Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2946: Day 45

Nie Qingming was opening a jelly, the kind of jelly with pre-mixed powder, QQ jelly, rolled it twice in it, and then delivered it to his mouth to eat.

Nie Qingming ate two of them, and was looking at her when he found out, and asked very politely at the moment.


Who knew Shi Bei actually said to eat!

This makes Nie Qingming really not sure what to do. There is only one fork.

At this time, it happened to be at a traffic light intersection, it was a red light, and the car stopped.

Shi Cheng looked at Nie Qingming, Subai's little hand, holding the fork, was inserting jelly.

She was stunned.

Shi Zhi stretched out his hand, took her hand, and sent it to his mouth.


Shi Jian ate it, and there was the white powder on his lips and petals, and his whole person instantly changed from a male **** to a big boy next door.

Fortunately, at this time, the car continued to drive.

"You seem a little embarrassed!"

Shi Bei asked her.

"Well, kind of."

Nie Qingming said the truth, put the jelly in his fork and ate.

It doesn't matter if he has used it anyway.

"We are in the play, haven't we done all these things?"

Shidai felt that these were justified.


Nie Qingming was helpless, okay, okay, he could do whatever he said.

Shi Zhi was shocked to see her just now, but now she is accustomed to it again.

The corners of his mouth twitched again.

Back at home, Nie Qingming sorted out the things, and she gave it another look.

"Qing Ming..."

Shi Chen walked into the kitchen from the outside.


"You just cook the noodles as you like. We will eat the others in the evening. In the afternoon, we can play against each other!"

Shi Cheng said again.


Nie Qingming was just about to refuse, she has no habit of playing games, okay?

But the door lock of the house rang suddenly.

In the next second, Tian Li's voice rang outside.

"Qing Ming is back... and he has brought guests."

Tian Li walked up to them, her eyes were like spotlights, and they kept shining on them.

"Hello Auntie, I am Shi Shi!"

Shi Qi looked at Tian Li, very polite.

"Auntie, you can call me an hour."

Shi Cheng looked at Tian Li's mouth open, as if he didn't know what to call him.

"Hour, do it here!"

Tian Li hurriedly yelled Shiqi and went to the sofa in the living room.

The two walked two steps, and Tian Li said to Nie Qingming again: "Qingming, you are cooking noodles!"


Nie Qingming responded and tidied up the things beside him, and had to cook the noodles.

While cooking noodles, while listening to the living room, there were bursts of chat and laughter.

Shi Chen is still very young now, and many women like it very much.

What a commendation is that kind of 10,000 years to give it when it comes out.

When he is in his twenties and thirty years old, he will probably become even more fascinated!


Nie Qingming paused immediately as he listened to his mother in the living room, making the kind of old witch laugh.

Really helpless! ! !

Shiqi’s charm is really hard to ignore.

The eighty-year-old old lady and the three-year-old little sister are not immune.

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