Kirachi radiated white light all over his body, and the power of wishing was exerted to the extreme. A circular disc was slowly condensed in the light and flew to Tianlin's side.

"This is?" Looking at the thing in his hand, Tian Lin immediately called out the system.

"The one-time skill machine of Broken Wish, except for the giant move and the Z move, the most profound meaning of the steel system, this is the exclusive skill of Kiraqi, formed with the power of Kiraqi's wish, the host can take advantage of this skill machine Let any Steel-type Pokémon learn this trick."

It was actually a broken wish, Tian Lin looked at Kiraqi gratefully and said, "Thank you!"

"I'm going to sleep, everyone, see you in the next millennium, we will always be good friends!" Finally, in the tears of everyone, Kirachi turned into a crystal again, sank into the ground, and began to sleep for another millennium.

Farns spread out a circle of green halo.

The Millennium Comet is gone, but the event isn't over yet.

"Butler, you belong to the Lava Team, right? I'm the Alliance Special Investigator Tian Lin. I'm going to arrest you now for violating the Pokémon Protection Law and for creating monsters and destroying the ecological environment. If you want to resist, you will be arrested. I will never show mercy." Tian Lin walked up to Butler and said.

"No, please, don't arrest Butler!" Diane stood in front of Butler and knelt down and pleaded.

"Diane, it doesn't matter, I should admit that I did something wrong. I am willing to go with him, but I just promised you that I will never leave you for the rest of my life, but I didn't expect to miss the appointment immediately!" Butler said bitterly.

"Tianlin, let's not forget it, Butler has already changed his mind, and he is still desperate to help us deal with the monster at the end. Although the cause of this incident is all because of him, isn't everything going well now?" Xiaozhi said.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"Yeah, Tianlin, Miss Diane and Butler finally got together, don't break them up again, okay!" As a girl, Xiaoyao is always more emotional, and can't bear to see a lover facing the pain of separation.

"Everything is fine? You don't know, because of him, Jirachi has lost a large part of the thousand-year-old power accumulated. Although Jirachi just injected the remaining power into the earth, it is impossible to be the same as usual. It will last for a thousand years, according to my estimation, at most a hundred years, the Faens that has lost its power will become a barren land." Tian Lin said solemnly, if the evil aura that just rolled up most of Kirachi's power to escape is directly The reason, that Butler is the root cause, Tian Lin will not let him easily expose it.

"What, how could this be?" Xiao Zhi and others had nothing to say. If what Tian Lin said was true, then Butler was indeed guilty.


"Butler, prepare yourself mentally, your sentence will not be less than a hundred years."

Tian Lin's words made Diane fall into despair. For a hundred years, doesn't that mean that she and Butler will never see each other for the rest of their lives?

"I'm willing to share half of Butler's guilt, please take it lightly." Diane cried and begged.

"Diane, this matter has nothing to do with you, I know you are Butler's lover, but right is right, wrong is wrong, there is no blame, but you have helped Xiao Zhi and others, and I have an appointment as a special investigator The power of subordinates, are you willing to join the alliance and become my subordinate? Maybe so, you will still have a chance to meet Butler."

"Okay, as long as I can see Butler, from now on, I will be loyal to you wholeheartedly."

"Diane, don't do this, I'm not afraid of being punished, but I don't want you to lose your freedom." Butler helped Diane and said reluctantly.

"Tianlin, your heart is too cruel!" Xiaoyao said angrily looking at this scene.

"Cold-blooded man, hum!" Xiao Sheng also curled his lips. He couldn't believe that the trainer he admired the most was not reasonable at all.

Tianlin ignored the two and continued: "Okay, originally I should report to the alliance, and the alliance will convict you, but for the sake of your final reform, I will not report it and will sentence you privately as a searcher. , sentence you to one hundred years of hard labor, in Faens, if there is no amnesty from me, you will not leave Faens for a hundred years, watcher, Diane!" mouth.

Chapter [*]: Leaving Farnes to conquer Absolu

"What, sentenced to Faens?" When they heard Tianlin's words, everyone was suddenly surprised. Faens is a big forest, and it's not only a few square meters of cells, can this be called prison?

Moreover, the watcher is still Diane, and Tian Lin clearly wants to fulfill the two.

Tian Lin sighed. In fact, as a special investigator, he is not a judge and has no power to impose sentences. To do so has seriously violated the regulations of the alliance. However, he still wants to make an atonement for Butler on his own initiative. Chance.

"Butler, you should know that my statement that this forest is only a hundred years old is true, but that means that when the power left by Kirachi is naturally exhausted, the earth can be rejuvenated, except for treasures. In addition to the ability of Kemeng, there is another way, and that is the power of our own human beings, I want you to protect this forest well in the rest of your life, so as to atone for today's sins." Tian Lin said.

"Thank you very much, I understand!" Butler solemnly agreed, this is the best sentence for him, he originally meant redemption, and now he can stay here with Diane for the rest of his life, What else could he be dissatisfied with.

"People can come back again. Since human beings claim to be the spirit of all things, let's take a look at the power beyond Pokémon. Butler, if I am still alive in a hundred years, when I come to Farns again , hope to see it still alive and well, and I wish you and Diane happiness."

"Thank you!" Diane and Butler sincerely thanked, and they embraced each other. From now on, this will be their home.

The next day, Tian Lin, Xiao Zhi and others were about to leave Farnes, but Butler and Diane saw them off until they reached a hill.

"Okay, I can only send it here, and then I will leave Faens. I still have a sentence in prison, and I can't leave here for a hundred years!" Butler laughed.

"Damn, I'm so envious!" Xiaogang bit his lower lip and spent a hundred years with the more beautiful Miss Diane in the beautiful Farnes. He wanted this punishment.

On the other side, sisters Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng are constantly trying to please Tianlin. They scolded Tianlin last night. Now they know they have misunderstood, they keep apologizing.

"Didn't you say I'm ruthless and cold-blooded? It's better not to approach me! It hurts my heart to be so misunderstood by my friends!" Tian Lin sighed while covering his heart.

"Haha, have we said it before? You must have heard it wrong, right, Xiaosheng."

"Yes, yes, Brother Tianlin has always been my idol. Whoever said that you are cold-blooded and I am anxious."

These two goods are worthy of being brothers and sisters, and they look exactly the same.

In fact, Tianlin wasn't really angry either. Seeing their sincere admission of wrongdoing, he generously forgave them.

Everyone said goodbye to Butler and Diane, and left Farnes. Xiao Zhi currently has three badges in his hand, and is now rushing to Fuyan Town to get the fourth one, while Tianlin will go back to Chenghua City to challenge Mr. Qianli, two People went in completely opposite directions, so they soon parted ways, each completing their own travels.

After Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi separated, they just walked two steps, and was blocked by a Pokémon, still the white figure, Absol.

"It's you again, there won't be any trouble to ask me for help, right?" Tian Lin said uneasy. Absolu's initiative to find someone has never been a good thing. The name of the disaster beast is not for nothing.

"Abo!" Absol shook his head and looked at Tianlin's pocket.

"You are, want to go with me?" Tian Lin asked with a feeling.

Absolu nodded again, the purpose of its coming to Farnes is to protect Kiraqi, now Kiraqi is sleeping again, its task has been completed, now, it wants to see the outside world, but it knows , with its identity as a disaster beast, it will not be welcomed wherever it goes, only the person in front of it can fully understand and accept itself.

"Haha, I can't ask for it, be my partner, Absol!" Tian Lin threw out the Poké Ball and successfully subdued Absol. At this moment, the Pokémon on him has reached seven even if Latias is not included. Only, as a replacement, he temporarily teleported Bosco Dora back. Compared to Bosco Dora, whose combat power had already been formed, his other Pokémon needed to be trained by his side.

After the subjugation was completed, Tian Lin immediately probed the information of this Absol.

Absolu, Calamity Pokémon, evil type, super lucky trait, naive character (acceleration reduces special defense), height 1.5m, weight 48kg, supreme qualification, champion-level potential, the current strength is the first-level quasi-king, with skills: Raid, Song of Destruction, Sword Dance, Provocation, Assault on Key Points, Spirit Blade, Big Character Explosion 0 ........

"It's not bad, even the big characters will explode. If I knew I would subdue you, I should have kept the super evolution stone." Tian Lin missed the Absol evolution stone he got before, but unfortunately it has been given. I can think of another way later.

Tian Lin is very happy to take in his new partner. He usually trains while on the road. The main training objects these days are Lazy Rex, Xiao Duo and Apprentice Xiong.

The battle at the Chenghua Gym is not as good as the battle at the Fuyan Gym, because Mu La is the closing battle, and the opponent is Tian Lin, who is the same as him. If he takes out the Pokémon captured by Feng Yuan, then he will only use the Pokémon that he usually tests with ordinary trainers, so he doesn't have to worry about the appearance of the King of Heaven.

The first-order evolution of Lazy Otter does not require a lot of experience. Since he found out its training method, its progress has been very fast. Tianlin intends to let it participate in the battle of Chenghua Taoist Hall to find opportunities for evolution.

And apprentice Xiong, it is the absolute main force in the fighting department, and its level is not low, Tianlin wants to let it evolve.

Apprentice Xiong belongs to branch evolution. Its evolution method is to look at the scrolls hanging on the double fist tower of Kaidao, but Tianlin can't go to Kaidao specifically, so he asked System 3.9, if he can change the card by means of evolution props Turn the tower out.

The system's answer is that although it is possible, it cannot be conjured out of thin air. Tianlin must first find a tower, and then use evolutionary props to transform it into a tower of evil or a tower of water.

The tower is easy to find. Many seaside cities have lighthouses, but he can't change the tower like magic in front of everyone. I came to the No. 111 road above Zijin City, where it can lead to a desert. It is rumored that there is a phantom tower in the desert, and those who are destined can meet.

Tian Lin knew that the rumor was true. On the tower, there were still two stones, a fossil claw and a fossil root, but Tian Lin's goal was not them.

Chapter [*]: Climbing the Tower

Just as Tianlin stepped into the desert, at this moment in Team Rocket's secret room, Shadow was retreating and practicing.

The day before yesterday, the power he released wrapped most of the thousand-year-old power of Jirachi and flew back. The original guardian power, because it was transformed into an earth monster, became an extremely pure evil power. At this moment, it was all absorbed by the shadows.

"Hahaha, such a pure power, it almost made me recover more than [*]% of my strength in the heyday." Shadow clenched his fists with excitement on his face. Before that, it was just an empty shell and had no self-protection power at all. I was afraid. It was discovered by the first-level gods of Howang Lugia and died without a place to be buried.

Although it has less than [*]% of its power now, it is still not the opponent of Ho-oh and the others. After that, his plan still needs to be completed by using Gilrota or Bishas as before. He can't show his face easily. But the return of strength is always a good sign for him.

"Shadow, it looks like you can get out!" Sakagi noticed the movement in the secret room and walked in and said.

"That's right, Sakagi, this time I have gained a lot from 08, and our cooperation can be further carried out. Here's to you!" Shadow waved his hand and condensed a pure evil force, which turned into a black ball and flew to the ground. On the palm of Sakagi.

"The power in this can greatly enhance the strength of ordinary Pokémon, of course, at the cost of sacrificing life and sanity. You can use this to arm a terrifying team of trainers, which will definitely help you against the Alliance. It will help!" Shadow said.

What it gave to Sakagi is the same as what it gave to Kazuki at the beginning, but the one in Sakagi’s hands is more pure and larger, which can make Pokémon enter a state of complete blackening, ten times stronger blackening and weaker whitening. Three points, this sentence is not plain talk.

Shadow knows that since it is a cooperation, it must be mutually beneficial. Sakagi lent him a secret room to hide in, and let him come into contact with Gilluta and Bishas and other people, and use them to implement his plan. Now he reciprocates and gives Sakagi strength to fight the Alliance.

"Yes, you continue to retreat, I'm leaving!" Sakagi didn't say much nonsense, and left the secret room after accepting Shadow's gift.

"Xiao Xiong!" Shadow said to himself, he knew that Sakagi was very afraid of him, but Sakagi accepted the power he gave without hesitation, no doubt about using people, no doubting people, Sakagi who perfectly implemented this sentence was destined to will become a mighty hero.

At the same time that Sakagi was afraid of Shadow, why didn't Shadow fear him? Although they are working together now, the day when they finally tear their faces may finally come.

-------Dividing line

In the desert, Tian Lin wears a goggles and marches against the wind and sand. Although the Phantom Tower exists in this desert, it is extremely secretive and can only be seen by those who are destined to see it.

And Tianlin, the atmosphere is in the body, he does not look for the tower, the tower will come to him.In the originally empty desert, I do not know when a tower of sand stood up, like a mirage, which happened to be located on the only road that Tianlin must pass at this moment.

"Hey, is that the Phantom Tower?" After half an hour, Tianlin finally came to the bottom of the tower. At the top of the Phantom Tower, there are two fossils, and those two fossils are the cornerstones of this tower. , as long as one of them is removed, the tower will collapse. For apprentice Xiong, Tian Lin can only reluctantly give up these two stones.

"System, use the evolution item change card to turn the Phantom Tower into the Water Tower in the Twin Fist Tower!" Tianlin ordered. After consideration, Tianlin still chose the martial arts bear master of the combo flow. Slightly better, it is too deadly that the martial arts bear division of the one-shot flow is four times weaker than the weak goblin. Second, the water flow of the continuous-strike flow is a three-stage attack, which can break the hard characteristics or stand-in, and can also effectively protect the return. Boxing tricks, etc.

Moreover, although the Orange Flower Gym belongs to the general type of Gym, the Pokémon in Qianli are very good at fighting skills such as arm hammer, Qi and fist, and the one-shot flow of the evil type has been greatly restrained.

The evolutionary item card played a role, and the original sand tower immediately changed its image in front of Tianlin, and turned into a majestic and ancient tower of practice.

"Very good, come out, apprentice Xiong." Tianlin released the apprentice Xiong and said, "Apprentice Xiong, let's climb this tower together, it will bring you stronger power."

"Bear!" Apprentice Bear nodded and followed his master into the tower.There are five floors in the tower, and the water hanging scroll that let the apprentice bear evolve is at the top of the tower, and they went straight to the stairs.

At this moment, a big-jawed ant blocked the stairs and seemed to want to stop them.

"There are still Pokémon guarding the tower, system, your service is too comprehensive!" Tian Lin complained.

"Host, this is the rule of the Double Fist Tower. To get to the top of the tower, you must defeat the Pokémon on each floor. Since this is a desert, the tower guards that will appear are all wild Pokémon in the desert. The general level is not too high, please rest assured."

"Hehe, that's fine, it's not interesting without a little challenge, apprentice Xiong, let's hit it and use the hammer."

Apprentice Xiong swooped up and knocked the big-jawed ant away with one head. The big-jawed ant barely got up and burrowed into the ground. Soon a vortex of sand was formed under Apprentice Xiong's feet, making it difficult to move in the sand. Jaw ant's best trick, quicksand hell.

"The whirlpool is like a tornado. The surrounding area is the most violent, while the center tends to be more stable. Apprentice Xiong, make use of digging holes." Tianlin ordered.

Apprentice Xiong had to stop struggling and kept following the whirlpool to reach the center of 933. Then he dug a hole into the ground and got rid of the shackles of the quicksand hell. The big-jawed ant's trick failed, and he panicked for a while. After all, it was just a wild Pokémon. , without the correct guidance of the trainer, only relying on instinct to fight.

"Bear!" Apprentice Bear suddenly appeared from right below the Big Jaw Ant and knocked it flying with a punch.

'thump! 'The big jaw ant fell to the ground, stunned on both sides, and could no longer fight.

Tian Lin and Apprentice Xiong successfully passed the first floor, and the guard on the second floor was a desert Naiya. Against the grass type, Apprentice Xiong just hit Yan Hui and passed smoothly.

The third layer of Libras and the fourth layer of mountain squirrels were also defeated by the head hammer and the tile splitting respectively.

At this point, Apprentice Xiong was also a little tired, but victory was just around the corner. One person and one pet finally stepped up to the fifth floor. The hanging scroll of water was quietly hanging on the wall, waiting for someone to pick it up.

At this time, the guard on the last floor finally appeared. Seeing this Pokémon, Tian Lin couldn't help breaking out a cold sweat.

"System, this is what you said the level is not too high? You are fooling the fool!" Tian Lin said angrily, the guy in front of him, with a dragon-shaped, green body, and big red eyes with a hemisphere structure attached, violently Waving his wings in mid-air, he looked at Tian Lin and Apprentice Xiong.

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