"Ah! Look, it's Xiao Shun!"

"Xiao Shun, I am your loyal supporter!"

"Me too, look, I bought a lot of Shun's merchandise."

A group of women suddenly surrounded Xiao Shun, their excitement was beyond words.Xiao Shun, who was surrounded by the middle, was overwhelmed, he really couldn't stand this kind of overzealous fans.

"I didn't know Xiao Shun was so popular!" Xiaoyao stared blankly at Xiao Shun surrounded by women, like an idol.

At this time, Tianlin took the opportunity to leave Xiao Shun unscrupulously and came to Xiaoyao's side and asked, "Xiaoyao, do you only have one ribbon medal now? Didn't you attend the last Luyin Town meeting?"

Tianlin remembered that Xiaoyao at this time in the original book should have at least two medals.

"Hey, Tianlin, you know that conference, I participated, and I managed to make it to the final stage, but I met an opponent named Junma Lu. He was too strong, and I was not his opponent." Xiaoyao remembered After that fiasco, she was full of bitterness, and after fighting against Junma Lu, she was suppressed throughout the whole process, and she was almost powerless to fight back.

Well, this is Tianlin's pot again. After the battle with Tianlin, Junmalu, who broke the knot with his mother in advance, has greatly improved his temperament and strength in a short period of time. Xiaoyao, who should have won, is no longer his opponent at all.

Tian Lin looked at Xiao Shun again. In the past few days, with his help, Xiao Shun's strength has become stronger. Before he knew it, Xiao Yao's road to the gorgeous competition was promoted to the level of hell.

Tianlin wanted to say sorry to Xiaoyao, but after thinking about it, he felt that he had done nothing wrong. When traveling, everyone will have their own adventures. When they meet themselves, they belong to Junma Lu and Xiao Shun. Adventure.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Xiaoyao?" Just when Xiaoyao was lost, someone suddenly asked.It was a young, pretty woman.

"Yes, I am Xiaoyao!"

"Sure enough, everyone, it's Miss Xiaoyao, Mr. Qianli's daughter!" The woman said a word, and instantly attracted all the women over at Xiaoshu. They are all fans of Qianli, although Xiaoshu is young Famous, but compared to Mr. Qianli, one of the popular kings of Fengyuan, the gap is still not small.

The so-called Aiwu Jiwu, under the influence of Qianli, this group of people said that they were geniuses when they looked at Xiaoyao, and they showed admiration.

"You two, I seem to have seen you somewhere." Finally someone noticed Tianlin Xiaozhi, they were both from the Kanto region, and these people didn't recognize them for a while. "My interest is to discover promising coordination trainers and Pokémon trainers, let me check them out!"

The woman took out a notebook and read it back and forth. In the end, she looked at Xiao Zhi in disappointment and said, "I'm sorry, I don't have you in my promising young trainer."

"What's the matter!" Xiao Zhi lowered his head in disappointment when he heard this.

"As for you, you shouldn't be the youngest Heavenly King-level trainer in history, Tianlin!"

"What, Tianlin, that young king came to our Changshou Town?"

"Ah, it's really him. I recorded his battle scene between Quartz and Silver Conference. I watched it no less than a hundred times before and after, and I will never admit my mistake."

With this shout, the women who had surrounded Xiaoyao rioted again, screaming and rushing to Tianlin, looking at the posture, as if seeing a superstar.

Xiaozhi Xiaogang, who was originally standing next to him, was already pushed out by these crazy women.

"Mr. Tianlin, I'm a big fan of yours. You are number one in my list of promising young trainers. I also have a lot of your photos in my collection, please be sure to sign me."

Tian Lin looked at the photo in the woman's hand. It was the scene where he defeated Kazuki and pointed to the sky to announce that he had become a Heavenly King-level trainer. At that time, he just wanted to be handsome, but he didn't know why. , Now being held by a group of women for autograph photos, I feel extremely embarrassed.

After all, Tian Lin is not Xiao Shun. He is a good old man. He really can't bear to refuse the pleas of these fans. In the end, he signed everyone's name. He was almost numb when he wrote it before he was let go by these women, and finally escaped. At that time, the clothes on his face were still covered with lip prints, and these idiots took the opportunity to take advantage of him.

Fortunately, Nazi Sundae didn't follow him now, otherwise he would be really miserable.

Chapter 1: R[*] Level Gorgeous Competition

"You guys are really unscrupulous, you actually left me and ran away!" Tian Lin, who had finally escaped the clutches of those women, came to Xiaozhi and others to complain, he seemed to have forgotten that just now, he also left like this Xiao Shun slipped away first, this is just the so-called evil retribution.

"Haha, Tianlin, isn't it a good thing that you are so popular? Let me tell you, those people just now are members of the PMDM organization." Xiaogang said.This made Tian Lin a little strange. With so many beautiful women present, how could he be so calm?

"PMDM? What is the abbreviation?" Tian Lin asked.

"Yes, the full name of the organization is the Pokémon Love Mothers Group. I'm sorry, Mr. Tianlin and Miss Xiaoyao, did we just scare you." One was wearing a light yellow sweater with a ribbon on his chest. The short-haired beauty of the medal came over and said, "Hello Mr. Tianlin, my name is Yuezi, one of the members, and your loyal fan. I plan to participate in this longevity conference."

"So that's the case, then please do your best with Xiaoyao." Tianlin smiled, he knew the reason why Xiaogang was calm, it turns out that these beauties are all wives, no wonder he would be indifferent, after all, how he likes Big sister, she won't destroy other people's families at will. The greatness of Prime Minister Cao is not something everyone can easily comprehend.

Tian Lin said goodbye to everyone and fled back to his room. Although it is undeniable that it is a good thing to be worshipped, especially such a group of mature women with good looks, but a hundred women are like a hundred scallions and ducks, chattering. It made Tian Lin's head swollen, and he felt that it would be better for him to slip away earlier.

"It's so cool!" Looking at the back of Tian Lin's departure, Yue Zi's cheeks were flushed and her eyes were blurred.

"Yuezi, wake up, you have a husband and a daughter!" PMDM members reminded, but unfortunately Yuezi was completely unmoved, and they could only feel sorry for her husband for three seconds. If things go on like this, if Tianlin is a little bit Heart, sooner or later he will be put on the forgiveness hat.

----------Dividing line

On the second day, the lively fireworks bloomed in the blue sky, and countless fans of the gorgeous competition came from all directions. In addition to the local residents of Changshou Town, there were more spectators from other cities. The R1-level conference, as expected More eye-catching than regular games.

"Welcome everyone to participate in this Gorgeous Contest Longevity Conference 々"!" As the regular host of the Gorgeous Contest, Vivienne dressed up and walked out from the backstage radiantly, as well as the unshakable trio of judges

After Mr. Conkenstein irrigated with chicken soup, the longevity conference finally officially started.

The players played one by one, worthy of being at the R1 level. The level was indeed a level higher than the Kaina conference that Tian Lin watched last time.

Player's Lounge!

Watching everyone's wonderful performances on TV, Xiaoyao Xiaoshu and Yuezi's expressions were completely different. Xiaoshu was solemn and serious. Even for him, the standard of this conference was not low. He has done a good job. In order to prepare with all her strength, Xiaoyao is relaxed and comfortable. It seems that yesterday's PMDM member's compliment to her made her a little complacent. Even Xiaoshun is waiting for the conference with all her strength. This kind of mentality will cause a big problem. .

As for Yuezi, because it was the first time she participated in a conference of this scale, she seemed very nervous, and then she finally calmed down under Xiaoyao Xiaoshun's comfort.

Soon, it was Xiaoyao Yuezi's turn to make consecutive appearances. Both of them performed well. Although Xiaoyao is easy to get carried away, his strength has improved. The level and splendor of hunting swallowtails are better than last time. a significant improvement.

And Yue Zi's performance is even more eye-catching. Huo Yibu uses high-speed stars with spark tricks, and the flaming stars formed are really wonderful.

"Well, this is an idea I came up with for my mother, and it will definitely get a high score." A purple-haired loli beside Xiaozhi proudly said, she is the daughter of Yuezi, Xingjia, who is a big kid and has a great imagination. Rich, maybe he can become a little genius trainer.

"Well, the ratio of the ultimate trick is 3:2, it's really good!" Tian Lin started his own data flow and quickly analyzed it.

"It was a great success, you did a great job, Miss Yuezi!" Backstage, Xiaoyao excitedly took Yuezi's hand and said happily, "This time, we will all be able to enter the second round."

"Humph!" At this moment, there was an inappropriate voice of contempt.

"Xiao Shun, did you hum just now? Do you have any opinion?" Xiao Yao said dissatisfied.

"I have no opinion!" Xiao Shun closed his eyes, expressing that he didn't want to talk to you.

"Ah, I see, you are scared when you see my performance, right? If things go on like this, maybe I'll be on the grand ceremony before you!" Xiaoyao seems to have swelled a bit. There is only one ribbon medal, in comparison, Xiao Shun already has three, and the superiority is still obvious.

"'" In this case, let me give you a piece of advice, you stay where you are, and the ribbon medal will cry. Xiao Shun said meaningfully, he hinted that Xiaoyao's mentality will make her strength stagnate. Although her Pokémon is constantly getting stronger, if the trainer's progress cannot keep up, it will become a A drag on your own Pokémon.

Then it was Xiao Shun's turn to perform, and his Poison Rose Light was a flower dance appearance, which amazed the audience.

"Hehe, the number of petals, how many levels have I helped it improve these days?" Tian Lin sighed silently, the flower sea of ​​Poison Rose's Flower Dance condensed far beyond the original book, forming a beautiful flower sea, Moreover, the scattered flowers fell into the hands of every audience present in an impartial manner. The powerful strength coupled with the amazing control is really outstanding.

Needless to say, this is still Tian Lin's fault. In the past few days, he has also taught Xiao Shun how to train Pokemon. Poison Rose has ushered in a reborn change in just a few days. The control method of this Dance of Flowers is similar to the method used by Tian Lin to train the Lizard King's saber qi back then, and Poison Rose has gradually mastered it at this time.

"Xiao Shun, it's amazing!" Xiaoyao Yuezi exclaimed. After just a few days' absence, Xiao Shun's strength seems to have more than doubled.

Xiao Shun scored 30 points, and Xiao Shun, who played last, got the only full score in the game.

In the end, the four trainers who successfully passed the first round, except for one passerby, were the three of Xiaoyao Xiaoshun Yuezi.

And the second review group is Xiaoyao to last Yuezi, and Xiaosun to passers-by.

Tian Lin felt distressed for passersby for three seconds, and now Xiao Shun can easily win even with Xiao Zhi's shot.

There is still a little time before the second round of review begins. Tian Lin and Xiaozhi Xiaogang rushed to the players' lounge with Yuezi's daughter Xingjia, ready to cheer for the two who are about to start fighting.

The four hundred and ninetieth chapters of the black history of Fengyuan Maiji

"I'm going to fight with Miss Xiaoyao soon. I'm so nervous, what should I do?" In the lounge, Yuezi couldn't help but feel flustered while wiping the armor for her Cordora.

"No need to think about this, no matter who the opponent is, go all out to fight, this is the etiquette of a gorgeous contest!"

"Wow, Xiaoyao, what you said is so meaningful!" Yuezi said excitedly, Xiaoyao was right, as long as he did his best, he didn't need to think too much about other things.

"Sister, Miss Yuezi, how are you preparing? The game is about to start!" Xiao Sheng pushed open the door of the lounge and ran in.

"Everything is ready, today will be the best debut match of my wonderful frog seeds!" Xiaoyao seems confident, perhaps because Yuezi has always been obedient, which makes Xiaoyao believe that she has a better chance of winning. big.

"Seed?" Frog Seed heard this, did not respond eagerly to the master like other Pokémon, but looked around, looking a little uneasy, but Xiaoyao didn't notice it at all.

"By the way, Xiaoyao, if you want to use frog seeds, I can give you some good advice." Xiaozhi said, after all, he is an expert in using frog seeds.

It's a pity that Xiaoyao is overconfident at this time and has no appreciation at all, "Enough Xiaozhi, gym battles and gorgeous battles are different, I, the trainer, know best about this child, so you don't need to worry about 943. business."

"Ah, oh!" Xiao Zhi didn't understand what Xiao Yao was angry with, and replied dully.

Seeing this scene, Tian Lin, Xiao Shun, and Xiao Gang all frowned at the same time. They all found that there was a big problem with Xiao Yao at this time.

Soon, the second round of review of the gorgeous competition began. In the first game, Xiao Shun played against passers-by. In the five-minute battle, Xiao Shun completed the technical KO in less than a minute.

"Xiao Shun's strength has improved so fast, and looking at his fighting style, why do I feel like I'm familiar?" Xiao Gang held his chest and asked with a puzzled look.

Tianlin was embarrassed and didn't answer. Those were all the stoves he opened for Xiao Shun. Could Xiao Gang be unfamiliar?

In the second game, Xiaoyao VS Yuezi.

"Miao Frog Seeds, get on the stage!" Xiaoyao confidently dispatched Miao Frog Seeds. Her Wonder Frog Seeds are rare female Yu Sanjia, but as a girl, it is also easier to be shy. In front of the audience, it has an inappropriate stage fright.

"Sure enough, something went wrong!" Tian Lin muttered to himself.

"What do you mean, Tianlin?" Xiaozhi asked in confusion.

"Just now in the (aidj) player lounge, Xiaoyao not only did not listen to your advice at all, but did not even take a look at the situation of the wonderful frog seeds. She is too complacent, but she doesn't know that too much confidence is arrogant!" Tian Lin looked a little disappointed, "I think Xiao Shun should have seen it too, and Xiao Gang, right?"

Xiaogang nodded, he knew that today's Xiaoyao is not good.On the field, Frog Seed was too nervous and didn't know how to dodge the opponent's attack.

"Miao Frog Seed, cheer up, today is your debut competition, use the vine whip!" Under the constant shouting of Xiaoyao, the wonderful frog seed finally succeeded in making a trick, and the vine whip tied Ke Dora very smoothly. , "Very good, Frog Seed, throw it away."

"Flying? What an international joke!" Tianlin stood up and said angrily, even if Yuezi's Kodora is not the heavy metal characteristic of Mengte, but seeing Yuezi cultivate it so well, its weight will never be low With a weight of 120kg, how could it be possible with the strength of the Frog Seed, which has never evolved at the first order.

Sure enough, just as Tian Lin was worried, but Dora couldn't move under the vine whip, and the gap between strength and tonnage was too great.

Xiaoyao should have listened to Xiaozhi's advice. Although Xiaozhi was prevented from speaking out just now, Tianlin can roughly guess that Xiaozhi must be suggesting that Xiaoyao rely on the small and dexterous body of the wonderful frog seeds to fight guerrillas. , to win with speed, this is the most correct approach.

"Kedora, use the electric shock wave!"

But Dora released a burst of electricity along the vine whip to hit the wonderful frog seeds. Although this power is not large, but after the attack, the wonderful frog seeds fell into a state of paralysis.

"Why, the shock wave doesn't have the additional effect of paralysis?" Xiao Sheng was very puzzled.

"It's static electricity." Tianlin explained, "The vine whip just now tied Ke Dora, and the moment the current was released, it had the same effect as static electricity."

"That's right, hehe, this is also the move I thought of for my mother!" Xingjia proudly said, Wen Yan Tianlin smiled and glanced at her, this little loli might really have the talent of a trainer.

"That's great, it's exactly the same as what Xingjia said, then it's time to end, but Dora, use the alloy claws!" Yue Zi chased after her victory, but Dora's alloy claws became the fatal blow of the wonderful frog seeds.

As the seeds of the wonderful frog were knocked to the ground, Xiaoyao ran over excitedly, "The seeds of the wonderful frog, stand up quickly, you can continue to fight!"

"Stop!" At this time, Miss Joy stood up and shouted to stop, "As a trainer, please think more about your Pokémon, the frog seeds have reached their limit."

In the end, under the lessons of the three judges, Xiaoyao's gorgeous competition left the stage sadly.

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