This Pokémon is the final evolution of the Big Jaw Ant, the Desert Dragonfly.

Chapter [*]: Combo Flow Martial Arts Master Bear

Desert Dragonfly, Mysterious Pokémon, Ground-type and Dragon-type, floating feature, frank personality (balanced personality), height 2.2m, weight 83kg, good qualifications, quasi-king potential, current strength gym-level high-level, with skills: Dragon Claws, Earthquakes, Rockslides, Jet Flames, Signal Rays, Meteor Swarms.

"System, do you have any misunderstanding about the low level?" Tian Lin asked involuntarily, looking at the information on the desert dragonfly.

"Ahem, host, I'm comparing it to your total strength. A mere gym-level high-level Pokémon is really nothing to you, right?"

"But it's a nightmare for the current apprentice Xiong, you bastard."

While Tianlin was talking, the desert dragonfly would not wait foolishly, and immediately launched an attack, with a shot of flames.

"Apprentice Xiong, use split tiles!"

Apprentice Xiong split the flames attacking it with his knife. In this battle, under the huge gap in strength, Tianlin's only advantage is the terrain. In the tower, due to the small space, the larger desert dragonfly is inconvenient to move. , it is difficult to play the aerial combat that it is good at, and skills such as earthquakes, rock avalanches, and meteor swarms will destroy the tower in minutes, and it will not use it as a tower guard.

"But the odds of winning are still not high!" After analyzing all the pros and cons, Tian Lin still sighed helplessly.

"Host, you are fascinated by the authorities. This time the tower breakout is slightly different from the official tower breakout on Kai Island. The gatekeepers are not trainers, but wild Pokémon!" The system reminded.

"Wild Pokemon? Yes, apprentice Xiong, use the flame fist!" Tianlin ordered, Tianlin gave the three-fist skill machine from Ah Yin back to the giant gold monster very early, and This fire fist was handed over to Apprentice Xiong not long ago.

The Fire Fist may not be effective against the Dragon-type Desert Dragonfly, but Tian Lin is betting on the additional effect of its burn.

"Bear!" Apprentice Xiong continuously swiped flame fists with both hands. Ever since Tianlin thought about its evolution direction, when nurturing Apprentice Bear, he paid great attention to its punching speed.

After all, the difference between the one-shot flow and the combo flow is that one is a heavy punch and the other is a quick punch.Fast is the most important thing for a combo stream.

The continuous flame punches hit the desert dragonfly. In this floor less than 3 meters, its huge body of more than 2 meters has become a drag. Not only can it not be used casually, but it is quite inconvenient to avoid attacks.

Desert Dragonfly can only use jet flames to continuously interfere, after all, another trick, signal light, does little damage to Apprentice Bear.

Another flame struck, and Apprentice Xiong escaped with a shovel and came directly under the desert dragonfly, and then the flame fist hit the core.

A scorching sensation spread from the desert dragonfly. Seeing this, Tian Lin breathed a sigh of relief. If he continued to fight like this, Apprentice Xiong would definitely lose. It must be lost. It can escape the jet flame of one and two shots, but five shots and six shots, after all, the gap between the strengths of the two sides is really too big.

Now that the desert dragonfly is burning, everything will be fine. Even if Apprentice Bear still has no chance of winning, it doesn't need to fight.

"Go, high-level ball 々"!" Tian Lin threw the high-level ball and took the desert dragonfly back. The system reminded him that the tower guard here is a wild Pokémon, so he doesn't have to be knocked down. a way.

The advanced ball swayed three times and successfully captured the desert dragonfly.

Tianlin stepped forward to pick up the high-level ball. Soon, the ball disappeared in his hands. He did not reset the Pokémon that he sent back. This desert dragonfly has a good combat power, but its growth limit is really not high. It will definitely not become the absolute main force of Tianlin, but even so, Tianlin will not give up it. Since it has been subdued, it is necessary to take good care of it, but Tianlin feels that instead of following himself, it is better to let the research institute have reached It's better if the friends of the Tianwang class help to exercise it.

If it can break through to the quasi-king stage, in the Fengyuan Alliance, Tianlin will definitely make it perform well.

"Okay, all the tests are done, apprentice Xiong, let's go, it's time for you to evolve." Tian Lin led apprentice Xiong forward, and apprentice Xiong went over to check the hanging scroll of water.

Immediately, a stream of energy like gurgling water poured into Apprentice Bear's body, and then turned into a wave to completely cover it.

The light of evolution began to flicker, and apprentice Xiong gradually grew in size in the light, white patterns appeared on the head, and the headband-like body hair was drooping forward.Standing on one foot with gentle movements, it gives people the feeling of a martial arts master.This is the martial arts bear master of the combo flow.

Different from the tough one-strike-style, the battering-style martial arts bear master has a calm and calm personality, and can spy on the opponent's movements while avoiding hostility, test the opponent's strength, and finally use a wave-like continuous move to knock him down.

"Martialist Bear Master (Combo Flow), male, boxing magic Pokémon, attribute fighting type plus water type, characteristic invisible fist, stubborn character (adding attack and deceleration speed), height 2.3m, weight 106kg, supreme qualification, super champion Potential, the current strength is the first-level quasi-king, with skills: bodybuilding, flame fist, water flow, water jet, close fist, swallow return, head hammer, digging, see through."

"'" This skill group is really rich, and it is about to catch up with Yuji's fast dragon. It is indeed one of the legendary Pokémon. "Tianlin said very satisfied.

At this moment, the entire tower began to shake, because the evolution had been completed, the one-time effect of the item card had passed, and the tower was about to disappear. Then it landed smoothly, worthy of being a combo flow, and the control of power is really excellent. If it was replaced by a one-shot flow, it must be a heavy force, and the sand and soil of the ground shaking would fly up.

The Water Tower disappeared, but it did not change back to the original Phantom Tower, but completely disappeared from the sight of Tianlin. No wonder it is the tower known as the Phantom. Its help to Tianlin has been completed, and now it should be Waiting for the next lucky person to pick up the fossils on the tower.

(promise well)

Tianlin didn't stay in the desert any longer, he went back along the original road, and soon returned to Route 111.Then walk in the direction of Viola City.

On the way, Tianlin passed through a valley of steel, where there are all steel-type Pokémon, just for the newly evolved martial arts master bear to practice his skills, it directly hit the entire valley of steel, including the leader of the big steel. The snake also fought a good fight. The continuous battle made the martial arts master bear quickly adapt to the new body after evolution.

"Thank you for your training in the past few days, then let's go!" Tian Lin thanked the steel-type Pokémon behind him in front of the Valley of Steel.

The Pokémon are full of black lines. You call that sparring. It’s clear that we were beaten unilaterally. Finally, this evil star has left, and the Valley of Steel will definitely return to its former calm.

It's a pity that they were too happy. Soon, there will be a coal turtle and a hot-blooded Xiaozhi here, and the chaos here will be turned upside down again.

Chapter [*]: Ayako's Legendary Coordination Trainer

After leaving the Valley of Steel, Tianlin passed through Zijin City again, and then walked towards Luyin Town on Route 117. This time, Tianlin planned to return to Kanaz City through the Kalu Tunnel.

Before, Tianlin had to take a detour due to the blockage of falling rocks. President Zvqi once said that he would contact the people from the alliance to deal with it. It must have been cleared by this time.

What Tian Lin didn't expect was that there were surprisingly many trainers on Route 114, and they were very committed to the principle that eye contact is the signal of the battle. It just so happened that Tian Lin was not in a hurry now, so he played almost every time.

There were also a few full battles, and by the time he arrived at the town in front of Green Shade Town, the Pokémon on him were almost exhausted.

The town is called Futaba Town. Of course, this Futaba is not the other, and it has nothing to do with Xiaoguang's hometown in the Shenao area, but it just happens to have the same name.

"Why can't I find a Pokémon Center in this town?" Tian Lin circled around, but he never found the Pokémon Center and Miss Joy. He was more anxious, because the Pokémon on his body was damaged by the repeated battles. Dreams need conditioning and rest.

"Young man, are you looking for a Pokémon Center? Then you should give up. Our Futaba Town is just a small town, and there is no Pokémon Center." Hearing Tian Lin's muttering to himself, he was kind-hearted. The townspeople stepped forward and reminded.

"No, what if the Pokémon in the town is injured or sick?" Tian Lin wondered.

"Although we don't have a Pokémon center in our town, there is a clinic where the proprietress, Miss Ayako's craftsmanship is not inferior to Miss Joy, and she is also a beautiful woman. You can go and have a look."

"Thank you for your suggestion, then I'll go take a look!" Following the direction pointed by the townspeople, Tian Lin walked towards the clinic.

The clinic is not big, and there are bursts of shouts from time to time. Listening to the sound, it should be Haoli, and this sound is painful and happy.

Tian Lin was waiting at the door, and after a while, a Haoli walked out from the inside with a relaxed face, twisting his arms from time to time, and his expression was very comfortable.

"How does this clinic feel like this..." Tian Lin's head was full of black lines, the beautiful lady boss, plus the strange voice, combined with the relaxed expression after Hao Li came out, how could he be so dirty.

"Is there another guest here, welcome!" A nice female voice came from inside, and then walked out slowly.

The townspeople didn't lie, the person who came was a beautiful woman with green hair, double ponytails, and a white coat.

"Well, are you Miss Ayako? My name is Tianlin. My Pokémon are tired from fighting, can you take care of them?" Tianlin asked.

"Of course, please come in." Ayako smiled and welcomed Tianlin in.

At this moment, under the shade of a big tree outside the clinic, a figure secretly watched the clinic, and his eyes moved slightly when he saw Tianlin entering.

"Anyone peeping?" Tian Lin, who had five keen senses, noticed it immediately. He kept calm, and wanted to know what the purpose of the person was. Was it aimed at him or this Doctor Ayako?So there was no sound.

In the clinic, Tian Lin released all the Pokémon on his body, only then did he know that he was really thinking wrong, this clinic is very normal.

The treatment method here is somewhat similar to traditional Chinese medicine. It is treated by stimulating the acupoints of Pokémon to help Pokémon restore physical strength.

It's no wonder that the previous Haoli made that painful and happy sound.

"Mr. Tianlin, your Pokémon have been cultivated very well, and your body is also very healthy. It's just that you have been letting them fight recently. Except for Absol, others seem to be rather tired."

Ayako's eyes are sharp, but after a general observation of the Pokémon's body, he can analyze the actual situation. Indeed, except for Absol, who has the power of a quasi-king of heaven, all other Pokémon are Tianlin's. Focus on training objects.

"Miss Ayako, you're right (aidj), but apart from fighting, I take care of their usual diet and rest, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"Don't worry, there's no problem. I just remind you not to make your partner work too hard. Now I'll give them a good massage on their acupuncture points, and take a night's rest to get rid of fatigue and return to their best condition."

Ayako breathed a sigh of relief after speaking. He thought that his training during this period of time had caused some hidden injuries to his partners.

Ayako carefully massaged the acupoints for the Pokémon, while Tian Lin sat quietly waiting. At this time, he noticed that there was a large championship trophy in the cabinet by the wall.

"This is the championship trophy of the gorgeous competition? Miss Ayako, you are actually a top coordination trainer!" Tian Lin was surprised.

"Haha, that's all in the past. Now, I have given up on being a coordinator and concentrated on becoming a Pokémon doctor." Ayako told Tianlin about the past while massaging.

Once, at the beginning of the gorgeous competition, she and her Xiangwei Miao won the competition championship with their beautiful performances and amazing strength, and were known as the legendary coordination trainers. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. During the trip, she saw the real vastness of the world.

It was a red-haired, cloaked trainer who used dragon-type Pokémon. Ayako fought against him. As a result, Xiangwei Miao was severely injured by the opponent's desert dragonfly and fell off a cliff.

Fortunately, she was lucky and got the help of a doctor named Yitian, and Xiangwei Miao was able to recover. Therefore, she admired Dr. Yitian very much, and became his apprentice, accepting his advice until she was able to stand on her own and become an official treasure. Doctor Dream.

"Red hair, wearing a cloak, and using a dragon-type Pokémon, this image is very familiar." Tian Lin tilted his head and thought, "Miss Ayako, the trainer who defeated you is Mr. Du, right?"

Hearing Du's name, Ling Zi's movements stagnated, which undoubtedly showed that Tian Lin's guess was correct.

"Do you hate him? If it wasn't for Mr. Du, maybe you were still active in the gorgeous competition venue." Tian Lin asked.

"At first, it was a little bit, but now I've fully invested in my new career. Without him, I wouldn't be a Pokémon doctor. From this point of view, I should thank him instead." Ayako said with a relieved smile. .

"Did you hear, Mr. Du, Miss Ayako is not angry with you, do you still want to peep outside?" Tian Lin suddenly called out, he had already recognized the wave guide of the silhouette who had been spying outside. Dragon messenger, cross.

Four hundred and seventieth eight chapters crossing and Ayako

Hearing Tianlin's voice, Du outside knew that his whereabouts had been exposed, and no longer hid himself, opened the door, and walked in.

"Tianlin, long time no see, and Miss Ayako, you... hello!"

There was something wrong with Mr. Du, Tian Lin thought, when he greeted him so naturally, he stammered when he saw this Ayako.

"Mr. Du, you're here. In fact, I'm really fine. You don't have to come and visit me all the time because of guilt." Ayako said, listening to her tone, Du came here ~ not once or twice.

But what the girl said and what she thought were often two different things. Tian Lin could clearly hear that, because of Du's arrival, Ayako's tone was a bit joyful.

"No, in fact, I have a very important task at hand. I came here just for the occasion. I wanted to see you and left, and I won't disturb your work." Du hurriedly waved his hand.

"Really, it turned out to be by the way, so please do it!" Hearing this, Ayako's tone immediately became gloomy.

Tian Lin is speechless, Mr. Du, the strength of your trainer is inversely proportional to your emotional intelligence in chasing girls. Even if it’s just a matter of the way, even if you use deceit when you talk to her, it should be said that it’s a special trip. Her, it's better to buy a small gift or something, so that the girl will feel that you value her.

Tian Lin can see that, Du must have a good impression of Ayako. At first, he may just come to see her often because of guilt. Du is always concerned about Du, and Ayako is not completely indifferent to Du, after all Du is handsome and powerful, and sometimes a little cute, but unfortunately Du's emotional intelligence is completely on par with Xiao Zhi's, and she deserves to be single.

"Mr. Du, you are the Kanto Heavenly King and the Chengdu Champion. What's going on in the Guanfengyuan area? There are two champions, Dawu and Mikri, here. You don't need to make excuses because you are embarrassed. I think you came here specially. See Miss Ayako." Tian Lin smiled at the two of them, willing to help.

Hearing Tian Lin's words, Ayako's eyes were filled with hope, hoping to hear a positive answer from Du's mouth, but unfortunately Du didn't seem to understand Tian Lin's painstaking efforts at all.

"No, in fact, because Dago has already stepped down as the champion, and Mikri is currently holding the Mikri Cup in another area, it just so happens that there are very important events in the Hoenn area during this time. I came here specifically to assist, Tianlin, you are here, I just happened to be able to discuss it with you..." Dubbala went a lot, and heard that Tianlin was covered in black lines, this guy is helpless, Even if you really have something to do, do you need to be in such a hurry now? Who knows that the two major champions of Fengyuan never do their jobs properly. If you want to replace yourself with so much business, you will definitely put the beautiful girl on the side away first.

"You two have something to talk about elsewhere, I still have business, Mr. Tianlin, all your Pokémon have been restored, thank you for your patronage!" Because Du's thoughts at this time are actually all on Tianlin , Ayako's face became more and more ugly, and she even ordered Tianlin to be expelled.This is clearly because he is being ignored and jealous.

It's really bad for Chiyu, Tian Lin sighed silently, how to stay single when the two are happy, it's you two guys.

"Well, Tianlin, then let's not disturb Miss Ayako's business, let's go out and talk." Du said blankly.

Tian Lin could only helplessly follow Du and walked out, he was too difficult, Du really couldn't take him.

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