"Very good, chase after the victory, Xiao Duo, use a flash of lightning!"

"The power of the peck attack is too small, it won't work like this, Wang Yan, attack with wings!"

Lightning flashes against the wings, one side is stronger, and the other side is more powerful, and the two sides are evenly divided.

"As expected of a bug Yan, she was able to launch a counterattack even when she was knocked flying!" Tian Lin couldn't help but praised.

"What a great battle. The two sides started an aerial battle between you and me, but did the two players make a mistake? This is a magical ring competition, not an alliance competition, hello!" Line, the ring floating on the side looks very lonely (ring: I am the object you should fight for, you don't care about me how you fight).

"These two guys, the old problem has been committed again." Xiaogang said helplessly, covering his face.

"Old problem, what do you mean?" Xiaoyao Xiaosheng asked in confusion.

Xiaogang glanced at the two siblings and explained, "The so-called three-star real new town is actually a formidable rival. If the three of them meet at the same time, that's fine. It just happens to be a three-legged relationship, and there won't be a fight. If any two of them meet, they will not be able to restrain themselves, and sooner or later they will be reconciled, I am afraid that now, they have forgotten about the ring competition and just want to compete with each other."

"Xiao Duo, Dragon Wave!"

"Da Wang Yan, use your shadow clone to avoid it."

As Xiaogang said, Tianlin and Xiaozhi no longer care about the competition, and defeating each other is the goal.

"Brother Tianlin, Xiaozhi, stop fighting, grab the ring!" Xiaoyao below couldn't help shouting, didn't their actions destroy the meaning of the game?

"Circle? Yes, I was so excited that I forgot!" Tian Lin only remembered the business after being reminded by Xiaoyao. "Xiao Duo, this time, we will use the hidden spirit surprise attack."

Xiao Duo made his figure flash, disappeared in place, and dived into the different space.

"The Hidden Spirit Assault? Isn't this a ghost-type skill, it's useless for the normal-type Da Wang Yan?" Xiaozhi was puzzled, and soon he remembered something and looked up, "'" It's not good, Tianlin's The purpose is not to attack Wang Yan, but the ring! "


The door of the different dimension opened, and the place where Xiaoduo reappeared was right next to the ring. After he grabbed the ring, he used the hidden spirit surprise attack to disappear again, and then the last place to appear was next to the end point, calmly turning the circle. The ring was hung up.

The actions of ghost-type Pokémon are so strange and unpredictable.

"Arrived at the finish line! It seems that Tianlin finally remembered the rules of the game at the last moment, and successfully won the championship by relying on the strange hidden spirit surprise attack." The commentator's eyes filled with tears.

"Tianlin, you are too despicable, how can you suddenly put down the fight to grab the ring, I don't accept it." Xiaozhi ran over and complained as soon as he landed.

"This is originally the ring competition, Xiaozhi, you have to stand at attention when you are beaten, and you have to admit it if you lose. This time, I am the winner (Nuo Mo Zhao)." Tian Lin waved his hand with a smile, and then walked to the championship stage. After accepting the photo of him and Duo Longqi from the conference team, he officially became the honorary townsman of Yokodo Town. In each competition in the future, the images of him and Xiao Duo will be displayed on the big screen for every participant to pay their respects.

"Cut, if it wasn't for Tian Lin's cheating, I wouldn't have lost!" Looking at Tian Lin, Xiao Zhi's face was full of jealousy.

"Congratulations to the host for winning this ring competition. Because it is a small competition, the system update progress cannot be increased, but the host can be rewarded with a small gift package, please check it." The system's voice sounded, unexpectedly happy.

"System, open the gift bag, what's inside?"

"One one-time skill machine for Yuqi, Brave Bird Attack, and Yanhui, one B-rank special flying-type Pokémon Adventure Card, and one item Sharp Teeth."

It's really a small gift package. It's not comparable to the Alliance Conference gift package at all, but it's better than nothing.

Chapter [*] Xiaoyao's new stunt silver light tornado

"Forest lizard, use the blade."

"Martial Master Bear, hit me close!"

In a forest clearing, two powerful Pokémon are engaged in a fierce battle. The forest lizard with the advantage of the attribute is facing the stronger martial arts bear master. At first, the forest lizard also took the initiative to attack for a while, but soon, with the help of The forest lizards were gradually suppressed by the powerful fighting skills of the martial arts bear master.

"Really, why are these two guys fighting again!" Xiaoyao couldn't help complaining, the purpose of her invitation to Tianlin was to learn to fight, but it turned into Xiaozhi and him constantly fighting, The strength of these two guys has grown significantly in the past few days, but I, the protagonist who really needs to become stronger, can only watch dramas.

"Haha, this is the biggest reason why these two guys can't travel together. Have you ever seen a rival travel together? If it were you and Xiao Shun, it would be the same scene." Xiao Gang was calmly cooking lunch, This kind of situation, he has long been accustomed to.

"It's time to end Xiaozhi, martial arts master Xiong, use Yan Hui!"

The martial arts bear master jumped into the air, turned around, and hooked the forest lizard in the neck with an arm strike, knocking it to the ground.

"The winner is decided, the forest lizard 947 loses its ability to fight, and the martial arts master bear wins!" Xiao Sheng pronounced the verdict.

"Damn, I lost again!" Xiao Zhi was very annoyed. In the past few days, he challenged Tian Lin continuously, but he failed repeatedly.

"Don't mind, Xiao Zhi, you persisted a lot longer this time than at the beginning. After all, is your opponent a Heavenly King-level trainer? It's the same level as my father when he was doing his best, you can muster the courage to be self-sufficient. The challenge is not bad!" Xiao Sheng said, unable to tell whether he was comforting or mocking.

"Xiao Zhi, judging from the battle just now, you are training the forest lizard's blade qi right?" Tian Lin saw a clue, Xiao Zhi was obviously learning his fighting method.

"Yes, but it's just been missing the point." In fact, there is nothing shameful about this, Xiao Zhi readily admits.

"Since you want to learn, then I will teach you the training points while taking advantage of this time."

"Really, that's great, thank you, Tianlin!" Xiaozhi was truly grateful for Tianlin's selfless help.

"Okay, let's put the battle and training aside, let's have dinner!" The nanny Xiaogang in the team brought out a large bowl of hot pasta and distributed it to everyone. It can be said that the service is very attentive. .

The place where they are now is called Mushroom Forest. It is not big, but it belongs to the territory of Mushrooms. Tianlin is still very interested in this kind of Pokémon. He happens to have no grass-type Pokémon on him. It's good, but I don't mind taking one.

Just when Tian Lin and others were enjoying the food, the Rockets who had been following them had a big problem.

Because of Kojiro's persistent participation in the Pokémon Ring Competition, they did not work in Yokodo Town to make money, and now they have followed a group of people into the forest, and they have already run out of ammunition and food without the ability to supply.

They were hungry and fainted and happened to see a pile of fruits on the ground. At this time, they couldn't control who the owners of these fruits were. They ate them all in one go. The hard-earned collection was now wiped out by the Rockets trio, and he was instantly angry. The hatred for food was sometimes diabolical.

Three of the higher-level mushrooms evolved on the spot and launched a hellish pursuit of the Rockets trio.

After the evolution, the image of the hat mushroom is very different from the soft and cute mushroom. Because of the addition of the fighting system, it has become extremely aggressive.

The three of Team Rocket were chased by a few doll mushrooms, and their Pokémon were okay to bully the weak, but when dealing with these high-level ruthless characters, it paled in comparison.

At this time, Tian Lin, Xiao Zhi and the others had just packed their bags and were ready to go on the road, when they bumped into the rushing Rockets trio head-on.

"Old Tianlin (aidj) is big, help!" When Kojiro saw Tianlin, he immediately felt that he had found a savior and hid directly behind Tianlin.

At this time, the three bucket hat mushrooms and a group of mushroom mushrooms were also killed, staring at Tianlin Xiaozhi and others with a bad face, and it seemed that they were regarded as a group with the Rockets.

"That's the bucket hat mushroom and the mushroom mushroom. Their tempers shouldn't be so violent. I said, Kojiro, what's wrong with you?" Tian Lin asked.

"We were so hungry that we accidentally ate all their food, Meow." Meow's words were concise and to the point, what a 'careless'!

"Then I can understand, you really deserve it!" Xiaoyao expressed her understanding of the anger of Dou Li Mushroom, she is a foodie, and can empathize with the hatred of food being robbed, "Brother Tianlin, let's just ignore this. a few guys."

"You ruthless little girl, how can you die!" Musashi roared when he heard Xiaoyao refuse to help.

In fact, Tian Lin didn't want to meddle in his own business. Anyway, with Team Rocket's physique, the big deal was to fly in the sky for a while, but looking at the hostility of the Dou Li Mushrooms, it must not be good today.

"It's too late, Xiaoyao, the Dou Li mushrooms have already identified us as the enemy, it seems that we can't fight, but this is a good opportunity for you to exercise, there are three Dou Li mushrooms on the opposite side, you, me, and Xiao Zhi each Just one."

"It's really a disaster, let's go and hunt phoenix butterflies!" Although Xiaoyao complained, she still did not avoid the battle, and the object she chose was the fighting mushroom in the middle. You can tell by looking at it, it should be the strongest boss inside. .

"Let's go to Xiaozhi too, let's go, An An, use your mental strength."

"Okay, it's up to you, Wang Yan! Attack with wings."

As soon as the battle came up, it entered a state of fierce fighting. With their attribute advantages, the three of them had the advantage, especially Chirulian and Da Wangyan, who almost pressed the opposite side.

"Brother Tianlin and Xiaozhi are so powerful, then I can't lose, hunt swallowtails, use the silver whirlwind, and then spin!"

The hunting swallowtail wrapped the boss of the bamboo mushroom with a silver whirlwind, and then turned into a silver tornado, trapping the mushroom in it.

"Wow, what a beautiful silver whirlwind, sister, it's beautiful!" Xiao Sheng exclaimed.

"Hey, it's not over yet. Next, I'll add the stunt that Brother Tianlin taught me, hunting phoenix butterflies, and making sharp blades of air along the tornado."

One after another sharp blades formed along the silver whirlwind. This is a variation of the black rope tornado, and it is also a tornado with cutting ability. The only difference is that one is a physical attack and the other is a special attack.

"It's called, Silver Light Tornado!" Xiaoyao said excitedly, this was the first time she had successfully used this move. The boss of the bucket hat mushroom was attacked back and forth by the two forces of the insect type and the flying type in the tornado. He was severely injured.

Chapter four hundred and ninety-eight the strong chicken subdues the mushroom

"Haha, it was so successful, next time I can defeat Xiao Shun with this move." Seeing that he had the upper hand, Xiao Yao couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

"Xiaoyao, don't be careless." Seeing this, Tianlin reminded loudly, this girl, she is always proud of having a little advantage, she really can't change it.

The so-called joy comes from sadness, because it is the first time to use this trick for hunting swallowtails, and the master is not very proficient. The silver whirlwind was cut open, but instead, it helped the bamboo mushroom to escape.

"Dou!" After coming out, the Dou Li Mushroom did not choose to attack, but released mushroom spores, which put the Hunting Papilio into a deep sleep, and then absorbed the punch with a punch, sucking away some of the Hunting Papilio's stamina to restore itself.

"That bucket hat mushroom can actually use mushroom spores and absorb punches!" Tian Lin was surprised. Mushroom spores are a move that can only be learned when the level of mushrooms is very high. It has the highest hit rate among hypnotic tricks. A big tumor in the battle, being able to sleep on the left and sleep on the right, and absorbing punches, is a genetic skill, worthy of being the boss, it's really not easy.

"Hunting Swallow Butterfly, wake up!" Seeing that the phoenix mushroom was about to attack again, but the Hunting Swallow Butterfly was still asleep, Xiaoyao shouted anxiously, but unfortunately the Hunting Swallow Butterfly, who had just fallen asleep, didn't wake up so quickly.

"Xiaoyao, you're not the opponent of the fighting mushroom, change hands, I will deal with it, come back, An An!" Tianlin and Xiaoyao exchanged opponents, and the fighting mushroom that Tianlin faced was much weaker. , and it doesn't have the disgusting skill of mushroom spores.

"However, my hunting swallowtail has already..." Xiaoyao lowered her head. Hunting swallowtail is the strongest Pokémon in her hand. Now that she can no longer fight, she doesn't know what to do.

"Don't tell me you only have one Pokémon for hunting swallowtails, or consider it a model worker and try to trust your other partners," Tian Lin said.

"Chamo!" As if to prove himself, the fire chick took the initiative to jump in front of the bucket hat mushroom. As a fire-type Pokémon, how could it be afraid of grass-type.

"Fire chick, do you want to fight, well, I believe in you, go and make a spark!"

Xiaoyao cheered up and re-entered the battle, while Tianlin walked to the opposite side of the boss.

Hat Mushroom, Mushroom Pokémon, grass type plus fighting type, stubborn character (adds attack and deduction special attack), special skill expert, height 1.6m, weight 42kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength gym-level high-level, Has the skills Sonic Fist, Absorption Fist, Parasitic Seed, Mushroom Spore, Seed Bomb, Hold.

"Excellent enough, Dou Li Mushroom, I want to subdue you, go, hyperactivity ape!" Tianlin sent a hyperactivity ape restrained by the fighting department.

Seeing this, the Dou Li Mushroom was a little disdainful, the speed was increased to the limit, and the preemptive technique Sonic Fist was fired.

"Hyperactive ape, use double return!" Tianlin ordered, and the overactive ape resisted the attack of the fighting mushroom head-on, and then doubled back.

Looking at Guodong Ape with alert eyes, it has to admit that it underestimated the enemy just now, and did not expect the other party to have such a trick.

This time it didn't dare to be careless. In order to ensure victory, the Dou Li Mushroom used mushroom spores again. Unfortunately, even if the spores were all sprinkled on the hyperactive ape, it would not have the slightest effect. Its characteristics, energy, are all hypnotic skills 's nemesis.

"This is what I'm waiting for, hyperactive monkey, use it again."

The real purpose of Tian Lin's use of Hyperkinetic Ape was to prevent the Dou Li Mushroom from using other moves.

The current hyperkinetic ape is a living target that can only use mushroom spores continuously, but the hyperkinetic ape is completely unaffected by the spores, and the outcome is already decided.

"Hyperactive ape, use continuous splitting!"

The hyperactive ape had to make two consecutive grabs, knocking the bell mushroom to the ground, "Very good, it's now, go, Poke Ball!"

The Poké Ball successfully accepted the bamboo hat mushroom, and Tian Lin added another general. As a replacement, Absol temporarily returned to Dr. Damu.

At this time, Xiaozhi also won the victory smoothly, only Xiaoyao was in a little trouble. It is true that the Dou Li mushroom she is facing now is much weaker than the original one, but in the same way, the turkey's The strength is far less than hunting swallowtails. If there is still a little attribute advantage, I am afraid that it has already been defeated.

The fire chick was bruised and bruised all over by the fighting mushroom, and stood with difficulty.

"Huozhi, come on, I believe in you, you are my first partner, and you will definitely become my most solid support like hunting swallowtails!" Xiaoyao encouraged, like Turkey, she didn't want to give up easily .

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