-------Dividing line

After some exchanges, everyone introduced themselves to each other. It turned out that Xiaochao's father, Dr. Rondo, was the person in charge of the entire Larousse City. He was so busy with affairs that he couldn't stay here for a long time, so he left his assistant. Yuko received Tianlin and his party.

"It turns out that, Miss Yuko, you are Dr. Rondo's assistant! It's rare to be so young." Xiaogang admired, "If only I could be your assistant, Miss Yuko."

Looking at the beautiful big sister, his illness was committed again.

Yuko looked at Xiaozhi, "Xiaozhi, I'm sorry, Xiaochao caused you trouble today!"

"No, it's my fault. I forced him to participate in the competition. Excuse me, what is going on with Xiaochao? I can see that he is very afraid of Pokémon." Xiaozhi said.

"Yes, because he encountered terrible things when he was a child, which caused a huge psychological shadow." Yuko lowered her head and recalled a past event 4 years ago.

At that time, Xiaochao was only 6 years old. He was a lively and lovely boy, and he was not afraid of Pokémon. At that time, he followed Dr. Londo to an icefield to investigate meteorites flying from outer space.

However, what they didn't expect was that the mysterious Pokémon Deoxys appeared in that piece of ice.

Because it is a Pokémon from the universe, this violated the airspace of Lie Kongzai. The two Pokémon had a fierce fight, and Xiaochao was also involved in it. Running around turbulently.

This brought him a huge fear, and subconsciously, he was still afraid of Pokémon.

"Lie Kongzai, Deoxys! So that's the case, this is a visitor to the cracking sky, isn't it!" Tianlin was not interested in Xiaochao's story, but he liked the two Pokémon very much. The mythical beast, Yuko's words awakened his memory, and soon, this city will become the battlefield of these two Pokémon.

"I have to find a way to stop it." Tian Lin thought, since he remembered it, he can't do nothing. The best thing is to notify the city's residents to evacuate now, but he does not have the authority to issue such a big order, even if He is a special investigator, and it is difficult for Dr. Rondo to believe him without any evidence, and even if all the personnel are evacuated, the city will surely be destroyed by war, so what is he protecting? Well, this is not what Tian Lin wants 0 ........

Fortunately, he knew that Deoxys did not have any malicious intentions at all. He came here just to find a partner, and he was also passive in fighting with Lie Kongzai. So for Tianlin, he only needed to restrain Lie Kongzai at that time.

At this moment, he made an extremely bold decision, "It seems that I have to subdue this first-level god."

This decision may seem crazy, but it is the best and fastest solution to everything.

On the other side, Xiaochao, who ran out of the battle tower, encountered a pair of positive and negative electric pats trapped in the smart trash can.The two Pokémon were naughty by nature, and actually used the trash can that was automatically opened by the sensory creature's body as a toy. In the end, the negative electric paddle was caught in it, and the positive electric paddle burst into tears.

Although Xiaochao was afraid of Pokémon, he was kind-hearted and could not help but save them.

As a result, these two Pokémon immediately fell in love with Xiaochao. If Xiaochao wanted to subdue them at this time, I'm afraid he didn't need to fight. A frequented botanical garden.

"Hey, where are you? Come out!" Xiaochao began to shout when he came to the empty botanical garden.

A transparent green diamond-shaped crystal appeared at 3.9 on the water surface, floating in front of Xiaochao, and Xiaochao became happy when he saw it. This thing is not a Pokémon, and Xiaochao is not afraid of it. Therefore, whenever Xiaochao is depressed When unhappy, it is the best listener.

"Let me tell you, I summoned the courage to save two Pokémon today. Also, I went to the Battle Tower to watch the Pokémon battle. There are two trainers named Tianlin and Xiaozhi. Their Pokémon Dream is really amazing, I was pulled into the battle field later, but I was completely useless, and I lost the game, if one day I can be like these two people."

Xiaochao took the trouble to talk about what happened today to this magical transparent crystal. At this moment, no one noticed that the sky was covered with purple aurora.

Chapter [*]: The Arrival of Deoxys

In the evening, at the invitation of Yuko, Xiaozhi and his party had dinner with Xiaochao and Aaron. Pikachu also invited the positive electric and negative electric Pokemon to eat Xiaogang's special electric-type Pokémon food. .

"Xiaozhi, I'm very upset that I lost to you and Tianlin today. Let's fight again tomorrow." After dinner, Aaron once again asked for a battle.

"I can't ask for it, how many times I will accompany me to the end." Xiao Zhi has never refused a challenge, but he is not alone in a doubles match, so he turned around and asked, "Is that right, Tian Lin?"

No one answered, Xiao Zhi glanced around and found that Tian Lin was not there at all. "Strange, what about Tianlin?"

"I was still here just now. It seems that I went out after dinner. Maybe I went for a walk." Xiaoyao smiled.

Of course, Tian Lin didn't just go for a walk as she said. His current position is on the top floor of the Battle Tower. Tian Lin is sitting cross-legged and spreading out the waveguides around. There, whether it is Deoxys or Lie Kong, , as long as it appears, he can perceive it for the first time.

Since Tianlin is not there, Xiaozhi doesn't plan to go into it. What he wants now is to help Xiaochao get out of his childhood shadow.

In a sense, 08 Tianlin and Xiaozhi are very similar but completely different. It seems that they both like to meddle in their own business and always step in when they see bad things. The difference is that Xiaozhi belongs to Completely warm-hearted, he takes care of big and small matters, and Tian Lin is not interested in Pokémon phobia like Xiaochao unless he is an important friend. Tianlin didn't want to worry too much.

What Tianlin cares about is the big event involving the battle of the gods and beasts.

In this way, in this group, Xiaoyao was busy enjoying the food, Xiaozhi poured chicken soup for the soul to Xiaochao, Xiaotong investigated the inexplicable aurora, Xiaogang was attentive to Xiaotong, and played until late at night.

Only Tian Lin sat silently on the top of the battle tower, cross-legged, until a peculiar waveguide flew into the city of Larousse. Building, the top of the battle tower.

This is Deoxys. At this moment, it is standing behind Tianlin. In order to find a partner, it intends to spread its thoughts to the entire city from here, but it is very sad to find out, because this is completely a Because of the high-tech city, its thoughts are interfered by countless electromagnetic waves and cannot spread out at all.

There is no other way, it can only use the last resort, that is, relying on super powers to suspend all electronic devices in the city, and temporarily arrest everyone so that it can find its own partners.

"Daiqixis, hello, friend from the universe!" Tian Lin said at this time, and he confirmed the identity of the visitor without looking back.

Deoxys, who was about to take action, looked at Tianlin who was sitting cross-legged in front of him. From this person, he felt a completely different temperament from ordinary people. Even for him, there was a slight sense of oppression. More importantly Yes, that person actually called it, friend?

This is the first time anyone has welcomed its arrival.

"It's really hard for you to come here at the risk of being chased and killed by Lie Kongzai in order to find your partner. If you are willing to believe me, I can guide you to find it, but please don't hurt everything in this city." Tianlin said.

"Who are you?" Deoxys used telepathy.

"Am I, just a very ordinary Pokémon trainer, Deoxys, it is said that you are a Pokémon mutated from the DNA of a cosmic virus, and you can use incredible cosmic power to change your form. In the memory of the super ancient genes, you seem to have visited this Pokémon world before, so, have you heard the name of the ruler?"

"Ruler? You're still alive. If it's you, I can try to believe it." Deoxys also knew the legend of the ruler in his memory.

"Thank you, come out, Latias!" Then Tianlin released Latias, he just told Latias all the things he needed to do, "Latias, please, bring Let's go to Xiaozhi and Xiaochao on behalf of Ochisis."

"You are, the guardian deity of the water capital!" Deoxys also recognized Latias. The legend of the guardian deity of the water capital has also been handed down from ancient times. It should be said that its original trust in the identity of Tianlin is five Points, and now the appearance of Latias, it has increased to eight points in one breath.

"Just leave the rest to Latias, by the way, Deoxys, I feel that because of your appearance, Lie Kongzai is rushing towards this side. After finding your partner, promise me ten million Don't fight it, leave the city quickly." Tian Lin pleaded.

This Deoxys is not like Latias, who has no power due to lack of training. Although it is only a phantom beast, it has an authentic first-level god combat power. A first-level god Lie Kong sits in a battle, and I am afraid that it will be a good phenomenon for thousands of miles on the ground.

"I see, I don't like fighting at all, I will leave if I find a partner, thank you, ruler!" Deoxys agreed, and then flew down the battle tower with Latias.

After seeing the figures of the two Pokémon disappear, Tian Lin looked up to the sky, "The rest is you, Lie Kong sit!"

-------Dividing line

On the other side, Xiao Zhi and his party played crazy all night, and the big guys gradually established friendship, but these unconscionable people didn't find out at all, and Tian Lin didn't come back overnight.

Xiaochao cherishes this rare friendship. He plans to take a group to the botanical garden to meet his special partner.

957 "Please show your passport!"

A robot stopped in front of the crowd, Xiaochao handed over his passport and explained, "Because it is very close to Dad's research institute, there are often guard squares patrolling."

After scanning the passport to confirm their identity, the robot left immediately. They had just walked a few steps when two Pokémon suddenly appeared in front of them, and they were stunned.

Because one has never been seen before, the other is actually the legendary Pokémon, Latias.

"This, is this the legendary infinite Pokémon Latias, why did it suddenly appear in front of us, and what is the other guy?" Jiang Tai shouted at a loss.

"It is, Deoxys!" Xiaochao recognized the identity of the other one, which was one of the culprits that caused the shadow of his childhood.

Xiaozhi looked at Latias blankly, "Well, you won't be the Latias of Tianlin, right?"

Latias nodded, then turned into a canon, dancing and gesturing something.

"What exactly are you trying to express, you don't understand at all?" Everyone looked at him blankly. They could only say that Tianlin had calculated everything, but he forgot one thing. Not everyone has the same body language recognition ability as him.

Now, the plan is stuck in a troublesome bottleneck.

Chapter [*] vs Lie Kongzai Master Pokémon

Looking at the puzzled faces of everyone, Canon seemed to be more and more anxious, and the speed of the gestures in her hands became faster and faster, and she felt that she was about to cry.

On the other hand, Deoxys is full of black lines. I am eager to find a companion, but you are dancing here. Is your position as the guardian god of water a fake? As a super-type Pokémon Electric induction will not?

The unbearable Deoqixis used a burst of spiritual power to help Latias to strengthen his strength. It is worthy of being close to the spiritual power of a first-level god. Latias passed the bottleneck of the peak of the quasi-king of the king in one breath. And he didn't stop at the first level of the king, and stopped until he reached the peak of the middle level of the king.

Latias, who has reached the Heavenly King level, can finally exert the abilities that the super-power beasts should have, and is telepathic, "Xiaozhi, hurry up, the purpose of this Ochisis here is to find its companions, We have to hurry up and let it find a companion and leave, otherwise, Lie Kongzai will come."

"Companion, but we don't know where it is?" Ash wondered, how could he know who Deoxys' companion was.

"The master said that its companion has been following a boy named Xiaochao, and it is enough to find him."

"Xiaochao?" When everyone heard the words, they immediately looked at Xiaochao in unison.

Xiaochao pondered for a moment, and suddenly a flash of light flashed, "Could it be that the companion of Deoxys refers to the friend I have always had."

"Come with me." Xiaochao, who remembered it, immediately ran towards the botanical garden with everyone and Deoxys.

At the same time, in the monitoring center in Larousse, the staff also monitored abnormal situations.

"It seems that something is moving towards the city."

The chief here is a Miss Junsha, she ordered, "Hurry up and analyze."

The staff called up the portrait, it was a green dragon, "This, is it Lie Kongzai?"

"What, Lie Kongzai? Hurry up and contact Dr. Rondo!"

Dr. Rondo and his assistant Yuko came quickly, and they were very puzzled after learning about the matter of Lie Kongzai. How could the dignified Lie Kongzai suddenly run to Larousse City.

"Why did Lie Kongzai come? Is there something in this city that attracted it?" In order to find out the situation, Dr. Lendor turned on all the surveillance cameras in the entire city and ordered all the staff to check it together. Soon, he was allowed to see it. A frightening scene.

His son rushed towards the botanical garden with his group of companions. The key point was that the red figure following the group was clearly Deoxys.

"Why did Xiaochao stay with Deoxys? I understand, the purpose of Lie Kong sitting here is to kill Deoxys, just like four years ago, he ordered all the people to go out of the city to take refuge, Yuko, let's go to Xiaochao's side, we must find out the purpose of Ochisis"." Dr. Lendo ordered all the staff to help the citizens evacuate, and he and Yuko rushed to rescue Xiaochao alone.

With Deoxys by his side, he must be the main target of Riekoza's attack.

Fighting against the top of the tower, Tian Lin closed his eyes and rested his mind, feeling the powerful aura coming from afar getting closer and closer, and exuding a strong killing intent, Tian Lin suddenly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Tianlin looked at the flute in his hand and said lightly: "I'm sorry, Kuailong, every time you call you have to face a powerful enemy of this level, but this is the last time, please lend me your strength!"

At the same time that Tianlin played the flute, Lie Kongzai finally came to the sky above Larousse City, and after sensing the position of Deoxys, he rushed towards it frantically.

Deoxys didn't want to entangle with it now, so he turned into a defensive form and opened the barrier, intending to temporarily block it from the city.

Lie Kongzai was pushed back by the enchantment, becoming more and more angry, and then a destructive death light shot out, bombarding the enchantment, making a crack in it. The second shot caused the crack to expand infinitely, and the third shot completely destroyed the enchantment. into pieces.

"It's amazing, this is the strength of a first-level god!" Tian Lin looked at this scene in shock. In the theatrical version of the original work, Lie Kongzai was obviously weakened, and the defensive barrier actually blocked Lie Kongzai outside for a while. All day, even the city's robot guards nearly killed it.

But looking at the current situation, if it is one-on-one, I am afraid that Deoxys is not the opponent of Liekong, and as for the robots in the city, it is like a joke in front of it.

After breaking the barrier, Lie Kong sat in front of Xiao Zhi and his party.

"That is, Lie Kongzai, compared to the oppressive feeling of Lugia in the past, it is no worse than that." Xiaozhi looked at Lie Kongzai in the sky with cold sweat, and even he couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear.

Others, such as Xiaotong, Xiaoyao, Aaron and others, didn't even have the courage to take out the Poké Ball in front of Lie Kongsi.

"Although I promised the ruler not to fight it, but looking at the situation now, it's impossible not to fight." Deoxys turned into an attack form, preparing to fight with Lie Kongzai to gain time.

"Stop, Deoxys, don't forget what you promised me." Suddenly, another huge figure flew in the sky.

"Is that, the fast dragon, it's so big." Aaron's amazement was really round after round today, not to mention seeing so many mythical beasts, there is actually such a huge fast dragon.

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