"Everyone, don't worry, that's Tian Lin's partner." Xiao Zhi said.

I saw Kuailong attacking, taking advantage of Liekong's inattentive sitting, grabbed its neck seven inches, and flew it quickly into the distance, Tianlin stood on Kuailong's shoulder and shouted, "Xiaozhi, Lie Leave the empty seat to me, hurry up and revive another Deoxys."

"'" Got it, Tian Lin, you have to be careful! Xiaozhi agreed, then turned around and said, "Let's leave it to Tianlin, I believe he is fine, we have our own things to do. "

After all, Xiao Zhi is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and it is not the first time that he has seen a first-level divine beast, so he is much calmer than others.


Lie Kongzai, who was strangled by his neck, roared and struggled with all his strength.

"Don't worry, Lie Kong sits!" said Tianlin, Kuailong took Lie Kong to sit until he was far away from Larousse before letting go of it, "Lie Kongzai, if you want an opponent, I will come to you. Initiate a subjugation battle, do you dare, the sea is below, and we can compete as much as we like."

In the face of Tianlin's provocation, Lie Kongzai ignored it. Its target was only Deoxys, but at this moment, a stone in Tianlin's backpack launched a faint light and flew out actively. Seeing this stone, Lie Kongzai instantly burst into battle, as if he had accepted Tianlin's challenge.

"This is the meteorite from Yantu Mountain. I understand. This is also something from outer space, and it is the best battle book for Lie Kong to sit down!" Tian Lin smiled, "Then the battle begins, come on, Lie Kong sit!"

Lie Kongzai (Nuo Li Zhao) had a ferocious expression, condensed his strength and fired a burst of destruction and death. When the dragon saw this, he attacked with the dragon's dive. When the two unique moves collided, there was no difference.

"Strange, is it my illusion? I always feel that Kuailong's current strength is much stronger than when he dealt with Lugia."

"Host, this is not your illusion, please see, this is the current strength of the fast dragon." The system suddenly said, "The super ancient fast dragon, because of the continuous battle with the first-level god-like powerful enemy, has broken through its own limit. And comprehend the law of the dragon, the current strength level, the master level."

"It's really great to have broken through to the master level!" Tian Lin said excitedly.

Master class!Legend has it that if an ordinary Pokémon reaches this level, it can become a face-to-face with a first-level god, but in the current world, even the so-called No. [-] Pokémon can never produce any master-level Pokémon. Dream, the super ancient fast dragon, may be the only master-level Pokémon in the world.

With the help of master-level Pokémon, Tianlin's confidence has greatly increased. Today, he will definitely be able to defeat Lie Kongzai.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twelve Conquer Lie Kong Sitting

In the face of the first-level god Lie Kongzai, Tianlin did not intend to throw the master ball directly. After all, no matter how powerful the master ball is, it is only human technology, and there is no problem with ordinary Pokémon. Such a strength, even if it was forcibly taken in, I'm afraid it would burst open.


The battle of destroying the sky and destroying the earth started with the roar of Lie Kongzai. Lie Kongzai still showed no mercy. It was a general trick, destroying the light, and I don't know if it was because of the strength of his first-level god. , the damage light of this product can actually be fired in bursts, and it has no rigid effect at all.

And even if the fast dragon has broken through to the master level, it can't avoid this at all, so it must not fight back in the same way.The light could only be bounced off with the dragon claws, and the waves on the sea suddenly splashed, and countless water-type Pokémon in the sea took refuge away from this area.

If you want to win, you must know yourself and the enemy. Taking advantage of this time, Tianlin checked the information of Lie Kongzai, and has already opened [-]% of the system, even a first-level god can detect it.

Lie Kongzai, sky Pokémon, attribute dragon type plus flying type, characteristic airlock.Cheerful personality (acceleration minus special attack), height 8m, weight 215kg, a first-level god, with skills: speed, defense, finishing touch, anti-scale, destroying death light, earthquake, dragon dance.

"It will be the finishing touch, then it means that this Lie Kongzai can evolve into a mega 960!" Tian Lin's eyes narrowed, this Lie Kongzai was stronger than he imagined, but Tianlin also discovered it. A problem, perhaps because it is too strong, the previous battles were easily solved by destroying the death light burst.

But in fact, its character is not suitable for using this kind of special attack skills. Even if it is a first-level god, lacking the command of a trainer, it can only exert [-]% of its strength at most. This is Tianlin's greatest chance of victory.

"Quick Dragon, we also have an advantage, that is, your dream feature has multiple scales. Before the other party has super-evolved, exchange a wave with it! Unleash a frozen fist." Tian Lin ordered.

Lie Kongzai continued to destroy the dead light, while the fast dragon relied on its multiple scale characteristics, forcibly resisted the effect of halving the damage under full physical strength, rushed to the fast dragon's side, and knocked it down into the sea with one punch, even if it was the remaining one. The powerful freezing force also caused the nearby sea to be frozen for nearly a hundred miles.

At this time, it is the best to use the ice-type trick. Once it enters the mega evolution state, its characteristic delta airflow will make the weakness of the flight type disappear. Then it will never be able to cause such a big damage.

'Bang' angry Lie Kongzai rushed out of the ice, and the momentum of his whole body began to rise.

 (aidj) "Be careful, Kuailong, it's coming!" Tianlin urged, Lie Kong sat, and was about to enter a super-evolutionary state.

Lie Kongzai radiated golden light all over his body and began to change his form. The super-evolved Liekongzat's green skin was shining like an emerald, a pattern similar to Delta Δ appeared on his forehead, and he had a long golden shape similar to a ribbon on his body. Looks divine and powerful.

"Quick Dragon, let's come too!" Tian Lin did not fall behind by half a point, and entered the second stage of fetter evolution with Quick Dragon.

The real battle begins now.

Super Lie Kong sits wrapped in airflow all over his body, and his body rushes straight towards the fast dragon. That is its exclusive trick, the finishing touch.

"Did you come up with this move at this time, Kuailong, don't mind the consumption, use the dragon's dive with all your strength." Tianlin shouted. Although the finishing touch is strong, it has a weakness, which is to make the user's defense and special defense. Decline, once Lie Kongzai is overused, its defensive power will be like a piece of paper in front of the fast dragon.

Before that, Kuailong only needs to use all his strength and keep blocking the opponent's attack.

The finishing touch VS Dragon's Dive is worthy of being the exclusive trick of Lie Kongzai. Even though Kuailong has used all his strength, he is still beaten back.

Super Lie Kongzai's strength is really too strong.

-----Dividing line

At this time, Xiao Zhi and his party from La Rus finally found Xiao Chao's friend, who was the partner of Deoxys who had been separated for four years. That is how to help Deoxys resurrect, and now the core of Deoxys is still lying in Dr. Lendor's laboratory.

Just at this time, Dr. Rondo, who was worried about his son, rushed over. After explaining the situation, he readily agreed to resurrect Deoxys to reunite their partners, on the condition that they leave Larousse City as soon as possible. As the person in charge of the city, His duty is to protect the city as much as possible.

Everyone came to the laboratory and started the work of resurrecting Deoxys with the help of the laboratory's instruments, but Latias had already left when he found Deoxy, because he was worried about his master, and went after Tianlin. .

Xiao Zhi, Aaron and the others stood by the window and looked into the distance, their eyes very solemn.

"What a terrifying battle. It should have been far away, but the destructive momentum was still passed over. I felt my hands tremble!" Aaron held the right arm that usually throws the Pokeball in his left hand. Work hard to overcome the fear in your heart.

"Don't worry, Tian Lin is far stronger than you think. No matter what kind of opponent he is, he will definitely win." Xiao Zhi's words were full of trust in his partner and rival.

Xiaoyao and the others looked at the sky and muttered, "Tianlin, come on!"

Over the sea, the two Pokémon separated from the collision once again. I can't count the number of times that they have collided. Angered, it directly resorted to an uncontrollable trick, Reverse Scale.

Lie Kongzai now only knows destruction.

Kuailong is also out of breath, and the continuous release of big tricks has already overloaded it. Tian Lin estimates that the current Kuailong can make another move, and the next one can’t win, so today, Tianlin will welcome it here. defeat.

"Quick Dragon, the next blow will determine the outcome. If you want to defeat the current Lie Kongzai, you can only hope for that move. We can definitely do it." Tian Lin said that the third stage of fetter evolution, Although he has only met Kuailong four times including this time, he believes that the bond between them is already extremely deep.

"Come on, Kuailong, make a dragon dive!" Tianlin shouted, Kuailong condensed the dragon-shaped breath and rushed towards Lie Kongzai. Likewise, Lie Kongzai with the reverse scales turned on did not mean to escape at all. .

The two great tricks clashed head-on. At first, even if Kuailong tried his best, he was at a disadvantage. However, with Tianlin's constant encouragement, the dragon began to change again.

The five-clawed golden dragon finally reappeared in the world. The golden dragon transformed from a master-level fast dragon was more than ten times larger than Tianlin's fast dragon. The huge golden body seemed to cover the entire sky.

The flying dragon is in the sky, what I said, but this is the scene.

The five-clawed golden dragon swooped down towards Lie Kongzai. With a size gap of dozens of times, Lie Kongzai had no power to fight back, not to mention that it had continuously lowered its third-tier defense because of its finishing touches.

Lie Kongzai was smashed through the ice by the fast dragon and sank to the bottom of the sea. When Tianlin saw this, he quickly threw the master ball at it before it sank.

After a while, the sea finally returned to calm, and the sky that had been torn apart by the war also returned to its original state. At this time, the only ones still on the battlefield were the fast dragon flying in mid-air, the Tianlin on its shoulder, and the one. A master ball that floats quietly on the sea.

Chapter five hundred and thirteenth event ends Tianlin alone

"Come out, Xiao Duo, please bring back the Master Ball!" Tianlin released Duo Longqi to the sea to pick up the Master Ball and handed it to him. Ultimately, Tian Lin could no longer feel the unparalleled killing intent of Lie Kongzai.

"It seems to be all right, then come out, Lie Kongzai!" Tian Lin opened the master ball with confidence, and Lie Kongzai appeared again, facing Tianlin's eyes.

After a while, Lie Kongzai opened his mouth and spat out a green bead, which slowly flew into Tianlin's hands.

"This is?"

When Tianlin was puzzled, the system gave an answer, "Host, this is the proof that Lie Kongzai has been subdued in an open and fair manner, the emerald green orb allows the host to summon Lie Kongzai anytime and anywhere, and can also use this orb to change his mood. Send it to Lie Kongzai."

"Is that so, then!" Tian Lin closed his eyes and conveyed what he wanted to say in his heart, "Lie Kongzai, you misunderstood the Ochisis, they are not invaders, but have good intentions. visitors."

Tian Lin wanted to resolve Lie Kongzai's hatred. Lie Kongzai would not listen to the original words, but now Tianlin, as its trainer, still has some right to speak, and what the emerald green orb can convey must be true. Mood, that is to say, there is no possibility of deceiving Lie Kongzai.

Perhaps the temperament of Ryakuza is not as gentle as Lugia, but it is by no means an evil Pokémon. In fact, Ryakuza has been guarding this planet in the universe all the year round, with malicious evil invaders or causing huge damage. The meteorites of disasters, etc., are all removed by it. This planet can maintain the current peace and beauty, and its credit is definitely not small.

It seems that he felt Tianlin's intentions, and the remaining anger of Lie Kongzai also subsided. Next, he was about to leave. Although he had been subdued, he could not follow his trainer all the time, because he still had a role in it. It is the responsibility of the gods to guard the planet. Tianlin has long expected this, and he has no plans to stop it.

Anyway, Lie Kongzai has already handed the emerald green orb to him. If there is any problem, you can call it over at any time and have an effect with the battle-box presented by the system.

After watching Lie Kong's emerald green figure disappear into the sky, Tian Lin withdrew his gaze.

"Master!" A cute female voice came from far to near, and Latias rushed over as fast as he was worried.

"Latias, you can actually use telepathy." Tian Lin was surprised to find that Latias actually broke through to the peak of the middle-level king of heaven, and he was one step away from reaching the high-level. This progress is too much. People were horrified.

Latias explained how Deoxys helped it break through, and told Tianlin that the plan was completed very smoothly, which reassured Tianlin. Here, the disaster in Larousse City is completely over.

Tian Lin jumped on Latias' back and looked at the fast dragon with a deep reluctance in his eyes. After using the dragon's flute three times, it has turned into flying ashes. After that, Tian Lin can no longer summon it. .

"Kailong, can we meet again in the future?"

For this super ancient fast dragon, Tianlin's bond with it is definitely not lost to any other Pokémon. They have fought side by side several times to face strong enemies, and have already established a deep friendship. Help, but it doesn't mean that Tianlin doesn't need Kuailong anymore.

Kuailong let out a dragon cry and looked at Tianlin and nodded. Even if the language was not clear, Tianlin at the moment could fully understand its meaning.

"Although the Ocarina of the Dragon has dissipated, our bond will not disappear. In the future, as long as you encounter danger, even if you are in the ends of the earth, I will definitely come to help!"

This is what the dragon expresses.

"Kailong, thank you!" Tian Lin said with sincerity.

Kuailong also left. Tianlin didn't plan to go back to Larousse now, so he let Latias land on a nearby island with him, and then used the navigator to connect with the Pokémon in Larousse. Center, got in touch with Xiao Zhi and the others.

"Tianlin, it's really good that you're okay, how is Lie Kong Sitting?" Xiao Zhi and the others said excitedly.

"Lie Kongzai has already left, don't worry, Xiaozhi, how about your side, how is Deoxys?"

"We're all right. There was a little accident during the resurrection. Team Rocket came out and made a mess. Now they have been beaten by Deoxys, and the two Pokémon have left here and returned to the universe. What about you, when will you be back?"

Tian Lin was speechless. When the three Rockets made troubles, they really didn't pick it up. This time, they were sent flying by a Pokémon with first-level god strength, and they were afraid they would fly very far.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"It's fine, I won't be coming back. Just now, Kuailong took me to the east. Now I'm on an island. I think it's not far from Green Ridge City, so I'll go there and get the seventh badge. Now, you and Xiaoyao should stay in Larousse City for a few more days, especially Xiaoyao, practice and fight well, and when your strength improves, speed up your journey to get the ribbon medal, don't get lost and waste time. "Tianlin said.

"Wait, Tian Lin, how could you sneak away!" Hearing this, Xiao Zhi immediately panicked, but unfortunately only...

"Beep, beep, beep!!!"

Tian Lin's best trick is to hang up the phone and travel with these goods for a long time. After finally getting out, he won't give them a chance to stop them, or it's better to be alone.


"So, where is this place?" Tian Lin looked around and saw that there was no one there. He couldn't help but wonder if this was an uninhabited island.

He didn't dispel his doubts until the three figures landed in front of him from the sky. He mentioned them just now, but he didn't expect to fly over in a blink of an eye. Deoxys is indeed a first-level god's strength, and he knocked these three guys away. almost half the sea.

They are the Rockets trio, and the island where the real protagonist landed, how could it be an uninhabited island? It must be a plot point.

"It hurts, what kind of monster is that? It's the first time we have flown for so long!" The Rockets twitched as they leaned on their waists.

"I said, you guys, are you all right?" Tian Lin stepped forward and asked.

"Boss Tianlin?", "Super powerful brat?", "Why are you here meow?" Kojiro Musashi meow said in surprise.

"Like you, they flew here, but they weren't beaten, and I don't know where it is. Maybe it's an uninhabited island. I advise you to act with me first, otherwise you will be on a deserted island. You, the water-type Pokémon, may have to stay here for the rest of your life!"

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