Chapter [*] North Orange City

"Host, I also recommend that you participate in the Gorgeous Competition. Didn't you find out long ago that the real way to unlock the system is to increase your prestige. Although the Gorgeous Competition is not as famous as the League Competition, it is also a resounding name." System sound channel.

"Good or bad, but I've never learned gorgeous battles, let alone gorgeous performances." Tian Lin said to Jun Malu, he didn't think about the gorgeous competition, but does he have that qualification?

"Mr. Tianlin, you actually don't know enough about the Gorgeous Contest. In addition to showing the beauty of the ultimate trick, the Gorgeous Contest is more important to show the charm of the Pokémon itself, whether it is elegant, beautiful, or weird, etc. Yesterday and During your fight, I found that your Pokémon has a charm that cannot be ignored, that is, confident and handsome, like a pet master, your Pokémon must have been influenced by you, if you can perform If the admiral fully shows this point, he will definitely get a high score." Jun Malu said excitedly, this guy is indeed a fan of gorgeous competitions who does not lose to Xiao Shun Xiaoyao. .

"Confident and handsome?" Tian Lin rubbed his chin and thought about it. It seems that this is the case. Because the Pokémon in Tian Lin's hands have been winning consecutive battles, each of them exudes a strong confidence, look. Looking more handsome.

Even a female-oriented Pokémon like Chillian is the same, but this does not affect her charm. Although gentle ladies are lovely, isn't the high-cold queen also very attractive?

"Thank you for your suggestion, I will consider it." Tian Lin smiled. He was really moved. If it wasn't for the fact that Fengyuan Continent had already traveled nearly halfway, and he needed his help to deal with the Lava Team and the Ocean Team before, maybe he would have Immediately agreed.

"Please think about it carefully, I really hope that there will be more of an excellent trainer like you active in the Gorgeous Tournament."

"Mr. Tianlin, this is a small gift from our family. It is a thanks to you for helping Junmalu." Junmalu's father took out a box and a book, handed it to Tianlin and said, "In this box It is an energy cube making machine, and the book contains the recipes of various energy cubes, even if you don’t choose to participate in the gorgeous contest in the end, it will be very helpful for you to cultivate Pokémon.”

"Thank you!" Tian Lin accepted the gift, which is indeed a good thing.

The other party has done this, and he is also determined to participate in the gorgeous competition, but it is not from Fengyuan. In Fengyuan, he still has too much to do, challenge the gym, and deal with the two evil organizations. There is not enough time. Moreover, Tianlin plans to learn gorgeous performances from the beginning, and then officially become a coordination trainer after completing the challenge of the Fengyuan Alliance.

Tianlin bid farewell to Junmalu's family and left Luyin Town through the Kalu Tunnel. After half a month, he traveled through Kanaz City and Chenghua Forest again, and finally returned to the starting point of his trip to the Fengyuan area. The location of the gym, Chenghua City, his current location is actually Beichenghua City, also known as Xiaochenghua.

To get to the gym where Mr. Qianli is located, you still need to pass through a small forest. This is actually a small town. Just because it is adjacent to Chenghua City, it can be regarded as a small town attached to Chenghua City. It is managed by the same chief and guards Of course, it is also Mr. Qianli, the next Four Heavenly Kings of Fengyuan.

I have to say that there are really many geniuses in Fengyuan. In other regions, there is usually only one champion trainer, but here there are two, and the Four Heavenly Kings have never been disconnected. After the old Fire King Mula retired, The evil king Kayue took over immediately, and now the dragon king Genji is about to retire, and the seat of the four kings is waiting for thousands of miles.

"It seems that Mr. Qianli is really welcome here!" Walking on the street, Tian Lin couldn't help but sigh. The first two times he came and went in a hurry, he didn't notice at all. The photo of Mr. Qianli, the billboards on the road, and the logos hanging in front of many shops are all images of Qianli.

Here, Qianli's influence can be called terrifying, far exceeding the so-called big stars. This is indispensable for the alliance's momentum, presumably to prepare Qianli to take over as the Four Heavenly Kings in the future.

On a large screen in the center of the city, Mr. Qianli's game video was playing. His mature and handsome face was calm and violent when he commanded, showing an incomparably amazing strength.

The challenger was defeated helplessly.

"Haha, you see, another idiot who doesn't know how to live or die has been defeated in Mr. Qianli's gymnasium, and he has been educated by Mr. Qianli."

"Yes, yes, don't challenge Mr. Qianli if you don't have that kind of strength. It's just self-inflicted humiliation, and an unqualified trainer challenging Mr. Qianli is an insult to him at all."

"' "These guys..." Tian Lin frowned, even if the challenger was not Qianli's opponent, he would challenge Qianli upright and he should not be ridiculed by these people.

The alliance's methods seem to have the opposite effect. People in this city, men, women and children, all worship Mr. Qianli to the point of being infatuated with him. Men worship his strength and women admire his handsomeness. Outsiders are not allowed to say a thousand miles at all. That's all. They don't even allow trainers to challenge gymnasiums casually. People who don't have a certain reputation will be directly driven out of Chenghua City. If this continues, Qianli's reputation in Chenghua City will become more and more popular. The louder it gets, the more notoriety it spreads to other cities.

"Get out of Chenghua, get out of Chenghua!" At this moment, a loud slogan came from the side, and a group of people surrounded a young man, clamoring to drive him out of Chenghua City.Tian (Nuo Hao Zhao) Lin recognized this person as the trainer who challenged Qianli on the video.

The trainer surrounded by the crowd didn't say a word, but from his flushed face, he could see his resentment at this time. He didn't hate Qianli. Although Mr. Qianli defeated him mercilessly, he also gave it to him. With enough respect, he hates the gloating of these people and his own lack of strength.

Tianlin squeezed through the crowd and looked at the boy's unwilling and despairing face. If this continues, he will be crushed by these citizens, so he stepped forward, patted the boy on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Hello. , The battle just now was good, but there are still a few problems, if you notice, you may be able to fight Mr. Qianli again."

Hearing Tianlin's voice, the audience suddenly became quiet, the citizens were angry, while the young man was curious, who would speak up for himself under such circumstances.

Chapter four hundred and eighty second hyperactive ape

"Who are you, why do you want to help this person who is disrespectful to Mr. Qianli?" the citizens asked angrily.

Tian Lin didn't bother to pay attention to them, and continued to look at the boy and said, "From the battle just now, it can be seen that your Pokémon has been cultivated well, but your own grasp of fighters seems to be slightly lacking. During the first battle, You didn't grasp the timing of each lazy attack, and when the hyperactive monkey came out, you were caught off guard because of the rapid change in the fighting style of thousands of miles. These are all because you didn't do your homework before."

"Yes, thank you for your advice. I'm Archie, known as the boy in shorts. May I ask who you are?" The boy's eyes returned to light under Tianlin's comfort, and he asked gratefully.

It turned out to be him, no wonder Tian Lin felt a little familiar, he was the boy in shorts who appeared in the original book a few times and had played against Xiaoyao Xiaozhi.

"My name is Tianlin, and I'm also a Pokémon trainer who is about to challenge Mr. Qianli."

"Tianlin?" Archie thought thoughtfully when he heard the name, and felt that he had heard it somewhere before.

Seeing the two of them chatting like nothing else, the citizens became more and more angry, "Hey, you two, you are too arrogant, Master Qianli is not an ordinary gym trainer, he is only a selected trainer who is qualified to challenge noble person."

"When did the gym challenge have such a limit of 937? The alliance stipulates that as long as you are a trainer, you are eligible to challenge all gyms." Tian Lin asked back.

"That's our rule here."

"Yes, there are obviously a lot of gymnasiums. You can detour to other cities to get badges. This is a smart way."

"If you want to challenge Lord Qianli, you are still a million years early. If you still insist on the challenge, then defeat me first."

"Yes, and us, only by knocking all of us down can you be qualified to challenge."

A group of citizens stood in front of Tianlin with a pokeball in their hands. It seemed that they would not allow themselves to challenge without defeating them. His face sank, "It's really a meaningless battle, since that's the case, don't waste your time. , you come together."

"Damn, what an arrogant guy, I will never let you disturb Mr. Qianli. Go, Goda Duck." A kid took the lead in dispatching Pokemon, an elite-level Goda Duck with a small size Small, bred very general.

"Go!" Followed by, a group of Pokémon were sent out at the same time, including dragonflies, snake bears, Nidolino, sea (aidj) leopard balls, magic mushrooms, etc.

"Hehe, gang fight, then I only need to use two Pokémon, let's go, Ann, Lazy Otter!" Tian Lin saw the position of the opponent's Pokémon and released Chillian to one In front of the dragonfly, the lazy otter appeared in the back row.

At the beginning, Kirulian copied the characteristics of the dragonfly, accelerated, and then a hundred thousand volts took the lead to solve the dragonfly.

"Everyone, let's go together!" The boy in the lead called out, and a group of Pokémon immediately surrounded Kirulian.

"This kind of position, you are really not afraid of death, An An, come up with our new tricks, and use magic to shine!" Tian Lin ordered.

Chilluri's body radiated an amazing pink light, spreading in all directions. Under this blinding light, a group of Pokémon fell to the ground like corpses.

"Damn, don't think that's the end, there's more."

Another large group of Pokémon, Aogu Yan, Coyote, Silly Fire Camel, etc.

"An An, leave it to your partner next, and use the feature exchange on the lazy otter!"

Chirulian used teleportation to return to Lazy Otter, and then used the characteristic exchange to change the acceleration characteristic of her body to Lazy Otter. Lazy Otter, who was lying motionless on the ground, instantly became energetic.

A burst of light flashed, and the speed of the lazy otter increased by one step under the acceleration characteristic.

"Lazy!" The lazy otter rushed into the Pokémon group excitedly, the claws on his hands were shining, and few of the low-level guys on the opposite side could withstand it.

And in the series of battles, as the opponent sent Pokémon continuously, its speed was fully increased by the sixth order under the acceleration characteristic. Searching.

"Oh, this is Lazy Rex's version of Lingbo Weibo. It's beautifully done, Lazy Rex." Tian Lin praised.

This is the reason why Chirulian chose to defeat the dragonfly just now. If there is no evenly matched speed limit for the current lazy otter, the opposite group of guys has no chance of winning.

"Damn, how holy is this guy, he is too strong." The citizens were panting, so many people beat one, and they were beaten so badly.

At this time, Tian Lin's original anger has almost disappeared. With so many people lining up to give experience to the lazy otter, such an opportunity is rare.

"Lazy!" The lazy otter attacked the key point again and flew a proud swallow. After that, he screamed in the sky, and his whole body began to emit light.

"What an unexpected joy!" Tian Lin smiled. He didn't expect Lazy Rex to usher in such a transformation before challenging the gym.

The lazy otter has begun to evolve, with a strong white body, a different warm-blooded breath than before, a pinch of red hair on the head, black claws and dancing forelimbs that make it look never restful.

Hyperactive Ape, Violent Ape Pokémon, normal type, characteristic is energetic, cautious personality (adding special defense and reducing special attack), height 1.7m, weight 49kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength gym-level intermediate level, with skills : split, sneak attack, slack, yawn, do it again, hold on, come back to life, double return.

The strength of the hyperactive ape after evolution is very good, but unfortunately it can't practice the ultimate impact that Tianlin has prepared for it in this form.

"Everyone, the battle continues, move the monkey, and use the split!" Tian Lin shouted.

The sixth-order speed boost brought by the acceleration feature just now still exists in the hyperactive ape, and the hyperactive ape instantly appeared in the center of a group of Pokémon. , and now, the movement of the hyperactive ape is wide open and closed, quite imposing, this sudden change of style makes those trainers and Pokémon very uncomfortable.

"What's the matter, Archie was defeated in such a situation before, and you still laughed at him because of this. Now you can't do it yourself?" Tian Lin sneered.

The hyperactive ape rushed left and right in the Pokémon group, and after a while, a large area lay down on the field.

"So strong!" After truly feeling the strength of Tianlin, everyone realized how brave Archie was before, so he challenged the stronger Qianli and fought to the end.

"I remembered, you are Tianlin, the champion of the two major leagues in Kanto and Chengdu, and the leader of the three-star town in Zhenxin Town, right?" Archie finally recalled Tianlin's identity at this time, and shouted excitedly.

Chapter [*]: The Responsibilities of a Thousand Mile Gym Trainer

"What, this guy is a two-time conference champion, no wonder he is so powerful!"

"What are you doing? If you have this status, let's say it earlier, otherwise we will not embarrass you. The champion of the conference is still qualified to challenge Lord Qianli, although I still don't think he can win."

"That's right, beat us up for nothing."

Many citizens couldn't help complaining. It seemed that it was Tian Lin who was wrong. Tian Lin became more and more unhappy. What about the two championship champions, not the regional champions above the Four Heavenly Kings, and the ordinary treasures on the roadside. Compared with the dream trainer, Tian Lin didn't feel that his status was so high.

"Hmph, Mr. Qianli has fans like you, it's really his sadness." Tian Lin sarcastically said, these people are completely blackmailing Qianli.

"You guy, what do you mean, don't think that you can insult us if you are strong, we all respect Sir Qianli from the bottom of our hearts."

"I don't doubt this, but your actions seem to have elevated Mr. Qianli's status to a noble level that non-top trainers cannot challenge. In fact, you know how much damage it will cause to Mr. Qianli's reputation. Is it? Outside of Chenghua City, his reputation will be slandered by countless trainers because of you, which will also have a huge negative impact on his path to the Four Heavenly Kings." Tian Lin said angrily.

"This, how could it be, we just respect and love the Lord Qianli, even you are not allowed to question, continue to fight if you have the ability!" The tone of the citizens became unconfident under Tianlin's questioning, but still did not let go .

"Everyone, please stop." At this moment, a magnetic male voice sounded behind everyone.

"Ah, Lord Qianli!" everyone screamed, "Lord Qianli, I didn't expect you to come in person. You must be doing justice to us. Please teach this boy a good lesson."

"No, I just heard that you are embarrassing the two challengers and came here to take a look. Alas! What Tian Lin said is right, your respect is too extreme." Qianli said with a sigh .

"Lord Qianli, we just respect you and don't want weak trainers to waste your time. Is this also wrong?"

"Of course it's wrong, you respect me, I'm very happy and thank you all, but what you're doing is wrong, you must know that the former Four Heavenly Kings of the Hoenn area, the Fuyan Gym, the champion Mr. Michaeli's mentor. There are no rules in Mr. Adam's Liuli Gym that only selected trainers can challenge, I am a newly established gym, how can He De He surpass them?" Qianli said solemnly, he did not I hope my fans are such unreasonable people.

But Qianli was always a good man, and his tone gradually softened as he watched the citizens gradually become guilty: "Also, don't forget, I am the master of the gym, and my duty is not only to test the strength of the challenger, In addition to protecting the town, another point is to guide the growth of trainers, even if it is a rookie trainer, I am very happy for him to challenge me."

"This, what kind of bearing is this, gentle and powerful coexist, as expected of our respected Lord Qianli!" Unexpectedly, Qianli's speech made these guys even more frenzied.

"Everyone, the rules will change in the future. As long as you really want to challenge Lord Qianli, we will all support you."

"Well, I'm so happy that you can understand me." Qianli smiled.

Tian Lin wiped the nonexistent sweat on his forehead and thought, "These bastards with double standards, I didn't repent when I taught them, and Mr. Qianli changed with just a few words. Is this the power of idols?"

"Tianlin, you should come back to challenge the gym this time. I've been estimating the time. With your progress, it's almost time." Qianli walked to Tianlin and said.

"Of course, please accept my challenge, Mr. Chisato."

"What's the problem with that, but your Pokémon has been fighting again and again today, and it's very tired at the moment. Let's rest for a night today and fight again tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll visit Chenghua Taoist Hall again tomorrow morning." Tianlin replied.

"That, Mr. Qianli, I'm going to go to Chenghua Forest to re-train. When I return from training, can you accept my challenge again." On the side, the boy in shorts, Archie, begged hesitantly, Tianlin and Qianli showed The powerful strength not only made his blood boil, but also made him yearn. He longed that he could reach that height one day.

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