Just when he was proud, there was another sound of falling water, and the bait landed in the middle of two bushes in another place, and its accuracy was not inferior to that of the old man.

"Fortunately, it's not too difficult!" Tian Lin said indifferently as he stood on the shore with a fishing rod in his hand.

"Fifty years, my fifty years of hard work, he actually learned it in an instant." The old man's face was full of disbelief.

Tian Lin felt that this old man really matched the characteristics of the giant catfish king. He was also inferior in aptitude, and he had acquired good skills only after the accumulation of time.

At this point, the first four steps of fishing have been completed, and the rest is to wait quietly and patiently.

There are indeed a lot of water-type Pokémon in this river. After a while, the old man caught several in a row, but they were all small fish, such as horned goldfish, king carp, iron cannon fish, etc. He was not interested at all and threw them all away. go back.

On Tianlin's side, he had a lot of harvest. Don't forget that in addition to the super fishing rod, he also has top bait, so all the big guys are caught.

'Roar' this is Tyrannosaurus.

'Kame' is the water arrow turtle.

'Swimming' is the mosquito coil swimmer.

They are all high-level final evolutions.

"Fifty years, what have I been doing in the past fifty years?" The old man became distraught when he saw this. Tianlin's fishing skills surpassed his fifty years in five minutes, and he was almost autistic. .

Tian Lin sighed slightly. Although these are all good, they are not what he wants.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"By the way, why did I forget that, multi-function navigator." At the critical moment, he finally remembered that he could use the power of the system to detect the exact location of the catfish king. It was better than trying luck here.

"Catfish King, inferior qualifications, no potential, Heavenly King-level strength, resting beside the underwater grass and water plants [*] meters to the left of the host." The system connected to the navigator and transmitted a voice.

No way, the aptitude potential of this catfish king is too individual, so find an accurate one.

Tianlin walked to the direction pointed by the system and threw down the bait. At this time, the catfish king, who was resting beside the water plants, saw the bait slowly hanging in front of him, and his saliva immediately flowed. The top bait was still very tempting to him. of.

As it took one bite of the bait, the staggering weight instantly made the rod sway.

......... 0

"Hehe, I'm hooked, get me up!" Tian Lin used the power of the waveguide, the amazing power coupled with the toughness of the super fishing rod, and in an instant, the catfish king was pulled out of the water.

"This body type is your master, you can't go wrong." The neighboring village said with great excitement.

"Very good, this time, I won't let you escape again. Go, Xiao Duo, and use stalker." Tian Lin ordered. Although the power of stalker is very small, it is very different from wild treasures. This trick is used when the dream is fighting, which can effectively prevent the opponent from escaping.

Now, the catfish king is entangled by Xiaoduo, and every time its escape route, it will be blocked by Xiaoduo's attack in advance.

But the huge gap in strength means that Xiao Duo can't stop it for too long, and must fight quickly.

"An'an, use hypnotism, Absol, attack the key points." Tian Lin ordered two Pokémon at the same time, Chirulian released hypnotic waves with both hands and successfully put the Lord to sleep, and Absolu Take the opportunity to attack its key points to give heavy damage.

"Well done, everyone, well, this ball is perfect for the king catfish caught, go ahead, bait ball."

The set of prizes awarded in the Vortex Islands Competition is simply designed to catch water-type Pokémon. In battles triggered by fishing, the bait balls are five times more likely to be caught than ordinary balls.Catching a sleeping king catfish is enough.

The bait ball successfully captured the catfish king, and Tian Lin stepped forward to pick it up, which means that his master ball was in hand.

Chapter [*]: Tianlin in Changshou Town learns gorgeous battles

"This, this is successfully subdued?" Suzumura stared blankly at this scene. He didn't expect that the goal he had worked hard for all his life was achieved in less than half an hour by a new trainer.

"Mr. Suzumura, then." Tian Lin didn't hesitate and threw the bait ball to Suzumura. This was agreed in advance. In fact, this catfish king and Suzumura went around for fifty years. , and each other, I am afraid that they have already regarded each other as their old friends. Tian Lin thinks that the most suitable trainer is Suzumura.

"Thank you, thanks to you, my [*]-year dream has finally come true, but..." Suzumura seemed very happy, but for some reason, he was a little disappointed, as if the enthusiasm for fishing that he had accumulated in half his life had disappeared all of a sudden. .

Suzumura looked at the bait ball that caught A-Junior, and in the end, he made an astonishing decision, "Come out, A-Jun!"

Suzumura released the catfish king, and when the catfish "Nine Four Three" jumped out of the Poke Ball, the body was not red, but blue, which was completely different from the usual action of sending out Pokémon. This is, release! ! !

"Wait, Mr. Suzumura, why are you doing this?" Tian Lin asked in surprise.

"Haha, you caught it, it wasn't the hands of a fishing master like me, I'm really unwilling." The old man Suzumura laughed heartily, "Master, go ahead, next time I will take you personally."

The catfish king glanced at Suzumura before diving into the bottom of the water with a slight smile.

"Tianlin, this is the master ball, you can take it. The exchange conditions between you and me have just been reached. As for the catfish king, I released it myself, and I will not go back on my word."

Tian Lin took the Master Ball, but he did not expect that the extremely precious Master Ball in this world would end up in his hands like this. This is his second Master Ball. As a person who dreams of a Pokémon Master, There is no such thing as too much treasure.

"Haha, the old man's enthusiasm for fishing is back, Master, here I come!" At this time, Suzumura changed back to the hearty old man he met at the beginning, picked up the fishing rod and ran to the lake excitedly.

Tian Lin can see it. In fact, he is not very obsessed with conquering the master. He is just immersed in chasing the master and enjoying the days of happy fishing. With such an indifferent attitude, it is no wonder that the old man is so old. It still looks so tough.

The so-called smile, ten years younger, the ancients honestly did not deceive me.

"Come on, old man!" Tian Lin didn't bother him anymore, packed up his luggage and left the lake.

---------Dividing line

A few days later, Tianlin finally came to a town again. At the entrance of the town, Tianlin took back the Canon first, and then walked in. This town is called Changshou Town. It has been extraordinarily lively these days. The poster posted here, there will be a Pokémon Glamour Contest in a few days.

And this competition is not simple, it is R1 level, that is to say, the participants must have one or more ribbon medals to be eligible to participate, which proves that those who can participate in this conference are all coordinators with a certain level , and it adopts the rules of gorgeous large-scale celebrations, the first review and the second review must use different Pokémon.

Now Tianlin also has the idea of ​​​​coordinating the trainer's dual development. It is rare to see such a high-level gorgeous competition. Anyway, he decided to stay in this town for a few more days, so that when the gorgeous competition starts, from Those who are the masters of the competition learn from it.

When I entered the Pokémon Center, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, I want to sign up for the Gorgeous Competition Longevity Conference."

"Xiao Shun!" That person is Xiao Shun, and his journey is not slow, much stronger than those who got lost.

"Isn't this Tian Lin, why are you here?" Xiao Shun asked.

"I want to watch this longevity conference, so I plan to stay here for a few more days."

"Watching the conference? Hehe, I didn't expect a top trainer like you to be interested in the gorgeous contest!"

Tian Lin shook his head and denied Xiao Shun's words, "I'm not a little interested, but I really have the idea of ​​participating in the gorgeous competition and becoming a top coordination trainer. After traveling to the Hoenn area, I will definitely implement this idea. "

"It's a good idea that you want to become a coordination trainer. The last time I met, I felt that your Pokémon is full of confidence and handsome charm. It will definitely make a difference. Since you are going to stay here for a few days, why don't you do it? My sparring partner, if you don't dislike it, I will be happy to pass on my experience in the gorgeous competition to you." Xiao Shun suggested.

"Is this okay, this is to create a strong enemy for yourself in the future, okay?"

"Hehe, to become a top coordinator, I will not be afraid of any challenges, and I am not a white teacher. While I teach you gorgeous battles, you should also teach me your battle experience!"

"Deal!" Tianlin readily agreed to the deal.

Then the two came to the open space outside the Pokémon Center.

"Tianlin, do you know the difference between gorgeous battles and your ordinary battles?" Xiao Shun asked.  …

"Performance is different. Gorgeous battles require showing the charm of Pokémon, while general battles focus on using the most reasonable tactics to quickly knock down opponents."

"Yes, and the key point of Pokémon's charm, in addition to its own various characteristics, the most intuitive way of expressing it is the ultimate trick. The Pokémon who coordinate the trainer's mastery of the ultimate trick will never be inferior to you. Trainer, in a sense, it's better. Come out, Poison Rose!" Xiao Shun planned to give Tian Lin a demonstration first, so he dispatched his most trusted partner.

"It's still Poison Rose, why didn't you use the Stone of Light to make it evolve?" Tian Lin wondered, he saw that the level of this Poison Rose could almost meet the evolution requirements.

"The competition is approaching. I am afraid that it will not have enough time to adapt to the new body. After the longevity conference, I will let it evolve. Well, then you are optimistic, Poison Rose, and use the dance of flowers and magic leaves."

Poison Rose stretched out her hands, the flower dance and magic leaves bloomed at the same time, the beautiful pink flowers and green leaves complemented each other, like a beautiful garden.

"Tianlin, did you see anything?"

"Well, in terms of controlling the power of the ultimate move, the power of the Flower Dance is far greater than that of the magic leaf, but it can be reconciled so perfectly. This is really amazing, but if it is only controlled by the power, my Pokémon can basically do it. , However, I think even if I replace them, I am afraid that such a beautiful performance will not be completed, where is the key point?" Tian Lin thought for a while and asked rhetorically.

"As expected of you, 3.9 immediately saw the problem, yes, a Pokémon with a top trainer like you must be very good at controlling power, but, that's not enough, You still lack a measure of how much power is used when these tricks work together."


"Just now, the flower dance and the magic leaf are a relatively simple ratio, 1 to 2, neither more nor less. If there are too many flower dances, it will directly overwhelm the magic leaves, and if there are too many magic leaves, then It will cut the petals." Xiao Shun explained.

"It's amazing. It turns out that the Coordinator Trainer still has such an element. If this point is thoroughly mastered, it will definitely have a strong effect in ordinary battles." Tian Lin said excitedly.

He also discovered that this precise mastery of data, if the coordination trainer cooperates with his data flow, he may be able to embark on a path of magnificent competition that is unique to him.

Chapter [*] Fanatical fans of Changshou Town

In the next few days, Tian Lin and Xiao Shun practiced battles every day. Both of them have made great progress. Tian Lin's understanding of gorgeous performances and gorgeous battles has deepened a lot, and Xiao Shun also learned from Tian Lin. There are a lot of tactics that he is good at.

"Rainwing moth, make a silver whirlwind!"

"An An, use magic to shine!"

On the battlefield, the two Pokémon used their unique moves at the same time. The silver whirlwind of the rain-winged moth was bright and sharp, shining in the sun, while Kirulian's magic was shining, and it was even more colorful at this time. , this is the change that Xiao Shun has thought of helping Chirulian these days.

When his poisonous roses cast the flames of the sun, they can also bring colorful colors. Xiao Shun taught this stunt to Tianlin without any secrets. Although the power of the unique trick has not changed in the slightest, it is very beautiful in the gorgeous competition.


The two sides collided with each other's unique moves. They were not fighting, but trying out combination moves. Suddenly, the colorful rays of light were scattered by the silver whirlwind and spread out to the surroundings, like beautiful fireworks blooming.

"Very good, the ratio of the trick just now is 4:3, and you have mastered it so perfectly 08, Tianlin, your Pokémon aptitude is really admirable, you can achieve this level in just a few days." Xiao Shun Praise from the heart.

"Where, your Pokémon is not bad. The power of the silver whirlwind of the rain-winged moth is much stronger than it was a few days ago."

The two of them blew each other's business, and after training, they returned to the Pokémon Center.

As soon as he entered the gate, he saw Xiaozhi and his group. Among them, Xiaoyao was signing up for the competition. Tianlin slowed down so much that these goods finally caught up with him.

Seeing Xiaoyao coming, Xiaoshuan couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth.

"This guy, he's not covering himself up more and more!" Tian Lin complained silently beside him.

At this time, Xiaoyao seems to be asking about the longevity conference. She doesn't understand what an R1-level conference is, and Xiao Shun, who can't stand it, can't help but walk forward, "You don't even know this, so you just came here. !"

"Xiao Shun, and Tian Lin! How can you two be together?" Xiao Zhi and the others turned around and asked in surprise.

"It just happened to happen, I have nothing to do, I plan to enjoy the gorgeous competition!" Before Xiao Shun could speak, Tian Lin took the lead in explaining the situation.

"Is that so, Xiao Shun, then you should want to participate in the longevity conference, right?" Xiao Yao asked.

"Yeah, although the longevity conference is not large, it is a good training opportunity for coordinator trainers who want to participate in large-scale celebrations." Xiao Shun said, and soon the old problem recurred, "Of course Well, it doesn't matter to some coordinator trainers who are casually participating in the game, it's just a round anyway."

One sentence instantly ignited Xiaoyao's anger.

"Whoever you say is casual, you see, I have also received a ribbon medal." Xiaoyao opened her medal box, and there was a ribbon medal on it, "I also work very hard, how can I Say I'm just casual!"

"Oh, that's really rude, I just told what I saw!" This guy, Xiao Shun, is really uncomfortable if he doesn't fight Xiaoyao for a day.


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