Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2945: Day 44

As Tian Li said, she nodded, the look on her face was the same as the mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law.

In short, I am very satisfied.


Nie Qingming saw that although she didn't say anything, the expression on her face really showed too much.

"I will not say anymore!"

Tian Li smiled again.

"What about your schoolwork!?"

Tian Li asked another important question.

"I can learn the lessons by myself, and I won't leave it behind anyway!"

Nie Qingming shrugged, not to mention that the original owner's foundation is already very good, she herself, who is very familiar with these.

"Then I can rest assured!"

Tian Li nodded happily.

On the next day, Nie Qingming was still in the morning class, and it was very coincidental... that she had chosen the same class as Shi Wei.

After the class, they went to sign together again, and the script was settled down simply.

"go to eat!?"

When asked.

"Well, this time I invite you!"

Nie Qingming nodded slightly, he couldn't eat others every time, right.


Shi Chen is not the kind of completely big man's idea.

"Or go eat in your house! Can you cook?"

Suddenly, Shi Chen's conversation turned again.


Nie Qingming was slightly startled.

"Am I going to go over!"

Shi Chen still had a faint smile.

"Yes, but I don't have any vegetables at home, let's go to the supermarket to buy vegetables!"

Normally Nie Qingming always likes to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, but now she doesn’t want to see Zhang Qianxue’s parents, especially Na Fang Lan. If she sees herself with Shiwei, she doesn’t know she will spread the word. what.


Shi Qi drove the car and drove Nie Qingming towards the nearby supermarket.

When he arrived at the supermarket, Shi Shi pushed the shopping cart.

Nie Qingming walked in front of him.

"Is there anything you don't want to eat?"

She asked him as she looked around.

"There is nothing not to eat."

Shi Qi answered her quietly.

"Then what do you like to eat?"

Nie Qingming asked again.

"It is all acceptable!"

Shi Cheng looked at the slender figure walking in front, and the smile on his face became deeper and deeper.

As long as... what Nie Qingming does is okay.

"Then I bought it casually!"

Nie Qingming said.

"OK, all right!"

Shi Ying nodded.

Nie Qingming bought some things in the fruit and vegetable section, and then went to buy some meat.

When she was about to buy, Shi Chen bought two more bottles of red wine and some gifts.

Nie Qingming looked at him strangely, but didn't ask him anything.

But when he went to pay, Shi Chen took out his card.

Nie Qingming didn't say a word when he watched it behave like this.

It is really bad to be entangled with these things when making payment.

She asked quietly when she got to the car.

"I said, I made a treat today, why are you still paying!"

"You cook for me, I buy the ingredients, the same."

Shi Cheng looked at Nie Qingming, his eyes were very affectionate, and that kind of gaze seemed to possess the world.

Nie Qingming originally wanted to talk, but when facing Shi Qi's eyes, he didn't know what to say.

Shi Qi started the car and continued to drive forward.

"Do you eat or not!"

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