This match is really a piece of dark history for the future Hoenn dance girl.

Next is the final battle of the Longevity Conference, Xiao Shun vs. Yuezi. Out of concern, Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi did not continue to watch, but went out to find Xiao Yao who left the venue. After all, she was the two of them who came to Feng Yuan. After the first friend.

At this time, Xiaoyao was sitting on a chair outside the venue, crying and apologizing to the wonderful frog seeds.

"You're here, why don't you go to see the final review?" The two walked over.

"Tianlin, Xiaozhi..."

"Are you still sad here? You have won the ribbon medal, and you have been praised by so many fans. It makes you seem a little overwhelmed, what do you think?" Tian Lin said.

"may be!"

"You just said that the pavilion battle and the gorgeous battle are different, but no matter which kind of battle, the trainer and the Pokémon must fight side by side. This is the same, isn't it?"

"Tianlin, you're right, I forgot even the most basic things." Xiaoyao lowered her head, it seemed that this fiasco had hit her hard, but it wasn't necessarily bad.

"Cheer up, Xiaoyao, if you lose this time, it won't be good if you win next time." Xiaozhi encouraged.

"That is to say, Xiao Zhi was abused by me and Xiao Mao all the way from childhood to adulthood, and now he is still alive and well."

"Hey, Tianlin, forget it if you say it yourself, when did that guy Xiaomao beat me?"

"So you admit the fact that you were abused by me?"

"Tianlin, Xiaozhi, thank you!" With the encouragement of the two, Xiaoyao finally regained his spirits.

Chapter [*] Xiaoyao's request to go with you

After finally appeasing Xiaoyao, Tianlin returned to the venue again. At this time, the longevity conference was coming to an end. Although Yuezi was unexpectedly difficult to deal with, she was still not Xiaoshu's opponent. The whole game was suppressed. die.

"Rainwing moth, use the power of awakening!"

The awakening power of the rain-winged moth in Xiao Shun has a strong sense of heaviness. Needless to say, it must be the awakening power of the earth attribute. For the steel-type and rock-type Cordola, this damage is really big. outrageous.

Under this powerful blow, Xiao Shun completed the technical KO at the last moment when the five-minute time was about to end, and won the victory of the longevity conference.

"...Losing!" Yuezi realized that the game was over, she squatted down and comforted her Pokémon: "Kedora, thank you, you have worked hard. what."

"It was a good game!"

Hearing this voice, Yue Zi looked up and saw Xiao Shun cheering him up. This seemingly cold boy was actually very gentle towards the trainer he recognized.

"Thank you, Xiao Shun!" Yue Zi was flattered and held Xiao Shun's hand, causing the PMDM members in the audience to shout envy.

With the cheers of the crowd, Xiao Shun and Rain Wing Moth, who won the prize, received the Longevity Ribbon Medal personally awarded by Mr. Conkenstein. This is his fourth medal in the Hoenn area. You will be able to get admission tickets to the large-scale festival.

In the evening, everyone gathered together, not only congratulating Xiao Shun, but also feeling sorry for Xiaoyao Yuezi.

"Miss Yuezi, I'm really sorry about that today-" Xiaogang said.

"No, I have tried my best, Xiao Shun is really strong!"

"Mom, won't you be unwilling?" Xingjia asked.

"Of course I am unwilling, but I remembered when I first participated in the conference, in order to make Huo Yibu and Ke Dora perform well, I have been thinking about what I should do. Thinking of this, winning or losing It's not that important anymore, as long as their performance can be recognized by everyone."

"Yes, you have made your Pokémon show their brilliance in the arena very well, and you are an excellent coordination trainer." Tian Lin walked to Yue Zi and stretched out his right hand, "I hope, in the future, we will also have a chance to fight.”

"Thank you so much, Mr. Tianlin, ah, it's great, I have held Xiao Shun's and Tianlin's hands in a row, and this hand can't be washed for the next year." Yuezi couldn't help herself with excitement.

"Cough, mother, be more reserved!" her daughter Xingjia complained aside.

While everyone was having a good time, only Xiaoyao was still frowning, and she had not completely come out of the haze of failure.

"Xiao Shun, your strength is much stronger than the last time we met, can you tell me how you did it?" In the end, she let go of her stubbornness and asked her rival for advice.

"Yeah, Xiao Shun, although your strength was not weak in the past, the progress in such a short period of time is too great. That Poison Rose's Flower Dance is really perfect in the control of power." Xiao Gang also Doubt, he still thinks, where has he seen Xiao Shun's current tactics.

"That trick, taught by Tianlin, Xiaoyao's wonderful frog seeds will also dance with flowers, I want to learn to find him." Xiao Shun sold Tianlin directly again without any sense of loyalty.

"Yeah, what I said, your fighting style is like Nana, that disciple of Tianlin, they are all the weakened version of Tianlin, no wonder you have made such great progress, it turns out that Tianlin alone gave him the You've opened a small stove!" Xiao Gang suddenly realized.

"It's not a small stove, right? We exchanged at an equal value. Tian Lin said that he also has the idea of ​​participating in the gorgeous competition. Now he is in the process of training, and I have taught him all my experience in the gorgeous competition."

"Tianlin, are you also planning to become a coordinator trainer?" Xiaozhi said in surprise.

"Yeah, I didn't have this idea originally, but after watching the two gorgeous competitions, I seem to be attracted unknowingly, and someone suggested me to participate before, so I thought about it." Tian Lin scratched awkwardly. Scratching his head, "However, I won't join in now, at least until the end of the trip to the Hoenn area."

"If that's the case, Tianlin, then I ask you, please travel with us for a while!" Xiaoyao suddenly stood up, "Please teach me how to fight, and in return, I will I will try my best to show you the knowledge of the gorgeous contest, but it is definitely not as good as Xiao Shun's."

"How to fight? Don't you have a senior trainer by your side?" Tian Lin looked at Xiao Zhi and said.

After saying this, Xiaogang and Xiaoshengjun stared at him strangely, and he suddenly realized something, "Forget it, you think I didn't say it."

Xiaozhi's fighting method is the best to learn, isn't it just a word, 'reckless', I am afraid Xiaoyao has learned it long ago, just to bring this fighting method to the extreme, the combat experience and the ability to adapt to the situation on the battlefield must be That's enough, Xiaoyao, who just came out to travel, obviously can't do it, so she can only re-learn some tactics that suit her.

Tian Lin thought about it for a while and nodded: "Well, anyway, I'm not in a hurry recently, it's a big deal to get lost a few times with you guys."

"Thank you, Tianlin!"

"Great, I can travel with Big Brother Tianlin!"

Apart from Xiaoyao, the most excited is Xiaosheng, who has always been Tianlin's little fanboy.

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"Hehe!" Xiao Shun smiled when he saw this.

"Why are you laughing, when I didn't see what you were thinking? You really used me as a tool, right?" Tian Lin murmured in his heart. Obviously, Xiao Shun just confessed that he was just for this scene and wanted to use the help of His hand made Haruka become stronger.

And the reason why Tianlin agreed was also out of guilt. He accidentally made Junmalu, Xiao Shun and others too strong, and raised the difficulty of Xiaoyao's coordinator road by two stars. , not to mention the dream of a top coordinator, even large-scale celebrations may not necessarily participate in it, take advantage of this time of travel, try to help her become stronger.

As for Xiaoyao's gorgeous contest experience, Tianlin doesn't dislike it at all. Although, as she said, she is definitely not as good as Xiaoshun, but each coordinator has its own uniqueness, and brainstorming is always right.


In the evening, on their way back to their rooms, Xiao Shun quietly stopped Tian Lin.

"Xiao Shun, why are you looking for me?"

"It's nothing, since you're going to travel with them temporarily, I'll ask you one thing. When Xiaoyao's fire chick grows up, give it to her!" Xiao Shun threw something over and Tian Lin took it. After taking a look, it turned out to be a flame chicken evolution stone.

"Flaming Chicken Stone? You haven't given it to her yet, why didn't you give it yourself? Didn't you specially prepare it for him?" Tian Lin wondered.

"Who said I prepared it for her? I wanted to breed a flaming chicken myself, but I was unlucky and didn't meet a good one. It happened that I saw her so weak again today, and I decided to give it to her because I couldn't bear it any longer. Don't tell her I gave it to you." Xiao Shun fluttered her bangs and made a very arrogant declaration.

"You have such a big heart. You give all your kindness to others. Fortunately, I am only a friend to Xiaoyao, and I have no other ideas. If I change it to someone who is interested in Xiaoyao, wouldn't I NTR you in minutes?"

"Hmph, that kind of stupid girl, I'm not interested. I'm going to ask you, I'm leaving, see you next time!" Xiao Shun said stubbornly, but what he was thinking was the opposite. He knew what Tian Lin was thinking, so he would Don't worry, leave this matter to Tianlin, because Tianlin poses no threat to him.

The night passed, and the next morning, everyone said goodbye to Yuezi and Xingjia, and set off on the journey again. As for Xiao Shun, he left first after the party last night. In his words, he felt that his strength was not enough, and he had no time to relax. , just won the championship and still worked so hard, this perfectly stimulated Xiaoyao, and now Xiaoyao is more and more fighting spirit.

As for how to cheer Xiaoyao up, Xiao Shun is the best at it.

Chapter [*] The Pokémon Ring Contest

Tian Lin, who traveled with Xiao Zhi and his group, found that this was the worst decision he had ever made in his life. As soon as he walked out of Changshou City, this group of declining stars encountered an incident.

A group of people who were about to set off saw a jumping pig lost the pearl on the top of its head, so Ash immediately decided to help the jumping pig find the lost pearl.However, following the clues given by Jumping Pig, no pearls were found, and Jumping Pig was anxious to put it on his head as long as he saw a spherical object, which made him jump all the way.

In the end, thanks to the help of the assist team, I got the pearl back.

"Xiao Zhi, are your trips so lively?" Tian Lin said speechlessly.

"Yeah, travel, that's how it should be interesting." Xiao Zhi smiled, he was used to this kind of thing.

The group stopped and walked, and then came to a small town called Yokoto Town, where they decided to take a break.

"Brother Tianlin, I have an idea about the silver whirlwind hunting phoenix butterflies, but "Nine Four Seven" doesn't know how to train it well." During this period of time, Xiaoyao came to Tianlin to learn the scriptures whenever he had time. There are still many benefits for her to come to that defeat, and she has become more hardworking.

Tianlin and Xiaoyao were teaching on the side, while Xiaogang Xiaozhi and others were enjoying the famous product of Henghu Town, the wind.

"This town of Yokodo deserves to be known as the crossroads of wind," Xiaogang put down his travel guide and spread his arms, "It's a comfortable and cool wind!"

At this time, everyone saw a green cotton bird with a ring in its mouth, flying towards them.

However, in the next second, the breeze suddenly turned into a strong wind, which suddenly swept the blue cotton bird to and fro, unable to keep it steady, it was about to fall to the ground.

The real specialty of Yokodo Town is the sudden change in the wind.

"Oops, Tian Lin!" The first reaction of Xiao Zhi and others was to ask Tian Lin for help.

"Mind power!" The blue light flashed in Tian Lin's eyes, and he controlled the green cotton bird to land safely.

"Qingmian Bird, are you alright?" A young man ran from not far away in a hurry, and the Green Cotton Bird flew into his arms at once. It was obvious that this young man should be the trainer of the Green Cotton Bird. .

"Thank you for saving the green cotton bird. My name is Kate, and I'm the child's trainer!"

"Hello!" Everyone introduced themselves one by one. After a chat, they learned that the annual Pokémon Ring Contest is being held here!

This is a kind of aerial competition, in which Pokémon fights in the air while grabbing the ring, and the first person to hang the ring on the target hook is the winner.

There are still many fans of this kind of competition in the two regions of Hoenn and Shenao. Now that a few people have encountered it, they will not miss it, and Xiaozhi Xiaoyao immediately decided to participate in the competition.

It's a pity that Tianlin doesn't seem to have any flying-type Pokémon, but he doesn't want to give up easily, "Kate, do the Pokémon participating in this ring competition have to be flying-type?"

"No, as long as it can fly, the Pokémon of last year's champion was a bug-type electric firefly."

"As long as it can fly, that's fine." Tian Lin said with a smile. It turns out that anyone except Groudon can participate in this competition. After all, no one can fly except for it.

Tianlin finally decided to sign up with Xiaoxiaoduo. It is a ghost-type Pokémon. It can float in the air like Meng Yao, Gui Si, etc., but the action is definitely not as smooth as the flight type. In fact, if Tianlin changes back to the desert at this time Dragonfly must have a good chance of winning, but he still thinks it is better to exercise more and more.

The registration of the three people was completed, and the ring competition started soon. Here, they also met unexpected people, and Kojiro actually came to participate, and depending on the situation, it seemed that he did not intend to use any despicable tactics this time. It's an upright victory.

"Boss Tianlin, little devil, little girl, this time, I hope we can play a good game!"

As for Kojiro's calmness, Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao still have three points of doubt, but Tianlin smiled and said: "Okay, Kojiro, I look forward to fighting you."

The Magic Ring Contest kicked off, and pictures of many trainers scrolled on the big screen, each with a flying Pokémon beside them.

"Those are the winners of all ages!" Kate introduced to everyone.

"Do you continue to promote their glory in this way? It's a good idea!" Tian Lin felt that this method was very good.

Kate was even more excited, "If I win the conference, I can be recognized as an honorary town resident of this town. I must win, this is my dream."

Next, the Yokodo Town Magic Circle Conference, which has a long history and tradition, officially started. From the first round to the second round of the semi-finals, four teams will compete in each game, that is to say, there are four treasures. Came to snatch the ring.

The grouping was soon determined. In area A, Tianlin and Kate were divided. Although winning was Kate's dream, the competition was a competition, and Tianlin would not release water.

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