After Tian Lin finished speaking with malicious intent, he turned and walked towards the depths of the island.

The Rockets trio were frightened by Tian Lin, and they were dying of old age, but they were burning firewood and dying alone. They swallowed and quickly followed Tian Lin, shouting, " Boss Tianlin, wait for us!" Mouth.

Chapter Five Hundred and Fourteen Iroha Mishima Sakura Fish and Spotted Fish

After Tianlin and Team Rocket entered the depths of the island, they soon arrived at a town, which is really not an uninhabited island.

"Let's just say it, the powerful little devil is just worrying about the sky, what kind of uninhabited island is this?" Musashi looked disdainful, but he forgot who just followed Kojiro and called the boss of Tianlin.

"Well, judging from my navigator, if I guessed correctly, this should be Ishima among the three islands of Iroha." Tian Lin said while consulting the navigator.

"Iroha Mishima? That means, there are three small islands here?" Musashi leaned over curiously and looked at the navigator.

"Yes, the navigator recorded that there are many wild pearl oysters living on these three islands, almost every resident will take one, and then put the pearl oyster on Lu Island and it will evolve into a cherry fish, and put it on Po Island, it will evolve into a sakura fish. Evolved into a hunter fish."

"Wow, it sounds amazing!" The three of the Rockets immediately became interested, and "Nine Sixty-Three" came up with his own plan without considering Tianlin's presence at all, "In that case, go get Catch the sakura fish and the spotted fish and present them to the boss, meow!"

"What's going to happen then?" Kojiro asked.

"At that time, the boss will step on the backs of the cherry blossom fish and the spotted fish to surf, it must be very comfortable, and it is still a group of two evolved Pokémon, so the boss said meow, put these two A group of evolved Pokémon gave me Meow Meow and others are very pleasing Meow. That's it!"

"Wow, it feels great to be promoted to be a cadre and become a branch minister!"

Hearing the discussion of several people, Tian Lin wondered what would happen if Sakagi heard that these three guys kept arranging himself in this way, the big boss of the No. [-] evil organization in the world of Pokémon was described by them as countless kinds of things. A comedy character, I'm afraid he'll vomit blood.

The most important thing is that a few of them actually said their evil plan in front of themselves, and they ignored him at all, so...

clap clap clap!All three of them were rewarded with a chestnut by Tian Lin.

"It hurts, what are you doing, awesome kid!"

"That's right, meow, I'm Team Rocket's think tank, what should I do if my head is broken, meow!"

"You guys, don't forget that I'm the special investigator of the Alliance. It's brave enough to say the bad things I'm going to do in front of me. Are you not afraid that I will arrest you directly?" Tian Lin smiled maliciously. road.

"Besides, why do you have to catch others? I said just now that these three islands are full of pearl oysters. Can't you just go and capture them in an upright manner, catch one for each person, and then put them in Lu Daobo separately. With the evolution of the island, there will be both spotted fish and cherry blossom fish, which is reasonable and legal."

"Boss Tianlin is right, so even if that kid knows about it, there's no reason for Pikachu to electrocute us." Kojiro suddenly realized, and he has to say, this is really a good idea.

Tian Lin sighed helplessly, saying that this method can be imagined by ordinary people, I really don't know how long the brain circuits of these three people are.

"It's good or not, but we are bad people. This kind of aboveboard trainer behavior is not suitable for us?" Musashi still had a slightly different opinion.

"That's right, but the powerful brat is here too, we're not his opponents at all, meow, why don't we just listen to him this time, the hero won't suffer from immediate losses, meow!"

The trio discussed quietly, and in the end, they decided to listen to Tian Lin once this time and become an upright trainer.

A few people separated outside the town. Musashi Kojiro and the others went to catch pearl oysters, while Tianlin went to the Pokémon Center in Ishima. After handing the Pokémon to Miss Joy, he opened a room to sleep first. The last sleep, yesterday he was exhausted because he hadn't slept all night in order to keep an eye on the movements of Deoxys and Liekong.

-------Dividing line

Tian Lin slept from the afternoon until dawn the next day. Such a long rest period brought him and his Pokémon back to their peak state.

As soon as he left the Pokémon Center, he saw an angry Musashi, "Awesome kid, you've finally woken up, you lied, I captured a pearl oyster and put it in the water in the Ludao cave for a whole day. Night has not evolved."

"Yeah, Boss Tianlin, me too, I didn't evolve after leaving it on Hashima overnight." Kojiro was also very depressed, but he didn't get angry like Musashi.

"Really, are you really sure that the pearl oyster stayed in the water all night?" Tian Lin asked.

"Of course, I'm pretty sure, in order to prevent confusion with other people's pearl oysters, I chatted with it all night?" Musashi was very determined.

"That's all right, come with me!" Tian Lin took the two into the Pokémon Center and borrowed a communication machine from Miss Joy.Then he looked at the two of them and said, "Come on, show me your pearl oysters!"

Musashi Kojiro looked at each other and threw out the Poke Ball together, "Come out, Pearl Oyster!"

As soon as the two lovely pearl oysters appeared, they looked at their master with joy. It seemed that they communicated all night last night, and a friendship has been established between the master pets. Rin wanted to see if Kojiro Musashi could make up his mind to send Pokémon to Sakagi.  …

"The evolution of pearl oysters requires two kinds of props: the scale of the deep sea and the tooth of the deep sea. I guess there must be ingredients of these two things in the water of Lu Island and Po Island. After your pearl oyster stayed there for one night, the body should also be Sufficient ingredients have been accumulated."

"Boss Tianlin, why haven't they evolved yet?"

"Because the evolution of pearl oysters requires another step, which is communication exchange. Now you can take back the pearl oysters and put the Poke Ball on the exchange machine. You can change it back after the evolution is complete."

"Okay!" Kojiro Musashi put the Poké Ball on both ends of the switching device and exchanged it. After releasing it again, the two pearl oysters flashed at the same time, evolving into Spotted Fish and Sakura Fish respectively.

"It's really evolved, it's great!" Musashi and Kojiro excitedly said, and then they exchanged the equipment again and exchanged for their own Pokémon.

"Great, the mission is complete, let's send them to the headquarters now meow!" Meow meow is even more happy, this is the first time they can send Pokémon to the headquarters.

However, Musashi Kojiro had an embarrassed look on his face and looked very hesitant.

"What's the matter with you meow?"

 3.9 "I, I don't want to send the spotted fish back, maybe it can become our new fighting force in the future?" Kojiro said.

"That's right, Meow, with the help of Sakura Fish, I'll be able to catch more Pokémon and make contributions in the future, are you right?" Musashi also refused.

This is the difference between robbing others and conquering them. Musashi and Kojiro will not be willing to give away their new companions that they finally got.

Miaomiao also saw this, but as a Pokémon, it is actually not low in emotional intelligence, and immediately said helplessly: "Well, it may be more important to increase our combat power at present, so leave them for the time being. Come on meow!"

"That's great. To celebrate the new member joining the Rockets, we have red bean rice today. Boss Tianlin will come along too!"

"Then thank you for your invitation!" Tian Lin replied with a smile, he is used to eating big fish and meat, and it is not bad to change his taste rarely.

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifteen The News of Crossing Teams up with the Rockets

At noon, at the invitation of Kojiro, Tianlin and the Rockets tasted the food they used every time they celebrated a happy event, red bean rice and red bean soup. The person in charge of cooking was Meow.

Tian Lin took a bite of the rice and soup, which was unexpectedly delicious, "It tastes really good, I didn't expect you to have such skills, Miaomiao, but the soup doesn't seem to be hot enough!"

"Oh, Boss Tianlin, don't you care so much, after all, Miaomiao is a monster cat Pokémon, and a cat's tongue only eats cold, so it's habitually not too hot when it cooks, but even so, I feel more From the luxurious food that the old man prepared for me when I was at home, the red bean rice made by Miaomiao is not inferior at all." Kojiro seemed very satisfied, but he did not expect that he, a rich and young man from a wealthy family, could enjoy such ordinary food so much.

Perhaps for him, the more important thing is to eat with someone. The days with Musashi Miaomiao, even if they are often beaten by Xiaozhi, are the most free and happiest days in his life.

"Yes, Miaomiao, when it comes to cooking, I would like to call you the strongest among Pokémon!" Tian Lin praised sincerely.

"No way, you compliment me too much, meow, you're welcome, eat more, meow!" Miaomiao was said to her heart, and she kept adding food to Tianlin.

Decent character?Villain?

The estrangement between these different 08 lineups seems to be completely absent among them.Only Musashi held his cheeks with a gloomy face, "Really, we are bad people, is it really okay to have such a good time with this powerful kid?"

She doesn't actually hate Tian Lin, but is also grateful to Tian Lin who has helped them many times, but her stance is much firmer than Kojiro's.

"Oh, Musashi, don't care so much. Today is to celebrate the joining of our new companions. Boss Tianlin has helped us a lot!" Under the persuasion of Kojiro, Musashi finally agreed to temporarily let go of his differences. After the banquet.

At this moment, the navigator on Tian Lin vibrated. There were not many people who knew his navigator number. Tian Lin picked up the navigator curiously, and when he saw the caller ID, his eyes suddenly narrowed, it was actually Du.

He picked up the phone after leaving the Rockets trio for a distance, "Mr. Du, do you have anything to do with me?"

"The big thing is bad, Tian Lin, where are you now, the Lava Team and the Ocean Team are in action." Du's voice was obviously very anxious. It was the first time Tian Lin saw him in such a panic.

"Mr. Du, calm down first and tell me the whole story of the incident."

"Sorry, Tianlin, I lost my temper, this is how it goes..."

Du explained the current situation. It turned out that the Lava Team and the Ocean Team obtained the props that can suppress the power of the super ancient Pokémon while getting the two ancient people's orbs. Now they have found and sealed the two treasures with the props. can dream.

Fortunately, the lava team got Kyogre, and the ocean team got Groudon, and the orbs in their hands were uncontrollable, so Chi Yansong suggested that they meet on the island of Dreams and exchange their hands. Ultra-ancient Pokémon, once they exchange and start the war, the Hoenn area is over.

These are all the news that Du mixed into the Lava team. It can only be said that the alliance has underestimated these two teams before, so that they have developed to the point where they are now.

"Mr. Du, where is Chi Yansong now? I want to see him." Tian Lin asked.

"Tianlin, what are you going to do? I plan to wipe them all out when they trade. Don't act rashly at this time."

"No, Mr. Du, this is too conservative. At that point, it may be too late to start, and if you are only dealing with Chiyan Songshui Wutong, you alone are enough, you continue to hide and wait for the opportunity, I will find it directly. Chi Yansong meets, please, tell me his location."

Tianlinyi is daring, and now he has Lie Kong to help him, he is not afraid of the lava team and the ocean team with super ancient power.

"Okay, I can rest assured of your strength. There is no problem with self-protection. I will send the address to your navigator, but remember, don't be too reluctant." Du hung up the phone and passed the address over. It was In a sea area not far from Dreams Island, the submarine of the Lava Team is there.

Tian Lin thought quietly after receiving the address, Du was in charge of the lurking, and he went to meet Chi Yansong, but he always felt that something was missing, what to do with the ocean team, if someone could also cause them damage .

Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the team of Rockets who were trying to cook the food. With a flash of inspiration, the number one shit stick in the Pokémon world, wasn't it the three guys, thinking about it, Tian Lin had a dangerous smile. Walking into the three of them, he asked in a tone of pretending to chat, "Musashi, Kojiro, you have been in the Hoenn area for so long, do you have any dreams?"

"Of course there is, upgrade to be a cadre, take office as a branch minister!" The three of them said in unison.

"Secretary, but I heard that Team Rocket's sphere of influence has not extended to the Hoenn area."

"We are the first batch. We are about to establish the Rockets Hoenn branch here." The three of them vowed to talk about the impossible dream.

Tianlin shook his head, "Impossible, there is already an evil organization in Hoenn, you have seen it before, it is the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, how could they tolerate you to establish a Rocket branch here, just imagine, if there is Evil organizations in other regions try to reach out to the Kanto and Chengdu areas, what should you do?"

"No, both Kanto and Chengdu belong to our Rockets." Musashi immediately shouted, her words also woke them up, pushing themselves and others, Lava and Ocean will definitely not allow the Rockets to establish here. What branch.

In other words, if you want to establish a branch, you must first defeat the Lava Team and the Ocean Team.

"I just received a mission, which is for Lava Team 963 and Ocean Team. Do you want to cooperate? This is also good for your Rocket Team. Is the enemy of the enemy a friend, not to mention that we are originally Friends." Tian Lin seduced the three of them, he said it very sincerely, and promised that they would be the protagonists in this action, and he was only an assistant.

"Well, for the development of the Rockets, we will do everything!"

Hearing the three of them agree, Tianlin immediately told them his plan. What they had to do was very simple, just rush to Mengsi Island in advance to cause damage to the Ocean Team. As for the extent of the damage, it all depends on their ability.

After lunch, a few people came to the beach. Musashi and Kojiro Miaomiao stood on the newly captured sakura fish and spotted fish respectively, ready to go to Mengsi Island to prepare.

Before leaving, Tian Lin couldn't help but exhort, "Wait, Musashi, Kojiro, remember what I said, do what you can, and give priority to protecting yourself, and give priority to retreat at critical moments."

Although these three guys have the special ability to fly as soon as they blow up and the vitality that will never die, but with a huge organization as their opponent, Tian Lin is afraid that they will be blindly confident.

"Understood, Boss Tianlin, we cherish life very much before we snatch all the little ghosts and your Pokémon." Kojiro replied with a smile, and then the three of them set off and gradually disappeared on the edge of the ocean.

Next, Tian Lin himself has to take action.

Chapter Five Hundred and Sixteen Meet the different ideas of Tianlin and Chi Yansong

Tianlin took Latias to the sky above a sea area according to Du's address, and observed through the waveguide, there was indeed a submarine just below him, and by coincidence, it was rising.

At the moment when the submarine surfaced, Tian Lin jumped up and then retracted Latias and lurked.

This submarine is obviously out for patrol. Judging from the number of waveguides that Tianlin feels, there are not many people on it. Chi Yansong should not be on it. He plans to take this submarine directly to the secret base of the Lava Team.

"Huh? What is this waveguide?" At this moment, Tianlin scanned a familiar waveguide. It was not a member of the Lava Team, nor Du, but one of the SSS combinations of the Ocean Team, Quan Mei.

It seems that he is not the only bug on this submarine, but he is not from the Lava team. He doesn't care what Izumi wants to do. He just wants to see Chi Yansong now.

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