited by Tian Lin's soft words again.

Tianlin also detected Du in the crowd by relying on the waveguide, but he didn't pay too much attention to the fact that he didn't want to reveal Du's identity. He only blinked when he walked past him, indicating that he was fine.

I have to say that it is too easy to get into the Lava Team. With red hair, a little makeup, and wearing the Lava Team uniform, no one can find him unless he is a special human who can use waveguide recognition like Tianlin. 's true identity.

Arriving at the office, Chi Yansong was sitting in the main seat, with two cadres at the same level as the flame standing beside him, a ruffian-looking Hokage and a petite bonfire.

Counting the flames just now, all the top management of the Lava Team actually gathered in this small secret base today.

"Okay, Tianlin, please take a seat, it's really hard to talk to you standing like this, come here, serve tea!" Chi Yansong was extraordinary, and was not angry at the intrusion of Tianlin.

"Thank you!" Tian Lin sat down without hesitation. He was in the enemy camp, and he must not lose his aura.

"Tianlin, although you have been against our lava team many times, how much do you know about us?" Chi Yansong asked straight to the point.

"A lot, your dream is to pursue the so-called ideal world of human beings. In order to achieve this goal, you plan to use the power of the legendary super ancient Pokémon Groudon to dry up the sea and expand the earth, increasing the activities of land bio-energy. space, right?"

Chi Yansong was surprised when he heard Tianlin's answer, "I didn't expect you to know me so well, and few of my subordinates can speak my dreams so straightforwardly, but since you know my wishes It is to help mankind, why do you have to fight against the lava team again and again?"

"Because your dream is wrong, it will only destroy the world, I am willing to come to talk with you today, because I know that you are just a wrong person, not a bad person, I am willing to give you a reformed Opportunity." Tian Lin said.

"Shut up, you are not allowed to speak ill of the leader, the leader will never be wrong!" Before Chi Yansong could answer, Bonfire couldn't help it. Chi Yansong was the one she loved, and she would not allow anyone to deny it. his dream.

"Are you, a bonfire?"

"Don't call me by my name, I am the cadre of the lava team, Huoyan, and only the leader of Chiyanpine can call the name Bonfire." Bonfire said angrily.

Tianlin didn't care about the anger of the bonfire, but looked at Chi Yansong and said, "'" Chi Yansong, you are so lucky to have such a lovely and loyal subordinate following you. "

Chi Yansong showed a rare smile, "Yeah, I'm very lucky, they are the best family on the road to my dreams."

"But do you know that in your so-called dream, it's not others who will sacrifice first. It must be these subordinates that you regard as your family. The power of super ancient Pokémon is not something you can easily control."

"That's totally fine, we've got this." Chi Yansong took out a blue orb from under the table, which was specially made by the ancient people to control Groudon.

"You said that my dream was wrong, I have no way of agreeing with that. In the past, people used this bead to control Groudon to eliminate the flood disaster, scatter the rain clouds, and let the volcano push the earth away! I'm just doing the same thing as the great ancient people." Chi Yansong's thoughts are extremely firm, and Tian Lin can't persuade him with a few words, otherwise he wouldn't be the leader of an organization.

"Then do you know how much sacrifice (King Nuo) will bring before your dream is completed, as the sea is leveled." Tian Lin said angrily.

"That is necessary. Sacrifice the interests of the minority for the benefit of the majority. Let alone our Lava Team, even the Alliance will make the same choice."

"You are wrong, Chi Yansong, I don't know about others, but I, Tian Lin, believe that one person's life is infinitely precious, and the lives of [*] people are also infinitely precious. Both are infinite, what is the difference between high and low, as long as The few are innocent people without sin, so no one has the right to sacrifice them!"

This is Tianlin's long-standing creed, and his firmness of thought is also not inferior to Chi Yansong.

Chi Yansong was silent for a while and then sighed: "It seems that it doesn't make sense with you, so until our lava team's great plan is completed, we can only ask you to stay at this base obediently, so as not to continue to cause us trouble. ."

"Forgive me!" Tian Lin refused mercilessly.

The two sides have already talked about anger, and the battle is about to break out.

Chapter five hundred and seventeen: Gaioka ravages

In the lava team's secret base, the cold and murderous aura was getting heavier and heavier. Except for the Chi Yansong, which was directly opposite Tianlin, the three cadres of Bonfire, Flame, and Hokage also completely surrounded Tianlin in the left, right, and rear directions.

Tianlin smiled coldly, "Chi Yansong, do you want to go to war? I don't care. I came here today, but I brought my strongest partners with me."

This is a lie. In fact, Tian Lin still carries the usual few, but he has a battle box in his hand, and there is no difference between his companions such as the giant gold monster Kuailong and being by his side at any time.

However, Chi Yansong doesn't know the truth. He only knows that if Tianlin, who is full of strength, fights with him here, he will have to demolish the base of his lava team.

Seeing that Chi Yansong was hesitant, Tianlin continued provocatively: "Chi Yansong, if you want to beat you, come in person. Even if the three fires of your lava team go together, they are not my opponents."

Since he didn't listen, he planned to take the Lava Team directly here first, and then deal with the Ocean Team. Anyway, he now has Lie Kong sitting in his hands, and it is not too difficult to solve these two organizations.

"You are so arrogant, you don't need a leader to go into battle, our three heads are enough to deal with you." This lava team has three 967 heads, one reckless man, one ruffian, one sickly, and has a more irritable temper. Excited, I couldn't help but start.

But Chi Yansong still maintained a three-point fear, he didn't want to take the lead, and the three of them were not allowed to act rashly.

Just as Tian Lin and Chi Yansong and others were at a standoff, suddenly, a big explosion occurred in a room on the left side of the base, and the alarm bell on Chi Yansong's desk rang immediately.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Chi Yansong suddenly had a bad premonition.

"It's not good, boss, the container that sealed Kyogre was broken, Kyogre escaped, and is now attacking the base frantically." A minion rushed to report in a panic.

"Kaiokka escaped? It seems that Izumi Izumi, the marine team who came in with me, did it, isn't it bad!" Tian Lin quickly thought of the truth of the matter, then gave Du a little glance, understood, and quietly left In Chi Yansong's office, at this time, everyone's attention was attracted by the matter of Kyogre's escape, and no one cared about him pretending to be a little bastard.

"This is Izumi, the battle plan was successful." Taking advantage of the chaos of the lava team, Izumi took the opportunity to retreat and used the walkie-talkie to report the situation to the Ocean Team headquarters.

"It turned out to be the chief combat captain of the Ocean Team SSS, Quan Mei, no wonder he does things so neatly." Du quickly found this place, and I have to say that he is also from the combat department, but the Ocean Team's Quan Mei is really better than the Lava Team's. The flame is much taller.

Even though her identity was discovered, Quan Mei was not flustered at all, and she was still calm, "You say this to show that you are not a member of the Lava Team, including Tianlin who broke in with me, the Lava Team Base. How could such a useless organization be the opponent of our ocean team?"

"I understand your plan very well. If Kyogre is sealed in the container, even if you hold the red pearl, you can't control it, but it is possible for it to escape into the sea, is that so?" Du is also perennial. With the existence of dealing with evil organizations, the experienced man immediately saw through the plans of the Ocean Team.

Quan Mei took off her camouflage at this time, revealing the tight diving suit she had prepared, and smiled: "Yes, our marine team will be able to completely conquer the world by then."

Then he jumped and jumped into the sea to escape.

Du looked solemnly at the direction of Izumi's escape, "Team Ocean, this organization seems to be bigger than the rumors, and it's more terrifying than Team Lava!"

In the office at this time, Tian Lin looked at the panicked lava team and said with a smile: "Chi Yansong, it seems that you are in big trouble, are you still planning to keep me now?"

"Hey, get out of here, wait until the Lava Team has mastered the power of super ancient Pokémon to clean up you." Chi Yansong said with a wave of his hand, nothing is more important than recapturing Kyogre at this time. (aidj) Everything is over in Shui Wutong's hands, and it is unwise to continue fighting with Tianlin now.

But the so-called asking God is easy and difficult, Tian Lin didn't plan to leave like this, "Go? Before that, I still have some things to do."

"Drink!" Tian Lin raised his right arm to condense the waveguide, and released a small wave missile to hit the table in front of Chi Yansong. His target was the blue orb on the table.

The beads were blown away and fell into Tianlin's hands.

"You bastard, what are you going to do?" Flame was the first to react, his eyes widening with anger, "Return the orb, come on, big wolf dog!"

Bonfire and Hokage returned to their senses, and they also released two big wolf dogs. Three Pokémon surrounded Tianlin and launched an attack. They were always cadre-level figures, and their big wolf dogs were all quasi-king level.

"Come on, Martial Dao Master Bear, use the flow of water to fight!"

The three-stage attack is a continuous flow of water, just like the three punches of a farmer, a puppy with one punch, all hit the key point, even if it is the same as the quasi-king level, one of the great wolf dogs and legendary Pokémon that can be seen everywhere on the roadside The combat power exerted by the martial arts bear division is fundamentally different.

"Very well, come back, Martial Dao Master Xiong, how is it, I said that you can't beat me with three fires together, so I'll take my leave." Tian Lin's figure flashed, and he used teleportation to disappear. office.

"Gone?" Huo Yan and others panicked.

"What's the hurry!" Chi Yansong roared, "Although he is a superpower, he is a human after all, this is on the sea, where he can use teleportation to escape, he must still be in this base, find me , dig three feet in the ground to get back the blue pearl."

On the other hand, because Kyogre escaped into the sea, Shuiwutong immediately came in a submarine, used the red orb to control it, and started to destroy it.

Du watched this scene and silently took out the Poke Ball, "Quick Dragon, now we can only rely on our own strength to stop Kyogre."

"Wait, Mr. Du!" At this moment, Tian Lin suddenly appeared behind him, "Even your fast dragon, I am afraid that it will not be able to defeat the creator of the sea, Gaioka, the only one who can fight against it is Gu. Rado, now Groudon is on the Isle of Dreams, let's go and rescue him first."

"Tianlin, your approach is good, but how do you get Groudon to help us?" Du said hesitantly.

"I have this!" Tian Lin took out the blue orb with a smile, Shuiwutong can control Kyogre with the red bead, and he can also use it to control Groudon.

Suddenly, a burst of light flashed from the blue bead, and it slowly entered Tian Lin's body.

"This is? Hehe, Groudo wants to counter-manipulate me, but I'm not Pikachu!" Tian Lin immediately communicated with the emerald green orb in his backpack, and the power of Lie Kongzai emerged, instantly forcing the blue orb again. came out.

"Okay, Mr. Du, let's go, let's go to Mengsi Island first!" Tian Lin said.

"Okay!" Du agreed, since Tianlin holds the blue orb, his plan is very promising.

Chapter Five Hundred and Eighteen Dreams Island Awakens Groudon

Tianlin and Du released Latias and Kuailong respectively, and sat on them to leave.

"Stop!" At this time, a petite female lava team leader called them, it was the bonfire, "Return the blue pearl, or you won't want to leave."

"Bonfire, don't be ashamed, you think you can stop us alone, don't say you don't recognize who is next to me?" Du, who was beside Tian Lin, had already taken off his disguise, and used his name , it is impossible for the bonfire not to know.

"You are, dragon messenger, Du!" Bonfire said in horror, she couldn't beat a Tianlin alone, not to mention that there was a Duza who was one of the best in the world. She fought two against one another, and it was no different from sending her to death. But even so, she didn't want to take a half step back, "No matter, return the orb, that is the dream of the leader of Chi~Yan Song!"

"Is it worth sacrificing your own life for his dream? At this time, neither Mr. Du nor I will show mercy!-" Tian Lin asked.

"It's worth it, as long as it's for the leader's dream, I'm willing to sacrifice everything."

The decision of the bonfire made Tianlin appreciate it. He saw that the bonfire did not have the great dream of the lava team at all. She just simply loved Chi Yansong and wanted him to get everything he wanted.

Tianlin didn't want her to die here, so he persuaded: "In this case, what you should do is actually stop Chi Yansong, the power of super ancient Pokémon is not something he can control. After being devoured, let alone fulfilling his dream, I am afraid that he will die without a place to be buried."

What Tian Lin said was true. Groudon almost attacked him just now. Ordinary people like Chi Yansong were even more difficult to resist.

There was a magic power in his words that people couldn't help believing. Bonfire didn't think he was alarmist, and it was difficult to accept it for a while. She could not care about her own life, but she couldn't care less about Chi Yansong's safety.

"Let's go, Mr. Du!" Tianlin ignored the bonfire and flew into the distance with Du.

At this time, not far from the lava team's base, a submarine gradually floated up, and the big boss of the ocean team, Shuiwutong, held the red pearl in his hand and laughed wildly, "Red pearl, convey my will to Gaioka. , let it unleash its enormous power!"

Gaioka jumped out of the sea, a dead light with extremely amazing power, and the base of the lava team almost collapsed. Chi Yansong had no other choice but to escape by helicopter and headed towards Dreams Island.

"Haha, what a powerful force, Gaioka, you belong to my uncle, and this world is about to become mine." Seeing Gaioka's powerful water parasol, his ambitions expanded unprecedentedly.

Due to the appearance of Kyogre, the originally sunny weather has been covered with dark clouds, and it has poured down rain.

"Boss, Groudon was imprisoned by us on the island of Dreams. The Lava team must have gone there. We must hurry up and chase after them to solve them, so that they don't have the slightest chance to counterattack!" The big Hanchao in the SSS group analyzed.Although he looks rough, he is by no means a man without resourcefulness.

"Well, you're right, it's just right, now we have the winning ticket, I want to see what my old opponent Chi Yansong looks like now, hahaha!" Shui Wutong laughed, the villains are all like this Virtue, when he has an advantage, he always likes to step on Yuhi's opponent a few more times.

The ferry and Tianlin who took the fast dragon and Latias were faster, and they arrived at Mengsi Island in an instant.

"Tianlin, Mengsi Island is so big, do you know where the ocean team hid Groudon?" Du asked.

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