Groudon opened his bloody mouth and let out a shrill howl. His face was hideous. His claws suddenly turned into green tentacles, and he began to devour the Pokémon in the forest.

The Pokémon fled one after another, but none of them were devoured by the tentacles. The originally happy Faens suddenly fell into disaster.

Butler landed on the ground riding the Flying Dragon. At this moment, he could not have the madness just now, and his face was only dull. He couldn't believe that what he had regenerated was such a monster.

Xiao Zhi, Diane, and Chi Yansong were all right in their worries, but he was the only one who was stubborn and ended up causing a big disaster.

The monster in front of him was nothing but a monster in the shape of Groudon.

Diane stepped forward and asked, "Butler, is this what you're after?"

However, Butler murmured absentmindedly: "No, what I want to make is definitely not such a thing!"

"It's absolutely impossible for something like this to belong to Groudon!" Butler staggered forward, when a tentacle just happened to attack them.

Diane hurriedly stepped forward and pushed Butler away, but she was caught by tentacles and gradually devoured.

"Butler, I love you with all my heart." These were the last words Diane said.

And this sentence finally completely awakened Butler. Diane never betrayed him, but only wanted to save him. He himself never understood Diane's painstaking efforts.

"Damn, give me back Diane!" Butler sat on the Flying Dragon, ready to fight to the death with the monsters of the earth.

And the monster is constantly approaching Xiaozhi and his party. Its real purpose is Kiraqi. As long as it devours Kiraqi, it can be resurrected in the true sense.

Fortunately, the desert dragonfly rescued many times, and Kirachi also used teleportation to escape several times, only to survive.

At this time, Butler and Stormtrooper flew over, and he asked Ash for help, saying that he had a way to defeat the monster, that is, let Kirachi return to his device, and as long as it is reversed, the energy can be released from any monster.Ash didn't believe Butler and thought he was going to lie to them again, but Butler gritted his teeth and said that he just wanted to save Diane now.At this moment, a tentacle suddenly appeared in front of him, and Butler and Storm Flying Dragon immediately flew forward to attack the tentacle, but were shot down.Seeing this scene, Kirachi instantly moved the captured Tyrannosaurus under the falling Butler and caught Butler.Kirachi said he believed Butler wanted to rescue Diane.So Ash decides to trust Butler once.

"Thank you!" Butler sincerely thanks, what research results, what to prove himself to the Lava team, is not important to him now, he just wants to save Diane, that is his lover.

The battle began, and the desert dragonfly charged at the monster, passed under it, and led away the monster.At the same time Butler arrived at the platform, which was very unstable on the rocks, but he still immediately began to operate, lowering the three brakes, and finally removing the container that contained part of the Groudon, just turned it around and put it on... ...but just as he was about to install it, the platform vibrated and the device slipped out of Butler's hands and fell off the platform, but fortunately, Ash caught it.Ash and the others also went up to the platform, filled the container, and put Kirachi on the device.

At the same time, the monster approached step by step, and the Flying Dragon and the Desert Dragonfly flew over to attack the monster, but it seemed to have no effect.The monster's footsteps shook the platform, and just as Butler was about to pull the last switch, the platform shook, and he fell off the platform, grabbing the cable and hanging in mid-air.The attack of the two dragon Pokémon annoyed the monster, and it roared and devoured both Pokémon.Xiao Zhi was very angry when he saw the desert dragonfly being swallowed up. He ran over at the risk to activate the device. The three cones under the platform sent electricity again and shot to the ground. Circles of green light appeared on the ground, and the circle of light spread out. The monster's belly also glowed green, and the device was absorbing the monster's energy and channeling it to the Jirachi.

"'" succeeded! "Butler is overjoyed, the device has started to operate, as long as the reverse operation is used, all the thousand-year-old energy on the monster can be returned to Jirachi.

At this moment, a black light flew from the sky and enveloped the monster. Originally, it only knew how to swallow it, but it seemed to have a sense of sanity, realizing that the device had a fatal threat to it.

"Roar!" A beam of destruction shot out from its mouth. At the critical moment, Kirachi used teleportation again to help Ash and Butler escape.But the whole device turned into fly ash

Butler knelt to the ground with a look of despair, "How could this be, it's just a monster, how could it realize the danger and make moves in advance."

"Is it the black light just now? I seem to have seen that power before." Xiao Zhi said.

"There is no point in exploring the source, and everything is over!" Butler has completely lost his will, and the device has been destroyed, which means that their last hope is gone.

The monster with sanity is even more terrifying. It sends out more tentacles and attacks several people from all directions.Pikachu fought hard to resist, and Butler was already bent on dying and didn't move.

Suddenly, a sharp spiritual blade struck from a distance, severing several tentacles. Taking this opportunity, Latias used teleportation to come to them, and after covering them with superpowers, he moved again and left the attack range of the tentacles. .

"Is the spiritual blade just now, the previous Absol, and this one is Latias, what is going on?" Ash asked in confusion. .

At this time, behind them, another incomparably huge figure appeared, which was no less than that monster.

"It's too early to give up, the real battle has just begun!" Tian Lin's voice came from above the figure, and at the last moment, he finally caught up with Wu.

The four hundred and seventieth chapters of the dragon monster of light destroyed

"Tianlin, is that you? It turns out that Absolu left halfway to go to rescue soldiers!" Xiaozhi said in surprise, Xiaogang Xiaoyao and the others were all arrested, and even he was a little desperate, but Tianlin's arrival Give him hope again.

What made him feel more at ease was the huge figure under Tian Lin, the super ancient fast dragon, a terrifying existence that even Lugia once won.Tianlin, who had foreseen danger, summoned it in advance at the entrance of Faens Forest.

"Really, it has changed again, that thing called shadow, you are the ghost!" Looking at the situation in front of him, Tian Lin thought with certainty, "Xiaozhi, Absol, the task of protecting Kirachi I'll leave it to a few of you, once Jirachi is swallowed, it's really over, fast dragon, let's go, fetters evolve!"

Tianlin and Kuailong once again entered the fetters of evolution, directly in the second form. At this time, the ultra-ancient Kuailong was much stronger than when he dealt with the evil Lugia.

"Roar!" Countless tentacles emanated from the monsters, trying to devour the fast dragon, but the fast dragon was not the weak Pokémon before, but all the tentacles were broken off by the force of the body.

Then he rushed forward and hit the dragon's claws. The monster's body was so soft that it was cut in half directly by the sharp claws of the fast dragon.

"Success!" Butler rejoiced. He didn't expect such a powerful character to appear when he was on the verge of despair.

But 930 pity, he was too happy too early, the monster's split body was quickly glued together like a slime, and it was not the body that supported its life, but the thousand-year-old energy of Jirachi.

The recovered monster immediately launched a counterattack. Although its attacks were easily resolved by the fast dragon, Tianlin frowned at this time.

This battle is like Kakarot vs Majin Buu. Even if one side is stronger, the other side has the ability to regenerate infinitely.

"Xiao Zhi, we must cooperate again." Tian Lin shouted towards the bottom.

"Tianlin, what do you want me to do, you can say it." Xiao Zhi shouted.

"That monster was created by the energy of Jirachi, and the only way to destroy it completely is only Jirachi's own power."

"I understand what you mean, but my device has been destroyed by the monster, and I can't absorb the power back from the monster at all!" Butler shook his head.

"Besides Jirachi and the monster with the power of a thousand years, there is another thing, that is the land of Faens." Tianlin reminded.

"Yes, this land (aidj) is enriched by the power of Jirachi, so as long as Jirachi absorbs the power back, it can achieve the same power as the monster." Butler suddenly realized.

"However, if this happens, the land will become desolate."

"Kirachi don't do this!"

Xiaosheng and Kirachi objected at the same time.

"I can't take care of so much now. First, if you don't win that monster, this land will be destroyed by it, no grass will grow, no, not only this place, the whole Fengyuan will fall into disaster, and your relatives and friends will fall into disaster. And countless innocent Pokémon have been absorbed by it, we must rescue it, and secondly, as long as we defeat that monster, take back its power, and reinject it into the earth, there will be no problem. Please. ." Butler pleaded as he explained.

"Kirachi, let's go." Xiao Sheng thought about it for a while and said to Kiraqi, Butler was right, the priority of everything now is to defeat that monster.

"Okay, come out, fast dragon!" Tian Lin released his fast dragon through the battle box, then went to pick up Kirachi and Xiaozhi, Latias stayed in place to protect Butler and Xiaosheng, Xiaozhi held Jirachi took the fast dragon and flew back to the original location of the device. The reason why Butler set the device there is because that is the center of Faens.

Jirachi lay on the ground, opened the eyes of truth, and began to absorb the energy of the land of Farns.

"Roar!" Seeing this, the monster, while fighting the fast dragon, stretched out a lot of tentacles from behind to attack Kirachi, ready to devour it in one fell swoop.

"Pikachu, [*] Volts, Fast Dragon, Destruction Death Light, and Absol, Spirit Blade!" Ash yelled at the three Pokémon.

In order to protect Jirachi, the three Pokémon fought hard to resist.

The power of Jirachi is getting stronger and stronger, and Tianlin feels that it is about to reach its limit.

Tian Lin first released his bond with the super ancient fast dragon, and then re-evolved with his own fast dragon. "Ash, put Kirachi on my fast dragon's back."

"Got it!" Ash picked up Kirachi and carefully put it up.

The fast dragon flapped its wings and flew high, rushing towards the monster.

"Okay, fast dragon, turn into a dragon god!"

The highest level of bond evolution from the battle against Kazuki was displayed again, and the golden dragon at this time was more condensed than before. "Kirachi, inject power into the dragon and attack with the dragon as a medium!"

"Broken Wish!" Kiraqi Mengmeng's voice was full of majesty at this time, and its most powerful trick finally appeared.

The power of the broken wish was attached to the fast dragon, and the golden dragon turned into a silver-white light dragon. At the same time, the super ancient fast dragon restrained the limbs of the monster from behind, making it unable to move.


The light dragon hit the belly of the monster and flew to the sky with it.

"Hehe, monster, I'll take you to see the empty seat. You really can't experience flying that Groudon can't understand, but you do. To be honest, you should thank me." Tian Lin said with a smile.

The monster was rushed into the sky, and finally exploded in the air, turning into a beautiful meteor shower.The Pokémon and humans devoured by monsters were also transferred to the ground one by one.

"Diane!" Butler excitedly looked at Diane who appeared in front of him and hugged her tightly. Compared to his ideals, what was in his arms was his most precious existence.

"Butler, thank you for changing back to the original Butler I loved so much."

"I'll never leave you again, Diane!"

At the same time, Xiaogang and Xiaoyao also escaped safely, and Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng happily greeted him.

After the monster exploded, its power was divided into two parts, a small part covered the ground, and the other large part was wrapped by an evil force and flew into the distance.

In the air, Tianlin was sitting on the fast dragon, holding Kirachi in his arms. He wanted to stop it, but at this time, both Kiraqi and the super ancient fast dragon's power had been exhausted, and he could only watch the power escape.

"Thank you, you are the ruler, right?" Kirachi opened his eyes and asked Tianlin Mengmeng.

"It's me, everything is over, you did a good job, I'll take you back to your friend, Kirachi." Tianlin let the fast dragon land on the ground, and with tears on his face, he ran over excitedly. Yes, it is the partner that Kirachi chose when he woke up this time, Xiao Sheng.

Four hundred and seventieth chapters Kirachi's last wish

"Kirachi, thank you!" Xiao Sheng hugged Kirachi excitedly, thanking him for his hard work and safe return.

"Kailong, thank you so much this time!" Tian Lin turned back and shouted at the huge fast dragon.

"Hmm!" Kuailong shouted, and Chao Tianlin nodded and flew into the night sky.

"Haha, Tian Lin, you did a beautiful job. I didn't expect that you would not only get the help of that huge fast dragon, but now even Latias has been subdued." Xiao Zhi said with great envy.

"Actually, Latias was conquered as early as in the Chengdu area. Do you still remember Aldo Mare?"

"Aldo Mare?" Xiao Zhi recalled, "You mean, this Latias is the guardian god of water in Aldo Mare's legend, you actually got it at that time, you are too treacherous Well, not only has the Silver Conference not been used, but it has been hidden from me until now."

"Haha, I'm sorry, Latias is a mythical beast with a sensitive identity, so I don't want to expose it prematurely. Latias, let's become a Canon, you can rest assured that they are all my friends here." Tianlin said.

"Hmm!" Latias nodded and turned into a beautiful girl under the surprised eyes of everyone.

"Ah!!! Pokémon has become human~" Xiaoyao exclaimed.

"That's not turning into a human, this is the unique ability of Latias, the transformation, but the appearance of a human, in fact, its essence is still a Pokémon. On the previous journey, Sundae and Nazi accompanied him. and now, when I'm on a field trip, thanks to Canon by my side, I don't feel lonely."

"It's really great, if this trick is used in the gorgeous competition, it will definitely get a high score," Xiaoyao's eyes lit up, just imagine if Latias used the ability of transformation in the competition to become a They are exactly the same, like twin sisters, dancing together on the field, and they will definitely be able to fascinate the big-picture people.

It's a good idea, but unfortunately Tianlin is a boy and doesn't like dancing.

"Huh? Kirachi, what's the matter with you?" Just as everyone was talking, Xiao Sheng suddenly found that Kirachi in his arms was gradually weakening.

Tian Lin stepped forward and observed it, "Don't worry, Kirachi is fine, his strength is exhausted, it seems that the time to fall asleep again is coming soon."

"I like everyone so much, and I really want to continue to be with you, but I'm going to sleep soon." Kirachi floated in the air, showing a deep sense of reluctance.

"It's okay, Kirachi, let's see you in a thousand years!" Tian Lin said comfortingly with a smile.

"Before Kirachi left, I wanted to make two more wishes. First, Xiaosheng, you must grow up healthily, become an excellent trainer in the future, and realize your ideal."

"Don't worry, Kirachi, I will keep working hard, and your wish will definitely come true." Xiao Sheng wiped away his tears and said solemnly.

"Xiaosheng, come on, Kirachi's second wish, because the ruler will encounter more disasters in the future, I hope to help him!"

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