Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2947: Day 46

"Mom, do you eat!?"

Nie Qingming asked Tian Li again when he was preparing to follow.


Tian Li answered.

Nie Qingming met the three people.

Waited for a while, the noodles are ready.

Shi Cheng had already reached his side.

"let me help you!"

Shi Qi took two bowls of noodles from her hand and put them on the dining table.

"Auntie, come and eat!"

Shi Cheng called Tian Li over.


Tian Li has a smile on her face, and when she looks at it, the more she looks at it, the more she likes it.

Nie Qingming came out with a bowl of noodles, looking at his mother's smiling face, his eyes were really spicy.

Nie Qingming’s fish noodle soup and the fish **** in it were made by herself.

The fish soup is milky white, the noodles are very delicate, and the fish **** inside look very cute.

A little chives sprinkled on it, the whole looks very refreshing.

"The food in my Qingpu is very delicious!"

Tian Li praised, and then began to use a spoon to take a sip of the soup and drank it.

So delicious! !

Tian Li was very satisfied.

Shi Chen ate too, "It's delicious!"

It's really the best fish noodle soup he has ever tasted. It is very delicious. This deliciousness comes from fish.

There is no fragrance from any external auxiliary materials.

Nie Qingming naturally knew that the food he made was delicious, which was not a joke.

Anyway, she feels that she really eats something delicious.

After eating the noodles, Nie Qingming got injured and went in to clean the dishes.

"Qingming, cut some fruit!"

Tian Li walked to her and said, then went to the living room and spoke to Shi.

Nie Qingming smiled, and suddenly thought, if his father saw this, he wouldn't be jealous!

Nie Qingming was really curious.

Only three bowls were washed in one go.

Nie Qingming cut some more watermelons and peaches and brought them to the living room.

When I watched, I chatted with Tian Li very happily.

"Qingming, look at the show against Ashi!"

Tian Li pulled Nie Qingming and sat beside Shi Qi.


"Yes, look!"

Before Nie Qingming refused, Tian Li had already stuffed the script into her hand.


Nie Qingming held the script.

She played a pair of childhood sweethearts with Shi Cheng. This one is from ancient times. Qing Qing played the daughter of Shang Shu and Shi Cheng played the son of the general.

Living next door, the two grew up together.

When they were young, they used the same star, and when they were fourteen years old, the two of them performed by themselves.

"Brother Qing... why don't you come to see Ling'er so late? Ling'er is not happy!"

The protagonist played by Nie Qingming is called Wei Ling'er, and his character is relatively delicate.

"Sister Ling'er, look at this..."

Shi Shi's actor was called Yang Qing. While he was talking, he showed what was in his hand to Nie Qingming.

Nie Qingming looked at his hand, which was actually empty.

Her eyes burst into excitement in an instant.

"Ah, this is Ling'er's favorite. Brother Qing is so kind to me!"

Wei Ling'er squeezed something in his hand.

"Are you still angry now?"

He asked again.

"Of course I'm not angry anymore!"

Nie Qingming looked at the things in his hands happily, gave it to him when he didn't look at it, and answered right away.

Shi Qi-pao-du's affectionate eyes are also looking at Nie Qingming.

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