"Stop it, Xiaosheng, it hurts!"

"But, I didn't do anything?" Xiao Sheng said speechlessly. He wanted to pull him, but he didn't expect someone to take a step ahead of him.

"Hey, it wasn't you, that was it?" Xiaogang looked over suspiciously, with a handsome young face, "Tianlin, why is it you?"

"Xiaogang, I'm saving you. Miss Naqi is no better than other girls. She is the girlfriend of Mikoli, the champion of Fengyuan. If you dare to flirt with her, you are not afraid that Mikoli will carry Minas and chop you."

"What, Miss Naqi is actually the girlfriend of Lord Mikuri." Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao were immediately excited. Mikri was one of their two strongest trainers in Fengyuan, and he was also a master of gorgeous competitions. The common idol of their two sisters and 950 brothers.

"Stop, I'm not that guy's girlfriend. We broke up a long time ago. It's an ex-girlfriend. In that guy's heart, I can only be third. I'll never see him again." , Naki is full of resentment.

"Third? What could be more important than Miss Naqi's girlfriend?" As a girl, Xiaoyao immediately started gossiping when she heard about her love affair.

"Of course there is. The second is his greatest interest, gorgeous competitions. He would rather go around to open the Mikri Cup to find excellent coordination trainers than to accompany me more."

"Well, Mikuri-sama is the world's No. [*] Master of Gorgeous Competition, which is understandable. What about No. [*]?"

"The first, the first is..." Na Qi said, and suddenly the whole body burst into flames. When she mentioned the first, she was so angry that she couldn't even say it, but Tian Lin guessed it a little. young man with brown hair.

"Isn't the first one his best friend, Dawu Zifuqi?" Tianlin asked tentatively.

"That's right, that guy Mikri, he wouldn't give up any gorgeous competition for me, but once, Dawu just called him, and he actually gave up the championship at his fingertips and rushed over, you said , is he going too far?" Naqi said angrily.

Tian Lin and the others understood, Na Qi said that they had broken up, but in fact, she was eating Dawu's vinegar and was making trouble with Mikori.

Chapter [*] The Dragon God Comes to Yinyu City

Tianlin found that the champions were all the same, and their strength was inversely proportional to their flirting skills. Du had seen it before, but I didn't expect Michael, who is known as an elegant gentleman, to have this virtue.

As for Dawu, not to mention, girlfriend, can it be compared to Shishi?

In the eyes of these guys, girlfriends are simply beings that slow down the speed at which they throw Pokeballs.

Only the United Champion Adek, like Xiaogang, is very interested in Miss Joey and Miss Junsha, and usually takes pleasure in flirting with them, but unfortunately, his appearance is not good enough, and his age is too old, he is just an old man.

"Am I going to be a champion in the future?" Tian Lin thought about it. He suddenly felt that the road to becoming a champion was extremely dark. He wouldn't be infected by these guys after he became a champion. Then he would rather just be an ordinary king. .

"Forget it, don't mention him." Na Qi shook her head, the more she thought about that big pig's hoof, the more angry she was, so she simply ignored it, "Are you guys from out of town?"

"Yes, Miss Naqi, I am Tianlin from Zhenxin Town. This is my fellow townsman Xiaozhi. We are here to challenge Yinyu Gym, please accept our challenge!"

"Okay, but Xiaozhi Tianlin, you have also seen it, I'm very busy right now, sorry, can I wait until after today's carnival is over?" Na Qi said a little embarrassedly.

Tian Lin looked at the children around, they looked at Naki's armored bird with hope, and it seemed that they were very eager to ride it to fly in the air. How could Tian Lin have any opinion on such a pure wish?" Miss Naki, let me help you."

"Battle box, replace the Pokémon, the target is the fast dragon!" Tian Lin used the battle box to exchange the fast dragon, and then released it.

"Tianlin, you have Kuailong with you, haven't seen you let it out for a few days?" Xiao Zhi and the others asked in doubt.

"Well, didn't I ask Dr. Damu to give the floating bubbles to my sister before, that's when I wanted to come back 々"." Tian Lin made a random excuse to perfunctory, Xiao Zhi and the others nodded, and there was no doubt about it. .

"What a handsome Kuailong, it seems that you are a very good trainer, Tianlin!" Na Qi's eyes lit up. Kuailong is also a flight department, and she can see its extraordinaryness at a glance.

With the help of Tianlin and Kuailong, Naqi spent a lot less time. The children were divided into two groups, half of them were riding the armored bird, and the other half were riding the fast dragon.

In the sky, Tian Lin took a little girl to catch a goldfish... oh!It was flying in the sky, because the fast dragon deliberately slowed down the speed, so that the breeze was blowing on the face during the flight, which was very comfortable.

"Big brother, it's so comfortable, I still want it!"

"Uh? Little sister, you have to speak completely. You'd better add the words "Flying for a while" in the back, otherwise it will be too dirty. Big brother doesn't want to start in three years and the highest death penalty." Tian Lin said helplessly. , Although three years of blood earned, the death penalty is not a loss.

"Oh!" The little girl tilted her head, the big brother's words were so strange that she couldn't understand what he said.

"Forget it, little sister, the climax is coming, get ready!" Tian Lin said, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about and sometimes it's easy to misunderstand, "Quick dragon, fetter evolution, become a dragon! "

'Roar! ' With a huge dragon roar, the fast dragon turned into a golden dragon and hovered over Yinyu City, looking sacred and noble, and immediately pushed the atmosphere of the entire carnival to its peak.

The little girl sat on the dragon and smiled happily. For her, today will surely be a day that will be unforgettable in her life.

"Great, is that the dragon that won the Four Heavenly Kings? I didn't see it clearly in Faens last time, I didn't expect it to be so beautiful!" Xiao Sheng's eyes lit up, and he shouted enviously from below, "Brother Tian Lin. , take me a seat too!"

"Okay, Xiaosheng, wait a minute, I'll be with you in a while."

"Golden Dragon, it turned out to be him!" Na Qi now also knows Tian Lin's identity, Kanto, no, it should be said that the world's number one genius trainer, Mi Keli also told her about Tian Lin, but she did not After seeing Tianlin, she forgot for a while, but now that Jinlong appeared, she recalled it.

The Wings Carnival ended perfectly with Tianlin's enthusiastic participation. Not only Xiaosheng, Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao also experienced the feeling of riding the Golden Dragon. Xiaoyao also told Tianlin that if this move is used in a gorgeous competition, it is guaranteed Full marks.

After today, let alone other places, among those children in Yinyu City, there will definitely be a large part of the trainer's soul ignited. Tianlin is very happy to see this. Only in this way, the gold belonging to the Pokémon trainer. Prosperity will finally come.

It is also worth mentioning that the Rockets trio, who has been following behind everyone, Kojiro was deceived because he liked wind chimes very much when he was a child. The completed wind chimes, this guy is completely bad at learning, and he will be deceived again and again by the same person.

Fortunately, a real wind chime met him as destined, and he successfully subdued it, which was considered a fulfillment of his childhood dream.

After returning to the Pokémon Center in the evening, Tian Lin first sent Kuailong back with the battle box, and then connected to Dr. Damu's phone to exchange the Pokémon for tomorrow's gym battle.

Except for the six marked in the battle box, the rest of the Pokémon need to be teleported manually.

------Dividing line

In the early morning of the second day, everyone rushed to the gym, and Na Qi readily accepted the challenge. The gym rules in Yinyu City were originally three-to-three, but due to the simultaneous challenge of Tianlin Xiaozhi, in order to save time and energy, it was changed to two Field two to two.

It was Xiao Zhi who played first. The first game was Pikachu vs. Big-mouthed Gull. This time, Pikachu played another wave. Obviously, he had four times the attribute advantage, but he only forcibly fought a tie with the opponent.

The second is the civil war of Dawangyan. Miss Naqi's Dawangyan is shining and has a green body. It can only peck and attack with wings, which is very unfavorable no matter how you look at it.

But under such an unfavorable situation, Da Wang Yan insisted on taking several consecutive bursts of destruction and death light and still standing still after Yan returned, and finally seized an opportunity to hit the key with a wing attack to win. After successfully obtaining the White Feather badge, Xiao Zhi also made up his mind to let Da Wang Yan learn Yan's unique trick after the battle.

"'" Then, from now on, Naki, the gym trainer in Yinyu City, will officially start the gym competition against the challenger Tian Lin, and both sides can use two Pokémon. "

In the second game, it was finally Tian Lin's turn to play. He stood on a platform and rose.

The venue of Yinyu Gym is under the blue sky, and the trainer has to use a helicopter to stand in mid-air to command, which is very in line with the atmosphere of the flying gym.

Chapter [*] The beauty of the sky, Naqi

"Tianlin, let's start, let's go to battle, armored bird!" Na Qi's first one was the very well-developed armored bird from yesterday. The strength is at the peak of the gymnasium level, stronger than the flash king Yan just now.

"Desert Dragonfly, please!" Tian Lin specially exchanged this desert dragonfly yesterday, and this is the first time he has used this partner.

"Desert dragonfly, Tianlin, since our Pokémon can fly, do you dare to fight at high altitude!" Na Qi said immediately.

"No problem, just come!"

The two platforms began to rise rapidly, all the way to the top, where it was as if you could reach out and touch the clouds.

Such a battle environment is not only a Pokémon, but also a severe test for trainers.

Naqi suddenly knelt down on one knee and said reverently: "Great sky, please give us wings, give us powerful wings that are not lost to any gust of wind, and then guide us in the vast blue world, so that we can expand magnificently. wings!"

This is to express the belief and worship of the sky as a trainer of the flight department. Tian Lin feels that Na Qi and Azu may get along very well, and they both admire the sky so much.

"Miss Naki, your ceremony is complete, then, I'm going, desert dragonfly, shoot flames!"

"Armored bird, move at high speed!"

In the face of the flame-type trick, of course, Na Qi will not choose hard resistance, but use high-speed movement to speed up to avoid it.

"Very good, armored bird, melee attack, use Yan Hui!"

After the high-speed movement, the armored bird was extremely fast, and instantly appeared in front of the desert dragonfly by leaping a large distance.

"We won't lose in close combat, desert dragonfly, use dragon claws!"

Returning to Yan with dragon claws, Tian Lin did not think his side would lose.

"It's now, Armored Bird, give up the attack!" Na Qi suddenly ordered, Armored Bird suddenly slowed down at the moment of closest approach, gave up the Yanhui trick, and directly blocked the dragon claws of the desert dragonfly with his body.

The dragon claws of the desert dragonfly hit the armored bird without hindrance, 'click kacha', under one hit, the armor on the armored bird began to shatter.

"As expected of Brother Tianlin's desert dragonfly, it has a strong attack power, but why did Miss Naqi give up the attack power (aidj) to take over?" Xiao Sheng first expressed his admiration, and then became puzzled.

"Is it true that the desert dragonfly has high attack power?" Tian Lin had some doubts, the defense of the steel-type armor bird is very amazing, coupled with the resistance to the dragon-type trick, no matter what, the armor that should not be hit by a single blow is broken. Miss Naki would not make such a mistake.

"I understand, the armor was not broken by me, but the characteristics of the armor bird, shattering the armor, and greatly improving the speed by reducing the defense."

"That's right, let's get to know it, Armored Bird, use a peck drill!" Na Qi ordered, the Armored Bird was multiplied by high-speed movement and shattered armor. At this time, the speed was three times as fast as usual, and the attack turned into an afterimage. Row past the desert dragonfly.

Before the desert dragonfly could react, a scar was drawn on its body.

"Desert dragonfly, make a rockslide!"

"It's a physical attack again, then the armor bird, block it!" Seeing this, Na Qi activated the shattering armor feature again. After being hit by a rock, the cracks on the armor bird expanded.

"Why did Brother Tianlin do this? Isn't this just giving the opponent an acceleration?" Xiaoyao wondered.

"No, it doesn't matter." Xiaogang explained: "The speed of the armored bird is already much faster than that of the desert dragonfly, and it doesn't make much sense. Instead, with this feature, Tianlin can continuously weaken the armored bird's physical defense. To a certain extent, it can be knocked down with one blow.”

"Hehe, I know exactly what you're thinking, but do you think I'm unprepared, Armor Bird, to switch defenses!" Na Qi smiled lightly. In order to deal with Tianlin, she prepared to use her best tactics coming.

I saw that after the trick was used, the armor of the armor bird was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. On the other hand, the desert dragonfly's momentum was suddenly much weaker. The defense swap is a move that swaps the defense ability of oneself and the opponent. That is to say, Now the one that has been lowered by two levels of defense has become a desert dragonfly.

On the armored bird, only the positive buff of the sixth-order speed is added.

"What a powerful link!" A cold sweat broke out on Tian Lin's head, such a beauty in the sky, Na Qi, who has rarely been shown off tactically.

"Armored bird, the onslaught begins, use steel wings!"

"Desert dragonfly, spray flame."

Desert Dragonfly's jet flame firing speed is quite fast at the same level, but facing the armored bird at this time, it can't hit at all, and the opponent's speed is too fast.

The Desert Dragonfly did its best to dodge the Steel Wing attack, and it was difficult to find a chance to fight back. Xiao Zhi's tactic was to raise the dust on the ground to disturb the line of sight, and then use close combat to sneak attack, but Naqi would never If the same method is used twice in the meeting, this trick cannot be used.

"By the way, Xiaozhi was fighting from the bottom up just now, and Naqi was prepared for this, so if I did the opposite." The so-called flash of inspiration, but that's all.

"Desert dragonfly, fly down!" Tianlin ordered loudly.

The desert dragonfly went straight down toward the ground, and the armored bird immediately caught up with it. It was much faster than the desert dragonfly, and the distance was getting closer.

"Does Tian Lin want to use Xiao Zhi's tactics just now? No, Na Qi won't fall for it again." Xiao Gang frowned, he always felt that Tian Lin would not be so simple.

The moment it was closest to the ground, the desert dragonfly grabbed the ground with its claws, and in an instant, the dust flew up.

"The armored bird, go up, prepare for the divine bird to slam!" As everyone guessed, Na Qi would not lose to the same move twice, she was already prepared, the armored bird did not rush into the sand and dust, but took advantage of it. The desert dragonfly uses the dust to cover its time and prepares to start charging.

Divine Bird Slam is the strongest physical attack move of the flight type, and Na Qi is planning to decide the outcome.

It's a pity that Naqi didn't respond to the attack from the dust. A round ball passed by the armored bird. The armored bird who had prepared for it easily avoided it. The ball suddenly exploded above, and countless bolides hit the armored bird.

The armored bird was smashed to the ground by surprise. This is the dragon-type trick, the meteor swarm.

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