"As I said, accepting the challenge is my duty as a gym trainer, and I'm very much looking forward to the day when you become stronger."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Qianli." Archie bowed respectfully, obviously, congratulations to Mr. Qianli for gaining another little fan brother.

Qianli turned around and left, just halfway through, when he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Tianlin, I will use the three Pokémon, Lazy Otter, Hyperactive Ape and Leave King in tomorrow's battle, remember to be prepared. ."

Before the game starts, reveal the Pokémon that you want to use, so that the opponent has enough time to prepare. I have to say, it is really a thousand miles of style, and it is somewhat similar to the hearty Dengeki old man.

......... 0

-------Dividing line

Early the next morning, Tianlin's Pokémon had recovered completely with the help of Miss Joy, and he was ready to challenge the gym's Pokémon.

"Little Duo, hyperactive monkey, martial arts bear master, I'll ask you all today!" In the courtyard of the Pokémon Center, Tian Lin was encouraging his friends.

'More', 'moving', 'bear'!

The three Pokémon each cried out, full of fighting spirit, cheering for themselves and Tian Lin.

"Very good, let's go!" Tian Lin took back the three Pokémon and walked straight to the Chenghua Taoist Hall.

The door of the Chenghua Taoist Hall was open, and it seemed that Tianlin was specially greeted. Tianlin walked to the opposite battlefield with familiarity. At this time, Qianli was standing on the side of the field with his eyes closed and his disciple Jin Zhi was standing in the referee's position. superior.

Hearing Tianlin's footsteps, Qianli opened his eyes, "It's finally here, Tianlin, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Mr. Qianli, come on, let's do our best to fight!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Then, the Gym trainer of the Orange Flower Gym versus the challenger Tian Lin, a three-on-three official match with badges as a bet..." Jin Zhi announced the rules of the game seasoned.

"It's my starter, let's go, lazy otter!"

"Little Duo, then please."

As Qianli said yesterday, the first one used the lazy otter, while Tianlin chose Dulong Messiah to fight the enemy, and the promised battle with Qianli finally officially started at this moment.

Chapter [*] Tianlin vs Qianli

"The battle begins!" Seeing that both sides were fully prepared, Jin Zhi raised the flag and announced.

"Little Duo, use the electromagnetic wave!" As a challenger, Tianlin will not waste his first attack opportunity. He has long thought of letting Xiao Duo deal with the lazy otter. This electromagnetic wave is for the purpose of learning at this moment. .

In this game, since Xiao Duo doesn't know the dragon skills yet, the unique moves of both sides are ineffective against each other, and everyone can only rely on other attribute skills to fight.

Xiao Duo released a burst of electromagnetic waves to paralyze the lazy otter, and then with his superior speed, he quickly evacuated without giving it a chance to counterattack.

"Don't try to escape, lazy otter, blizzard!"

What I didn't expect was that the lazy otter of Qianli actually knew the ice-type skills. Unlike Tianlin's focus on physical attacks, he was only on the dual-sword route. Gym test Pokémon specially cultivated for various moves.

There was a blizzard in the gym. Although it was not very violent, it was still uncomfortable for the dragon-type Dragon Messiah.

"Little Duo, stand up!" Tian Lin encouraged, as long as he resists this blow, Tian Lin has a very high chance of winning, because compared to the hyperactive ape and the king of leave, the weakness of the lazy otter is too great.

After all, Blizzard is not a skill of this department, and Lazy Otter's special attack is not high, even with attribute restraint, it is impossible to kill Xiaoduo with one blow.In the snowstorm, Xiao Duo's figure floating in the air did not fall at all.

"Very good, lazy otter, now use the bite, two bursts!" At this time, Tian Lin can finally order without hesitation, because after the attack, lazy otter will inevitably fall into a state of laziness affected by his own characteristics.

Dolong Messia usually does battle training with Lazy Otter. It also knows that this is the best opportunity to attack. The first bite, it bites Lazy Otter on the left arm, and the second bite is on the right wrist. .

Looking at the small mouth of Dolong Messia, it is obviously not scary, but in the eyes of the lazy otter at this time, it is no different from the big mouth of blood, and it can't help but make it feel afraid.

"Lazy otter, continue to blow out the blizzard!" Qianli shouted.

It's a pity that Lazy Rex's heart trembled, looking at Xiao Duo who opened his mouth to it again, he actually reached out and covered his eyes.This is an additional effect of biting the ultimate move, which is a flinching state.

"Very good, Xiao Duo, continue to bite!"

In this game, apart from the first wave of electromagnetic waves, Tian Lin did not intend to use any other skills, that is, to bite his mouth to the end, Leibo's [*]% flinched state or [*]% paralysis. trigger.

This probability may not seem high, but don't forget, after the lazy otter attacked, there is still a [*]% lazy state. It was originally just a double blockade of paralysis and fear, plus its own negative characteristics, it is a perfect three blockade , On the whole, the chance of Lazy Rex being able to attack continuously in four rounds is actually only [*]%.

If you meet an African chief, the probability is not much different from zero.

After a while, Lazy Rex fell to the ground covered in tooth marks. Although Xiao Duo spent a lot of physical strength, he did not suffer too much damage, so he won the first game without a fight.

"Yes, come back, Lazy Rex!" Qianli calmly took back Lazy Rex. He was not surprised that Tian Lin easily passed the first round, let alone Tian Lin, many trainers can do this. , After all, the shortcomings of the lazy otter are too obvious. Its own racial ability value is not high, and it is dragged down by lazy characteristics. It can be said that it is one of the most useless Pokemon in the world.

And the real purpose of Qianli is the second one.

"Go into battle, hyperactive ape!"

"Move!" Different from the lazy otter, the hyperkinetic ape slapped his chest like a gorilla when he appeared on the field, and looked extremely enthusiastic. Qianli's sudden change of fighting style often made those who were accustomed to the first lazy otter style. The trainer was very uncomfortable, and was caught off guard by the hyperactive monkey.

Judging from the video, Archie, the boy in shorts, was defeated here.But this is useless to Tian Lin. When training, Tian Lin has long been accustomed to using Chirulian's characteristic exchange.

"Come back, Xiao Duo!" Tian Lin replaced him without hesitation. The current Duolong Messiah could not be the opponent of the hyperactive ape. "You should also go into battle, the hyperactive ape."

The second battle at the Orange Flower Gym suddenly turned into a civil war between hyperactive monkeys.

"Is this the lazy otter last time? I didn't expect you to cultivate it so well in such a short period of time. I'm curious, what method did you use?" Qianli wondered, logically speaking, the first The lazy otter in the stage is the most difficult to cultivate. The training level of the three days of fishing and two days of netting and the weak strength make its progress extremely slow.  …

"Mr. Qianli, about this, I will discuss it with you later. Now let's have a good fight,"

"Okay, hyperactive ape, use the split." Qianli ordered.

"Hyperactive ape, let's split it too!"

On the field, the sharp claws of the two hyperactive apes collided with each other, making a ding ding sound.

"Then it's a sneak attack!"

"We also resorted to attacking key points."

This time, it was a battle between the key points of the assassination.

In the continuous replacement of splitting and attacking the key points, the gap was very obvious at the beginning. Tianlin's hyperactive ape was at a disadvantage. It couldn't keep up with the opponent's movements at all, and only barely parried.

But as time went by, not to mention the upper hand, he gradually fought back and forth with the one who was thousands of miles away.

"It's always the same move, Tianlin, are you feeding my hyperactive ape?" Qianli said.

"You can see it, Mr. Qianli, after all, mine has just evolved, and yours is an old senior, with hundreds of battles and rich combat experience, such a good opportunity, how can I not let the hyperactivity ape Study hard?" Tianlin replied.

 3.9 "Then it's up to you how to deal with this move, hyperactive ape, use True Qi fist!" Qianli saw this directly and took out his most powerful move, intending to decide the winner in one fell swoop, even if Tian Lin used the same The ultimate skill of Tianlin is also useless, strength is not as good as skill, no matter how high the aptitude is, it takes a lot of hard work to improve. Tianlin's current hyperactive ape is always inferior in terms of strength, and there is no chance of winning.

"Hehe, it's finally here, this move, Mr. Qianli, I won this game!" But at this time, Tian Lin's eyes flashed with confidence, and he would be at a disadvantage in his own hyperactive ape strength. How could he not know that, in order to make up for the disadvantage, Tian Lin had already thought of a tactic, and the key point of the tactic was whether Qianli would use the True Qi Fist.

At this moment, the outcome is decided.

Chapter [*]: Tianlin who masters the overall situation

"Won it? You are really confident, let's see how you take my True Qi Fist!"

"Mr. Qianli, of course I won't be foolish to hit hard. Hyperactive ape, pull away and use it again!" Tian Lin gave an order, and the hyperactive ape jumped to the edge of the field and swollen his palms, a strange wave covered Affected by this, the hyperactive ape who lived in a thousand miles can only use the true qi fist for the next period of time.

Infuriating Fist is a skill that requires qi gathering. Once attacked during the gathering process, the ultimate move will fail. As long as Tianlin keeps attacking after that, it means that the hyperkinetic monkey has been completely abolished.

But this tactic still has a weakness, that is, the abolition of the hyperactive monkey is also the next move. Since Tianlin's next attack this round is not an attacking trick, the opponent's infuriating fist has been gathered.

Although True Qi Fist is a trick to gather qi first and then attack, it is not actually a power-charging move, and the time for gathering qi is very short.

Because of 08, in order to cope with this, Tianlin needs to move as far away as possible to ensure that the leave king who has completed the gathering of qi runs over and attacks the ape, and it can successfully use another one. Trick to cooperate.

"Do you want to abolish my hyperkinetic ape action? Come on, hyperkinetic monkey!" Of course Qianli understood Tian Lin's thoughts, but he was confident in his Pokémon enough to defeat his opponent with one blow.

Qianli's hyperactive ape raised his fist and rushed towards Tianlin in a galloping momentum.

"Hyperkinetic ape, right now, use it to hold on!" Tian Lin shouted loudly, and the hyperkinetic ape crossed his hands to resist this unparalleled punch head-on.

Holding on to this trick is a trick that can retain at least a trace of physical strength without being killed by a single blow, no matter how powerful the opponent's move is. Tian Lin used this to force it down.

And Tianlin's hyperactive ape holding up also means that his tactics have been successfully completed. After another one and two moves, he actually has a third move. These three unique moves are enough to defeat Qianli. The nirvana combo technique.

"Counterattack, hyperactive ape, come back to life!" Tianlin ordered, his third skill is this one move, the less stamina left, the more powerful the skill, and now there is only a trace of hyperactive ape left. This move has far surpassed the true qi fist.

'Bang' Tianlin's hyperkinetic ape smashed the opponent with a punch. Because of the difference in strength, he didn't win with a single blow, but it didn't matter, because the opponent started to gather qi again, and it can only use the true qi punch now. Unfortunately, as long as Tianlin keeps attacking, it will never have the opportunity to gather Qi.

The hyperkinetic monkey has been abolished, and Qianli, who is the owner of the museum, has no right to replace. In this game, he has no hope of turning defeat into victory.

"Hey, I lost. I didn't expect my strongest trick to be used as a weapon against me by my opponent." Qianli sighed.

"Mr. Qianli, strength is a double-edged sword, and the strength possessed by the strong can sometimes become their shackles. I know this very well, so for powerful tricks, I never blindly pursue them. Even if my Pokémon evolves to the final stage, I often keep it." Tian Lin said with a smile.

On the field, Hyperkinetic Ape was once again brought back to life with one blow. Even if the difference in strength was large, it would be difficult for ordinary Pokémon to catch two shots of ultimate power. The victory of the second round.

"Mr. Qianli's Pokémon loses its ability to fight, and the challenger Tianlin's hyperkinetic monkey wins!" Jin Zhi judged.

"Come back, Hyperactive Ape, you have worked hard, the reason for the loss is me, the opponent can defeat the strong with the weak, which proves that Tianlin may already be above me in terms of the strength of the trainer. It is hard to imagine that this is actually just a A trainer who has only traveled for more than two years." Qianli was a little emotional, they are considered to be many geniuses in the Fengyuan area, but there has never been a guy like Tianlin, which is really amazing.

"Tianlin, I'm the last guy. If you win it, the balance badge will be yours. Go, ask for leave!" Qianli finally sent his ace Pokémon, of course, it was only the ace in the gym test. Only mid-level Heavenly Kings are allowed to ask for leave, but that is their comprehensive strength under the drag of their lazy characteristics, and their true explosive power is not inferior to any quasi-God-level Pokémon at the peak of the quasi-kings.

"Ask for leave, this guy can't be underestimated." Tian Lin murmured.

"Please leave the king, use the jet flame!"

Another double-knife-style leave king, because now the power of the ape to come back to life is extremely amazing, Qianli does not intend to face it head-on, even if the leave king can win, he will suffer some injuries if he can't. Attacking is indeed the most correct choice, because the hyperkinetic ape is a state of being knocked down.

It's a pity that Qianli seems to have overlooked a very important point.

"Mr. Qianli, have you forgotten what I said before, what I said was that I won this game, not just the one against the over-the-top ape." Tian Lin said.

"Hyperactive ape, use it again to hold on!"

The hyperkinetic monkey had to cross his hands again to defend against the jet flame.

After a single blow, the king of leave's lazy characteristics flared up, lying on the ground too lazy to move.

Compared with the hyperactive ape, Tianlin said that in the singles environment, the laziness of the king of leave, the scope of operation is really too large.

"Hyperactive ape, then continue to use the dead to come back to life!"

940 Hyperactive Ape attacked with all his strength and punched the King of Leave with one punch. Even with a huge level difference, facing this powerful fighting system, the King of Leave was not lightly injured.

"What do you think will happen next, Mr. Qianli?" Tian Lin asked with a smile.

Thousands of miles of cold sweat, as the owner of the gym, he is certainly not an idiot. As soon as Tian Lin's action just came out, he knew that he was indeed lost.

"Next, although the king of leave can attack, the hyperkinetic monkey will try to stand up again to ensure that he is not knocked down, and then take advantage of the opportunity of the king of leave to be lazy to fight back with resurrection, and then hold on again, it's an infinite loop! Qianli said to himself that his favorite leave king, who has the trump card that surpasses the power of quasi-gods, is suppressed by Tianlin and has no power to fight back.

"I won't admit defeat, please leave the king and use the jet flame again!" Qianli shouted.

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