In Area B, Xiao Zhi met the champion of the last conference. For him, being able to challenge the strong is the best result.

Area C, four passersby.

The last D area, Xiao Haruka to Xiaojiro.

After all the battles were arranged, I saw a balloon rising into the air, and the ring 0 was hanging under it.  …

The four players in Area A also rose to the prescribed height. Tianlin Kate looked at each other, and they both knew that among the four, they were each other's opponents.

As the referee announced the start, Qingmian Bird, Big-billed Gull, Xiaoxiaoduo and a long-winged gull all flew towards the ring.

Everyone relied on flying, only Xiao Duo floated in mid-air by virtue of the ghost system, of course, the mobility was not as good as the other three, and fell behind at the beginning of the game.

"Little Duo, use a flash of lightning!" Tian Lin ordered.

Xiao Duo suddenly accelerated, and the last one rushed to the front in an instant, taking the first place in the ring.

"It turns out that, when the flight speed is not as fast as others, I use the preemptive skills to speed up. It is indeed Tianlin!" Xiaogang off the field praised.

The other three treasures such as Qingmian Bird dreamed of this and immediately prepared to snatch the ring back.

Three Pokémon surrounded Xiaoduo from three directions.

Tian Lin looked at the three Pokémon, he did not rush to escape, and firstly shouted: "Little Duo, stalk the long-winged gull."

Stalker is a bug-type limiting skill. Pokémon hit by this move will have difficulty moving for a while.After Xiaoduo used this trick to restrain the weakest long-winged gull here, he successfully opened a passage and flew to the end from there.

"Qingmian bird, catch up."

"Big-mouthed gull, you chase too!"

"Hehe, are you coming together, Xiao Duo, cast a strange light on the big-billed gull!"

Xiao Duo shot out a strange light, which caused the gull to fall into chaos. At this time, the gull could not hear the trainer's order at all, and attacked at random with 3.9. It happened that the closest thing to it was the green cotton bird flying side by side with it. , of course, became its target of attack.

"You have to get rid of the entanglement first, Qingmian Bird, use the white mist!"

The blue-cotton bird sprayed white mist and enveloped the toucan. The chaotic tortoise that lost its sight could only fight at will. The blue-cotton bird took the opportunity to escape and continued to chase Xiao Duo. It was fast and approached infinitely in a short period of time.

"Amazing, Kate, I didn't expect you to be so difficult." Tian Lin saw that he was just a little away from the finish line, but he didn't expect to be caught up. "In this case, Xiao Duo, use a fright!"

"Too!" Xiao Duo Ling turned around and shouted suddenly. Although the ghost-type frightening move did no harm to normal-type blue-cotton birds, the blue-cotton birds were still taken aback because of the proximity, and stayed for a while. Standing still, Xiao Duo seized the last chance and put the ring at the end.

The winner of Area A is thus determined to be Tian Lin.

Chapter [*] Tianlin vs Xiaozhi in the ring final

"Tianlin, amazing, I'm convinced that I lost." After getting off the balloon, Kate stepped forward. He really admired Tianlin, but he was able to perform so well in the first competition.

"Continue to work hard in the future. When your green cotton bird evolves into a blue bird on the Chinese Valentine's Day, [*]% of the champions next year will be yours." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Thank you for your encouragement, I won't give up my dream easily."

The competition in Zone A is over, and it is the turn of Xiaozhi and Aoguyan in Zone B.

Among his opponents were the previous champions, who used electric fireflies, and the other two passersby were big-mouthed bats and iron-faced ninjas.

"It's all little scumbags, Electric Firefly, knock them all down with thunder."

The champion's combat method is really simple and rude, that is, to shoot down all opponents, and then go to get the ring without any pressure. After all, most of the Pokémon participating in the conference are flying type, and the electric type tricks are very suppressing them.

"This guy is too stupid and naive!" Tianlin complained, although the electric firefly can use the lightning strike 08 of the electricity type, but in fact its own attributes are only the insect type, and the flying type's trick is the same against it. The effect is outstanding, as long as his opponent has a strong trainer in his hands, his tactics will be meaningless.

In terms of strong fighting, Xiao Zhi has never been afraid of anyone. That arrogant swallow dared to resist even the skin god's [*] volts, how could he be afraid of the electricity of a mere electric firefly.

The result of the competition was beyond everyone's expectations. Although the Electric Firefly successfully shot down the Big-mouthed Bat and the Iron-faced Ninja with thunder, Aoguyan resisted two consecutive thunders and launched a counterattack with a wing attack, stunning the Electric Firefly. Take it easy.

"Here, the champion was actually defeated, Xiao Zhi is the new star of this conference!" The audience cheered for Xiao Zhi and Ao Guyan.

The next game will soon be the turn of Xiaoyao and Kojiro. This game ended very quickly. Kojiro actually directed the poisonous powder moth to ride the strong wind of hunting swallowtail butterflies. After grabbing the ring, he accelerated and dived, and hung the ring in one fell swoop. .

"Oh, Kojiro's strength is not bad!" Tian Lin praised sincerely.

"The battle of the magic ring is still going on. Xiaozhi, Tianlin, and Kojiro, although they are all participating in the conference for the first time, they performed like a bamboo shooter. They passed the fifth round in a row. The following semi-finals It's a one-on-one match," the host announced.

There were only four people left in the semi-finals. Xiaozhi played against a passerby who used an armored bird. He won easily with the dexterity of Aoguyan. The other was Tianlin and Xiaojiro.

"Little Jiro, I didn't expect that I would fight you under such circumstances." Tian Lin said.

"Boss Tianlin, even if the opponent is you, I will not lose."

Tianlin and Kojiro are both technical talents. They didn't act without authorization at the beginning, but predicted the wind's direction. Kojiro was taught by a teacher, and Tianlin has fully grasped it through five rounds of competition, relying on his data flow analysis. The pattern of wind changes here.

"The wind should be blowing soon, but the movement of the clouds needs attention!" Both of them noticed the current situation.

After a while, a whirlwind blew up from the bottom.

"Right now, Xiao Duo, take advantage of the wind to grab the ring!"

"Quick, poison powder moth, let's go too."

The two Pokémon, Xiao Duo and Poison Moth, approached the ring at the same time. At this time, the wind began to change again, and a breeze was blowing from the left.

"Poisonous powder moth, stop."

"Little Duo, close your eyes and continue to grab the ring!"

It turned out that the clouds were blown away by the wind, and the sun was shining directly, just in front of the eyes of the two Pokémon. Both Kojiro and Tianlin noticed this, but they made completely different choices. Kojiro was more conservative, and Tianlin was more conservative. radical.

Xiao Duo, who closed his eyes, successfully took off the ring, but under the stimulation of the sun, he couldn't open his eyes for a while.

"Hey, Boss Tianlin, your little duo can't see now, this time I'm sure to win, poison powder moth, go grab the ring!"

"Little Jiro, what you think is too simple, Xiao Duo don't need to look at it, let's go, use a flash of lightning!" Tian Lin ordered, Xiao Duo disappeared in an instant with a flash of lightning, but it was clearly invisible. The obstacle flew to the end, and easily threw the ring into it.

"It's been five full games. If Xiaoduo and I still can't calculate the finish line and we have to look at it with our eyes, then my data flow trainer is a fake." Tian Lin chuckled lightly.

"Boss Tianlin, he is so strong, I am convinced that I lost."

Tianlin defeats Kojiro, and in the final battle, he will fight against Xiaozhi.

"It turned out to be the two of them in the end." Xiaoyao said helplessly, these two are too strong, if they join, other people have no chance at all.

"The magic circle final, Tianlin player against Xiaozhi player, they are both participating in the competition for the first time, and they are trainers who traveled from the same place on the same day. I wonder what kind of competition they will bring us? "The host estimated the height of the two balloons, and when it reached the predetermined height, he pronounced the judgment loudly, "The game begins!"

The astonishingly strong Aoguyan fought against the strange and unpredictable Xiaoduo.

"Little Duo, use a stalker!"

At the beginning, Xiaoduo restrained Aoguyan with a stalker, and then quickly flew to the ring.

"Don't let it escape, Aoguyan, use a flash of lightning!" Xiao Zhi shouted loudly.

"No way, Xiao Duo belongs to the ghost type, and the general type ultimate move is useless for it." Xiao Sheng below said anxiously.

Aoguyan rushed towards Xiaoduo, because of her attributes, the flash of lightning was useless to hit, but directly 947 passed through Xiaoduo's body.

"No, that's not an attack, it's speeding up with a flash of light, Xiao Zhi, didn't expect to learn my method so quickly?" Tian Lin said, the move just now made Aoguyan's ranking all of a sudden. rushed to the front of Xiaoduo.

"Hey, since your opponent is you, I can't lose." Xiao Zhi used Tian Lin as his opponent, and his fighting spirit became more and more high.

"I won't lose to you, Xiao Duo, we will also use a flash of lightning."

Xiao Duo also exerted his limit speed and smashed Aoguyan into the air at once, and it was also shaken back a lot by the reaction force. After a round of confrontation, the two sides returned to the starting point, and neither of them had the advantage.

"Wow, it's so intense. It really deserves to be two of the three Samsungs in Zhenxin Town. They are completely indistinguishable." Xiao Sheng sighed.

Just when Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi were about to start fighting again, suddenly, a huge tornado rose from below, just covering the ring.

"Appeared!" The narrator and Kate exclaimed at the same time, "That's the biggest specialty of our Yokodo Town, a tornado that suddenly appeared. As a result, there's no way to get close to the ring."

If ordinary people encounter such a situation, they can only wait for the tornado to end, but that is obviously not in line with the style of Xiaozhi and Tianlin. The two looked at each other and smiled.

It seems that this time they thought of a piece.

Chapter [*]: Evolution of Duolongqi and King Yan

"Little Duo", "Aogu Yan!"

Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi both looked at their Pokémon at the same time, "Go on, rush into the tornado and grab the ring!"

"What, the two trainers actually chose to rush directly into the tornado, wouldn't it be too risky?" Not only the audience, but even the host who hosted several conferences had never seen such a risky approach.

Should it be said that it came out of the same place, the same reckless.

The two Pokémon that rushed into the wind moved very slowly due to the suppression of the tornado, and the tornado was still growing, which made it even more difficult for them to move.

"Come on, Aoguyan, show your backbone, I believe you can do it."

"In terms of backbone, could it be that our side will lose to you, Xiao Duo, rush!"

The two Pokémon, under the encouragement and trust of the trainer, began to be surrounded by the light of evolution.

"It's incredible, after the Pokémon of players Tianlin and Xiaozhi rushed into the tornado, they actually started to evolve at the same time." This rare scene in a hundred years made the commentator go crazy.

In the tornado, the original two small Pokémon quickly grew larger, the small ones evolved into Dolongqi, and after the Aogu Yan evolved into the Dawangyan, their body size was nearly 1.5 times larger than the average of the same species, proving that They are all developing very well.

Duolongqi, babysitter Pokemon, dragon type plus ghost type, characteristics of constant net body, naive personality (acceleration minus special defense), height 1.8m, weight 12kg, excellent qualifications, super champion potential, current strength gym level Intermediate level, with skills: Dragon Wave, Hidden Spirit Surprise, Quick Return, Stalker, Lightning Flash, Bite, Strange Light.

"Although it took five gymnasiums to evolve, the growth is not bad." Tian Lin said with satisfaction. In the future, he will call it much smaller, after all, has it grown up a bit.

Xiaozhi's side is also very good. Dawangyan's strength is the peak of the gym-level primary level, which is not much different from Duolongqi.

"Xiao Duo, use the wave of the dragon 々"!"

"Da Wang Yan, wing attack."

The two evolved Pokémon exerted force at the same time, and the powerful trick shook the tornado away in one breath.

"The tornado was actually scattered. This is the first time this has happened so far. What a powerful force!" The commentator was extremely surprised.

"Xiao Zhi, come on, Xiao Duo, use your bite!"

"Avoid, use a peck attack!"

Duo Longqi's speed was slightly lower than that of Da Wang Yan, and his attack was dodged by him, and then the peck attack of the flight type attacked him.

"Xiao Duo, after taking the attack, use the wave of the dragon!" Tian Lin didn't let Xiao Duo dodge, because the peck was a melee attack, and the moment he attacked Xiao Duo was also a good opportunity to counterattack.

Da Wangyan pecked at Duo Longqi indiscriminately, and the damage was not much, but in turn, Duo Longqi's wave of dragons sent him flying.

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