"Xiaoyao is bad!" Seeing this, Xiaozhi planned to help Xiaoyao, but Tianlin reached out and stopped him.

"Xiaozhi, this is a critical moment for Xiaoyao, the beginning of transformation, let's wait and see."

Xiaozhi nodded, he understood what Tianlin meant. In the past, he and Tianlin had experienced adversity and even despair several times, but as long as they overcome the past, their strengths will often undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Chamo!" Huo Chi suddenly roared, and his whole body released a dazzling light.

"Fire chick?" Xiaoyao exclaimed, the scene in front of her was familiar and surprising to her, her fire chick finally evolved.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

The evolved Lizhuang Chicken has the same fighting attributes as the Dou Li Mushroom, as well as the newly learned skills, the Sky Fist and the Erlian Kick, even if it is a melee combat, it is not at all cowardly.

"Great, strong chicken, use the sky-high fist!" Xiaoyao was full of confidence at the moment, different from the complacency just now, now she simply trusts her partner.

Lizhuang Chicken rushed forward and hit the chin of the Dou Li mushroom with a punch, instantly knocking it into the air, and then, a powerful jet of flames made up the knife, winning the victory smoothly.

"Awesome, Lizhuang Chicken, you are amazing!"

After the evolution, the strength of the strong chicken surpassed that of hunting swallowtails, and it became Xiaoyao Xin's trump card.

Seeing that the three eldest brothers of their own group were defeated in succession, and the eldest brother was directly subdued, the mushroom mushrooms could only give up seeking revenge, and sadly left with the other two bamboo mushrooms.

......... 0

"Wait, mushrooms!" Tianlin suddenly stopped them, "Xiaojiro and the others did not mean to take your food, they were just starving, I apologize to you for them, this is what I did How about the compensation for your Pokémon food?"

Tianlin took out a lot of food from his backpack and put it in front of the mushroom group. For mushrooms, Pokémon food was far more attractive to them than ordinary fruits. They were so hungry that they suddenly ate their mouths.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Tian Lin also slightly treated the two bucket hat mushrooms, making sure that they were all okay.

"Don't worry, your eldest brother will be my partner in the future. I swear that I will take good care of it." After eating the food, Tian Lin said with the elf ball of the tussock mushroom.

The mushrooms smiled and nodded, Tianlin's friendly behavior had resolved their hatred, and they left with satisfaction.

"Tianlin, you did a beautiful job!" Xiaogang applauded, Tianlin's gentle behavior towards Pokémon really won his approval.

"That's right, as expected of you, the boss of Tianlin!" Kojiro said with admiration.

"Don't compliment me, Kojiro, although there is a reason for the incident, it's not right for you to steal food for no reason. If you're wrong, you're wrong. The punishment can't be less." Tian Lin walked over to Xiao Zhi and patted him on the shoulder, "Next I'll leave it to you, Xiaozhi!"

"Well, Pikachu, make a hundred thousand volts!"

"Pika... Chuu!"

The 'Boom' battle was over, but there was still an explosion in the forest, and what was visible was a meteor flying to the sky, and a classic line, "What a disgusting feeling!" Mouth.

Chapter [*]: The Phantom Thief Benay

This trip to the mushroom forest was indeed very rewarding. Xiaoyao's turkey chicken evolved into a strong chicken, and its strength increased greatly. Tianlin subdued the boss of the bucket hat mushroom, and Xiaozhi also got a knife from Tianlin. Ye's training method of wielding saber qi has been very enjoyable these days.

Now they are not far from their destination, Yinyu City.

"The weather is good today, Brother Tianlin, help my Lizhuang chicken to think of a training method. Its potential is much greater than hunting swallowtails." Because of the evolution of Lizhuang chicken, Xiaoyao has been in a constant mood these days. Yes, he is still pestering Tianlin to find ways to cultivate.

"The cultivation of a strong chicken is the easiest. Strength and speed, whether it is a gorgeous battle or an ordinary battle, can be eaten by mastering these two points, and then accumulate experience and evolve into a flame chicken." Tian Lin finished. Suddenly I remembered Xiao Shun's confession, since the fire chick has evolved into "nine five zeros", it is time to give her that thing, "Xiaoyao, then, Xiao Shun entrusts me with the gift for you."

Although Xiao Shun specifically told Tianlin not to say that he sent the things, but Tianlin wanted to listen to him for Mao, and he could not do such things as occupying other people's credit.

"It's a super-evolution stone!" Xiaoyao didn't know what that thing was, but Xiaosheng, who was rich in knowledge, suddenly exclaimed.

"The stone of super evolution? Xiao Shun asked you to give me such a precious thing?" Although Xiaoyao has never seen this kind of stone, as the museum owner's daughter, she has heard of it, so she naturally knows how precious this thing is. .

"Yes, this is the Flaming Chicken Stone. He hopes that you can become stronger and become a formidable opponent who can keep up with him. Don't live up to his expectations. Xiao Shun's current strength is very powerful."

"Xiao Shun!" Xiaoyao held the flaming chicken stone in the palm of his hand, and the proud young man who always hated him appeared in his mind, but there was a ripple in his heart.

"That's great, Xiaoyao, so when your strong chicken evolves into a flaming chicken, you will be able to super-evolve." Xiaozhi envied.

"Not yet, in order to perform super evolution, the trainer also needs to wear the evolution keystone. For this, it depends on whether Xiaoyao has any fate in your journey." Tian Lin stretched out his right wrist and put the evolution key on it. Shi showed her to show her, so that she would have a deeper impression, so that if you encounter it in the future, you won't miss it because you don't know anything.

"Okay, then while the weather is so good today, let's hurry up, I will definitely get the evolution keystone that belongs to me!" Xiaoyao said with great excitement, since Xiaoshun wanted her to be stronger, she would never let him down a piece of mind.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, the sky that was still sunny just now was suddenly covered with clouds, and then it started to rain heavily.

"What's going on? It's raining suddenly, it's such a disappointment!" The group suddenly ran away with their heads in their hands, but just before they took a few steps, the sky started to snow again, and soon, it gradually cleared up, and the snow and ice melted. .

This weather is just like Tianlin's girlfriend, Sundae's temper, it changes when you say it, it's elusive.

At this time, a pair of researcher men and women ran to the group, each with a very rare Pokémon, floating bubbles and a variety of monsters.

"Everyone, are you all right?" The male researcher's name was Balu, and he was carrying a floating bubble.

On the other hand, the female researcher had a kaleidoscopic monster. They explained apologetically: "I'm sorry, the weather just now was caused by our research, did it scare you?"

"Can your institute change the weather? It's incredible, right?" Xiaoyao was very surprised by this kind of thing.

"It's the three skills of rain, hail and clearing of floating bubbles, right?" Tian Lin asked.

Before the two could answer, Xiaogang had already rushed up and stood in front of the female researcher, "Ah, beautiful big sister, Xiaogang's name is Xiaogang..."

As usual, Xiaogang saw the beautiful young lady go up to chat with her, but this time it was slightly different from usual, and he was suddenly stunned halfway through speaking.

"What's the matter with you, Xiaogang?" Xiaosheng was puzzled. He just wanted to pull Xiaogang's ear, but he stopped by himself.

"I don't know, I'm also very puzzled, what should I say, I seem to be suddenly unable to lift myself up!" Xiaogang himself was also very puzzled, even though the big sister in front of him was so beautiful and cute, he was not moved at all.

"Could it be?" Tian Lin thought of a possibility. Since this is a research institute that studies weather, the two organizations will not care.

Tian Lin first calmly opened a Poke Ball at his waist, then walked forward with a smile, and took the female researcher's hand instead of Xiaogang, "What a beautiful woman!"

"Ah, it's not good, Brother Tianlin was infected by Xiaogang, he is broken!" Xiaosheng yelled anxiously.  …

"Tianlin, you already have Miss Sundae and Miss Nazi, how can you be so careless?" Xiaogang taught a shameless lesson, but he didn't know that he was the one who said this most shamelessly.

Tian Lin ignored several people, and held the woman's hand tighter and tighter.

"Stop, this gentleman, you hurt me." The female researcher struggled with an ugly face.

"What are you doing, let go!" At this time, Balu finally reacted, and quickly reached out to pull Tianlin away, but with his little strength, he couldn't shake Tianlin at all, and Tianlin didn't bother to care about him.

"Hehe, how could such a beautiful person Xiaogang not be tempted? The only explanation is that this is not your true face, right, member of the Lava Team, the phantom thief nicknamed The Man with Thousand Faces, Benayi."

"What kind of man with thousands of faces, what kind of strange thief, I don't know, you just want to take advantage of me." The other party still refused to admit it, and that day Lin had no choice but to beat him.

"Really?" Tian Lin condensed the power of the waveguide in his right hand, and suddenly exerted force, the huge force almost crushed the opponent's bones.

"Ah!!!" The severe pain caused the man to scream, but it was no longer the nice female voice. Under such pain, Banay couldn't continue to use false voices and made his original voice.

"Men, a man's voice!" This scene was horrifying, Xiao Gang even had goosebumps on the ground, he actually confessed to a man just now, and almost spit out the meal overnight.

"Damn, let me go, Variety Monster, save me." At this moment, Ban Nai no longer pretended, the Variety Monster on his shoulder transformed into Pikachu, and sent lightning to attack Tianlin.

Tian Lin didn't panic at all, he was already prepared for that Variegated Monster, "It's time to take action, Xiao Duo!"

Duolongqi suddenly appeared beside Pikachu. Just after Tianlin opened the Poké Ball, he gave him an instruction through voice transmission, so that he could use the hidden spirit to surprise and hide in the dark.

It suddenly appeared at this moment, which caught the Variety Monster by surprise, and was directly beaten back to the prototype by this ghost-type ultimate move.

"Then, do you have any other tricks next, phantom thief Benay, if not, I announce that you have been arrested!".

Chapter [*]: Yinyu Carnival Michael's Girlfriend

With a wave of Tian Lin's left hand, a wave of superpowers immediately lifted Benaye's disguise, revealing his true face, revealing an ugly face with a sense of killing Matt.

"So you can do it this way!" Tian Lin used his right hand to directly discount Ban Nai's hand. With such a decisive shot, he instantly lost the strength to continue resisting under the severe pain.

"Damn, who are you, who can see through my disguise and plans at once?" Banaye said angrily, clutching his arms.

"My name is Tianlin, the special investigator of the alliance. There are too many flaws in your plan. This research institute studies weather phenomena, so there must be records of the weather in various places in Hoenn. It is rumored that the super ancient Pokémon Groudon Gaioka has the powerful power to change the astronomical phenomenon when it appears. Perhaps in the research institute, there are records of abnormal weather in various places. With the flow of the boat, it is possible to find the traces of the two Pokémon. Your Lava Team can't do this. Don't mind."

"So, when you heard about the weather here, you suspected someone from the Lava Team or the Ocean Team sneaked in?"

"Yes, but your worst mistake is that you shouldn't pretend to be a woman, especially a beauty. In front of Xiaogang, who is known as a beauty detector, even the thief Kidd can't hide, let alone you 08, so Xiaogang The moment I didn't feel anything about you, I decided that you must be Benai no doubt!" Tian Lin explained.

"Hehe, it's ironic. I, Ban Nai, have been through life for a long time, and finally lost to a satyr." Ban Nai lowered his head in despair. There is really no more insulting way to fail than this.

Soon, people from the institute called the police, and Miss Junsha immediately led someone to arrest Banay.

The lava team's infiltration plan failed before it even started under Tianlin's intervention. At the same time, the ocean team also took action, but their organization did not have a cross-dressing genius like Benay, so they could only choose to attack.

A helicopter slowly flew over the research institute, led by Quan Mei. Last time she was rescued by Shui Wutong with all her strength, and she was finally successfully rescued, and now she continues to hold her original position.

"Oh, is the ocean team here too, just in time, all in one sweep!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Captain Quan, there are people at the entrance of the research institute, and they found us." Inside the helicopter, a little rogue reported the situation.

"Who is it, enter the image in." Izumi ordered.


After some operations, a large screen in the helicopter showed the appearance of Tian Lin and others.

"It's actually him, the mission is canceled, retreat." Quan Mei decisively ordered, Shui Wutong had already given her an order, seeing Tianlin is the same as seeing the Four Heavenly Kings, there is no need to insist on the mission and give priority to retreat.

The helicopter turned around and left.

"What's the situation, you actually ran away?" Tian Lin didn't expect that when he first came, the plans of the two evil organizations fell short, and because of a face, the Ocean Team turned around and ran away. Could it be that he didn't know when to lose face? Eat the fruit?

-------Dividing line

Tianlin successfully protected the Weather Research Institute. As a reward, the people at the research institute gave Tianlin a floating bubble as a reward. Unfortunately, his aptitude and potential are not high, and his strength is not strong, but he is very cute, so after Tianlin I asked Dr. Damu to give it to her sister. Jun Shalan seems to be heroic, but in fact, she has no resistance to these cute Pokémon. I believe she will like it very much.

After leaving the Weather Research Institute, Tianlin and Xiaozhi and his party followed Mr. Baloo's instructions and soon arrived in Yinyu City, which is also the location of their two sixth badges. They came by coincidence. Today's Yinyu City seems to be The Wings Carnival is being held.

The streets are very lively, with all kinds of snacks, souvenirs, Pokémon props, etc., and the most popular program here is a very beautiful young lady riding an armored bird with children soaring in the sky.

This armored bird is much larger than normal, but its flight speed is not slow at all, which shows how well it has been bred.

The little sister flew a child around and landed, "Okay, who's turn next?"

This sister is wearing a flight suit, has a capable appearance, a soft voice, and is very charming.

"I, Sister Naqi is me!" A little girl raised her hand and learned from her mouth that the beautiful sister in front of her was the target of Tianlin and Xiaozhi this time, the gym trainer of Yinyu gymnasium Naqi, no wonder that armored bird has such strength.

Naqi picked up the little girl and put it on the armored bird, just about to take off, Xiaogang suddenly appeared and held Naqi's hand, "Excuse me, are you Miss Naqi, wow, what a nice name, Xiaosheng's name is Xiao Gang, a promising Pokémon breeder, I can see that your armored bird has been bred very well, and most importantly, it has the most beautiful owner in the world."

"Ah, thank you for your compliment!" Na Qi replied awkwardly.

"Looking at you flying in the sky, Xiaosheng has an intuition, this is a fateful encounter, I..." Before Xiaogang could finish speaking, a hand grabbed his ear.

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