"stupid stupid stupid....."

From the rear, Ayako finally heard an angry voice that could no longer be suppressed.

"Is Miss Ayako angry, she seems to be scolding us?" Du asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Du, let's go. She is the only one who scolds you. I am innocent."

------Dividing line

Since there is no Pokémon Center in Futaba Town, Tianlin and Du had to find a cafe to talk.

"Then, Mr. Du, what needs you to come to the Fengyuan area in person, and you need to ask me for help?" Tian Lin asked.

"Tianlin, you know the two evil organizations of Hoenn, the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, right? I heard that you stopped their plans several times after you came to Hoenn. You deserve to be the special investigator that I personally recommended."

"You've already won the prize, so the purpose of your coming here has something to do with these two organizations?"

"That's right, we got news that these two organizations have been working on the idea of ​​Super Ancient Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre. Originally, the Alliance didn't care much about this whimsical plan, but we got news again. , they got the red orb that can control Kyogre and the blue orb that can control Groudon, which has to be taken seriously. With these two orbs, if they are allowed to find the two treasures It's really troublesome." Du's expression was solemn, and he was extremely jealous of the two super ancient gods of Fengyuan, which was a huge force enough to overturn the entire Fengyuan.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"The intelligence of the alliance is really getting better and better. Could it be that the two top leaders of the two organizations have insiders, and the news is so fast!" Tian Lin was surprised.

"No, in fact, the Alliance didn't pay attention to these two organizations at all, and didn't put any insiders." Du shook his head, "The news was exposed to the Alliance by these two organizations themselves. The Lava Team exposed the information of the Ocean Team. Come over, the ocean team also passed on the lava team's message."


Sure enough, these two organizations are still so stupid. Although they seem shrewd, they both hope to use the power of the alliance to suppress the other party, but in fact, the alliance does not need to pay more attention to them. It's not that the news this time is too important, and that the extradition will not be done in person.

"Mr. Du, are those two beads the beads that allow Groudon and Kyogre to return to their originality?" Tian Lin asked in confusion.

"You actually know the original return, it's not easy, but don't worry, it's not the two origin beads, but the super ancient people specially created it to control the super ancient Pokémon."

Hearing Du's words, Tian Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Groudon and Kyogre were strong enough by themselves. If they returned to the original, it would really be a force to destroy the world.

"The blue help made by Kyogre's power suppresses Groudon, while the red bead of Groudon's power suppresses Kyogre. The wisdom of the super-ancient people should not be underestimated." Tian Lin said with admiration.

"You are right, but unfortunately, the power of super ancient Pokémon actually far exceeds the wisdom of the ancient people. The time that the two beads control the two Pokémon can only last for a while, and the person who holds the beads is very fast. If that person is malicious, the runaway super ancient Pokémon will definitely bring unprecedented disaster to the Hoenn area." Du said worriedly.

Tian Lin couldn't deny that Du's concern was absolutely correct. He knew better than anyone how terrible the power of those two Pokémon was.

Chapter [*] The Challenge of the Masked Messenger

"So Mr. Du, what are you going to tell me to do, go with you to convene the alliance police to attack Huanglong?" Tianlin asked.

Du shook his head, "No, although Team Lava and Team Ocean are not as strong as Team Rocket, if they attack rashly, they will lose a lot, and if they don't catch Chiyanpine and Shuiwutong, it will be meaningless. I plan to mix in the two. In the lava team in this team, to listen to more detailed information, Tianlin, you don't need to take action now, you just need to continue your journey, but please keep in touch with me at any time, you may still need to take action when necessary. helpful."

In the past, Du would definitely not have specifically sought Tianlin to participate in such an event, but now Tianlin is already a king-level trainer on his own. He is undoubtedly a huge combat power. With his help, the chance of Du's success will be higher point.

"Okay, don't worry, Mr. Du, President "Jiu San Qi" Zi Fuqi gave me the latest multi-function navigator, and I guarantee it will be open [*] hours a day." Tian Lin agreed.

"Thank you," Du heard Tianlin's answer and smiled heartily.

The two walked out of the cafe and were about to act separately. Just as Du was about to leave, Tian Lin suddenly stopped him, "By the way, Mr. Du, Miss Ayako, you'd better go see her again."

"Go to see Ayako?"

"Yeah, don't forget, our opponent this time, if we don't get it right, it will be two super ancient Pokémon, Groudon and Kyogre. If you fight against them, you have complete confidence to retreat. Well, if this is our last battle, who would you most like to see before the battle?" Tian Lin reminded.

"The person I want to see most?" Du thought for a while, and finally, he made up his mind, "I understand, thank you, Tianlin!"

Watari left, but he was walking in a different direction than before, not out of town, but at Miss Ayako's clinic.

Tian Lin smiled indifferently and walked out of the town. Let them solve their affairs by themselves.

---------Dividing line

A few days later, Tianlin arrived at Luyin Town. In the original book, a gorgeous competition is about to be held here, but now Tianlin's schedule seems to be too fast. At this time, there is still nearly a week before the opening of the competition. In this case, Tianlin does not intend to. He stayed for a while, and was going to go straight through the dredged Kalu tunnel, but just as he was about to reach the entrance of the tunnel, a man with a mask stopped in front of him.

"Are you a Pokémon trainer? Fight me, I'm a masked messenger!"

"Masquerade? Such a strange title, are you the coordinator?" Tian Lin asked.

"That's right, in order to participate in the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest that will be held here, I am challenging various opponents to train myself, so that you can see my Pokémon, go, imitate the night spirit." Masked man waits for the sky Lin agreed, and threw out the Poké Ball and sent his partner, a ghost-type imitation Eidolon.

"What a willful trainer. I haven't accepted the challenge yet. I originally planned to stop fighting before the gymnasium battle, but now it seems that I can't escape. Go, Absol!" The treasure sent by Tianlin Kemeng is Absolu. The strength of this imitation night spirit is high-level gymnasium. I am afraid that the strength of this coordinator is not under Xiaoshuo, but it is still worth fighting.

"The evil Absol, a good opponent, imitates the Wandering Night Spirit and uses the devil's fire!"

The ghost fire began to condense in the palm of the imitation Yeling. Its ghost fire is slightly different from the conventional one, with a little colorful color. At first glance, it is a move specially prepared for the gorgeous competition.

"I'll take a look at your ghost fire. This is the first time I have played a gorgeous battle. Absolu, use a spiritual blade." Tian Lin ordered. move.

However, this fire-type change move will cause the hit person to fall into a state of burns, which is deadly for the attacking player.

Absolu's sickle made a circle in a circle, and a mental cut instantly shattered all the ghost fires.

"What? Then Shadow Fist!"

The Shadow Fist, which was sure to hit the target, was punched twice in a row, hitting Absol at an incredible angle and repelling Absol several meters away.

"Well, Shadow Fist, which has the flavor of a gorgeous battle, fully reflects the strange fighting style of Ghost-type Pokémon." Tian Lin commented.

"Hey, what do you mean, don't fight back, or you look down on me." Tian Lin's inaction seems to have made Mask Training angry. The mental blade just now was only to cut off the ghost fire, not an attack, and now it is completely ineffective. He ignored the trick of imitating Ye Ling, and obviously looked down on himself.

"Then it's up to you to do this trick, imitate Ye Ling, and use true qi fist," to deal with the evil-type Absol, this fighting-type ultimate move is undoubtedly a huge threat.  …

"Sorry, I'm just happy to see the hunter, after all, this is my first time fighting with a coordinator trainer." Tian Lin smiled.

"First time? Are you not a coordinator trainer?"

"I'm just an ordinary Pokémon trainer. Thank you for letting me experience the gorgeous style of battle just now. In return, I'll also show you the battle style that belongs to our trainers, Absolu. , make a secret attack." Tianlin ordered.

Absolu's speed was astonishingly fast, and he crossed a distance of several meters in almost an instant and appeared in front of Imitation Night Spirit.

At this time, the Mimic Night Spirit was accumulating power in order to use his True Qi fist, and he was completely helpless in the face of Absol, who was rushing towards him quickly.

"It's so fast, it's like a wandering night spirit, it doesn't matter, you can definitely take over with your defense, and then come back to the ghost fire again." The masked messenger shouted.

"Yes, are you sure?"

On the field, the sickle on Absol's head condensed a strong energy of evil attributes, and a slash hit the abdomen of the imitation Eidolon.

With a thud, Imitation Yeling lost his ability to fight and fell to the ground.

"How come, according to the defensive power of my imitation Yeling, how can I not be able to take a single blow?" The masked man couldn't believe it.

"Because of the attack just now, it hit the key point. Absol's characteristic is called super lucky, and it is easy to make the Pokémon hit the key point, and the unique attack of Absol just now has the same effect, and the two 3.9s are superimposed. Under the circumstances, the probability of hitting the key point is extremely high. When the key point is hit, the power has increased a lot under the condition of restrained attributes." Tian Lin explained, "How, our trainer's fighting style is coordinated with you. Home is different, there are not so many fancy things, as long as you find an opportunity to strike down."

"It's amazing, if only I could be as confident as this person!" The masked man looked at Tian Lin's confident face with a hint of longing.

"What's the matter with you? Are you unwilling to lose? Don't mind too much. Judging from the power of your unique move just imitating Ye Ling, your strength is not weak. It's just that I am stronger."

"No, I'm not unwilling, but I just want to ask you, how can you be so confident, you seem to be able to foresee the result before you issue an order." The masked man asked expectantly.

Chapter [*] Junma Lu's suggestion

"Confidence? Isn't this a quality that every trainer must have. Unconditional trust in your partner. In fact, I think you have done a good job. You didn't hesitate to give orders just now." Tian Lin said strangely.

"It's not like this, in fact I..." The masked man hesitated for a while, then took off his mask, revealing an ordinary boy's face, and suddenly, the whole personality image changed greatly, if just now It is self-confidence and decisiveness, but now it is inferiority and timidity. It is difficult to imagine how these two completely opposite temperaments can be reflected in a person and switched instantly.

"As you can see, I'm actually a very timid person. I can only fight normally when I wear this mask and become a masked messenger. Usually, I'm just a timid person who doesn't even dare to express my opinion."

"My name is Tianlin, what's your name?" Tianlin asked.


"Kunma Lu!!! With such a high-end name 08, will you slap the bones from your body?"

"Bone-sucking, what do you mean?" Jun Ma Lu was full of question marks when asked by Tian Lin.

"Haha, nothing, I know a person with the same name as you. He is calm and confident. He treats any opponent with a calm attitude. He also shows a polite side to the enemy. He is an amazing guy." Tian Linhui road.

Hearing Tian Lin's words, the look of longing on Jun Malu's face became stronger and stronger, and it was obvious that the person with the same name and surname attracted him, "It sounds great, if only I could do the same."

Then Junma Lu told Tianlin about his situation. It turned out that the reason why he had to wear a mask to participate in the Gorgeous Competition was because he did not want people, especially his mother, to recognize his identity, because his mother did not like Pokemon very much. He was never allowed to make contact with Pokémon.

"It turns out that people can't ignore their own family no matter what, but haven't you tried to argue with your mother, I believe your mother loves you, and if you want her to understand you, the premise is that you must express Make up your own mind." Tian Lin said.

"I, I don't dare, in front of her, I don't even have the courage to express my opinion. I once thought about going to her with a mask, but then I'm very worried. If she still disagrees, I will The identity of the masked messenger will also be exposed, and at that time, I really have no chance to touch Pokémon again." Junma Lu said bitterly, then changed the topic and began to complain, "I hate it. Mom, she doesn't like Pokémon herself, why doesn't she allow me to like it, and Dad, who is always submissive in front of Mom, never helps me fight, although he gave me the mask, but I know that It's just a means of escape."

"Hehe, so that's the case." Tian Lin heard this and didn't intend to care about it anymore, he turned and left.

"Wait, Mr. Tianlin, are you leaving?"

"Yeah, it's hard for an honest official to cut off housework. I can't care about your affairs and I don't want to care about it. From what I see, you don't seem to be qualified to participate in the gorgeous competition. As far as I know, the most basic thing to participate in the competition is self-confidence. You and your buddies, with your disguised image under your mask, no matter how strong you are, you still won't be able to get the ribbon medal." Tian Lin said with disdain.

"Why do you say that?"

"Isn't it, since I just heard that now, no matter your actions or words, there are only two kinds of images you can express, escape or complain, only the most important thing is to strive for, but you don't show it at all, you only say your mother I hate Pokémon and I won't allow you to contact them. Have you ever understood the real thoughts of your mother's heart? Why not let you contact me? Also, you said that your father won't fight for you, but the premise is that he will help you. , you have to fight for it yourself first. In my opinion, you have a good father, and even so, you can help you figure out a way to create the image of a masked messenger. If it is me, you will be too lazy to care about your unsatisfactory guy. "

After Tian Lin finished speaking, he walked straight to the Pokémon Center, and after another battle, he didn't plan to pass the Karu Tunnel today, it was more important to reply to Absol first.

Jun Malu looked at Tian Lin's back, leaving him alone in the wind, as if he was thinking about something.

-------Dividing line

Early the next morning, Tian Lin walked out of the Pokémon Center yawning, and three people walked towards him. One of them was Junma Lu. Beside him stood a middle-aged man and a fat woman. Presumably these two are his parents.

"Hello, Mr. Tianlin, I'm Junma Lu's father, this is my wife Jundai, we are here to thank you for what happened yesterday." The man stepped forward and said.

"Thank you?" Tian Lin asked suspiciously.

"Yes, after that kid came home yesterday, he actually revealed to his mother his identity as a masked messenger and his determination to participate in the gorgeous contest. I have been looking forward to him one day summoning this courage. ."

Last night, Junma Lu and his mother had a knee-deep talk. The mother and son finally resolved their misunderstandings for many years. Jundai actually loves her son very much, but sometimes her kindness cannot be correctly conveyed to Jun Maru. Maro will inherit her company in the future, so she is very concerned about Jun Maro's academic performance.The reason why Jundai does not allow Junmalu to contact Pokémon is not that she really hates Pokémon, but that she experienced something when she was young.

Jun Dai also owned a Pokémon when he was a child. It was a coyote. Jun 937 loved it very much, but because Jun Dai had to inherit his parents’ company and learned a lot of things, he was forced to leave it. She didn’t want to. Like her, Kimmaro suffered from the pain of parting with her favorite Pokémon.

But after Junmalu showed her determination last night, she also showed her a gorgeous performance to prove her strength, which reminded her of her past, and then understood Junmalu and allowed him to keep his grades intact. Continue to participate in the gorgeous contest.

"It's great, Junma Lu, shall I just say it, as long as you have the courage to understand each other with your mother, all problems will be solved." Tian Lin said with a smile after learning what happened.

"Thank you very much. If it wasn't for what you said yesterday, I wouldn't have been able to make up my mind." Jun Malu said with sincere gratitude.

"Mr. Tianlin, do you want to consider participating in the Gorgeous Tournament as well, I'm very much looking forward to playing against you again."

"You, do you want me to change careers?" Jun Ma Lu's unexpected words shocked Tian Lin, and he actually invited himself to change.

"It's not a transformation, but taking into account both the trainer and the coordinator. What you and I said yesterday made me think that you are actually very suitable for the gorgeous competition." , but after consideration.

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